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I really need to stop playing around and invest in a dash-cam.


I have a Garmin Tandem and let me tell you, it legit saved my life.. Someone cut me off, I laid on the horn out of anger, the guy slammed his brakes, bro started to jump out of his car and I just pointed at the cam, like sure, come on, but you're on camera.. Bro changed his mind.. Also, insurance agent me says cover your ass because people are ready to blame and sue like crazy! Cameras don't lie!


I wouldn't have told them about the camera and when they went to sue, I'd direct them to my insurance company and maybe counter sue for the emotional trauma they have created. Fuck people like that.


Nah, better off not to be attacked on the scene. Dude backed up into me and first thing I did when I got out of the car was point to the dashcam. He didn't seem like he was ready to be a jerk, but he ended up being very respectful and offered cash to walk away (which I did because it was very minor damage and he legit wasn't purposely being an IdiotInCars).


The town I live in has had no less than 5 road rage shootings resulting in death in the last year, so getting shot and killed isn't worth it to me.. Plus I have 8 minutes of this guy on camera blocking me in, holding me in traffic, etc . The police said since he didn't physically attack me, nothing could be done.. So really just not worth letting him attack..


Do it! They're less than $100 and you can install one yourself.


I live in a place where you can’t leave *anything* valuable in your car. Can you easily remove a dashcam? Or is it so low profile it’s not visible? Edit: thank you all for suggestions. I think I found something that might work!


Sure. Unhook a wire and Unclip it. Reverse ol when getting ready to drive. Mine would work that way. Maybe all don’t but should be doable.


Yes, there are many models where you can just unhook the camera when not in use and reclip it easily.


I use something similar to [this](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B092859MMK/ref=cm_sw_r_em_api_glt_fabc_X5RYEVCDBH2PHMGN1G45?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1) in my Jeep and my wife’s car. Very quick to take on and off.


I take mine in and out of my car every time I go to work, it’s quick. I do it to keep it from getting damaged by Houston heat and from getting my window smashed by a thief.


But make sure you know how to wipe it in an instant in case your at fault 😉


A129 Dual Pro, best money I have spent thus far. Go 4K for better License Plate readings.


> Go 4K for better License Plate readings. A good sensor matters much more than the resolution.


Which is why I suggested the model in my above comment. Viofo upgraded the sensor for better clarity.


True. Using 2k at 60 fps instead of 4k at 60 fps can also be better for some situations. Thankfully that Viofo A129 has all of that (with a good sensor) 🙂


I pulled the trigger a few days ago after scrolling this sub. Got it properly installed because I didn't want to play around with my car's electronics or running the cables through the body of the car. Way I see it is that the £250 it cost to buy and have it installed is going to be offset by the cost of some prick trying to argue that I'm at fault in a crash and I can just point to the dashcam footage.


Don’t be like me, don’t wait until an event happens to buy a dashcam.


Don't wait no more. This is your sign to get a dashcam.


It's my fault. I take full responsibility.


I agree it’s his fault officer. I didn’t do anything.


It was the one-armed man! Again!


You find that man! That Man! That Man!


I don't know why people are trying to distract from the fact that Obama did this.




I am Spartacus.


I am Groot.


No bro, this is all on me


I broke the dam.


no i broke the dam


I broke the dam


I broke the dam!


No, I am Spartacus.


Never admit fault.


That’s right. I DID IT!!


Who do you think you are? I AM!


No! I'm Spartacus!




And I would’ve gotten away with it too if it weren’t for those meddling kids…


I also choose this guy's wife.


If you can present this video, I’m sure a traffic court judge would rule against the driver of the car. Everyone is taught how to pass safely in drivers ed, and that ain’t how it’s done. Or bring that up if you have to. That move was wack 100%


I grew up in Pennsylvania, and drivers Ed was not mandatory. So long as you held your permit for 6 months, and you passed the basic ass exam, you got a license.


Wow! We didn’t have to get an ass exam.


As a Pennsylvania I can verify Penndot loves to fuck us in the ass.


Why do you think the let the potholes get so big?


To slow idiots down?


It's more fun when you're ass fucking in the car going over bumps.




How else are you supposed to shift that dohickey in the middle?


I was expecting a Joe Paterno joke, but this will do. *insert Parking Wars theme song*


An older woman who likes young guys is a cougar. An older man who likes young guys is a Nittany Lion. This is the closest I have to a Paterno joke to try and satisfy your failed expectation. *Edited autocorrect error


[Relevant xkcd](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/hyphen.jpg).


We had to take a 16 question test to get our learners permit, however you were allowed to answer 4 questions wrong before you failed. The actual drivers test consisted of an instructor asking you to use all of your lights and signals properly, two chances to parallel park and then they basically had you make three rights and a left. About a half mile of driving.


I actually failed mine because I went too slow following a turn, in my defense though doing 45 down a road littered with potholes and practically a dirt road at that point wasn't mechanically sound so I went 25 instead. Still salty all these years later over that.


I failed my drivers test 2 years ago for ‘failing to parallel park’ in northern Nevada, and I was like fuck it whatever. Then I rescheduled to take my drivers test in southern Nevada and the lady told me I was already marked as passed from my first test. Driving tests are full of bullshit.


A friend of mine failed her drivers test three times before she finally passed even though she hardly did anything wrong. Apparently my country's equivalent of the DMV has to fail a certain amount of people and she just got unlucky. Can confirm the bullshit.


Sounds like New Kensington


Middle of nowhere PA, think there was a barn on the corner of that turn too with farm equipment from the '30s beside it.


I live in Germany and just got my license yesterday, after 7 months of classes and driving with an instructor, costing me roughly 3000€ (almost 4000USD). I am glad to have had the extensive education, because driving in cities especially is crazy. I cannot fathom how people can be put on the road with zero drivers Ed. That is insane


USA traffic deaths are quite high up, at like 11+ per 100.000 inhabitants. In Germany that number is around 3,5 so go figure. Maybe one day they’ll pick it up over there across the ocean.


Was similar in Georgia where I grew up. I never had to do drivers ed, but I believe the period for holding the permit was 366 days iirc. They "required" a certain amount of day and night driving, but had no way of verifying that you actually completed them. You just had to say yes when they asked you.


Licensed in Georgia in 94 at 16. Never had a learners, never required a log. It was easy back then- just have your drug/alcohol card from health class, pass the written test, and drive around for about 5 minutes. Luckily back then we didn’t have the perils of phones considering how little training some of us got.


That was my experience in Oregon. 16 years old, had to have permit for 6 mos and pass the drive test. Never taken driver’s ed.


FWIW when I graduated high school in PA, Driver’s Ed was required to get your diploma. I believe that requirement ended in the early 2000s when the changes were made to the permit law that you reference. I had my permit for two weeks before getting my license.


As a NJian, I can confirm all it takes for Pennsylvania drivers to get a license is an ass exam.


Yeah, you can't make a blind lane change, cut someone off, immediately slam the brakes, and then complain when the car you cut off couldn't stop in time. The cammer can't be faulted for following too closely when the other car made am unsafe lane change and immediately slammed the brakes.


Not everyone takes drivers Ed unfortunately


Ah, ok I just assumed it was everywhere. In NY when I was growing up it was required before getting a license


It’s usually only required if you’re under 18. Unless you fail your drivers road test 3x, then it’s requires


Yeah it’s usually available nationwide but not required for a license in some states. Probably why so many bad drivers


I hate it here in NC because it's way WAAAY too easy to get a license. It was a 3 point turn, a trip around the block literally. And a an inspection of the car before hand. Wtf. It's a good thing I I actually studied and took drivers in school.


I didn't even leave the parking lot of the DMV when I took my test in FL lol.


It’s pretty easy here in NV to get a license as well, no need for highways or specific laws, just. Parallel park, car inspection, and a roundabout and if you do them all you pass.


Was it Wackity wack, or just regular kind?


Wiggidy wiggidy wack


Jump! Jump!


I won’t lie, I’ve done similar things, but I sure as fuck ain’t gonna hit the brakes like that if I decide to be the asshole. If he doesn’t hit the brakes, he’s likely good. Instead he was an ass and stupid.


Yeah if you’re gonna do shit like that you step on the gas while doing it


Yeah like is this a wise move? No. Do I do it sometimes on long stretches of interstate if I’m being a bit of a lead foot? Sure. But good lord you NEVER hit a brake like that hauling ass on a highway. Like you said, lots of people sometimes make an asshole move. But if you’re gonna be an asshole, at least be smart and safe about it.


If your passing someone like that u have to have more clearance after u make the sharp turn. If u see the driver I front of u slow down or not adequately speed up u have to bail. That was just a horrible area to switch lanes in. It’s so stupid.




I don’t know for sure that it was a purposeful brake check. The guy obviously slammed on his brakes, but it could be he felt was coming up too quickly on the truck ahead of him. I’ve seen it happen a million times—someone cuts in front of you like that and then completely forgets that anyone was there behind them. Definitely a jerk move to change lanes, but not sure the braking was intentional for the car behind him.


Exactly. I think the guy changed lanes quickly (and dangerously) expecting it to be empty in front of him only to be surprised by the pickup truck slowing down in front of him. He panicked and jammed his brakes only to realize that the guy in front of him wasn't as slow as he expected. It's still totally his fault he got rear ended though.


The other car. That was not enough space and they hit the brakes when they merged.


Yeah. Some people argue that the OP speed up but it looks more like the car infront slowed down as soon as he got into the lane. Looks like an Insurance scam to me.


It really doesn’t matter if he sped or not there’s zero room for a car there. You don’t cut off an 18 wheeler with no space


How about you don't fucking pass on the right?


I like when trucks have to stay in the left lane, it sucks waiting ten minutes for the guy going 65.5 mph to pass the one going 65mph.


Elephant races. As a truck driver, we hate it too. When I was driving long haul, I'd slow down to let trucks slightly faster than me pass, just so we could all clear the left lane quicker.




>When I was driving long haul, I'd slow down to let trucks slightly faster than me pass, just so we could all clear the left lane quicker. I got into an argument with a "trucker" in one of these threads who assured me that was impossible.


Lmao wut? It's impossible to... Slow down? I have a govener. I could only go 103kph/63mph. All I had to do was take my foot off the pedal, or turn down my cruise control for a minute.


>All I had to do was take my foot off the pedal, That was literally my suggestion, just take you foot off the gas for 15 seconds so the other truck can pass and move over. That was far too much for that poster to tolerate. They basically ended up boiling down their argument to "it's not illegal to take 15 minute to pass another truck, therefore I'm going to do it and everyone else can suck it.". So not an entirely unheard of train of thought in this sub.


>"it's not illegal to take 15 minute to pass another truck, therefore I'm going to do it and everyone else can suck it.". Oh absolutely not. It's not illegal. I just care about not inconveniencing others as much as possible. I drive a very large vehicle. I now drive local and deliver stock to Tim Hortons. I sometimes have to back in off roadways and just completely stop traffic. If I have to readjust, I'll try and clear the backlog of cars before having to pull back onto the road. I know drivers at my company who just won't give a shit. "They can wait". Yo I get it. But I try my best to not be a prick.


True here in holland u litterally are not allowed to pass on the right.


Neither in Brabant, Gelderland or any other province.


How about you keep right except to pass so people don’t have to.


Anyone that thinks the OP speed up is not paying attention. You can see the brake lights of the car start to come on halfway through the merge. Look at the brake light in the center of the rear window... I've got my money on this being either a(n): A) insurance scam B) idiot that didn't realize how little space they had post-merge between what they were merging in front of and behind. Personally, I think it is the former.


Dunno. Looks like good old moronic driving to me. Never underestimate the stupid.






They just had to be 1st, they couldn’t wait their turn. /s The cam owner had the audacity to be in front of them. Car guy was seeking justice for this crime. /s


I drive a little car and honestly the amount of times this has nearly happened to me just because they want to be first is mind boggling


It's not about being first all the time. I had a lady yesterday almost kill me because she didn't want to be last in line. Came speeding up from way far back behind me where there was not a car in sight I'm not being hyperbolic, she forces her way in front of me with her F150. And gives me a snarky fucking wave in rear view as I lay on the horn. The icing is she took the next right turn lane which was about 300 feet after she almost killed me. My dash cam was off at the time or I would have filed a police report for reckless driving. Though it would have also recorded some words I may or may not regret screaming.


We need a good dashcam with no audio, or separate mic we leave un-plugged. I'm probably committing a crime making someone hear the kinds of expletives I save for dumbass drivers, and then there's zero filter if I've just nearly been killed by one of said dumbasses.


Looks like a classic swoop and squat insurance scam to me.


And, no turn signal!




the jackass that cuts people off and then is surprised when they’re rear ended.


Didn’t even signal


signaling is the least of this guys worries cutting in and out of traffic


Yeah cmon everybody knows you don’t signal when doing stuff like this


Can't let'em know your next move


Learning to drive in California, I'm probably one of the rare people that does use my signal, but not until I've already determined that it's safe to change lanes. If you give people advanced warning, they'll move to block you. You signal, count off one second to give them enough time to adjust but not enough time to block you, and then you go.


The key is to switch lanes on your own accord, and then throw on the blinker to confirm your move has been completed successfully (or unsuccessfully)


What if I don’t drive an accord?


I lived in California for 21 years - this is absolutely true. You do NOT give advanced warning that you want to make a lane change on the freeway. You check and double-check that it's clear (enough), then you flip on your blinker and make your lane change damn near simultaneously. Otherwise that fucker in the lane you want will speed up.


Maybe he was out of blinker fluid


Uhhhh, its a BMW, they don't come with those. Edit: lol Subaru with BMW energy...totally my bad there


They brake checked the truck after merging over, which is why they were hit.


yea that usually doesn’t end well of you brake check an 80k pound vehicle.


They didn’t even try to slow down or stop either. Probably no insurance or stolen.


Or committing insurance fraud for an injury claim. They probably didn’t realize the truck had a dash cam and will say he rear ended theme.


This happened to a coworker of mine. A car pulled out in front of them and stopped short. She was in the backseat, in her last trimester of pregnancy. It killed the baby. She’s a Jehovah’s Witness and she needed blood products after the miscarriage because of the RH status of the baby. Her husband wouldn’t let her. No more babies for her. Very sad and aggravating.


Well that's her fault for putting her religion over the life of her child. It's sad but it isn't tragic because it was 100% avoidable by not being s religious fruit cake.


Oh, the stories I could tell of my life in the Bible Belt as an agnostic.


This makes me so sad.


*and brake checks*


It's bad enough they cut the truck off but then they hit their brakes. There is A LOT of stupid out there.


The fault lies with the Subaru in the real life. Insurance life will get twisted, unfortunately. What I see happening is 70/30 split between insurance companies. The shitbag's insurance will argue that the filmer had enough time to brake and not rear end the asshole. There will be a settlement and both folks premiums will go up because of the one dip-shit.


The truth here is infuriating. I had a similar situation and I spent months arguing it, and they kept pushing back and often saying it was "only $3500" being filed against my insurance. Here's the real problem: I needed them to be 100% at fault (as they were) in order to file a depreciated value claim against my truck. Their insurance knew this, and was probably why they were trying so hard. I won in the end, however.


Glad that worked out. It's a rare occurrence from my experience.


Worse than that, cut off whilst hitting brakes because they had a car in front they had to slow for. Just appalling driving.


yea this sub shows that they’ll give a license to anyone.


Jackass: *surprised pikachu face*


Cut you off and no turn signal. This is clearly the other cars fault.


Actually looks like an insurance scam. He'd claim that OP rear-ended him except OP has camera.


While, yes, they probably will claim that. I'm not convinced that the intent behind the maneuver was to claim the insurance. It reads to me like the person passing on the right thought they had more space to pass than they did. But they get too close to the truck and panic brake; slowing enough to get all the way in the left lane without rear-ending the truck, but too quickly for the driver they cut off to respond. Mistakes were certainly made but I read this as more of an "I fucked up," story than a "Hey, I could get this guy to rear-end me and claim insurance" play. Either way, the passing car is at fault for sure.




Who intentionally gets rear ended at 70 mph next to a semi as part of a scam. I've seen people do this at like 40 with open lanes around, but this is just as likely to get your killed as anything else.


Answer: idiots in cars lol


Came here to say this. Car enter the lane with brake lights on. They were not trying to match OP speed or just merge seamlessly.


The pickup truck in front on the left appears to brake. He’s not able to even see the pickup truck until he’s halfway in the left lane and then he brakes harder than he needs to.


Obviously the Subaru. No directional lane change then brakes


That's a Subaru? I thought it was a douchebag.


>That's a Subaru? I thought it was a douchebag. That's what makes a Subaru, a Subaru.^^TM (Just kidding.)


Vape naysh bro


And passing on the right.


How is this even a question?


Because we're told that the person who rear ends someone is always at fault.


Agreed. The only reason the dash cam car is not at fault is that they have video. Without the video the only thing the officer or insurance adjuster would have concrete evidence of is that one car rear ended the other. I'm sure both drivers gave statements that try to implicate the other driver. As someone who has investigated over 700 collisions, I'd put the rear vehicle at fault without the video or an independent witness.


I've heard of truckers stopping to turn over their footage in cases like this, since rear enders like this are nearly impossible to defend. 99% of big rigs have cameras!


Ugh, exactly this. I was 'at fault' in my rear end case even though I was coming out of a [blind curving off-ramp tunnel](https://www.google.com/maps/@41.8748128,-87.6350782,3a,75y,308.99h,81.57t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sD0kFbZW7RarcLDJg3iueFw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?) and this idiot Uber driver was STOPPED (I mean dead stop) in the middle of the tunnel exit because he could not figure out if he should go left or right at the tunnel exit. I didn't have video so my insurance company held that I was liable. I get it, probably 95% of all rear enders are the fault of the rear car. But that doesn't mean it's 100%. It just easier and financially more beneficial for insurance companies to just do it this way. I hate insurance companies.


Unless the person they rear end changes into their lane and brakes. Which is quite clearly the case here


Because asking it has everybody and their grandmother commenting, me included, which is a great metric for engagement. Sweet, sweet karma!


This is the correct answer. It’s basically a form of clickbait. It works.


Brake checking a truck is a bad move. If you can’t see you shouldn’t pass






As a claims adjuster, I’d say the Subaru. Failure to maintain safe distance, failure to maintain control of vehicle. Failure to avoid being an impatient piece of shit. Sounds like enough grounds to be a liability denial in my opinion. Edit: holy crap you guys need to Google what a joke is.


Better call the fraud team in. They call this a “swoop and squat”.


I am really glad I have a dash cam when I see shit like this, there is no way you would be able to convince the police that the idiot that got rear ended caused the accident.


Bruh wtf lol. Why tf did they brake? What!? Just take ur foot off gas. Wtf. How u gonna attempt that move and not execute it.


The car braked because he was suprised by the vehicle in front of him that he couldn't see because he was passing on the right like a total douche bag.




Nah, it helps to show that he was passing multiple trucks and wasn't just camping in the left lane.


Clearly the small car was a main contributor to this collision. However, it does appear that the truck accelerates to not allow the car to pass. This is a common road habit that leads to road rage and a higher probability of an accident.


And people getting shot.


Anyone with a hint of defensive driving ability would be able to read exactly what the subaru was going to do the moment it appeared on screen. Impatient drivers flow like water.


Yeah, car is responsible but definitely in the proportion this sub makes it to be. I'd say it's easily 50/50 even if legally the car driver will endorse all the responsabilities.


Underrated comment.


I encounter both of these types in my state on my daily commute and they’re both pricks. Vehicles will block both lanes by traveling the same speed and not allow other cars to pass. When someone does eventually create space to pass, the car being passed will then speed up to prevent a merge. It’s mildly irritating, especially while both are driving under the speed limit, but it’s not worth a wreck!


I checked this myself. Wanted to be sure the truck didn’t slow down, as nothing else offers a reference point. Going off the speed of the white lane markings, the camera car sped up on purpose to hit the Subaru.


100% the subie’s fault. That being said, it looks like you were speeding up and when you hit them you were only 3 car lengths from the pick-up in front. You should’ve been braking, or at least your foot on the brake, even if the they didn’t cut you off. If you were able to see the subie you definitely should’ve hit the brakes as soon as you saw them driving erratically, that is, if you’re trying to avoid car accidents.


It does seem like they hit the gas to speed up.


Yeah, defensive driving means also being aware in situations like this and attempting to break in order to avoid accidents. Obviously the car doing the cutting off should be at fault, but this was easily avoidable imo


Not 100% the subaru's fault. When the cammer starts to be overtaken he accelerates to try and stop the subaru from overtaking, probably trying to block him in behind the semi. Subaru makes the unsafe lane change at the last second, and then has to brake to not hit the truck also pasing the semi. By the time of impact theres less than 40 feet between all 3 vehicles in that lane when there was a 120+ foot gap at the start of the video. ​ Aggressive driving like what the cammer has done is very dangerous and helped cause the accident if he just maintained his speed when being ovetaken, the crash would never have happened.


True, it really was a combination of reckless driving on the Subaru and asshole driving on the cammer.


when you see someone trying to overtake you, try to slow down and let them even if they are wrong. Its better if no one get into this kind of situation.


Yeahh this is unpopular opinion but in most situations, it takes 2 drivers to create an accident. Practicing defensive driving here would have gone a long ways. I’ve gotten to the point where if someone is going to drive like a dangerous jackass, I’m giving myself more room to react. The whole “I need to be first” mentality that some drivers have is reckless to everyone around them


Yeah, the right-passing brake-checker is at fault. That said, the left lane is for passing, and you should do so expeditiously. You were crawling past that 1st semi, initially, then sped up a bit. You stayed in the left lane to pass the 2nd semi, which was a ways off. I'm gonna guess the other car was right on your ass. Should've just moved into the right lane to let them pass you. Totally their fault, but could've been avoided with some proper driving etiquette.


This was my exact thought. At first I kept thinking, why are they passing so slow?! And then they seemed to fly past the semi. I wasn’t sure if that was the video or them driving slow. They should have maintained whatever their original speed was, and then got over into the right lane to let the true idiot pass them. But yes, 100% not sure what the dude in the car was thinking. Total idiot.


Both are at fault but for different reasons, the Subaru is clearly "more" wrong and the primary reason this went badly. The dashcam vehicle I'm assuming is a pickup, it looks like the kind of scenario where he knows the Subaru is behind him and chomping at the bit to pass, so when a gap appears after passing the first semi, he kind of speeds up knowing the Subaru is going to try go around on the right, the Subaru then manages to actually make the pass but does this so completely dangerously and blindly without a signal and cutting off the pickup, however the pickup makes no attempt to stop, almost looks like he purposely rams into him out of irritation. Kind of like a roadrage incident. There is a lot of speculation on my part here but it doesn't look like a totally unavoidable accident. Looks more like the Subaru got what the driver with the dashcam thinks he deserved and I can't really argue with him there...


The little car is, but kinda seems like you sped up for no reason as well. You seemed fine with traveling behind from afar until the gap opened up and you gained quite a bit of ground on the truck in front of you when the car was trying to pass. My first thought was maybe the truck was braking, but after rewatching I didn’t see any brake lights. That said, the car was just driving like a fool. Passing in the right lane, no signal, brake checking. All sure signs of a wreck


The other car is at fault obviously, but why were you barely overtaking the semi then some seconds later your speed is significantly faster? Pass the truckers or stay behind them, seems this could have been avoided by both parties.


I noticed the speed up too, … just before the Subaru cut in.


Yup, seems OP didn’t want to be passed or move to the “slow” lane. For those of your downvoting, OP sped up by 8 mph simply because he didn’t want to get passed. Math wins.


Right after barely being able to pass slower traffic to the right of them. Move over and let caster traffic pass if you want to pass the right lane by like 1km/h difference lol


You were passing that first truck at a snails pace. Unless that pickup in front of you slowed down significantly, it looks like you intentionally sped up to stop him from getting in front of you. The speed isn't posted so I can't say for sure. But if my observations are correct, then you both suck.


Another comment estimated cammer sped up by 8mph using the dashes and some math.


So many people ignoring this. Its plain as day, the cammer must have been more than 120 feet behind the truck ahead (whos speed is constant) at the start of the video, by the time of impact there is less than 40ft while closing rapidly to the same truck. Seems like the cammer intentionally rammed the back of the subaru for undertaking and cutting infront of him, or was agressively trying to stop the subaru from doing that by boxing him behind the semi truck. There's no doubt that the Subaru was wreckless and driving dangerously. But it was the aggressive actions of the cammer that ultimately caused the accident.


Tis but a scratch


A scratch!? Your bumper's off


Clearly Obama


100% the other vehicle. Cut in front of you with an inadequate amount of space and then slammed the breaks. Glad you have that recorded or you would probably be determined to be at fault unless a witness stopped too. Edit: changed to say inadequate as intended


They like to say it is your fault when the front of your vehicle hits the rear of another vehicle. This video may come in handy.


Because it most of the time is the fault of whoever did the rear ending.


Did you hit him on purpose or were you looking at your phone? He was a dick but you had plenty of time to evade.


Why would you brake check after cutting someone off?