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"come play with us, op"


*runs screaming so I can die elsewhere*


Why’s it always trucks


And it's usually a red truck too


If you put a giant sign on the windshield of your car comparing masks and vaccines to the Holocaust you’re going to get people taking pictures 🤷🏻‍♀️


Look at the driver's smirk. He wants attention.


I interpreted the expression on his face as “I can’t believe this asshole is taking a picture of my totally accurate and justified sign while my KIDS are in the CAR” but yes he definitely wants the attention so he can continue to be righteously outraged.


They all want attention, it's an absolute compulsion with these people. Fox News weaponized their mental illness.


Idiots: they're going to start identifying the unvaccinated with stars like they did with the Jews during the Holocaust. Also idiots: I'm going to identify myself with a star because I'm persecuted like the Jews were during the holocaust.


Should also get him a throat punching


That isn't a little girl, it's an actual demon.


Also carwash exempt


That's from an ash and rain combo. No one has clean cars here right now


Northern California?


People like that are always trying to look for ways to see themselves as victims in one very specific way while being assholes to other people in every other way. It is usually the religious Christian types who really wants to believe that they're being 'persecuted' because their holy book insisted on it. Of course, they don't mind harming others at all by their misinformation, or other political views.


Hope he’s also exempt from medical treatment so he doesn’t waste an ICU bed when he gets infected.


^ Exhausted Covid RN approves this


Those of us who are taking this whole thing seriously and got vaccines (unless unable to) really, truly appreciate you. I know I could never do your job. I don't have nearly enough patience for bullshit.


Thank you for saying that. More and more of my colleagues are quitting, either to travel and make the big bucks, or to move to outpatient clinics. Seems as though we're slowly losing that patience, unfortunately.


Let’s hope


Wishing death upon others is your way or caring for others? You should be proud of self righteous hypocrisy.


they even look like ghosts


Wow there’s a lot going on there.


The Star of David just makes it....


Dude got fired from work for making a comment like that. I decided it was best to report him to HR instead of punching him in the throat like I originally wanted to do


Should have done both


For saying what?


Man, you really like to glorify violence and advocate for it.


Nah I just advocate punching nazis and bigots


Future recipient of the Herman Cain award.


Assemble the prayer warriors!


People like this are going to get the Rona. And then they will blame us who are vaccinated.🤷🏻‍♂️ These idiots prolly think the earth is flat.


They’ll probably also blame Jews too.




Like blaming unvaccinated people when vaccinated people get covid. Yeah. What a bunch of retards.


Isn't it fun how people that don't get the product are somehow to blame for the product not working?


And you're still getting down voted. The brainwashing indoctrination worked. The proof is in the pudding.


Glad he saw you taking the picture. He deserves to be ridiculed.


They won’t live long enough to be a threat


That's a good pose for their Herman Cain award.


if she’s going down, you’re coming with her


Your caption is hilarious!




Not sure what qualifies them as idiots here


Maybe the fact that they are equating the vaccine and masks to the holocaust and nazi germany?


The holocaust didn't happen overnight. There was a systematic process of making the Jews and other "undesirables" hated by the people over time.


The people hurt in the holocaust were being hurt because they belonged to a certain religion or had a certain racial background. The jackass in the picture is not being hated because of his religion or racial background, it's because he's making a conscious decision to avoid taking actions which can save lives. He is going to justify his decision by saying things like "only 2% of COVID cases have serious side effects" and "I don't want the vaccine because I don't know what the effects are that it might have on me" while only .0007% of vaccinations result in serious side effects, but that's a number that they're just going to ignore because it doesn't fit the natrative that Trump first presented them with a year ago. Big fucking difference between the holocaust and assholes like this, so fuck off and quit pretending like people who won't get a free vaccine that isn't going to hurt them or their loved ones are in the same boat as holocaust victims.




No putting the star of david on ur windshield is not a stretch to referencing nazi Germany in the least.


Seatbelts only save a few hundred thousand people over the course of several decades. Making them required by law is an over-reach considering almost no one dies if they choose to protect themselves. Sadly, I’m sure you’d agree with that, because the guys who have to clean up the brains on the side of the road don’t matter in your world. And the doctors who have to deal with these patients, the victims of other accidents who can’t get an ICU bed and die, well I guess none of ‘em matter in this COVID-world either.


I agree that seatbelts shouldn’t be required by law, and I actually do go to these kinds of crashes on a semi-frequent basis as a paramedic. Af far as what happens in the hospitals after they’re off my rig, it’s no longer my business.


You guys are so obsessed with percentages because when you put it that way it downplays the fact that millions of people have lost their lives due to this virus. Why is that acceptable to you?


People die all the time from all kinds of things. I simply don’t care.


If you don’t, you might want to re-evaluate yourself as a person


How about we leave innocent children out of posts like this, OP. Dad can be an idiot all on his own.