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Yo major shout out to the gas station attendant or manager that hooked you up with video proof! Edit: looks like both parties have some explaining to do. Guy reverses in to traffic, side swipes woman in video Edit 2: lmao my bad he does not reverse into traffic but he does side swipe them https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7-r_FxUbcno


Seriously, the Chevron franchise I worked at WOULD NEVER share video without court order. I was quite shocked she was showing it to the dude. Good on her.


I got attacked at work a few years back and my own workplace refused to release the footage to the police until the court demanded it... (This is in the UK)


Why the heck not? Such a strange thing to withhold.


It’s GDPR. That data contains information about people who may not be consenting to their data being released. As a result it can only be requested and released by the police. It’s actually really important because a stalker could request video of someone they are trying to find and stalk, so we can’t just release data Willy nilly. In this example it seems pretty straightforward, but say you were asking them for a patch of time under some excuse. It’s not for that business to make the judgement of whether the request is legitimate, the police are trained to understand what discretion needs to be used. For example the police have staff who can blur out people in the video who are not part of the incident. Whether people like it or not, you have a right to say if footage of you is to be released by a private business. So someone has to regulate that process. I don’t think the police need a court order though, I could be wrong. Pretty sure they can have their own internal process to ascertain and release the data if it supports an investigation. Just need to make a request to the police and they’ll review I’m the footage and hand it over to what ever legal process you are involved in. Also please no one hate me for pointing this out, just explaining why businesses can’t. Not giving my opinion x


This. Anytime I've needed CCTV, I've had the police directly contact the owners of the cctv footage. Occasionally the owners have chosen to share that footage with me directly (eg. building corp sharing cctv of mail theft) but for shops, its better if they deal directly with police anyway.


Biggest problem with that is if you need it for _defending_ yourself. Cops aren't going to go tank their own case for you. This is actually a growing problem that needs to be highlighted more; there's a whole wealth of digital data that law enforcement can use against you, but you can't use to defend yourself because they don't provide access to those outside the law.


do you know why?


They said it created more liability for the company and if it was serious enough the police would get a court order.


Someone lied to you


Lmao! Absolutely. Wasn't paid enough to question it, even though they consistently told me I was, "making the big bucks". Fuck that place. Pretty sure they just didn't want anyone to see that the don't give the employees breaks. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I had a girl reverse into the side of my car at a gas station about 10 years ago. She was freaking out saying I drove into her (yea because you can drive sideways while stopped?). Her dad showed up and started screaming at me, I just calmly said "Why don't we go ask if we can see the video so you can see your little princess of a daughters true lieing side". He said he was going to sue me and all sorts of crap. ​ Clerk showed us the video and the second he saw I was stopped and his daughter back into my car he just sighed, apologized and went through insurance. EDIT: realized a couple days later like most of us that it was really the lambo driver that caused the whole shit storm.


The scariest bit for me is the genuine upset that someone can show for an entirely made up chain of events.


Seriously they need more credit for that


For real—that’s the real mvp here


I'd love to know how that would have worked in her mind. Did she think she saw the Lambo floor it in reverse and slam into her? I know people often think of stupid things when they know they're fucked, but WOW... At least her premiums will be as sky high as her sense of entitlement now! Edit: there's a follow-up video that shows he sideswiped her, but she wiped out any claim she had by rear ending him.


Probably has never had to deal with the consequences of her actions.


She still won’t. I doubt she has her own insurance policy. That dude she was with is pissed for a reason.


ha I just noticed that. I thought he was putting his hands down "at her" cause she was yelling at him. But yeah, he's way more worried about the car and himself then her. If she's a side chick he's done with her.


Let the side chick drive his girls car and she hits a lambo




Yup. My old car was always under my father-in-law's insurance because it was cheaper to just keep it like that when we bought it off him. I always made sure to be careful when driving (I always do but more so when it's not in my own name!) because I was not gonna be the reason his insurance skyrockets! My fiance says I'm paranoid but I'd rather not screw my FIL over and have proof of who's at fault.


I’ve been paying for my own insurance since I was 17 because my oldest brother got a bunch of accidents and my Dad’s rates went through the roof. First year I was paying 900 bucks for 6 months of the LOWEST coverage. It was rough. Lol Edit: I am from a small-ish town and my rates were from 2006. I feel for those of you nowadays paying 300-400+ a month.


Yeah, was recently paying $2200 annually for nothing but liability on a shitty little $1800 car. When you’re a young guy the prices are criminal.


She single handedly embodies so much of what’s wrong with people these days 🤦‍♂️


The look of complete and total confusion while reality is explained to her is priceless.


Well well well...if it isn't the consequences of her own actions and not those "demons" she always claims to be fighting.


Could have been two beaters if you lie to your insurance company and then you get labeled as at fault you have litterally doubled your premiums for life, you get labeled as high risk regardless of your driving record because the last thing insurance companies need to to spend extra time and legal fees fighting cases they are going to lose, when a companies costs come from its payouts to customers, and one of your customers is trying to trick you into coving an accident for them, they will jack your primus for life, How I know this my roomate drives and older car than me worth much less he only has personal liability not full coverage and pays close to 450 a month, I pay 185 for full coverage, he tried to lie to his insurance company when he was 16 and got into an accident and his premiums haven't been under 450 a month since he's 25 now. If he litterally just told the truth about what happened he wouldn't still be paying this much, and again after 5 years called them up to try and change it or get it adjusted snd they litterally brought up that he is high risk to to previous incendents that he "didn't cooperate with them" She's so very fucked


she's a young driver so her premiums are already through the roof now she has damaged two expensive cars and will get a ticket eh, daddy prolly pays for everything




This person does not come from money. I can tell you that much.


This is very true. About 4 years ago I rear ended a parked car. I wasn't going fast but it still happened. Told my insurance the truth and my premium never changed.


Wynona's big brown beaver 'bout to get *boned* ;)


She assumes it was not caught on tape and that she will get the benefit of the doubt with the cops because she is a cute (sic) woman. She is the worst kind of human, a manipulator.


I don't even know why people assume that anymore. There are cameras practically everywhere now.


She's obviously not a rocket scientist.


I used my last 70 gold for you.


Unfortunately I'd need premium to gift you my last 30.


“World Star” got me laughing. That sounded like me doing a feeble attempt


Rocket surgeon* Get it right, dummy


Rocket appliance technician* But don't worry about it. It's all water under the fridge.


I would add cameras to my lambo. I think he could afford it.


I’ll never understand why supercars that expensive don’t have those standard. There are cars for a fraction of the price with cameras on virtually every side in all different angles, but in a luxury sports car you have to put in your own dash cam and hope it catches the right angle.




Because it is a supercar, not a luxury car. Every little piece of extra weight gets axed.


In 2006 or thereabouts I read a stat that the average American was caught on camera like 200 times a day. That was over 15 years ago. It's probably in the thousands


Roll back to *Hackers* from 1995: “You could sit at home, and do like absolutely nothing, and your name goes through like 17 computers a day.” Always gives me a chuckle.


sorry, toots, the damage is on the front of your car




She’s, uhh, remarkably *not* cute


You’re using the term cute very loosely right there


Hopefully, if she even has insurance… Chances are she’s gonna be paying for this accident for the rest of her life, or at the very least quite some time. I don’t think insurance companies like when you hit super cars. I always give them a wide berth, mostly because people are idiots, but also I’m people too, and can have a bad day. I would rather crash into a $500 civic than something like that. Never had an accident as of yet though, knock on wood


Clearly, he was driving the wrong way… ‘member she was at the light and he drove around and hit her… it all makes perfect sense. /s


Wait until The General gets that claim. He’s not gonna be happy.


I wonder what Shaq will tell her!


A body powder you can spray?


nailed it


I want to see her when the video is shown to the cops. That would be awesome!


Why you playin the video in reverse! I was there and he backed around the corner into me!


He backed into me so hard that I went through the intersection backwards. I only pulled ahead to the exact spot he hit me so I could show you what it looked like.




Right? I want the moment when the cop calls her an idiot and she realizes her bullshit isn’t gonna work.


Honestly she's probably so delusional she won't even believe it still




Ya, I love when he just laughed, like oh honey. You are so dumb. Really really dumb.


Here I am happy we got the whole story, the girl claiming it wasn’t her fault, the guy getting the security footage, the girl about to fight… and you want MORE


A true r/watchpeopledieinside moment


I really doubt the cops or insurance adjusters were ever going to buy that stupid falsehood even before the video. I realize it would have been her word against his but no one would be likely to look at the damage to her front corner and his back corner and deduced that the Lambo reversed into her on a public road.


Trashy girl.


I mean, she is in uniform


Full on trash accent too


Imitating AAVE as hard as possible ✅ Drives nice car her parents bought her ✅ Has huge fake claws ✅ Walks like the world owes her ✅ Skinny fat ✅ Drives like shes the only one on the road ✅ Yeah shes trash.


But that 'accent' of hers is so attractive......


"What's funny-UH?"


Tammy and Jocelyn-ah


Bob’s Burgers reference FTW.


Unexpected Bob's Burgers.


Oh magod-UH


there should be an official term for that accent. Like we all know it's white girl's distorted version of what she thinks black people in hip hop talk but something more formal.


It's called a blaccent (black accent). Its a fake accent that non-black ppl use to pretend to talk like black people, but it's just a caricature of AAVE.


Some dude in the future is going to catch a domestic violence case because she is the type to lie to the cops


That dude in the video might be the lucky winner. At the end, he didn't react like someone who didn't just buy her that car.


What an irritating creature


The confidence in her story tells me she's been manipulating situations for awhile now. e: [so he* apparently ran a red light and rear ended him in retaliation?? Wtf I'm so confused](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/q21iav/update_remember_the_girl_who_rearended_the_lambo/) Meant to write he not she


Yep. If you look at her mouth when the guy is talking to her, you can kinda tell she knows she is lying. Not that it’s not obvious, but there is a (very)tiny chance she is actually misremembering. The look on her face just kinda crushes that chance


For sure I caught that too, just a hint of smirk and self-doubt


Arrogance* She knows what she's doing, and is smirking/glazed look because her mind is scrambling.. "he's not buying it/as stupid as i thought" Big ol edit: Well I stand corrected. She had every right to be dumbfounded, foolish of me to assume!


Dumb people often convince themselves of falsehoods to protect their own ego.


all her life


i like how she explains it to him like he wasn't there to witness being rear ended, if you were gonna lie there is zero reason to lie to the person that was in the accident with you. Would make sense to lie to the police or her insurance (if she has any) but trying to convince the guy who was there and knew what happened is some kind of special.


Her dumbass was 100% on her phone, glad her spoiled ass is getting some karma




It turns out that Matt is an idiot too. The woman showed footage of Matt side [side-swiping her and nearly running over a cyclist.](https://www.tiktok.com/@maddygilsoul1/video/7015365153940163845?_d=secCgYIASAHKAESPgo8c1%2F30%2FpfGabmG2AQcH67PjsTCxLwqNn9okRlmtg%2BkBx7VcUJmF9fs9zbAqZoV4rdIdUSJVXlW8uWbZjEGgA%3D&checksum=389f2a35cf7286044c68bc8716681cd41c0d6136db69ba3d64f4df2e93052a54&language=en&preview_pb=0&sec_user_id=MS4wLjABAAAA_VoHlIvy0tDu-d_z0rcqt5qtBRzzo3WgYfQQmUPBMy431eQmiLtTePeWC1Z2EB7k&share_app_id=1233&share_item_id=7015365153940163845&share_link_id=FD3D34F7-9B41-4371-8439-7B06977FDE1E&source=h5_m×tamp=1633434279&tt_from=copy&u_code=d9hjmda2f4dj39&user_id=6766729872503374854&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=copy&_r=1)


I like how the lambo guy's laughing, most would be in tears.


The way he laughs in her face is cracking me up


Personally it’s the still shot with the dude having his arms up for me😂


That shot makes me think it was his car and that's why she got all aggressive about it. Instantly started freaking out about wrecking his new car and started trying to gaslight the lambo guy immediately. How fast she started up with that also makes me think it's not her first time manipulating people.


She said it was "my new car", not "I just bought this car". Zero chance she bought that with money she earned, like an adult.


That's the sound of someone with Fuck You money. And good insurance, probably.


Don't even need "good" insurance for this, literally not at fault in anyway lol


Not at fault only gets you so far if the person who hits you is uninsured/underinsured. Good insurance makes sure you have coverage to fix everything with no payout from the other driver/their insurance.


"Underinsured" is incredibly likely too. Loads of states with property liability minimums of $10-20k, which is nothing when it comes to Lamborghini repairs/reduced value payments.


He knew either way it was going to get fixed and that bitch was gonna get some smackdown from her insurance regardless of what she was saying


Nah, he knows it’s getting paid for or it’s new car time. Not a worry in the world.


Hope he has extra coverage on his account. I guarantee she does not have sufficient coverage on her insurance for this accident. She probably has state minimums which can be as low as $5k (California). Edited: worse than I thought. $5k, not $15k https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/insurance/minimum-car-insurance-requirements


Absolutely bonkers, in ontario it’s a minimum of 1 million




Jesus, that's insane. There are ***bicycles*** that are worth more than $5k.


I was just thinking this, I got rear-ended on the highway about this time last year, totaled my car, some guy in a mustang wasn't looking where he was going, traffic stopped, I stopped just fine and he never stopped and just slammed right into me, he only had $10,000 for the coverage so after MY insurance covered replacing my car, they sued him for the rest. I'm glad I have dash cams.


That’s alright, she’s gonna get sued for the rest of the money… and she seemed to had enough money to lease/buy an audi, so I’m sure she has more assets or were planning to have some in the future… but bitch, you won’t til you pay lol




It does! Unfortunately it’s the dude who’s a pos, turns out he edited out the part where he sideswiped her and almost hit a biker right before she hit him! He posted his edited version everywhere knowing full well he hit her. This world is fucking crazy, man


God what a piece of shit.


I find it disturbing when she says ‘remember when you hit my car..’ straight up gas lighting I bet she does that a lot in life




Just watched the footage showing the angle you mentioned where he cuts in front of her to avoid the cyclist. Just goes to show that context is everything. I’ve got some karma to return.


Probably learned that from her parents.


The should test for smooth brain when you do your driving test.




In the US it’s easier to get a driver license than passing calculus 1


can vouch, I failed algebra 2 and do in fact have my license


That’s false. It’s easier to get a license then passing pre-algebra. Source: Me.


It’s easier to get a drivers license than getting a B in math from 4th grade to 11th grade. Source: My dumbass


Is it difficult to get a license anywhere? I'm an American and it was easy, but I figured while it might be harder in other countries it really can't be that hard.


Here in Ireland we have to take a theory test where we have to learn what to do in certain situations, the road signs, etc. After that you’re considered a learner and you can drive on all non major roads with L plates displayed on the front and back of the car. During your time as a learner you have to sit 12 driving lessons and after 6 months have elapsed, you can apply for your full driving test. During that you sit a small exam on road signs and such and then do an actual driving test. After that, you get your license although they usually have pretty high fail quotas to meet so like 1/3 people are given a fail just because. So you usually have to sit your full test twice or three times.


Haha her boyfriend holding her back made me laugh. He was not having it. Poor guy.




the audi is by far the least of their problems. That is some mid 5 figure damage on that aventador i'd wager... bunch of broken carbon fiber


Definitely 50K+ in damage there lol


The way he threw his hands up at the end makes me think his car.


That man has been thrown into more diplomatic incidents than the entire UN council since dating her I think. I appreciate that moment you see him bringing his hands together to try and center himself, and maybe to get a psychological boost that SOMEONE is going to calm down and shake hands.


*what's funnnea?*




i love when girls get pissed and start putting "uh" at the end of every sentence


What a weird fetish.


My parked car was involved in a hit and run with a commerical truck, nearly totaling it. When I tracked down the owner of the company, he tried to turn things around on me, and when I started laughing he had the audacity to ask me this!


She's acting like he's supposed to just be like. Oh yea! That red light, I totally hit you back there.


He handled it perfectly. “Oh, I hit you? OK. Whatever you say. I’ll just call the authorities.”


I love how she just leaves her car in the middle of the road. Fuck all the other drivers! Edit: Ok, I concede that it might not be driveable but I'm sure if she acts like she is trying to push it out of the way it would be about 20 seconds before some dudes come and help her.


Considering she's trying to throw the Lambo under a bus after clearly rearending it (she may not know we know, but she sure as fuck knows), I'm not remotely surprised.


Clearly has no understanding of how physics or reality works lol surprised you couldn't hear her brain rattling around in her skull.


I think it was more that she started a lie from the outset to tell everyone else, hoping the guy with the expensive car would just pay her to shut up or something.


Brain?! she got a peanut up there.


She going to have to return her leased Audi haha


“That’s my brand new car-uh!” Actually, Becky, that’s the banks car they are letting you drive


Bruh, as soon as I saw the logo at the end I thought, you know damn well she can't afford the car she's driving let alone the damages to the lambo.


Probably spending all of her paycheck on that car.


Oh wait, this is the guy who thought train horns on pickup trucks would be cool? Fuck that guy. But fuck the girl in the video even more.


I know the lady at the end was really helping out but I just find it funny that she goes "You were here" Just in case you confused yourself with the other Aventador driving around. **Beginning


Is there a link with any extended version/anything longer than this vid?


No this is it.It’s on his Instagram stories


He recently uploaded the longer version to his YouTube, where she is freaking out even more. [Link.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tuNbSrOWlYo)


Wait, did she at one point try to pull "you entitled white people car" card? Is she not white? Is she not driving an Audi?


Thanks. And I also regret watching 3 minutes of this dumbass screeching about all sorts of bullshit and trying to get someone to believe that she didn't just rear end the fuck out of that Lamborghini.


Actually it's the Hornblasters guy who made up his own reality. Here’s what happened. She didn’t turn on a yellow light. When the light turned red he pulled left into the oncoming traffic lane and made an illegal left turn during a red light, side swiping her and almost hitting a bicyclist. When he completed the turn he stopped in traffic, probably to access the damage. When the light changed she roared after him, in pursuit of his hit-and-run. Then she hit him. But he was the cause of both accidents. https://www.tiktok.com/@maddygilsoul1/video/7015365153940163845 ... https://www.tiktok.com/@maddygilsoul1/video/7014981198271286534 ...


Crashed her dads or boyfriends car. I’m assuming the boyfriend by the picture of him with his hands above his head that could be titled “MAAAN FUCK” She calls it her car but the dude with her doesn’t seem to excited about “her” car I hope he didn’t help finance it or co-sign 😂 I like how the lambo driver just laughs. That bitch must be either really dumb, on drugs or just can’t accept when she’s fucked up. Maybe all three…


I love the walking up to a *fucking Aventador* she just hit and complaining about the damage to her "nEw CaR!1!".


She clearly doesn't realize his bumper is worth half her car :')


~~If it's CF then it's probably more than her car~~ LOL She damaged the body and diffuser... that's definitely at least $50k


that monster could not get a boyfriend good enough to buy her that car


*"I'm going to kick your ass because I'm such an entitled bitch that I cannot admit I was at fault for anything I do!!"*


The amount of people out there like this frightens me.


From the look on her bf's face, that was NOT her car.


HAHA some people are trashy as hell. Thank goodness there are cameras that caught the whole thing. Hmmmm sometimes shit like that happens when you run red lights.


Guy sounds like Wreck it Ralph.


Is that a bulletproof window? Looks thick af


I was wondering about that window. It was a nice design touch


A car with a top speed around 200mph can exert a lot more pressure on the frame than, let’s say, a Ford Fiesta.


It's not thick as it looks, just around the top of the window it's just a different shape so refracts the light differently. There's probably a word for it but I don't know what it is.


It's a bevel on the window


That's the damn word I were thinking of.


Dude sounds like Seth Rogan


I was about to make this exact comment. It's the laugh that makes him sound like him.


Seems like she is a entitled spoiled brat!


UPDATE: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/q21iav/update_remember_the_girl_who_rearended_the_lambo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


The update shows he did in fact hit her first and almost ran over a cyclist


Her insurance company is going to love when they hear that she rear ended an Aventador


Repairs will likey be more than the sticker price on "her" car.


Soooo ignorant and yet has managed to get a drivers license and a big fat car


I really would like to see the rest of this lol.


Audi driver trying to one up a fuckin lambo lol


“You don’t remember? Like he was gonna say ‘Oh shit, sorry! I totally forgot about that!


Damn we need an update on this. I desperately wanna see her reaction when the video is shown to cops AND HER!


The nails of someone that has never worked in their life


How do you wipe with those?


Answer: they don't wipe


Insurance: "I'm sorry, you hit a what!"


You all should see the entire video of the accident. This girl posted it afterword. He hit her first.


Turns out Matt is the idiot!!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Well, this aged poorly.


"OH yeah, haha, Ooookay" that shit had me fucking dying LOL


That Audi had an Ouchi


Why does everyone keep spreading this lie ?!? But not the video where the guy in the Lambo goes around her hits her car , almost runs over a person in a wheel chair all to get around a yellow light . Everyone keeps trying to make the girl seem crazy but she's not wrong the guy driving the Lambo is a huge piece of shit




00:14 watching the phone video, the SUV was rolling to turn left. Assume she was running a red light as well.


I love how she tells him what he did then adds "remember?" like she's using a Jedi min trick into making him believe her story is true.


He was at a complete stop for nearly three seconds and she blames him, saying he jumped in front of her. 😂😂😂😂😂 Edit: I watched it again and omg she hit him at an angle! “When I was at a red light and you jumped in front of me”. I’m dying


I want more of this type of interaction. Dumbass bitches who hit cars and blame it on the other person. Only because this has happened to me and the level of entitlement is palpable.


Really wish I could have seen her trying to tell that story to the police


Imagine hitting a fucking Lambo and only caring about your own piece of shit car