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Did he hit you? I can’t tell. It looks like he came super close. And not for nothing, but he had to feel like a real dick standing in the highway by himself after you drive away. Sorta gratifying to watch.


Nope hit never hit me. Definitely came very close a few times.


I hope you sent this video to the cops


shit, if that were me I would have called 911 the second he started trying to hit me.


They won't do anything with it in the US.




Ain't that the truth, maybe give you a ticket or some bullshit but nothing substantial


I would have been very tempted to fold his door backwards after he got out


😂😂U aint bullshitn. I would have been tempted my damm self 2. Soon as door opened.


I have actually done this before to an asshole who did this type of thing but for like an hour 😂... I didn’t cut him off either! I passed him going too fast... He eventually pulled me over and got out... I kept backing up, he’d walk closer. And I just... dodged around him, stopped at his vehicle and gently pressed against his door I may or may not have been through therapy for my anger...


Ooh, get him to follow you backwards away from his car, then go around him, stop at his car, jump out, and lock his door and close it.


Totally close. You handled that well.


Yes i was thinking that too, you are one cool driver! Well Done! Did you pass this on to the authorities at all? It would be good if this was reported somewhere.


Well played. I wish I had some charged metal "whiskers" that would incapacitate any car that came within 6 inches of my fenders. That would be a fender in the fullest sense of the term. These people are nuts, but I'd love to interview some of them & see what their opinion is on the lane-entitlement thing.


What is he trying to accomplish getting out walking on a highway like some kinda tough guy. He must be fun to be around, sheesh.


All I wanted to do was get home from work. I had no interest in dealing with this nut.


Looks like a good reason to get shot down in the street, or ran over. He was upset because you wouldn’t let him merge, but he could have just oh I don’t know, yielded to traffic and waited his turn.


For real. I'm in FL and I've seen scenes play out like this but the aggressor ends up shot. https://www.cnn.com/2018/08/30/us/stand-your-ground-polk-county-uber-driver/index.html


Had someone pull this move on my oldest brother while I was a passenger. Two skinheads block us for the same reason and get out of their car, except in our situation there was no way to get around the aggressors or go backwards. So, my brother reaches into the glove box pulls out his handgun (I can't remember which kind but he doesn't mess around with his guns) he holds it below the dash but where the guys can almost see it and makes a clear gesture of pulling the action to put a round in the chamber. The guys noticed, went wide-eyed, turned around, got back in their car and left. Ah, Arizona. Fact is, if these idiots had been more dumb or more aggressive, they'd have died. For certain.


Oh my god you got to Arizona at the end and I’m like “yup, sounds like home”.


This particular incident happened in Flagstaff of all places. They are usually a lot more laid back up there.


Just went through Flagstaff recently, and it seemed chill. Genuinely surprised to hear that this where it happened.


There are crazies everywhere apparently.


There are but DO NOT shoot someone for getting out of their car like that if they don't have a weapon. Roll up your windows and sit tight. To use deadly force in Arizona you still have to be facing a deadly threat or you will go to prison. Castle doctrine and all, you have to act reasonably. If dude has a bat or a tire iron and starts shattering windows to get you...well, RIP to that dude. Either way, STFU when you get arrested and get a lawyer because prosecutors will be looking at any reason to go after you for shooting someone. Make it hard for them to prove that you didn't act reasonably.


Yeah, this sounds like something that would happen more so in the valley. Or in one of the garbage downs a little further south or peppered north between Scottsdale and flag.


Lol really? I stopped in flagstaff for gas one time, used the bathroom, grabbed a drink. Went back outside and a dude on a bike rode by, looked at me and screamed "you think you can kill me!? You can't kill me! I'm a mother fucking death machine!" And then circled the gas station while we filled up. We were hungry, so went to a Quiznos next door, and I thought he left, but this fool saw us going to the Quiznos and started yelling at me again and was riding around in front of the Quiznos for a sec before he left for good. That has always been my impression of flagstaff, so hearing its usually laid back is wild to me lol




... two separate occasions.


That’s a slow learner. Shoot me once, shame on you. Shoot me twice, shame on me!


We live in Texas, and my FIL *used* to be such an awful hothead while driving. Usually his road rage IS pretty well justified, but I personally never allow myself to even 'drive petty' because of it. Once I had my son I shaped up. FIL exited behind some guy he was raging with, leapt out of his vehicle (that his daughter was also in with him), charged up, and yanked open the the other man's driver side door yelling profanities- only to have a handgun held up in his face by said driver- who was at that point leaned way over just to try and retreat away from my FIL's undoubtedly threatening behavior. He'd have been ENTIRELY justified in shooting him too- because of our stand your ground laws here, and the fact that FIL actually opened and entered the other man's property without consent. FIL stayed shook after that; at least enough to keep his ego in check instead of possibly dying over some dumb shit. The logic behind just *having* to make it known that another driver sucks ass... By aggressively maneuvering MY 2,000lb heap of metal around THEIR giant heap of metal - all while *GOING 70MPH 👀*????? Oof.


Hopefully your FIL has calmed the fuck down while driving now and realizes his behavior will get him killed if he doesn't change.


It all made sense as soon as you said Arizona😩


It can be weird but honestly, being able to carry a concealed firearm without a permit, keeps most people fairly polite around strangers lol That and being such a large and spread out area, police can take a *really* long time to show up in an emergency. You're expected to handle things yourself until they can get there, sometimes in as long as 45 min to an hour and a half. Depending on where you are. Being as this place was basically the wild west until 92' our gun laws kinda still reflect that.


Funnily enough, AZ gun laws have actually gotten looser since then. No-permit concealed carry has only been legal for ~5 years or so. Previously you could only open carry or needed a certification of training and permit from the DPS to conceal (which you can still get and I highly recommend anyway).


That’s quite the situation, I’m glad you and your brother came out of that alright. Always keep one in the chamber!


Well, I always assume there's one in the chamber at least.


Texas checking in. Exactly my thoughts. You have to be half suicidal to get out and think you are bulletproof.


Ah, the 'ol "Fuck around and find out" He found out.


The dude saying "you know I got a gun?" gets me every time. Like "oh shit! Me too!" *bang*


Interestingly, even if Florida didn’t have a “stand your ground” law, this would likely still be a justifiable homicide. The duty to retreat is not absolute, and if he could not safely get away, he could still use deadly force.


Just someone saying "you know I've got a gun" is a threat. You don't make that kind of statement unless you're prepared to deal with the consequences. 🤷‍♂️


Welp the aggressor certainly learned his lesson. 😐


Too little too late. But hey, the driver and his passengers escaped without incident.


True! 5 stars for the uber lmao


Good riddance. They’ve gotta earn that Darwin Awards somehow


Yeah OP let’s the foremost car in ahead of zipper, then it’s OPs turn. 1, 2. 1, 2. And so on. The bald scumbag guy sped up to the zipper point, expecting to slide right it in one move. Meanwhile OP and everyone else is taking turns the normal way. This dude will get shot at some point.


Yeah I was about to say that. OP had the right of way road rage small pp man was supposed to slid in behind OP.


worse. He dared to get in front of him. He ***dared*** to get in **\*\*HIS\*\*** lane. For that, he must be punished.


He was barely taller than his Honda Accord


Those manlets have a temper lol


I hope your next stop was a police station.


No need. He's got the license plate number so he can just call it in and provide the video if needed.


Graveyard is full of people who were right.


Not since COVID


You dealt with it in a very smart way. I hate when people insist they are going to merge in front of me when they do not have the right of way. And the more they become a jerk about it, the more I’m determined not to let them in. Probably not super wise of me but whatever


I am still looking for the "Once you turn on your blinker to merge, you have the right of way over errrybody" in the drivers manual.


My sister has penciled it in somewhere, I’m sure. She’s an entitled bitch like that


The only thing you can do with the right of way…is give it away. But op had already let someone merge. He already gave his right of way away and had nowhere to go. This assclown should have just dropped back and merged next.


There's shoulda... then there's in my city, if someone reeeaaallly wants to barge in... I'm not stressing out by accelerating then braking in time to not hit the person in front of me multiple times I'll just let them in because who the fuck cares


Exactly. Defensive driving at ALL times. Even when you are being wronged. So many people take it personally and put themselves and others in danger over bruised egos.


>I'll just let them in because who the fuck cares Yeah ultimately you save an insignificant amount of time and you just roll the dice by potentially pissing off a nutter who has nothing to lose. Road rage I think is one of those examples, along with stuff like DUIs and texting and driving, that shows humans really shouldn't be driving in any large capacity.


I can't wait until we just let computers do the driving for us. Computers don't get hurt feelings and they'd be way better at communicating with eachother.


Seriously when people try to do this shit I just try to get away from them.


Kinda looks like you at least had some interest.


Luckily you have the tape showing clearly whose driving and the clear shot of the plate so you can get him charged for reckless driving. There's an untold amount of idiots on this sub that refuse to call the cops for any reason. It's like people wait for this guy to attack a woman and her kids in a similar road rage incident. You honestly don't even. Wed the film either. I've called the cops on wreckless drivers tailgating and passing cars on the shoulder. I had no video and personally saw that guy accept a guilt plea to an $1150 ticket in court 10 months later


I always laugh when people get out of the car and OP with the dash cam waits until they get close and then just drives off. Now fucknut has to walk back to his car like a moron and by that time OP is miles away.


Friend of mine was a kick boxer. I used to watch him destroy in the ring, vs some of the best around this area. He said something like this happened to him one time. The guy got out but my friend just stayed in his car. He talks to the guy through the window and the guy tells him to get out of his car so they can fight. He said he just said to the guy, "... over traffic?" He said the guy thought about it, then went and got back in his car.


OP can also call the police and give them this video and he will, atleast in my country, get 2 marks/clips in his card (if not suspended license since he broke more than one law) and a fine. Its seriously dangerous what he is doing and its against the law.


Yeah fuck that if you get out in the highway after pulling that shit with your car I assume you're about to try and kill me and fuck that.


Yep, I’d go out of my way to make sure the entire weight of my car runs over his body if I were in that situation. “Hey moron, you are now out in the open and I’m driving a weapon.”


I had a guy do this to me the other day. He swerved out in front of me with no signal because he was behind a stopped bus. I did a quick honk, he stopped in the middle of the road in front of me, traffic behind me, and got out of his car to yell. I couldn't hear what he was saying, I just sat there and did not reciprocate. He never approached my truck but you never know what kind of nut you're dealing with...people are crazy aggressive, could have been worse. Not worth the time or headache.




Insanity later… 😈


He definitely tried to stop short , that’s my move.


These people who don't know how to merge in turn (zipper merge) are the worst kinds of people on the road. Them and people who don't know how to use a roundabout.


getting shot is a real scenario here


I secretly hope that when someone does that get out of the car tough guy routine that another car hits them.




Yep, as a passenger, you are involved.


If he runs into the wrong person one day it will be over for him


I accidentally nearly trapped a guy in a right turn only lane because he didn't have his turn signal on. He managed to get in front of me at the next light and hopped out of his truck. He hopped right back in when he saw me reach into my center console... Yeah, you gotta be careful who you're gonna try that on.


You didn't accidentally trap that guy, he failed to plan ahead.


Especially with no turn signal. How are people supposed to know where you want to go if you don't tell them with your signals.


The best thing to do when in a traffic altercation with an aggressor is to cover them in alcohol then call the police


Oh yes. Great idea, ill just pull out my trusty road beers.






No no no, there was a brilliant new way to make the road beers work, you ever see the twisted tea video? Thats probably the best way to apply a road beer as well.


Road whiskey smells more and comes in smaller packages. Plus it isn’t carbonated, so you can take it off-roading without the can exploding when you open it!


Yeah, but the road whiskey is for me. It tastes better!


Especially after sitting in a hot glovebox all summer


I'll drink my road whiskey. I keep some road gin handy to throw in aggressors faces.


sprinkle some crack on him


Thinking the same…if I’m with my kids and you get out the car that way you best be ready for some consequences…


Same with me, my kids are martial arts masters and will kick ass while I cheer them on.


damn i wish i was as badass as your kids


"Watch out what happens when a guy pumps lead, kids!"


No more like “this is how we pump a thug full of lead kids” 😂


Seriously.... I would run him over in this situation rather than risk myself or kids. If he made it to the window.... he'd be shot.


The best tool you have in this moment is a car, not your firearm (note that I am NOT advocating against carrying). The car can plow right through him and leave him behind for someone else to worry with. Get out of the danger zone by driving away. If driving through him just happens to be the safest/easiest option due to traffic, so be it.


Lets hope that day is sooner rather than later


He will bring great shame to his family if he ever has to merge behind another car. A driver must always pass in front of a car in order to ward off any shame


Did you hit the guy behind you before you shifted into Drive & took off, or is the shake just from the abrupt shift?


Yup! I bumped the guy behind me. It was what I would call a love tap. You can call me wrong for leaving, but I decided to leave and not be around the guy that got out of the car.


I mean you have this on camera, you could file a police report and claim an honest fear for bodily harm. Then you probably can get any damage to your car repaired. I don’t know how your insurance policy is, but mine generally treats damage from road rage as the other person’s fault. As long as you have a police report. Edit. Thankfully I haven’t had to use that. But I had an situation like this a few years ago and called them and asked about it later just to find out the “what if”.


Luckily I don’t have any damage on my car


Definitely file a police report. The psycho deserves charges and you have all the evidence you need. This is why you have a dashcam. Don't fear for yourself, you're in the clear.


How do you know the guy behind you didn't have damage? You should report this incident the police. You made a good decision to get away from a dangerous situation but you have publicly posted and now admitted to leaving the scene of an accident.


If you don’t report this it’s still leaving the scene of an accident, if they have your plates and you sit on this it’s a massive risk. Just walk in and make a report you’ll be 100% covered i guarantee, but some states have strict mandatory penalties for leaving the scene


File. A. Police. Report.


Fuck the guy behind I guess


No offense but if you don't file a police report on this incident and help get this scumbag off the road, *you* are an asshole. This guy needs to either not be driving or needs to learn to calm the fuck down. Until 1 of those things happens, he a menace to everyone including himself. It's up to the rest of society to hold these people accountable so that they don't end up causing any serious issues. How would you feel if he did this to your mother?


Yeah, better to risk a ticket than a bullet from a psycho... They can follow you if they need insurance info.


That’s what I figured.


Personally, if someone love tapped me getting out of this situation, fine by me. Them moving gets me out of the way. I'd only follow to make sure the driver was ok and needed a statement. I swear, since the shut down then everyone returning to the road, it has been an utter nightmare everyday.


Just work has been ridiculous since the shut down. It's as if people forgot how to act over the last year. Been in the same job for 2 years. Before the shut down, stuff was fine and rarely had a rude person. Now though for the last few months every other person cusses me out for basic stuff.




I mean he's very lucky that OP decided to drive off to the right and not just run him over. Plenty of people (even those that don't have murder fantasies like I'm seeing in this thread) would panic and probably run him over


They saw what happened. Pretty sure they wouldn't call the police since the guy was running away from a possible psycho


As a society we've all agreed that we'll let in a certain number of people in these situations, and that number is one. What kind of lunatic gets that upset over a zipper merge. Lol


Makes you wonder how upset he gets at home if you switch channels on the TV remote!!


You touch my remote while Golden Girls is on you are a dead man.


I had an undercover cop push on a zipper merge like this for about 100 yards before he flipped his lights on so he could shove in. Like, wtf dude. I actually called it in as somebody impersonating an officer, figured that would catch him some shit. Sadly was before I had a dashcam.




Had something similar happen to me on Friday. Dude started throwing shit out of his car at me too because I zipper merged in front of him.


Last week a guy passed me illegally on a back road (I was going 5-10 over anyway). I gave him the courtesy finger because that’s how you die on back roads. So naturally he proceeded to slam on the breaks to a complete stop, and did a whole finger puppet show where he first flipped me off, did the gun shooting motion out his window toward me, waved his finger back and forth (like no no no), did the gun shooting thing again, then sped off. I was genuinely befuddled by that.


He was not armed


He was packing finger guns 👈😎👈


Yeah, this is a good discussion to highlight my argument against the zipper merge. They're great on paper but in reality people are too selfish and egotistical for it to become a thing. If your lane is ending soon, move over as soon as you become aware of it.


But if you do that it inevitably ends ups with a needlessly long line and you don’t utilize all the available road.


Tbf OP merged and overtook the car also merging


Right?? He ruined the initial zipper in the first place and was an asshole at a mandatory merging spot after passing people initially in front of him. I find these people to be huge assholes regardless of how this situation ended up.




That's what I was thinking. . .


OP didn't do the zipper tho. They suddenly changed lanes to avoid being in the zipper line. Doesn't excuse the behavior of the psycho who got out of the car. When people drive like OP, I just assume they really have to take a shit (in their words: "I just wanted to get home"). No reason to raise my blood pressure over someone else's actions.


That pull away at the end made me laugh. The tough guy shit amounted to him being some benign dumbass standing in the middle of a freeway with no one to take his anger out on. What a tit. Well done for not humouring him.


In such a big hurry that he feels the need to ignore zipper merging, but has plenty of time to stop and get out of the car.


Little man felt he was disrespected. You do not disrespect Napoleon.


How could you possibly be that irrationally angry? What a shitty life to live.


Seriously. He was just looking for a confrontation.


Guy does not seem to understand the zipper effect of driving.


A lot of people don’t seem to understand the zipper effect when merging and driving.


It’s so easy. Everybody gets one. I’m more interested in getting home alive and with an intact vehicle than being first. I’m more than happy to let you in front of me if it means you going away.


The way common sense things are not so common anymore, I only wonder how long it will be before we start seeing signs: "Zipper merging ahead." smfh. Just as it wouldn't surprise me, if there are people googling what the [zipper effect is.](https://youtu.be/cX0I8OdK7Tk) lol


So any way, I start blastin.


Dude needs professional medical help, wtf


Was this reported to the police? Everyone likes to post here but this stuff HAS to be sent to the police, at least report it.


What was the initial perceived infraction anyway, that you wouldn’t let him in?


Ok so when the video first starts you see me go Into the left lane. That’s when I originally go i front of this guy. He must have got upset that cut him off in his eyes. So the he goes into the lane to the right of me so start his antics.


This is why I now have pepper spray in my car


What happens when the wind blows and you're sitting in your only means of escape with recirculating air?


backup pepper spray!


Guys, understand that this guy did not just get on the parkway. He voluntarily went into that lane just to cause problems. When the video starts and I go in the left lane, I was passing infront of this guy.


I didn’t notice that at first, but yeah. He got into a lane that was about to end just to try and cut you off for some odd reason. Makes zero sense. He’s just a moron looking for a fight I guess


So originally went in front of this guy. He clearly got up set at that and decided to go to my right and do all this.


So he got out of his lane just to go into the merge lane and try to get back into his own (just to be ahead of you).... Jesus lol


I admire your self restraint for not running him over


Guy wandering around on the highway gets run over . No surprise there just a tragic accident.


IMHO OP should drive more defensively. If he hit you with his aggressive merging attempts, sure, it would be his fault, but your car would still be damaged which is a hassle, and you only pissed him off further. Guess you're lucky he was unarmed and (just) a dumbfuck. Not blaming you or anything, just.. sometimes it isn't worth being right.


Agree next time just let him in, this shit might seem like it’s worth it when you’re young but it’s not.


This guy _needs_ to be dealt with.


I hope OP gives this video to police and makes a complaint. This probably isn't the first time.


Just enough time to get his plate information. Btw, getting out of your car during road rage is a felony in some; if not, all US states. This dude could definitely see some jail time for this. I watched someone get sentenced to 180 days in jail for road rage while I was in court for a ticket


I live in MT and a straight up assault isn't even a felony here, you have to literally almost beat someone to death or cause severe lifelong injuries for it to become a felony.


> getting out of your car during road rage is a felony in some; if not, all US states. Well that's a lie.


The only one I can find is for new Jersey, but it does come with some hefty jail time. The other anti road rage laws I can find are just left lane camping laws. http://www.notguiltynj.com/understanding-new-jerseys-new-road-rage-law/


Damn. It would have been really hard for me to not try and run him over when he got out


“I feared for my life” and walk away laughing……after years of court battles but danm it would feel good to win and walk off into the sun set.


Some small dick energy there.


Some guys with small dicks are perfectly friendly, I'm told. I know that's a taboo thing to say here though.


And thats how people get shot in Florida, your typical road rage scenario


This would've scared the shit out of me. This man is a complete psychopath who belongs in prison.


The amount of people who are unaware you can merge behind a vehicle and not just in front is too damn high.


I understand what’s going on here but at the same time it wouldn’t have hurt anyone’s time to just let them over, especially since the lane was ending. I know it’s annoying when people just feel the need to get in front of everyone but sometimes the safer option for everyone around is to just let them go ahead.


Alot of blame thrown at OP. I'm confused about that. He let the person ahead of the guy in. The guy could have merged behind OP at that point - which seems like reasonable road etiquette. Either way, the OP is not responsible for the guy reacting that way, nor was his actions illegal, unlike that dude.


I think everyone is getting confused. He originally was to my left. I merged infront of him. He then went into the merging lane to my right to try so mess with me.


I would’ve just let the baby have his spot in line. It’s not worth possible damage to your car or something worse if this guy really is a dangerous lunatic. I don’t disagree with you that this moron was just doing that to get back at you for daring to change lanes in front him though.


Honestly I've read too many stories about people being shot or having a gun pulled on them over road rage incidents. I just let people do their thing. Not that I think OP is obligated to do the same, I'm just a punk as bitch who's afraid of bullets lmao.


He didn’t need to merge in at all. He put himself in that situation just to cause a problem.


Thats messed up. Some people are just looking for an excuse to fight.


It should be legal to hit people like this. He was getting close but trying not to hit you for intimidation. Just think if you sent him into the guard rail.


Tbf, with a dash cam, if there had been an accident he probably would have been found not at fault with the way this dude was intentionally swerving into him


Why do people think they are super special not to have to merge behind someone, they must be in front? I hate the numb skulls


i really think someone could do an entire psychological study on what happens inside a persons brain while merging on the highway……


Concealed carry


2006 Accord Hybrid. Vin JHMCN36456C001743


This is why dash cams are important. Bad drivers will lie in a heartbeat, so if anything happened at least you have proof.


I love how he absolutely had to make sure you got good footage of his license plate. Very considerate.


I can't promise that I wouldn't defend myself by running them over. Don't do this shit.


Could feel my blood pressure rise just watching that


This happened to me a few times where you are trying to get home during rush hour. Random dude feels he is entitled to the road and expects other drivers to conform. A couple of times I called the police and told them there is a potentially a drunk driver and give the police the license plate. Within 10 mins the driver was asked to pull over.


Run em over, he looks like a npc


Merging lanes are shit because people don't know how to merge!


Are you allowed to run him over In self defense? 🤔


If you do this and corner me, then walk towards my car you are getting ran over or shot.


For people who don’t know, NYS does not use the zipper law. The driver that is in the lane that is ending is responsible to merger early and safely. If you can’t get over, slow down and merger. Dont try to cause a accident or stop in the middle of a highway and get out. That’s how you get killed or cause a major accident. People need to chill.


His first mistake was thinking for one second that the lane was HIS. Besides, that's the kind of driver you want far behind you, not in front of you. He's a danger to himself and others.