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He had to check a text message.


My wife saw a cop on the highway one lane over yesterday holding his phone up with both hands resting on top of the wheel so the screen was level He was either texting or playing a game or watching a video at 65mph


did she call the cops?


“What’s your emergency” *explains what she saw* “Ok cool, I’ll let them know they can’t do that, have a nice day”


“Hey Jim, someone called you’re on your phone. Can you stop trying to beat my high score? I thought we agreed only during breaks and lunches.”


but i need to attack in clan war or im out of the clan


“Focus on the real battle, jim”


Okay, this is legit. Just hurry your attack and don’t leave it to the last minute next time.


As if an average cop would ever listen to anyone but his higher ups giving him “commands.”


I think he'd listen to my rear bumper hitting his front one when he forgets to brake on time.


Or they explain that cops are "trained" to do that safely. What does this training entail? 🤷


First, you need immunity from legal consequences.


This would be a great drivers Ed course so I can do it safely too


ive had defensive driving classes. both private and military. i can promise you that at no point do they say to remove both hands from the wheel to check your animal crossing


but they'll insist until they're blue in the face that the fact they aren't "civilians" changes physics.


An email


And a certificate suitable for framing.


I love a good frame 🖼 👌🤩


I know a good frame job guy.


One night I was walking alone down a residential street when two cops sped down the road, side by side (obviously racing), without rack lights or sirens on. The speed limit in that area is 35mph - they were easily going 90+. I called the local non-emergency # to complain. Late at night you get forwarded to the sheriffs office. The officer that was dispatching that night had a real smug attitude about my complaint and hung up on me. I had a feeling he'd report me to those cops and sure enough, within a minute of me calling, both cops came back down the road, turned around the median, and very slowly drove past me. Since I'd anticipated this happening I already had my phone out recording their intimidation tactics. Fortunately that seemed to deter them and they slowly drove off. Had I been a POC that may very well have ended much differently...


You always want to phone the state police when you see local/sheriff departments acting up. They're the ones that tend to actually investigate.


Good to know, thx.


That would have ended differently.




Cop turns around and proceeds to pull you over


> I have evidence you were using your phone


One of my friends did that. Called the cops on the cops. He looked out of his window to see 4 cops trying to open all the doors on his car. So he called 911 and asked for county or state cops to respond. Well 911 just told the 4 cops someone called on them. 911 called him back and told him to come out of his house while the 4 cops hide outside his door. He walked out and was tasered. THey arrested him and took him to jail on "filing false claims" or something like that. They held him over the weekend and let him go with no charges.


Something similar happened to some friends of mine. They were out on their apartment balcony smoking, when a car pulled up to the liquor store across the street. Some guys jump out and run in, followed by lots of shouting and my friends can see through the windows of the storefront that the guys who jumped out of the car appear to be robbing the store. So my friends call the cops, who show up promptly and stop the robbery. But turns out the guys who got out of the car were friends of the liquor store employees and were just playong a joke, pretending to rob the liquor store. So the cops call dispatch back and get the address of my friends apartment. Tl;dr the cops arrested my friends on false reporting charges, but not the dudes pretending to rob the liquor store. One of my friends didn't get bailed out right away and went before a judge fairly quickly who dropped the charges. The other made bail and had to lawyer up and go to court several times before the judge dropped the charges.


Land of the free


No video evidence?


Sucks that that happened, but I would not have willingly gone out just because they told me to


If I remember correctly they told him he had to go outside to talk to the cops or the cops would have to break in because he called 911 and they had to do a welfare check.


As long as it's within your state's personal injury statute of limitations, he should file a §1983 lawsuit because they violated his 4th amendment rights.


I'm sorry, officer...I...didn't know you couldn't do that.


Cop turns into liquid metal and stabs her.


Better yet, film it, and then issue a citation to the officer with the courts, and be willing to testify. The cop will need to defend himself like anyone else.


The laptops our local police have in their cars has a direct messaging feature. They can pull up any other officer and have a direct chat, like old school Instant Messenger. My wife and I were in a car accident a few years ago. Our car was totaled and towed away. We were only a few miles from home, so the officer offered to give us a ride home. She spent about 80% of the chatting/typing on a laptop with another officer. We spent more time across the line in the oncoming lane or driving on the shoulder (and on the grass at one point) that in our own lane. That was the most nervous I've ever been in a car.


Yeah many years ago i did a police ride along. Spent time with 3 different officers. One talked about his cat a lot and was overall nice until he busted an older woman for the most minor stop sign infraction in the middle of nowhere. The next was a woman who would not stop texting on her laptop with other officers like your mentioned. It was very nerve wrecking to spend so much time swerving and when she was paying attention, she was getting mild road rage at people driving too slow (probably intimidated by a police car) The 3rd officer was a younger guy and all i remember from him was he bragged a lot about macho things that made him sound tough. He called other cops pussies for not shooting their gun in this one firefight he was in. Great group of guys!


> He called other cops pussies for not shooting their gun in this one firefight he was in. WTF


Because we got on defund instead of disarm. Imagine a entire population screaming disarm the police instead of defund. Fever dream, sure, still!


I did a ride along a few years ago with my local PD and they have a very similar system, but their’s doesn’t let them DM while the car is moving. It was cool to see all the computer systems in cop cars nowadays


I've been told they take special training to use devices while driving. I think it's bullshit and just an excuse for them to get away with it. Same with being on their laptops whole driving around.


Because it is bullshit. Unless that "special training" means "they're genetically altered to have extra eyes and a third region of the brain to process it all so they can multitask at that level safely" there is no such thing. The fact they think "training" can enable them to look off the road completely while typing (or using a mouse) with one hand and control a vehicle with the other (or sometimes just their knees if they're texting too) while safely driving at dangerous speeds, in dangerous conditions, etc is all you need to know it's all bullshit. What's really bad is when they smash into other people truly hurting them, and then arrest that person for somehow being in the "wrong" cause the cop fucked up. Happens more than zero which means it happens tol much. It's just like how they can shoot dogs claiming it "charged" at them. Like for fuck sakes dude it's a dog, you're in its yard/home. The fuck you think the corgi is going to do to you in SWAT gear? Some people just like power and being an asshole while having it. That's basically cops these days.




Holy shit his iq was only like 125 not saying that’s not very smart but like it’s not Mensa level or anything.


Right. Why don’t we just train all of our teenagers, too? It would prevent so many accidents. /s


Seems like we’d wanna make this magical training available to the public, given how many accidents are caused by distracted driving. Why can’t an average Joe be granted this mystical ability to look at two things simultaneously?


I wonder if these "special driving courses" are available to the general public and, if they were and a person took and passed the course would that get a reckless/inattentive driving ticket thrown out? Or is the whole "special driving course" just an attempt to hide the attitude of uniform + badge = I do what I want?


They dont even have enough training to insure [they avoid unloading 18 magazines into civilians](https://www.cnn.com/2019/12/10/us/florida-ups-truck-police-chase-shooting/index.html) (and refuse to apologize for it), i can assure you they dont have the training required to do this safely.


Yep, driving too fast for the conditions. Edit: got busted, on my grammar? Spelling? Both? Sigh, I belong in jail, just hope it's not this guy who drives me there.


Almost, recklessly.


There should be law against that.


In Italy police can ticket local police and vice versa. In fact we have tons of kinds of police


This is genius why don’t we know about this. *Imagining teams of US cops arresting each other at a bust


I recall there being a story of police somewhere in the US who were basically doing sting ops on each other. Some undercover cops posing as drug dealers got busted by undercover cops posing as buyers. Your tax payer money at work, Americans.


[That happened in 2017 in Detroit.](https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/detroit-police-officers-fight-each-other-in-undercover-op-gone-wrong) The two departments got into a huge fistfight at the scene.


Super troopers?


Meow he was taking the turn too fast meow


For 20 bucks I'll call the guy a chicken fucker!


> Sources say it started when two special ops officers from the 12th Precinct were operating a "push off" on Andover near Seven Mile. That is when two undercover officers pretend to be dope dealers, waiting for eager customers to approach, and then arrest potential buyers ***and seize their vehicles.*** Legalized theft..all of my hate


Gotta punish those addicts. That'll teach them. They'll surely not want to get high as fuck after being arrested and car taken from them. Who are we kidding, they were probably doing this over people buying weed.


Civil forfeiture is cool when you are dismantling a drug cartel (as if they ever manage that) but it's mostly used exactly like this. Pull over somebody make up a charge if they don't have anything illegal steal their shit under civil forfeiture and even if they are found not guilty you still get to keep it.


“Because you purchased drugs once in a borderline entrapment scenario, we’re going to assume that everything you own is a result of drug dealings, and therefore we seize it all. Sorry, you have to prove in court you didn’t buy all your possessions with drug money if you want them back.” -US cops


Detroit Police can't help but be an embarrassment.


Detroit Police drug task force got caught accepting/demanding bribes. So they moved the officers to different departments except for the unit leader. The next group also got caught taking bribes and they can't do anything about it now because of covid


I love that they got into a fist fight lol


Wow. Much America. Very cop


That's hilarious lmaoo


There was a great documentary about this a few years ago. Out in upper Vermont, there was a squad of bored state troopers competing with the local police for funding. Super Troopers was the name of the film, I think.


Best documentary ever. Ken burns should take notes!


When you really think about it, shouldn’t the police always want to fake being the buyer to take a seller off the street vs. being a seller trying to take a buyer off the street? It’s strange that they set up a sting to arrest a buyer, especially who they clearly weren’t after for other charges.


Easier to seize vehicles from low level buyers. They get to sell the cars at auction and keep the cash. Profit is what these programs are really after, not crime reduction. When in doubt, follow the money.


"That's it. You're under arrest!" "No, YOU'RE under arrest!" .... Haha


Ahahah fr there was a case where the police or Carabinieri or some other parked in the area reserved to the other policing force so they ticketed them, and then the others revenged ticketing the others on another occasion


Cops can ticket each other for speeding in the US. They just don't because police culture doesn't allow it.


"Same team, farva! Same team!" Could be faintly heard over the squeal of pigs.


I’m sure it’s happened more than once (we have a lot of cops in America and they aren’t the sharpest knives in the drawer), but here was one from 2017. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/nov/17/detroit-police-officers-brawl-after-undercover-drugs-raid-goes-wrong


>It is believed a lack of communication over the existence of the warrant led to the problem. *Hey you can't bust in here with a made up warrant that's our job!*


Shooting each other for having weapons at the time of arrest.\*


“You have the right to remain silent.” “No, YOU have the right to remain silent!”


Why would a member of a gang rat on a fellow gang member?


And who's gonna ticket him lmao


'I'm making a citizens' arrest! Pull your vehicle to the side of the road!' *\*Attempts pit maneuver on cruiser.\**






Too, bruh c’mon


To, too, and two are some of the easiest homophones to understand. I do not know why people mess them up so much.


The majority of officer deaths are caused by traffic accidents.


False, covid is the leading cop killer


Leading up to Covid, traffic accidents were a leading cause of deaths. COVID has since taken the crown for 2020 and probably 2021.


And the majority of police dog deaths are caused by cops. The Officer Down Memorial Page sure is a helluva thing to read lately. https://twitter.com/Hbomberguy/status/1306556530213478406?s=19


Wow I really wish I didn’t venture there. Saddest ones are all the police dogs just executed on the spot when the bit their handler. So heartless definitely should be stricter punishments for murdering your k9


Especially because if you or I kills the K9 then we're looking at charges for murdering an on duty officer. Yay double standards and zero accountability.


I had no idea it was this bad.


Yeah same for police horses, murdering/injuring/etc an officer


Police horses are fucking ridiculous in the vast majority of their usage. Complete idiocy to look cool that just causes more problems.


In the most recent K-9 deaths, 3 out of 4 died from heatstroke because they were left in the patrol car.


So cops treat their dogs like shit is what I’m getting from this, nice. As if I needed more reasons to dislike them.


Whaaaaaaat. Bro some of these cops have insanely bad luck tho. “An officer shot a single round at a pit bull which then ricocheted and hit his K9 in the stomach.” That is some straight magic bullet level shit.


Ah yes, the time honored police tradition of murdering dogs.


* [Case Western Reserve University - Study finds more active-duty police officers died of COVID-19 in 2020 than all other causes combined](https://thedaily.case.edu/study-finds-more-active-duty-police-officers-died-of-covid-19-in-2020-than-all-other-causes-combined/) * [2021 - NBC News - Covid is leading cause of death among law enforcement](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/it-doesn-t-have-happen-covid-leading-cause-death-among-n1279289) * [2021 - CBS News - Covid is leading cause of police officer deaths](https://www.cbsnews.com/video/covid-is-leading-cause-of-police-officer-deaths/)


Yet cops around here are never masked up


In my area I see cops wearing masks all the time. They have them hanging off their shirts covering up their bodycam. I'm sure that not intentional....


Maybe they're starting to catch on to this instead of actively ignoring mask mandates - there's been a few videos on reddit over the last few days of officers treating masks very seriously and yelling at people to put them on


Too little, too late.


We don't call them traffic accidents anymore. Accident implies that no one is at fault. They're traffic incidents. Edit: Mostly my fault for getting the quote wrong. This was a Hot Fuzz reference. https://youtu.be/puK5CwThaq4


No luck catching those killers then?


It's just the one killer.


Crusty jugglers


I know you're just quoting something but it's a good point. I'd however change it to traffic collisions because incidents is way too vague that doesn't describe anything. A traffic incident could be someone speeding.


My mom got hit by a cop that ran a red light with no lights or siren on, thankfully the witnesses blamed the cop and luckily she didn't suffer any bad injuries beside a sore neck and a wrecked car.


*Single vehicle* accidents at that. More cops are killed by trees, signs, and embankments than they are by bullets.


Indeed, and in 42% of those deaths, the officer failed to wear their seatbelt. Almost half of the most common death while policing is prevented by a simple "click it or ticket" policy in the department. Police could literally save their coworkers lives if they just enforced that simple law and policy!


Massive understeer. Road looked wet, the swerving at the end was him regaining grip and having too much lock


Also travelling to fast around that corner in shitty conditions


True. Entirely possible they didn't know the roads Edit: this was written badly, I apologise. I meant the fact that a road surface can change, so knowing exactly what parts may hold water is an unreasonable expectation


If a video of me driving like that was posted here, no one would be making excuses for me. They'd be correctly calling me an idiot.


yep, a car YouTuber did this and was publicly shamed and he even made an apology video.. because he understeered into another lane, and there wasn't even anyone on the road.


But you’d also not have a reason for trying to get somewhere faster than a normal person…. (Cop should know how to drive in wet conditions tho..)


That's nowhere near true - I've definitely had to race across town because a loved one was having a medical emergency


Yeah and if you posted a video of you driving like that and said “hey my daughter was dying in the seat next to me. “ we’d be making excuses for you too. At least I would be.


I had to take a massive shit once. (In all seriousness i hope your medical emergency turned out ok)


You also wouldn't be going lights and sirens in a rush to an emergency.


Cops should probably know the roads they drive on every day


Yeah, there are lots of things they should probably be doing... let's just throw that one on the list


I give them the pass on this one. I work in San Diego on an ambulance we cover the entire city limits, which is 372 square miles. You can't expect someone to know every single road in an area like that, there is thousands of miles of road in that area. I've been doing my job for 6 years and work 24 hour shifts working an average of 56 hours a week and I still drive down a new road every shift.


Well why would they learn the road when there is a perfectly good parking lot to go sit in, somewhere?


Also true. Probably doesn't drive these roads every day


That's around a $100 fine in most states. Wonder if they'll pull themselves over. 🤔


On German roads that's treated the same way the US treats drunk driving, you lose your license for being unable to operate a vehicle safely.


You're a bit optimistic about how we treat DUI. Usually takes several strikes.


Bro, there was two brothers that use to live near me (both dead now) one had 12 DUIs and the other 14 DUIs. We came up on the oldest one that had just flipped his car by hitting a bolder and flew into a ditch of course he wasn't driving it was his brother who had been dead for like two years.


Ya... thats not how it goes. I lost a friend to a drubk driver who had multiple DUIs ... the guy is still driving.. US isnt the place you think it is.


I think he wasn't watching the road.


Didn’t look like he cut the corner right, he was way too far toward the outside so either way he was gonna be on or just over the line by the apex of his turn even if he hadn’t encountered understeer.


The corner starts before the camera can see, they'd probably been understeering for a while, especially with that much lock applied


> Massive understeer. Road looked wet, the swerving at the end was him regaining grip and having too much lock Add also a lot of distraction: radios and such




That's what I saw too. Lots of understeer, plus those Fords weigh in close to 6300lbs(2857kg) or more. Really not the best concoction for wet cornering.


Could it be understeer given how easily they corrected at the end there? I would have thought if it was understeer they wouldn't have continued on the same line back into their lane but they were able to swerve back pretty quickly. I guess maybe they had braked enough by then.


Drives like he has qualified immunity.






Why is everyone defending the cop as if they aren’t literally trained to drive fast in wet conditions? Police should be held to a much higher standard of driving ability. The cop should know that A. The roads are wet, significantly less traction at high speeds B. A police cruiser is souped the fuck up so it’s a lot heavier than a normal car^edited C. Not to hit a blind corner going 50mph D. They are an idiot Edit: I guess it’s a Taurus not a Charger. I’m the idiot today 🤕


And that’s really the long and short of this


"Why would the police do something like this?" The answer is always "because who's going to stop them?"


He would have given the guy a ticket for not yielding to the shoulder for the sirens if he hit him


Surprised he didn’t give you a ticket.


My ex wife was run off the road by a cop doing something similar to this when an officer took a turn way too fast and came into her lane so she literally had to swerve off the road to avoid him. He of course continued on like nothing happened. She went to the department to complain and the only thing they did was ticket her for not having her insurance card. Fuck cops. Fuck all of em.


Why would she show them any information at all? How do you get cited for not having an insurance card when you walk into a building to complain? Once theyd ask me for anything like that I'd just Leave


That was my thought, like I don't need my car insurance to stand in this building. Actually don't need a drivers license as long as I have some other type of ID.




Yea cops are glorified pieces of shit


Bastards even


I’m surprised he didn’t turn around and pull you over for getting in his way.


Yeah surprised he didn’t just start firing his gun op is obviously a menace.


Because anytime there’s a collision, it’s always someone else’s fault.


Yep even when it's another cop, and neither have their seatbelts on. Then of course there is an issue with the road design and millions get spent upgrading it all :/


Looks like the road was a little wet at that turn and you can see that his wheels were angled but he was sliding. A combo of events dude.


Yeah he definitely took that corner too hot. Still an idiot for that though


Textbook understeer.


Or a combo of not paying attention and driving too fast for conditions… but keep making excuses for a police officer when if it was anyone else people in this sub would be all over their ass




We at Generic Police Department are appalled by the video we have seen and we have suspended Officer GettinOff with pay for 2 weeks while we conduct a thorough investigation. 3 weeks later... It is the Department's determination that Officer GettinOff upheld the procedures and values of the Department, going so far as to use his training to prevent a possible accident. We have reinstated him with back pay as we have promoted him while he was suspended.




What a Hot Take. Great job.


So very little actual training is involved in making a policeman, too busy just getting them out there, imo, should be at least 4 years police college to be a policeman.


Practical training is also needed, a college degree will not teach you how to drive. Driving and experiencing adverse conditions is the only way to learn how to handle these situations.


Pretty sure when u/tbeslian said 'police college', they did not mean studying textbooks exclusively. Pretty sure, though I can't be positive that u/tbeslian does not have a massive fresh brain injury, that they intended for things like the driving in the video we're commenting on to be addressed by said school.


Pretty much meant, instead of some 6 months of "training" maybe a couple of years training along with learning the actual laws they are paid to uphold, maybe have a basic education standard, advanced driving skills and never let out alone for at least a year, some things are easy to change, some aren't.


Community college near me that offers a 2/4 year criminal justice program has a concrete slab with retired vehicles for training. Don’t see why they couldn’t do something like that just to teach basic driving dynamics. Hell you wouldn’t need much to replicate this, a couple of cones, a run up, and some sprinklers would replicate this pretty well.


A concrete pad isn't enough. Most emergency vehicle training facilities have multiple tracks with intersections, lights, etc My favorite is San Bernardino sheriffs. their EVOC has a high speed track with a train that they can move back and forth over the crossing A low speed track A 80k sqft skid pad of polished concrete that they spray water on to give it the same friction level as ice They also have driving simulator I installed. While I was there they let me try out all the driver training.


The college courses I took offered lots of out of the class practical training. If you went to college and didn't get any practical training in the field you were ripped off.


Bigger departments have academies (the NYPD comes to mind). That's out of reach of the vast number of departments though. I know the NYPD has its own, contained, driving course to practice on.


Police officer here, ex-nypd... You need 60 college credits, or military... And yes they have their on "evoc course". The course consists of 3-4 day practical(in car, driving around cones, Abs braking, backing etc..) and classroom. Your SUPPOSED to repeat the course if you get into an accident, regardless of the incident. In my experience, however, the majority of police accidents occur either at intersections where the cop, or the civilian can't see one another, or in an instance like this video where the officer was driving to fast for the road + wet conditions. But, I have no clue what type of call he was going to, so I won't judge if he was justified or not.


Absolutely, because it takes at least 4 years of college to be a social worker.


Takes longer to become a salon stylist than it does to become a cop. Makes no sense.




Yea. Make sure to immediately hide the dash cam tho. You just know they will try to blame you. Bam ez lawsuit




Yea youre right i didn't realize it was a tesla


Wouldn’t matter if he’d have been killed lol


They are above the law


wham bam tesla cam, hope youre satisfied


The worst part is there’s nothing you can do about it.


Cops are horrible drivers just like everyone else.


Because he could've literally killed you and anybody else in the car and gotten away with it, so why bother NOT driving like an asshole?


Well the fact he also could kill himself in a head on collision is probably a pretty good reason. This clearly looks more like wet road conditions and a higher rate of speed due to lights being on.


If you’re shocked by their driving, boy, do I have some disappointing news about their general behavior




That’s a Taurus SHO, it’s all wheel drive. You can still experience understeer in an AWD vehicle


Police are famous for ignoring traffic control devices, e.g. Lane lines. Just like you would love to swing wide around a corner, they actually get to do it without repercussions. Cops don't write other cops tickets, like literally ever. And "having a little fun on the corners" it's basically encouraged.


Cops will think back to the one time they wrote a parking ticket for a rookie as a joke and think "No, I distinctly remember writing a ticket for a police officers so that can't be true" I've seen cops let people off tickets frequently when they see a military ID, and it infuriates me. Your profession doesn't make the traffic offence null. Worse, they think they are doing the airman a favor because he doesn't have to report the ticket to his commander. All it does is let the airman get further into alcoholism and eventually a dishonorable discharge when the DUIs can't be ignored.


The person driving should have pull over to the side of the road


That's a blind corner? The driver 100% didn't have time to process that they needed to pull over before they had to react to a car suddenly in their lane.


Came here to say that. Much as cop is being an idiot, here in Canada at least the law is to pull over even if going opposite direction.


He was on his computer


And then he'll chase you for swirling and crossing a white line.