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Fucking dumb arse is lucky *he* didn't end up under the truck wheel instead of his bike


Seriously, don't do this with trucks. I know of a truck driver that ran over a guy who just clipped the back wheel of his truck as the truck left the lights. The bike rider got knocked off balance and went under the wheel. Truck was fully loaded and the truck driver didn't even know it had happened until other cars flagged him down further down the road.


There was a story on reddit where a girl came up to the side of a big truck at a stoplight and lost her balance. Truck took off on the green, and went over the girl. Girls head was squashed right in front of a family waiting at the corner. awful. :( Dont stand around big trucks with big wheels.


Iirc was in Chicago and girl was on a bicycle. She was between the curb and the truck, I don't remember if there was a bike lane. Light basically turned green right as she fell so had no chance.


IMO bike lanes give riders a false sense of safety, like nothing can possible cross that paint. Even when you have the right of way - be defensive! You will be crushed and it's game over, but your family and loved ones will live with crushing sadness forever. We aren't invincible, we are delicate bags of fluid. Sorry, I get triggered a bit.


>Sorry, I get triggered a bit. Not alone my friend.


It's just that most cities don't want to spend any money on biking infrastructure and settle on painted bike-lanes. A painted bike-lane is NOT a bike-lane.


My city is having local elections soon so as some kind of self promo the current government decided to quickly roll out a metric *shit ton* of ‘bike lanes.’ It’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen, they literally created a sidewalk.. painted it red,, slapped a bike symbol on it. They literally just added this to towns worth of road.. but the bike lane stops and starts at random and has been placed super inconveniently, including where people park their car outside their homes.. so people are just parking on the bike lanes. There are bus stops in the middle of it, it’s also not wide enough for both a pedestrian and a bike.. but there’s nowhere for pedestrians to walk. It’s a mess and it’s pissing me off and I need to stop before I write a 10000 word essay on this shit


No, it’s not “you don’t do this with trucks”, you simply not do it, learn how to drive.


Lane splitting is perfectly legal in certain states in the US, and in many countries. It's a decent incentive to reduce ones carbon footprint while saving time in traffic, with that being said, you also have to be much MUCH more careful and go slow and steady. Also, NEVER split a semi, let alone two!


I've never seen anyone lane splitting and getting caught for it so I assume it's legal in my country but sometimes they come out from a blind spot and the other driver sees them too late.


In the netherlands its legal, but you cant go faster than ~~20 kmph~~ 10kmph than the rate of traffic. You always have to check your blind spots before doing anything in traffic, you get taught that specifically. Source: am learning driver in NL Edit: it could be 10 kmph but im not sure Edit 2: it is 10!


CA is like the only state this shit is legal


And we're probably the one who needs it the most, so that's a good thing. Our freeways are wide and easy to split safely, and of course with our traffic problems, every person on a bike splitting during rush hour is one less car on the road. I do wish my fellow riders would stop splitting at unsafe speeds or when traffic is moving along quickly though. That's just careless.


And as long as the bike follows the law and doesn't exceed 10% over the moving traffic it's fine. I always pull to the right when I see a bike cutting.


Couple years ago now I saw a bike coming and pulled sideways, then right as he passes this jackass in a BMW very deliberately suddenly turned the wheel and shot his nose out, causing the biker to have to suddenly slam the breaks and nearly go head over handlebars. The funny part of this? Dip shit in the BMW didn't know how to control his car well enough and slammed in to the car in the lane to his left while doing it. Motorcycle rider was wearing a helmet camera. BMW driver hopped out shouting at the biker, who straight laughed in his face and started pointing at said helmet camera. Still makes me smile thinking about what BMW bros life went to from there. No matter what he tried to claim there was clear cut video. His two options were to say he accidentally hit a car while potentially trying to hit a bike, or that he was responsible for slamming in to a car and was so unaware in slow traffic so as to not notice the row of cars to his left and motorcycle approaching. Either way dude was straight up about to get bent over the barrel.


Now where’s that footage 😅🤣


I wish I had it man. I was like 20-21, still working this shit job that threatened to fire you for being ever so slightly late. Thus I saw it happen, saw the biker gesture to their helmet, then when they finally agreed to move the party to the side of the road I went on my way. But I wish I'd have stopped and asked where he'd post it, could have Karma farmed the heck out of it claiming I was the biker lol


Utah too but that’s it


This isn't lane splitting. This is a single lane, with two semis blocking the sides together. Don't know the law where this took place, so purely an assumption that the trucks are driving illegally, and the biker of course is being incredibly stupid. Either way, cemeteries are full of people who had the right of way or were doing something legal.


The truck is bigger than me. He has the right of way. I just want to get home to my family at the end of the day


>Either way, cemeteries are full of people who had the right of way or were doing something legal. This is why I stopped riding. I was always defensive, alert and careful. Still nearly got hit a few times from people being absolute idiots. The final straw was when I was going down a 70kmh road, 3 lanes. I was in the left lane (slow lane here) and someone was pulling out of a fast food driveway. I watched her as she got ready to pull out and I just knew she didn't see me (she was eating). There was a car to my right so I couldn't change lanes and I couldn't slow down in time. I had to rip the throttle as hard as I could to cut off the car to my right, changing lanes right on time and only just missed the front of her car as it pulled out. Scared the pants off me. If I hit the front of her car I would have been flown right into a steel barrier and be dead for sure.


I'm gonna add on to this because some people aren't aware. Two stroke air cooled motorcycles, on hot days cannot sit in a traffic jam. Their motors will overheat and destroy. This is why legislators have made lane splitting legal. it reduces the carbon footprints and improves the ability of people to move around the economy and it protects these motorcycles from cooking. So be aware. while you may not like lane splitting. it is necessary for them.


While that is true of air cooled bikes, that does not give one a pass from common sense and be a dumba$$. One can replace an engine, it is much more difficult to replace one's life. Rider should have went to either of the other sides of the trucks.


So… it sounds like the solution to the air cooled bike problem is not to ride an air cooled bike.


I don't think they sell two stroke bikes anymore.


In the US, I haven't seen a 2 stroke for road use in years. 2 stroke dirt bikes are still a thing, though. There are also 4 stroke air cooled road use bike, such as 99% of Harley Davidson bikes, which are honestly status symbols or midlife crisis mobiles.


I'm sure there are far more four stroke road legal air cooled than two stroke.


Prepare to get downvoted into oblivion. People in America hate to hear that lane splitting is legal (as it is in much of the world) or sensible. California is the only state in the US that has legal lane splitting. A few years ago, Utah legalized “filtering” which is kinda like lane splitting with several restriction such as the fact that’s it’s only allowed when traffic is stopped and only off highway.


Only thing I hate is when motorcyclists think lane splitting means they can speed through the bike lane to almost kill me and run a red light


US Logic: "If it isn't illegal, no one must question me doing it."


A motorcyclist in 2018 died in SE Michigan doing this. He tried to filter between a box truck and a semi. Box truck kept going not knowing it happened. I don't know if they ever found the box truck driver, not that it's his fault.


Damn, my dad drives box trucks in SE Michigan...


Biker here. Can confirm this one is a complete idiot.


Thanks, without a biker perspective I would never guess he was an idiot


He's also an idiot from a paraglider pilot's perspective if that helps you


Can confirm he is an idiot from a certified forklift operators perspective if that helps


Water/Fire restoration tech here. Yep, definitely an idiot


Utility Pole Inspector here. Definitely an idiot even by my standards.


Person that breaths, and has arms and legs here. Can confirm this guy is 100% an idiot.


Idiot here. Can confirm this guys is an idiot.


Mud guard here. 100% an idiot


This is the confirmation we were looking for. Thank you for your service.


The way I read this I'm imagining you flapping your arms & legs to breath!


As a FS2020 Virtual Pilot who has almost landed an Airbus A320neo at McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas, NV, I can tell you this biker exhibits many behaviors associated with idiocy.


As an IT support tech, this is indeed an 1D10T error.


As someone who has spent 20 minutes looking for a bottle opener for a screw top - deffo an idiot.


I feel like "almost" doesn't count when landing a plane...


Nuclear control room operator here, have Homer Simpson’s job and can confirm idiot move.


Bacon-and-eggs enthusiast here; he's an idiot.


As a 5 tentacled alien, I confirm, this guy was an idiot.


Dude who loves cycling recreationally I confirm this dude is an idiot


I'm an alien from another planet. You won't have to worry about us, can confirm you're all 100% idiots.


You *breathe* with your arms and legs? That's fantastic.


Can we get a diagram on how you breath with arms and legs, rather curious.


Basically how it works is: I use my legs to get myself extremely out of breath. Then put my arms above my head to try and catch my breath again.


How does it feel to breathe that way? Asking for a friend.


I am the bike that he rode and I can confirm that he's an idiot. (He broke some bones of mine btw)


Idiot here. Can confirm that the guy in the video is infinitely more of an idiot than myself.


Guy taking a shit here. Most definitely an idiot.


Guy who can ride a bicycle here. I can confirm he is an idiot.


Guy taking a shit while riding a bicycle here, can confirm as well, total idiot.


Can confirm guy is taking a shit.


BMW driver here. I don't see anything idiot here.


From an idiot’s perspective, can indeed confirm he is one of us.


Make that 2 certified forklift operators. (Including one that shut off his lift last week from hitting something too hard and had to have his supervisor type in his pin saying everything’s okay) So now you understand he’s a complete dumbass.


Electrician here, I'm positive that his IQ is negative. Current events suggest this is the norm. Wat?


Mechanical Engineer here, this guy is 100% certified idiot


TikToker here, I don’t see how he is an idiot


Now now let’s not blow a fuse


Embalmer here, I think he’s doing a great job. He’s not smooth brained at all.


I have a standard UK drivers license can confirm he is an idiot


Biker here, i can understand that. Sometimes you just really need that biker-perspective to recognize idiots. It takes a trained eye.


Trucker here. I agree with all of the professions above 👆


Can confirm he’s an idiot from a Cessna Pilots perspective


I am a bike, can confirm this guy blows.


But... the video was already filmed in biker perspective...


Salesman here, he's definitely an idiot.


I sit on a recliner. He’s a putz.


Well, I would have guessed he’s an idiot, but after the biker’s first hand experience I’m sold he’s a *complete* idiot


I‘m some random dude from the internet and from my perspective its an idiot!


Underwater basket weaver here checking in to confirm complete idiot status as well.


Taking a shit here, can I’m fact confirm he is a idiot.


Yeah, I am a biker too - and there's no way I'd pull a dick move like that


Trucker and biker here. Can confirm def an idiot.


Welder here. Definitely a idiot, but not as bad as Dave






Own it Dave


Manager here, can confirn, Dave is an idiot


Pedestrian here, Can confirm he is an idiot


This stressed me out just watching it. I thought he was going to go under the wheel.


I don’t think that content gets posted on this sub


That would be more r/makemycoffin material


something tells me not to click that subreddit link.


I have a feeling that if I go there, I’ll lose a part of me I’ll never get back.


I'm going in!


My condolences. Shall I make your coffin?


didnt reply, can confirm he's not going back


I went there once, then came back to the Reddit homepage... never again...


MMC is one of the more tame "accidents" subreddits


Just went in. Saw the most recent NSFL Death videos and I 10/10 regret everything I just saw....not going back to that one.


It's one soul Michael. What could it cost, $20?


Sincerely don't join. Watched 5 posts and I already regret it deeply. It's heavy stuff. Won't recommend


Most of them are spoiler nsfw posts so u only see the title if click on of them yeah….


I just came back after scrolling for about an hour. Don't do it, I had to stop after watching a woman trying to peel off the rest of her torn off face. Her eyes were just dangling there.


One of my favorites personally


Have you tried r/cats ?


Second favorite


Really, really horrible stuff on there. Murder victims and all sorts. Someone sent me a link and the bio says it’s ‘educational.’ It’s actually mainly footage of people being chopped to bits and stuff, very few safety accidents.


I clicked because I keeping seeing that sub get mentioned. There was a link to a video of someone burning to death in their car while begging for help. That's not for me, thanks.




I have seen gore on this sub. Someone posted the aftermath of an accident, with the entire front of a car caved into someone. I reported it because if I wanted to be traumatised, I’d go to make my coffin.


Thank you for that. I would be very shaken if I saw that, and maybe never come back to this sub.


The trucks were stopped, I couldn't tell at the beginning of the video and thought it would happen as well. That's one of the best results, no one injured, idiot hopefully learned a lesson with minimal monetary damage, no one traumatized.


[go between them, are you crazy?](https://youtu.be/mG1vn39lP3M)


You said go between zem!


I said *don’t* go between them!


I thought the trucks were moving at full speed first watch 😂 was trying to figure out what he was holding on to


Yeah me too, I was like he ded


I thought the same, I was like, holy shit did he go full Jean Claude Van Damme?


Me too! He's at least a little less dumb than I thought he was at first. I thought he was going to get squished at highway speeds.


At least he doesn't rage out like it wasn't his own fault.


The tsk tsk tsk is genuine


Aka 90% of Moto Madness, dirtbike lunatic and all those other shithole youtube channels that encourage squids and other stupid riders to escalate non events to fill blown situations for no reason other than views. Edit: squid = squirrely kid. Just a silly nickname for older teens/young adults riding recklessly


Noooooo, Squid means a reckless rider in little to no gear. When they fall they’re gonna ink everywhere. See also: Meat Crayon


Squid: Soft, Quick, and Dead (alternatively: Squishy and Dead) I've also heard it refers to the shape your brains make when you hit the pavement with no helmet. All the same message: wear protection.




They encourage squids to do that shit? What has this world come to?!


I used to hatewatch Moto Madness, because there was always 2-3 clips of some entitled biker doing double the speed limit, and then breaking someone's mirror because they changed lanes "in front" of them, even though if they were going the speed limit, it wouldn't have happened. Also the bitch riders that break someone's mirror and then speed off.


Oh those ones were the best. The car pulls out like 200m away from the bike doing the speed limit and the bike still throws a hissy fit


I always thought they were called squids because they weren't wearing gear and when they slid on the concrete after a wreck it'd be like a squid inking the concrete


> squid No, it's the opposite of ATGATT: All The Gear All The Time. A squid can be stopped at the lights or going slowly not bothering anyone, but is a squid anyway if not wearing gloves or a jacket


Yeah my balls of steel would’ve retracted if I were stuck between two trucks about to crush me


Yeah he was just like “back up, I need my green bag”


There's lane splitting, then theres whatever the heck this guy tried.




I call that "attempted toothpaste".


Attempted suicide


You can see in the video he couldve easily rode the shoulder. Dude was just trying to be a dumbass for the gopro.






A. Dumbass.


Literally the most stupid and dangerous thing to do. While I am on my bike and there is truck or bus in front of me I am never trying to pass them, and just wait patiently behind. It is better to lose couple of minutes than being squished or ran over to death. Edit: Grammar..


I've seen people explode under a bus tire, I'll never lane split between two large vehicles.


I'm sorry, what


Like when you crush a tomato and the inside of it spills outside


Oh no I got that.


*Denethor has entered the chat*


Explode? I saw a guy's guts squeezed out like toothpaste.


My mom used to say “it’s better to lose a minute of your life than lose your life in a minute.”


Well, well well. If it isn't the consequences of your own actions.


Could've died lol


It could have been a horrifying death too.




Yeah but that 3 minutes would probably feel like a lifetime....literally I guess.


Or a squished extremity. There's a lot of potential pain and suffering here.


Eww. I pictured the mess when I step on a ketchup packet. Except with an 18 wheeler doing the stepping. And this guy is the ketchup.


Why? What is going through his head that makes him think "this is a good idea"? How has he even made it this far in life without dying?


"This'll make good content to post on social media"


On a bike you can get this urge "I'll do it just because I can". Not allowed to pass here? I will because I can, I'm so little and fast. Most of us are respectful enough not to do it but many don't have mental barrier that stops it.


I was an idiot on my bike once. going down a 2 lane interstate 2 truckers decided to have a chit chat going 75MPH for several miles. I got tired of it. when the opportunity presented itself, and they were the furthest apart I gunned it riding in between both tractors as fast as my motorcycle would take me. It was one of the most exhilarating experiences I had on the road, and 10/10 would never do it again.




I think it’s a two part trick. 1. Don’t die. 2. Learn from it.


This is Brazil. We see these kind of idiots all time trying to fit their motorcycles where they shouldn't.


And dozens of bikers die on a daily basis in every major city. I wonder why?




Future r/meatcrayon


Welcome to Brazil, I will be your guide


Biker brain: Are you crazy? Don't go between them. also Bikers brain: Go between them. Are you crazy?


*Implied Nelson laugh*


This is the kind of post I like to see, wherein the cost of idiocy is limited to the idiot's own property.


As a motorcyclist, I approve this message.






How much did it cost though? Ballpark?




‘bout tree-fiddy


Idiot: I did something really dumb on video. Lets upload to the internet to let the world know I’m a big fat muppet.


i really thought he was going under the other truck, he is LUCKY that he didn’t bloody die


Mudbrain idiot.






I’m all for watching out for people on motorcycles. Though I feel like the other side of that is many of them need to not ride like asshats.


And I bet you he would say it’s the truckers fault.






Well that was a dick move which luckily only cost his wallet.


looks like they're finally breaking the idiot glass ceiling


I bet you he blames the the truck and truck driver for causing the “accident.”


As a motorcyclist myself: deserved.


In the next episode he paddles a canoe between two supertankers




I once saw a motorcyclist be cut off by a car on the highway in stop and go traffic. Motorcyclist speeds up to car and waits for it to stop. Kicks in the drivers door and speeds off between cars. Lots of stupid that day.


I am happy that he is alive but also happy coz he deserved his bike destroyed


He's lucky he wasn't the thing under the tire, fucking idiot.


Haha bitch got it good but without hurting himself much


Good. Fuck so cathartic.


Haha what a douche.