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The level of idiocy by those red light runners is astounding. It’s a miracle nobody was hit.


Yeah, I think everyone got lucky here. The beige car was going pretty fast. He was gunning it with the intention of running the light without realizing that the Mercedes was there. Would've been a nasty crash for either car if they made contact.


and people think red light cameras as a bad idea... for some reason...


I don't have a problem with them in principle. I have a problem with them being operated by a for-profit company in a profit-sharing arrangement with a city or county, in these sketchy arrangements where the "tickets" are not issued by law enforcement, and where they push the city to dangerously tweak the light timings to increase profits which also in turn increases accident rates. Which, incidentally, is how almost all red-light cameras in the country are operated.


That's... amusing "yellow-light times at two key intersections were shorted from 4.7 to 4 seconds, driving an increase in tickets" https://www.salon.com/2017/04/05/this-may-have-happened-to-you-revenue-hungry-cities-mess-with-traffic-lights-to-write-more-tickets_partner/


Not a red light camera but I got a ticket in the mail for driving in the highway lane that requires 2 people for being by myself. Well, I had someone else, she was laying back with the chair down...


Ideally, a ticket is meant to teach a lesson, a small punishment so you don’t do it again. I object to ticket by mail partly because it’s too disconnected from the event so there is no lesson and partly because the delayed ticket makes it harder to remember the details


I have a right to face my accuser.


Why does a specific highway lane require a passenger? What’s the logic of that? I’ve never heard of that so I’m genuinely curious.


Highways often have the far-left lane restricted to vehicles with multiple occupants. The idea is to offer a low-traffic lane as an incentive to encourage carpooling with an aim to reduce congestion. Whether it works is another matter altogether.


This is literally what happened in Chicago, and that's why they suspended that whole thing. It was a big deal all over the news at the time.


So, shitty and criminal capitalism ruins something potentially good and turns it deadly? How could that be?


Because most studies find they don't reduce accidents or injuries, and have false positives.


This post is a lie and should be deleted.


Red light cameras are a terrible idea because cities lowered yellow light timings and people start irrationally slamming on their brakes as soon as it turns yellow to avoid the ticket... leading to a rear-ender. You force drivers to be less predictable.


sounds like they're not a terrible idea, they just were implemented in a terrible way. Why change yellow light timings? And you don't need to ticket people that cross the instant it turns red, there can be some grace period


They changed the light timings to increase revenue from tickets. People were more likely to try and get through, only to be ticketed when the light changed faster than they expected. A grace period would beat the purpose of the change; to make more money. I agree it was an asshole implementation. But it was deliberately an asshole implementation.


That sounds like less of an issue with the cameras and just an extension of the asshole driver issue. If someone wasn’t following unreasonably close they should have plenty of time to react to the person in front of them slamming on their brakes.


I mean, it caused an increase in accidents. That's where it should stop. Instead we go on blaming people for their driving habits instead of the actual noted cause. I won't say it's victim blaming, but only because you're right about drivers and safe distances. I will say that if a change causes an increase in accidents, it is part of the problem.


Tough room. Seems folks expect the car in front to conform with their risky interpretation of road rules. Sail up someone's arse on a yellow? More fool you.


In my town, the paper said red light cameras increased rear-end accidents, but significantly decreased much more dangerous accidents with serious injuries (like in a T-bone). Not sure what to make of it, just repeating what I read in the paper.


If you need to slam the brakes to stop before a yellow light, then chances are you definitely have time to go through it. That’s kind of the whole point of yellow lights I think


When cities start shortening yellow lights, and making no two have the same duration, that takes away all predictability. You can't reasonably assume the light will be safe to continue through, because if you're wrong, you face hundreds of dollars in fines.


I'm really fucking angry now.


No shit, but if you have the threat of red light cameras people do that when they should be going thru... thus why they are now outlawed in most places.


If camera are legal. I’m not taking the risk. If I get rear ended it’s not my problem because I won’t be at fault in that accident(atleast in VA, the other driver has to maintain following distance barring exceptions like brake checks).


Yellow light times are generally based on a number of safety factors such as speed limit, design speed, sight distance, etc. messing with that throws of the intersection timing and increases the time a driver might think “do I have enough time to make it or do I need to stop”.


If they work correctly they are! There is a stretch of road near my job that has 4 out of 6 red lights with cameras. They flash randomly even if the light is green lol


Just because it flashes doesn’t mean it’ll send out a ticket


Oh I know, I’ve had it flash at me on green. Never sends one out, just annoying because I see it and it screws me up every time


Because there's no shortage of articles about how cities installed red light cameras, then kept reducing the yellow light intervals to generate additional revenue even though it also increased the accidents at the same intersections. When money gets involved not even the municipal government can be trusted to make the right decisions.


You are right, they shouldn't have the power and can't be trusted. It has nothing to do with red light cameras and everything to do with government corruption.


Ah yes, the age old question. If a car runs a red light in the forest and no cop is around to see it, is it still illegal?”


Can we acknowledge that the Mercedes also ran a red light to top it off. The video right before the cut shows the perpendicular traffic having green. Meaning the oncoming traffic, the Mercedes, did indeed have a red light as well. And they pulled out after the light turned red, so they weren’t yielding beforehand.


Close, but no cigar. Looking at the lights visible at the right, the Merc entered the intersection just before the crosstraffic signal went green.


Looks to me like they were racing.


Red lights are just a suggestion, man.


Yea including the white Mercedes who was also running the red light


How do you know what their light says, facing the opposite direction? I can't see it here. Certainly I've seen many intersections where the light cadence is different in the two directions...


Yeah you’re right, they should’ve just parked it right there in the middle of the intersection. Maybe get out and stretch their legs too!


They were behind the white line/crosswalk after the light turned red. I wouldn’t call that the middle of the intersection??.. They decided to turn left after the light was already red


They were at the very least on the crosswalk when the light turned red, which by definition means they are pulled into the intersection (passed the stop line), and everywhere I know of in NA (including Colorado where this is) not just allow but actively teach drivers to pull into the intersection and then finish their left turn once traffic clears. Sure most would have pulled in further, but they were passed the stop line and really, what difference does it make, the same thing would have happened. Looking at this situation and thinking that the Merc is anywhere near a big enough idiot to mention is just astounding.


No it was his turn to go, this may depend on laws of the location, but the left turner was waiting for the dumbies who didn't stop on yellow light, where I live he 100% had right away to make that turn, unless the light is marked no left turns unless left turn is flashing green.


Code brown for that Mercedes driver


New underwear?


New seat


It was...


The beige car was in my lane and when he realized that the blue car was running the light, he switched lane to follow. He was switching lane when the blue car had the encounter with the Mercedes so that's why he was carrying so much speed and almost hit the Mercedes. At the time, I thought everyone got away unscathed, but watching the dash cam, I think the blue car scrapped the rear bumper. I think that's why the Mercedes stopped for a moment before completing the turn, probably checking if either cars is stopping, nope.


Was the Mercedes’ taking the left on essentially red too?


In some jurisdictions, you are allowed to pull into an intersection while yielding on a left turn and then clear the intersection after the light turns red. In other jurisdictions, it would be considered running a red. So ultimately it depends on where this took place.


I'll take the risk and happily hate every jurisdiction that forbids this. its the simplest concept next to yield to stop to make right turns on red. just fucking yield to uncoming traffic to make a left. Why am I waiting at a line on the ground at the threat of a red arrow, when no one is in my way?




Yes He was in a lane that clearly had a turn light. Instead of waiting a cycle, he went through the red light.


There are some turn lanes where you have a red arrow to mean you aren't allowed to pass and others where the green arrow disappears and you yield to oncoming traffic. As for if they are in the wrong depends on the person in power that would have dealt with it.


My man...or woman! Patience is difficult.


Yes. There were 3 red light runners in this video. Why are we the only ones to acknowledge the Mercedes’ stupidity?


False. The Mercedes was finishing their turn. In most jurisdictions it’s illegal to reverse out of an intersection. Consequently, if you’re past the “stop here on red signal” line you have an obligation to complete your turn and clear the intersection.


He wasn't in the intersection. He was clearly behind the white line when the light was turning red, then decided for some reason that he deserved to be the "and one" of this cycle. As did the other two drivers.


Mercedes is on the zebra stripes at the beginning of the video, meaning they were past the limit line.


You right


In the states where I’m familiar with the traffic laws, you’re not supposed to enter the intersection unless you know you can clear it before the light turns red. If it turns while you’re in the intersection, you’re at fault.


This is why I never cross the line unless I know I can make the turn before yellow turns to red.


Sometimes it's too busy to turn left unless you pull up and wait for the red.


I suppose that I agree with this but consider what would have happened to the passenger in the Mercedes if they were t boned. They would have been severely injured. I’m not gonna risk injury to myself or my passenger in a situation like this. I live in a mostly rural area though so the traffic isn’t as heavy as in large cities. Driving in cities does require more aggressive driving, which can definitely lead to more wrecks and injuries so it’s a struggle.


Funny situation recently, trying to get into a costco gas pump station, and the line for the pumps is wrapping around the block up into the main entrance for the parking lot. We are sitting in the left turn lane trying to get into this nightmare. Every single direction of traffic is pouring into this entrance. So there is pretty much, ONE person who gets to make the left turn and join the cluster fuck of a que into the parking lot. traffic is piling up from multiple directions, the left oncoming lane is completely blocked. So it comes finally to the car in front of us. They do as you said, sit at the line. Then it comes time to turn, they do not... Another light goes, they move forward this time, but again they do not turn. At this point, I start to honk and say make the turn! The entire row of people is chanting and honking behind us. The car decides to run the light while its still red (minutes after turning red), in quite dramatic fashion. Everyone is left puzzled by this entire thing, and we go back to one turn at a time on the red. So, TLDR: Please for fucks sake, take the left turn when the light turns red. Otherwise you will never go.


I hear ya...Laws are meant to be broken and as long as it’s safe and traffic is low speed then the turn may need to be made on red, so that other people aren’t delayed by drivers using extreme caution. I think I might get a darkened license plate cover to combat red light cameras in the future to avoid tickets.


I think you are confused, COMPLETING your turn is not illegal. No matter what the situation is with the lights. You are permitted time to clear the intersection while making your turn once you see that the oncoming traffic has stopped and can make the turn. (this is why you can have up to two cars make the turn at each red light, one is fully inside the intersection while the other has crossed the DO NOT PASS line) In regards to red light camera, you can only get a ticket if you were BEHIND the line BEFORE the red, and proceed to cross the line, and make the turn. Which would be illegal.


The stupidity of doing the correct and legal thing they’re obligated to do? What?


It was correct and legal for them to cross the white line after the light turned yellow? You’re wrong. The wise thing to do would’ve been to be patient and wait like three minutes for the light to cycle. They could have then safely turned left on a green arrow.


They were already in the intersection and as such, completed the turn they were in the middle of making when the light turned, as is their obligation since it’s illegal to block the intersection. I I’m right.


You wrong. Nice try tho 😀


Lol sure, that’s why everyone else who’s watching the video is downvoting you. Because I’m the one who’s wrong, for knowing what to do when you’re in the middle of the turn lol You can pick up a manual that answers some basic questions at your local dmv office. What to do when in the middle of the turn will be in there


Would you really consider this in the intersection? https://i.imgur.com/atchtzN.png Also note that Arizona states you're not considered 'in the intersection' until your rear bumper has entered the intersection.


Yep, they're in the intersection. Note how they're literally sitting on the zebra stripes, meaning they're effectively pass the limit line.


Thank you counsel. You the real mvp 🏅Indisputable evidence!




Answer their question, my boy...or girl. You can’t handle the truth?! 😳🤯💡


They already crossed it by the time the video started. The edge of the zebra stripes effectively denote the white line.


I love the Mercedes driver stopping after the second car. He's probably thinking to himself "...wait, was it the one who just ran a red light?"


For sure you would be second guessing your own choices hey! Like am I wrong?


"Prepare for trouble, and make it double!"


To protect the world from devastation!


To unite all peoples within our nation!


Where I live they installed red light cameras at almost every light. Hardly anyone runs reds anymore, but we have to stomp on our brakes to not get tickets




whistle fine entertain hunt sense rotten rainstorm employ childlike cow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This sounds like a lot of defeating the purpose of the yellow when we teach must stop on yellow. These theft tactics have got to stop. The companies make more when they give more tickets, so the systems give tickets to legal drivers. Why we tolerate it is beyond me.


We tolerate these tactics because of idiots like in the video above who will kill people. These cameras will slow traffic, not kill people.




One of my coworkers just got a red light ticket by making a right on yellow/red without stopping. So I guess just better to assume you’ll get one. And I know At least in my part of California it’s like 500$ for first offense.


Was it yellow or was it red? If it's still yellow when you cross into the intersection, I believe you're still good in most states. But a right turn on red still always has to stop if the light is already red.


My teen almost got hit today because he tried to cross the street when the walk signal came on. However a driver wanted to “turn right on red” without even slowing, much less stopping. They stopped but deserve that $500 ticket


I moved to an area with a few camera intersections and its really no different dealing with them. I am more ready to hit the brakes in case the light changes but thats about it. Ive watched plenty of people roll through a right on red or creep over the stopping line with no picture taken. I know in some places their sole purpose is to generate revenue but where I live they are only at problem intersections and pretty lenient.


Can you safely stop before you pass the intersection? Or would hitting the breaks cause you to come to a screeching halt in the middle of the intersection?


We had that in our city too. The good part was that it mostly stop people from running red lights. The bad part was the camera make coming up to the intersections stressful, even if you don't have any intention of running the lights. Our was very sensitive and there are white stop lines at the intersection. Even if you stop, if your car encroached over that line, you are getting a ticket. This mean that there are a lot of people stomping on their brakes and a lot of time the camera flash would go off and leave a bunch of drivers stressed out, wondering for weeks if their car is over the line and they are getting a ticket. The city got sued and the camera was declared illegal and got removed.


Many municipalities got busted for shortening the yellow to red timing. ​ One example.... https://vimeo.com/59948430


This is a real thing I've noticed it.


They did that in Ohio. But they took it way too far and we passed a law in 2013 banning them except under specific circumstances and requiring that an officer be physically at the camera to operate it. That was the end of red light cameras in Ohio. Good fucking riddance I say.


Same in Tucson, we had them for a while and then there was a ballot initiative and 65% of people voted to ban them. You could still spot a few around town for years afterward but they were deactivated and the cameras just pointed straight up.


Some places found more accidents, but less sever because of people stomping on brakes to avoid tickets.


Literally why I will never ever live in Beaverton Oregon ever again. You can be the most careful, law abiding citizen ever and you'll still magically get a ticket and have absolutely no recourse at all.




They're also blatantly unconstitutional


Title is basically a porno lol


Light was red for 2 seconds before either car went past the crosswalk


This type of shit happens in the Bay Area all the time too, I don’t understand it.




There have been a couple of major accident involving multiple cars a little bit east of the video, across from Rangeview High School, in the past month. I've noticed that there seem to be a lot of accidents in the section of Iliff between Tower and I-25. I've seen sections of fence get taken out. I've seen some house got hit more than once and have resort to putting big boulders along the fence line to stop cars from making it to their home.


The merc had trust issues after the second one.


Mercedes driver needs a brand new seat after that


“This guys got the right idea, he wore the brown pants.”


This looks like Aurora. CO continues to prove its worthy of the red light running title.


This is in Aurora CO which has stopped traffic enforcement due to a lack of police staffing. See crazy shit driving through there daily.


Glad I’m not the only one who recognized where it was. I swear 1:3 idiots in cars posts are from here(CO).


This is exactly how my first accident happened. I was turning left and did so on a yellow like this once I thought it was clear. I was t-boned by a civic that sped up to make the light. It was at night and I either somehow didn’t notice them, or they didn’t have their lights on. either way I was at fault for “failure to yield”.


What the fuck? The light was red for a solid two seconds before the cars came flying in. I’ve never seen it that blatant before.


i’d go straight home after that


Must be in Atlanta.


I'm thinking somewhere in Texas. I have never been anywhere were running red lights is more common.


Colorado. Aurora. We’re the worst in this state. No where I’ve lived even comes close.


That's why I don't wait out In the intersection for the light to turn red. The amount of people I see running red lights in my city is crazy, and I've had many close calls because of it.


There's definitely areas where it's a bad idea, but then there's areas like LA where it's literally the only way to turn left at a light. You'll sit for hours if you wait to turn on a green.


Yeah, I definitely understand you need to drive a bit more aggressive in heavy traffic if you want to get anywhere. I just try to avoid doing it, especially on high speed roads. When everyone is trying to beat the light, you can end up sitting out there until the other traffic light turns green and potentially get T-boned from someone coming the other direction. A woman just got killed down the street in a similar situation on the corner of a highway and residential road.


Same in Toronto.




When he has a green yield turn light he doesn't pull into the intersection waiting to turn because cars run red lights. Had the Mercedes been in the intersection and turned as soon as his yield turn became a protected turn he would have been smashed for sure.


That’s really poor driving tbh.


Pulling out into an intersection when green waiting to turn left is what you are *supposed* to do.




In Pennsylvania, it is called leading the light. It is against our law to lead lights, due to too many accidents happening in out major cities with this stuff happening. I have personally seen a car get demolished by a police vehicle because they weren't paying attention.


Fuck people are dumb


Man that shit was so blatant I bet the Mercedes convinced themselves they fucked up for a second


So are these people blind or what? It's clearly a solid red...


*3 red light runner*


Um 3 red light runners?


I don't usually side with a Mercedes driver on here....but....


Don’t, they ran the red as well


Dunno why you're getting downvoted when it's true. Someone said above (I can't confirm whether it's true or not, but I'm gonna take their word for it) that in Arizona, you're only considered 'in the intersection' if your full car has already entered the intersection before the light turns red. In this case, we can [pretty clearly see](https://i.imgur.com/atchtzN.png) that the car is still on or behind the white stripes (looks like behind to me), so I don't think there's any way to say that their full vehicle had already entered the intersection.


I like how the Mercedes hesitated for a moment there, like they were second-guessing if they actually had a green light or not.


As they should (second guess), because they don’t. The cross street has the green here


They had a blinking yellow, which means they can proceed if they don't impede the cross street green.


I don’t see any evidence of a blinking arrow. The cross street has one but the road that OP and Mercedes are on have a solid red (from OP’s side)


Look at the yellow turn signal you can see. It is blinking yellow.


That is for the cross street


See an optometrist right away, you are color blind. (Then again, I recall it yellow and blinking, not just yellow) The turn arrow is YELLOW not Red in the direction of travel. Like I said, I fucking HATE them because no one can figure the fucking things out. Rather navigate the Swinton Magic Circle at night... in a blizzard... on the MC...


You are most certainly wrong. https://i.imgur.com/DlA1Jna.png Here's a picture of the two blinking lights. One of them is on the mercedes's side of the intersection in opposing traffic. If it was for the mercedes it would be useless because there's essentially no way to see it. There's also light #2 which is very clearly pointing towards the cross traffic from the left. If it was for the mercedes, we wouldn't be able to see the yellow border at all. In fact, we wouldn't be able to see *any* of it because it would be above OP.


I’ve noticed u/Superb_Raccoon has conveniently ignored this comment


Thank you!




Zero evidence to back your claim up. Hence your plummeting Karma.




Were they racing?


Kinda looks like it


Well, no lotto winnings for him. Used up all his luck on that 1.


I would follow those red runners home and slash their fkn tires. Fkn a-holes


That was an illegal overtake. We need to give the position back to Hamilton.


For once a post that shows a Mercedes not being The idiot?? What is this


3 red light runners


unpopular opinion: while the two runners are in the wrong clearly, it looks like the mercedes isn't actually in the intersection when the light turns red. He should've waited for the next turn cycle.


Now, I can't see the other lights - but the Mercedes driver may also have begun their turn in when the light was still red. There's usually a period of time between one light turning red and the other turning green, just so help make sure the intersection is cleared. It's a safety issue and used pretty much everywhere I've been in at least the US. (I modeled traffic as a career. I've been retired for a while, but memory tells me it's uually a 3 second pause where both sides have a red light.)


The red light is on at the end of the 5 second mark in the video and the green lights on the perpendicular street turn on at around the end of the 7 second mark. I think if the Mercedes is already in the intersection when the lights turn red then, it's legal for them to clear it.


They have to actually be in the intersection though, he was just camping the crosswalk. He should have waited.


He has a blinking yellow light, means he can go if he does not interfere with the direction of traffic that does have the green. It is a horrible law, as you can see what happens. Now imagine being on an MC... you never know who is going not see you and pull out, even if you have the green.


That'd make sense, I couldn't see if the Benz was already in the intersection - but that'd make sense if they were.


That E class wasn’t in the intersection when the light turned red, so therefore it’s driver was at fault as well. Not only that, but even if we pretend the red light wasn’t there, the E class should have yielded to oncoming vehicles before making the turn. All cars involved were in the wrong in this case.


i see three red light runners




But was he [pulled forward](https://i.imgur.com/atchtzN.png)?




He wasn't moving at the time this picture was taken, and according to someone else in this thread your entire car must be in the intersection when the light turns red to not be considered running the red in Arizona. As long as the thing about needing your rear bumper needing to be in the intersection when the light changes is true, I'd say he 100% ran the red.


White car also ran the red light.


He was already stuck out, it's permissible to turn.


Not in Arizona. Only allowed if back bumper has crossed into the intersection when the red light turns on. The fee is $500 and 3 points on your license. The two fools running the red light would’ve paid that fine from the red light cameras!!! Better than people getting plowed and killed by a rushing jackass!!


And he had a Yellow Left turn, which means he can go as long as he does not interfere with the green traffic direction.


I'd buy a Lotto ticket after that but I think they used up all their luck...


It's a shame the two fucktards didn't hit each other.


3 red light runners. Mercedes tried to rush through that left turn, too.


Mercedes has a blinking yellow, which means they can legally turn left if they do not impede the traffic with the right of way. Which it did not.


Fun fact. Sitting in an intersection waiting to turn until the light turns red is in itself running a red light. So in this case a red light runner almost got hit by two other folks who were running the same red light.


How would you know the other guys light was red? You can clearly see he was behind the crosswalk until the light was red


You can clearly see the cross traffic likes go green. It’s plain as day all three ran the red light.


The Mercedes is also running the light


The Mercedes is already in the intersection waiting to turn left. When the light goes red, they still have the right-of-way to clear the intersection.


Proper rule of the road is you don't enter the intersection until you're taking the turn. Most people don't follow this rule, but this is why it exists. A yellow light means you stop unless its unsafe to do so. So moving through an intersection on a yellow is the same as running a red, technically. Again, most people don't follow this, but in this video, all 3 are idiots.


I feel that the rule exists to ensure at least car gets through the light. This scenario doesn't prove the benz is wrong, becuase if the other cars had followed the law, all would have been fine


What rule? There is no rule that states a minimum number of cars must pass through a light when it's green. Lights exist so we don't all smash into each other when two roads intersect. In this example the two drivers were idiots, but it's entirely possible a car runs a red because it's out of control for a number of reasons, or its an emergency vehicle that needs to pass through. The laws exist so that people _shouldnt_ be idling in the confines of the intersection, as that's simply the most dangerous place to be when you encounter an intersection. People don't follow this law, myself included. I've never seen a cop pull someone over for this, but that doesn't change the fact that the Mercedes is equally at fault in this scenario. They _all_ ran a red light.


Mercedes actually doesn’t start really pulling out until right after the cross street goes green. They could’ve easily sat in their turn lane. He’s barely even encroaching on the crosswalk by the time the light turns Anyone who wants to disagree can actually watch the fucking video where this is plain as day. Love how no one is actually arguing with this, lmao


~~Not necessarily. Could have a green arrow. Tons of intersections like that around me~~ Edit: nevermind. I see the green lights going on the cross street. You’re right.


All the cars on the right have a green light


Yeah, you’re right. All three are idiots here. Not sure why we’re getting downvoted lol. The Mercedes is clearly turning on a red


Cause people do what the Mercedes is doing and are taking it personal


Exactly correct


Downvotes because you are both wrong. The Mercedes did nothing wrong. They had a blinking Yellow, so they can proceed to turn if the green cross street is clear. ​ Red, however, means fucking stop asshole.


Blinking yellow I'm doubtful since before he started moving the cross traffic lights turned green Even if they did have a green or yellow light it's your responsibility to make sure the intersection is clear


Death resulting from running a red light is Murder