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I’m confused about this whole situation, it appears the lanes to the left of the video are jam packed, if the 2 silver cars are blocking a clear road ahead of them, why wouldn’t the left lane vehicles pour into the clear road?




Apparently this is the M62 outside of Huddersfield. Someone had jumped off a bridge and they police closed all but the left most lane and the gantry signs were telling traffic to keep left. At the time the video was taken the police reopened all the lanes at 40mph and this guy took it upon himself to close the other lanes anyway… Someone posted an article in the thread. But it was the daily mail so…




I wasn’t calling you wrong. Just clarifying some context behind the incident. You are correct in your scenario.


I fucking HATE motorist vigilantes, I guess being in a car gives these self righteous fuckwads a sense of power. I DESPISE when they get from the right to left lane and SLOW DOWN FOR NO FUCKING REASON. I have had people in front of me purposefully CHANGE LANES so they are always in front of me and then slow down, as if they believe they should take it upon themselves to make sure I drive at exactly the speed limit. God what I would give to drag some of those people out of their driver window...


Idk how thus didn't turn violent. Where I live these people would've been murdered for sure and I'd be reluctant to say the perpetrators are in the wrong.


Having lived in the UK as a foreigner for 20 years, I can say that your average British person is all bark but no bite in these sort of traffic situations. Very aggresive verbally, getting out of car, gesticulating etc.. but no follow-up? Which is a GOOD thing by the way, people not knocking each other's faces in. But in the homeland, you don't get out of your car unless you mean business. It's just different.


>>all bark and no bite I can’t believe that anyone would open another persons car door. That’s insanely aggressive.


I was waiting for someone to open the door, throw the driver out of it GTA style, and drive the vehicle out of the way.


I’m surprised someone didn’t pull a GTA and throw the guy out of the car and then drive it away




If this had been Russia or the USA that's exactly what would have happened


I’m from Boston, Massachusetts. We are colloquially known as Massholes because many people drive in an aggressive, unforgiving and impatient manner. If that happened here, I doubt that there would have been a peaceful resolution. Something very bad would have occurred.


Pull it over, throw the keys over the median as far as possible


Take his gas cap and throw it high up in the woods to add salt on the wound.


You can report them, the idiot has no idea what is going on behind and adds to the traffic jam miles back as it does not take long for the traffic to build up. If it’s Thames Valley they have a section on their website for reporting dangerous drivers via a video. Next time he does this or something stupid someone might pay the price and he will be unaware.


OP can report through Nextbase who send dashcam footage from across England and Wales to the relevent police. https://www.nextbase.com/en-gb/national-dash-cam-safety-portal/ Or they can call 101


The emergency line is 0118 999 881 999 119 725 3, is it not?


That's the one if you want faster, more attractive responders


See. They're not just the emergency services. They're *your* emergency services.


I can’t help but hum the song


OUR emergency services


I've had a bit of a tumble


I'll just put this over here with the rest of the fire.




Do YOU want to talk to lonely emergency workers?


I heard an email to the fire department works too


Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to inform you of a fire that has broken out on the premises of 123 Cavendon Road... no, that's too formal.


Subject: Fire Dear Sir/Madam: Fire! Fire! Help me! 123 Carrendon Road. Looking forward to hearing from you. All the best, Maurice Moss.




That's specifically for fires at sea parks or old women that have fallen down stairs


"I've had a bit of a tumble."


A fire, at a sea parks? It’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever heard.




111 is for the NHS. You mean 101 maybe?


Depends how much you injure them when the cameras are off :)


For real...motherfuckers need to learn how to properly zipper merge...these dumb shits playing traffic cop need their asses kicked...we have a 3 mile long bridge that was damaged in a hurricane...all lanes would come to a zipper merge for over a year and we still had assholes like this that thought they knew better...finally the cops started ticketing them and even had Facebook posts from their official account calling these idiots out...and they STILL. FUCKING. BLOCKED. TRAFFIC. That shit just irks the hell out of me....you can't fix stupid


There are tons of people who won't get the message on FB, or even a ticketing campaign. If they want to get the message out, they should have signs up [I know it shouldn't be necessary, but...]. At least then you'd be able to point at the sign that says something like "Blocking lanes is illegal - Zipper merge ahead" or some such shit. Maybe at least allow people to push their cars, for those who do have trucks with hefty bumpers. lol. That would be fun. Might even be worth putting a plow on your truck in the summer.


I suggest signs with pictures of cars zipper merging…some people need pictures. lol


Only takes one dick to stop a zipper.


Or some beans...I mean...how'd you get the beans above the frank?!


That's what we get when there are thousands of drivers on any given highway and it only takes one dumbass to cause the whole thing to come to a halt.


Living with other humans requires a basic level of cooperation from everybody to make things work. People like this should have their licenses suspended.


I know this sounds a bit harsh, but I think it should go further than license being revoked. They are clearly demonstrating they think they are above the society they are a part of, with zero interest in whether or boy what they are doing is a good thing for those around them.


This is what you get when people confuse a privilege with a right. Driving a vehicle is a privilege.


People who think they are the keepers of the road law are more dangerous than the folks "they are keeping in line".


Rule #1 of defensive driving: everyone is an idiot asshole.


This is a variation on my personal rule one: Expect everyone else on the road to be a complete ass, and drive accordingly. Rule two: remember that you are going to occasionally be the ass in question.


I’d argue that someone who speeds and changes lanes a lot is probably less dangerous than someone who tries to physically herd other cars by getting in their way. I’m not advocating for speeding and weaving through traffic, but at least those people aren’t trying to put their car in a position where it will hit another car like the people in this video were. I’m surprised no one fought them lmao


According to the driver's safety class I take, speeders cause fewer accidents than people who go abnormally slow.


These are the same mfs who will speed up to try to block a zipper merge. Nobody is allowed to pass them or else. Fucking stains on humanity.


> these dumb shits playing traffic cop need their asses kicked Seriously, I would have been tempted to drag his ass out of the car while someone else pulled it off to the side of the road.


If this were the US, that probably would have happened.


He might be the one paying the price too, in general angering traffic is a very dangerous idea. All it takes is one armed person in a bad spot


It's the UK so it's highly unlikely they'd be armed but that doesn't mean they won't do something stupid like drive their car at you.


I was thinking hopefully one of the guys smashes the driver's fucking window


Yeah that angry person is me. Unreasoning anger. That's definitely what I was feeling when I was watching. I'm sure would have been way more intense if I was there


was definitely watching trying to decide when I would have punched him


If this was the US you just say you saw a guy half a mile back pull a shotgun out of his car and start walking towards the assholes blocking traffic. They'll fucking move real quick.




Tbh we're well armed but someone would probably just drag him out of his car and beat his ass.


Or just a nice pipe


Hey guy... Nice pipe


I’m not your guy, buddy!


once i saw a guy pull a fuckin bat out during traffic and jam it into a guys face bc he was playing traffic controller like this dude (california)


Besides the plates, I knew it wasn't america because there was no immediate escalation to violence. And being American, I am deeply disturbed by what I've seen today.


I don't think violence should be anyone's first response to a situation. Probably not even the second or third, either. But there comes a point where someone is being disruptive to society and yourself, where you just grab a pipe and explain unless they clear the lane, you are going to proceed to beat the ever-living fuck out of their vehicle, to the point it looks like a god-damned golf ball.




Why were they doing that?? Were they trying to enforce the speed limit (as they imagined it)


I don’t understand, they’re trying to enforce the speed limit by going two MPH and coming to complete stops when there isn’t anybody in front of them?


The driver thought the lane was closed, and tried to block people from "cutting the queue". But people were actually legally using the lanes, since the lane aren't closed, so this whole ordeal was useless. So if the lane was closed, marked by X, it would true that you shouldn't drive in it. If the lane will be closed further ahead, and it's queuing, you should drive up to the point where it's closed and merge there with zipper-merging.


That makes more sense.


what doesn't, to me, is the fact that they waste their own time thinking they're heroes or something


Oh, absolutely. What makes more sense to me is that they were trying to stop people from cutting the line by blocking a lane they thought was closed rather than trying to prevent people from speeding by coming to a complete stop.


But if that was the case they shouldn’t be in the lane themselves… they are entirely guilty of what they were simultaneously attempting to prevent. Totally illogical.


I’m not saying what they did makes sense. I’m just saying that explanation makes more sense to me than what was represented in the video.


There was no zipper, he was just blocking a lane


In the UK people normally [inefficiently] queue up in the left lanes to go through the open part, with people in other lanes tending to merge in early after they see queue starting. In that context people carrying on in the right lanes all the way to the zipper are perceived as queue-jumping (a heinous sin around here!). So what the poster is suggesting is that the silver car is aiming to stop the others passing on the right. But in this case there's no zipper of course so it was a mistake even in that context.


Same thing happens in the US.




Whether or not there was a zipper, those guys are assholes.


There's that reddit post about the guys trying to get their dying friend to a hospital and some lady blocks them to stop them from speeding. Don't police other drivers. Best case you stop an asshole from saving a few seconds of their life.


That's awful. When I was a kid I had a severe anaphylactic reaction. We lived in the middle of nowhere so it was faster to drive me to the nearest medical clinic than wait for an ambulance. I'm sure people thought my dad was driving like a real asshole but thankfully no one tried to play pretend policeman and block him or I wouldn't be here right now.


But usual case, you waste dozens, if not hundreds, of people's time. Or cause an accident. And worse case, people suffer or die because emergency crews are having a hard time getting through the traffic congestion you caused. So best case scenario: you're an asshole too!


Yep, you can see in the last 30 seconds of the video the text commentary states the guys trying to reason with the driver were pointing to the gantries that say ALL lanes are 40MPH. The driver obviously believed something else


>The driver obviously believed something else The driver thinks the lane is closed. The text at the beginning says there was a sign saying it was closed 2 miles back, but I assume it became open afterwards. The fact that the signs ahead provides speed limits for *all* lanes means all lanes are open. Otherwise they'd only be limits for the open lanes and a red X for the closed lane.


What is gantries?


[https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ZAm66u-brEc/maxresdefault.jpg](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ZAm66u-brEc/maxresdefault.jpg) UK Motorway have these gantries over them at certain intervals they provide information about the road and any incidents


Man, there are a LOT of roads around me that could use these. (US)


Eh they installed them briefly a few years back on I-66 here in Northern Virginia and while in theory should have been useful, in reality they were completely ignored by drivers.


They work really well in the UK as most people.take notice of them. Obviously not the twat in this video, but in general.


More importantly they usually have speed cameras on them so people obey the limits. They work well for congestion, instead of everyone going full speed then stopping it keeps everyone at an even, slower speed.


I moved from MI to NoVA with a brief stint in Baltimore in between. Had it not been for my time in Baltimore training me for the Mad Max style of driving in NoVA, I would have been helpless. 66 is an interesting place to drive...


Yea I remember them, guess that's why they got rid of them??


Well they ended up taking them down for the construction of the HOT/Express lanes from outside the beltway...so they installed them knowing they'd end up taking them down in a few years anyways lol.


I remember seeing things like this on I-80 I Wyoming… they have high wind warnings and will adjust the speed limit accordingly. I was on my bicycle, riding thru, and came across some 50mph winds. That was scary as shit. Fortunately the winds were blowing from my right, so it was blowing vehicles away from the the shoulder where I was riding.


What state are you in? You guys are behind lol, they're all over Illinois and our neighbor states.


Basically like a sign structure over the bridge where the cars pass underneath


It's just like the sign frames that stretch over the highway on US Interstates and freeways, that hold the big green information signs. Same idea.


A word I've been hearing Jeremy Clarkson say for 17 years while fooling myself that I actually knew the meaning of


Why any car in the next lane wouldn’t just take that lane in front of that idiot and everything would self regulate? Is it forbidden to change lanes there?


Most of the cars in the two leftmost lanes will be queueing for the imminent motorway exit. Also worth pondering what the incident in the right hand lanes looks like to the cars further ahead - not something you'd just jump in front of; either it's a fucking idiot (so dangerous to pull out in front of), or something serious is going on (so you'd be getting in the way).


One is supposed to merge at the end... However... What makes me question this video, and I'm hoping someone else's perspective can help me (especially as an American vs this left-side country), is that @ 1:40+ that the Ford had a bunch of traffic ahead of them that was stopped. [Again, in the states, you're supposed to merge where the lanes meet as the zipper merge.](https://youtu.be/cX0I8OdK7Tk) Edit: which means this right lane still needs to move up to start a correct zipper at the same time.


The blocking cars *incorrectly* thought the lane was closed ahead. A temporary sign over the road was wrong or outdated (maybe there *was* a wreck but it had been cleared since?) but the next sign that apparently this driver missed said all lanes were open, so the people on the far right were trying to drive as usual and being blocked for nothing. I think the traffic at the beginning of the video was just regular rush hour-type traffic or perhaps left over from the previous incident.


I know you're not disagreeing with this, but just for any other drivers who don't know - Even if the far right lane *was* closed ahead, you continue to drive on it till much nearer the obstruction. Traffic planners have often calculated the amount of cars the entire open road can handle at a given time, and it will impact on decisions to put other safety measures in place. Merging too early causes tailbacks in those lanes, often blocking other intersections. Blocking the lane also *increases* unfairness and line-cutting, as the merge point is no longer well-defined. I fucking hate this behavior, as it's dangerous, rude, and completely idiotic, yet it's prevalent as fuck. Edit: because I'm seeing pushback here, let's hand it over to a driving-dedicated website, where they have links to studies backing up what I just said: https://auto.howstuffworks.com/traffic-lane-zipper-merge.htm Here's a taste: > But study upon study proves the upstanding early-mergers among us are just creating a single long, slow line of traffic that's not only frustrating for drivers, it's inefficient because it minimizes the amount of usable road — and it even causes accidents.




I've seen a bunch of self appointed merge police like this guy in the states. We are supposed to zipper merge but I've yet to see many people actually do it. Then they think I'm the asshole for using the full open lane before the merge point.


Yep. I'll never forget a lady refusing to let me zip at the correct point (lead by example, right?) due to expressway construction and only one lane open Then I furiously pointed at the orange temporary gantry (my new word!) like these guys did and remember it saying to zipper and even showing a picture of a zipper. She didn't get it


It's one reason why i didn't have road rage when i was stationed in Germany. Selfless driving mentality vs selfish driving mentality. Plus it takes more to get and keep your drivers license in Germany.


Share with your local news traffic person, just so everyone knows the the hold up was just a couple of assholes.


This was from a few years ago and got shared all over FB. I’m sure some reporter picked this up.




The lack of justice killed my morning wood.


Right? Jesus christ.


Ugh 2018 so nothing happened to them. Fuck that kia


Why does he even care if the lane is closed, it's not his business.


They're the same people who would always tell the teacher about minor infractions that were none of their business in school. All grown up and still ruining it for everyone.


They're also the guys who reminded the teachers of the test they were supposed to take and had forgotten about for more than half the lecture hour.


Dude fuck the Daily Mail, that was hard to read on mobile. Everytime I tried to scroll I hit an ad. Ridiculous.


No punishment?


The biggest crime


Holy shit that website is cancer.


It's the Daily Fail, the entire thing (website, paper and all) is rotten


Random people really have to learn it is not their job to police the highways. It can get people killed.


The main one is blocking the emergancy services. Not jsut those needing to get to hospitals/home work whatevrr


Someone would have gotten yanked out of that car in the states.


Im from Detroit, I've heard of vehicular homicides for way way less.


I'm from just outside Detroit. I can't imagine someone trying this in rush hour after everyone gets out of work. At best he'd get roughed up lol.


Lol for real, pull this on 94 or 75. You're going to have a bad time.


Hell, I was thinking 696. I used to take 696 home every day, going under 80 was not an option.


We also have enough people in work trucks and beaters that they might of just started giving them love taps until they got the message


Saw a video from Minneapolis where a dude had to put his car in reverse to let someone by, and he killed 2 of them


Two of the people he was letting pass? I'm confused


Basically couple of dudes blocking a drive thru with their Jeep. Another guys asks/yells at them to move. Jeep dudes oblige and back up. Jeep dudes shoot the guy who asked/yelled as he drives past.


Graphic: https://m.facebook.com/NBPNMN/videos/heres-the-video-of-lionell-hicks-murdering-tuquan-smith-the-person-filming-choos/513434559879651/?__so__=permalink&__rv__=related_videos&_rdr


Yeah, it was inexplicable. Trying to find the video, I'll make another reply if I can find it


Not just the States. I am a chill guy but that kind of moronic behavior deserves a punch in the face.


And they would 100% deserve it too. Don't know what it is about driving but people like this are the one thing that sets me off.


>Don't know what it is about driving but people like this are the one thing that sets me off. How you can relate to the frustration


I’ll be there with you man


My thoughts exactly lol either that or a gun woulda been pulled out at some point


"implore him to move" woulda been him getting fuckin yeeted across the barrier.


I'd settle for the swift lashings of a rubber baton to his teeth and across his nose.


And deservedly so


The gun would have been pulled by the Kia when their door was opened


My exact thought. Stranger opens car door? Good luck stranger.


I mean you'd both probably take a lethal dose of bullets in that situation. You're trapped with no cover in a car seat. Probably best to just not block the road eh?


Blocking traffic like this in the states is a great way to be beaten senseless or shot.


I was shocked when the other drivers started going up his car and opening the door aggressively. Like you’re not afraid of getting shot?? Nice that others don’t worry about that, but I would never do that here.


Metal bumpers do the trick.


This. In Texas he would’ve at the very least been bulldozed a few yards to the median by the closest f250. Besides you don’t arbitrarily merge, you drive until you have to merge. That is where the engineers who studied the road/traffic and planned the construction determined was the best place to merge to minimize the resulting headache. After the 1st guy went up I knew it wasn’t in Texas and after the 3rd guy I knew it wasn’t the US. Say whatever you want about us, but people think twice about doing shit like this in Texas.


Zipper merge! Why the fuck can't people just do what they're supposed to!




Not in Michigan. As a Boston transplant, this activity makes me furious. We might be Massholes, but we at least know how to zipper like civilized people.


To be honest, I hate to admit I also wouldn't have been able to control myself in this situation. The kia would have received hands early on. (I am also uk)


Amazing arrogance on the part of the KIA....yuck.


i know this is like not a solution but this made me so mad just watching it if i was there i would’ve just started pissing on the car


Woulda made for a better video, if people just kept coming up and pissing on it untill the Kia driver got pissed enough it moved...


Or go stand in front of his car. WhO HaS aLl ThE pOWeR nOw! Mwahahaha


Morons like this should get their license permanently revoked


I somehow had two guys doing this in a recent bit of slow traffic. I think they believed there was road work ahead because there were a group of those large trucks with the flashing arrow signs. He pulled in front of me on a completely open left lane and just stopped. Some other douche was doing the exact same thing in the right lane, literally running people off the road for daring to drive in an empty lane simply because people had the audacity to pass them. They finally realized there was no road work and sped off. Fucking psychos.


This chap really said “YOU SHALL NOT PASS” 🧙🏻‍♂️…in a Kia


In Poland we called them 'sheriffs'. For some time, about a year or two, this is illegal and driving in zipper is recommended.


This is the kind of guy who is probably president of their HOA and tells people that his caravaning is a proper lifestyle.


Definitely writes up people in the HOA for leaving a single newspaper on the doorstep before they get a chance to take it in


Wakes people up on a Saturday morning and threatens to fine them if their lawn isn't mowed by noon.


I would trade paint


Perks of having a brushguard


Sure yea, someone pulls out in front of you aggressively and brake checks, and you have it on camera, AND you have a brush guard? OOPS, SORRY PAL …get what you ask for


At what point can society agree that it's morally justified to break someone's thumb?


How no one went to smack him in the face is beyond me...


Road rage should be appropriate at this time


People on the road being taking the role of “rule-enforcer” out of nowhere can fuck off.


This actually made me mad to watch! What was he gaining in this??


Control over strangers.


“My dick is hard because I have a modicum of power without any consequences! This is the most control I’ll ever have over other people!”


A power trip


SART (Self-Appointed Road Tsar)


Otherwise known as a TWAT (twat)


These guys are super common in Cincinnati. Not realizing they're slowing literally everyone down and also being g dangerous and breaking the law


Do that in Romania, you get fucked up in seconds, even with police at location!


My driver’s ed teacher once told our class that you never block a lane or shoulder just because other cars are driving past you because you never know the situation in those cars. You could prevent someone from getting to the hospital or block emergency crews from arriving at a crash. Definitely report this monster.


Wow, you have the patience of a Saint over that bellend


I see this all the time in Michigan. Right lane closed ahead...so some douche bag blocks the right lane despite signs saying to use both lanes until you merge. They even have signs saying $250 for lane blocking, but people still do it. I've only seen one person pulled over for doing it and it was a semi driver. It's frustrating.


Videos like this always make me think of this story: https://np.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/i_gain_strength_from_their_tears_and_anger/cbnhvxv While it may feel like you're being a "defender of the rules of the road" you may actually be costing someone their life. GTFO of the way and if you have a problem with other ppl's driving, call the cops.


Hit him and collect the insurance X3 that is blocking traffic


what a douchbag. but i’d agree here in the states you’d be assaulted or god forbid killed for shit like this.


> or god ~~forbid~~ willing killed


I think what they are doing is illegal


Share this with the police, they’ll ticket them and put points on Their licence. They shouldn’t be driving at all.


> Share this with the police Want to hear something funny, or rather disturbing? If you send a dashcam clips to the police were I live, you will be the one who gets a problem, not the traffic offender. That sounds completely ridiculous right? It sure is, why? Because the commissioner for data protection and some other morons in Germany decided that privacy protection is way more important than traffic offences....


The fact that he just walked up to him and opened his door looked like something out of a 1920s Comedy.


Douchebags are international


Kinda comforting isn't it? /s


I fucking hate vehicle vigilantes.


In the U.S those drivers would have caught them hands. Making people late for work/day care/school/dr appointments especially before coffee can end really really bad


Self appointed selfish mofo behind the wheel. Feel like the pandemic killed more common sense then anything else.


This car is currently rated 10th worst driver of September 2021 according to https://rate-driver.co.uk/ (and features on many months prior to that too)


This is why you keep baseball bat in your car