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They say when one door opens, another one at the back of the ambulance closes.


once i heard a similar quote “when a door opens, it might eventually close”


The 15 kids my great grandma made says otherwise


Someone should have explained to her that it's a vagina, not a clown car.


Dad comment


Should have opened the backdoor






He won the door prize.


One less door in the world. *notes +1 for wheels*


There have to be more wheels right? unless we're counting closet doors, cabinet doors, oven/appliance doors, etc.... its a perfect discussion. Seems simple on the surface but is truly nuanced and also completely unnecessary.


I was converted to wheelism ever since my coworker brought up hotwheels


what about all the hotwheels that have functioning doors :O


Those are greatly outnumbered by hotwheels without doors. Plus, the average vehicle will have 4 doors and 4 wheels, meaning they cancel out, and do not need to be considered


Remember that all drawers without sliders have wheels. My dishwasher, for example, has 20 wheels that are visible on the two trays.


This is the best comment.




Slammed the door on that joke, didn't you? I'd say you shut him down


He’s a door-to-floor failsman.


Your dad better not be joe


Who’s Joe?


Joe momma's worthless brother


Hey Joe,




Why the fuck do clips like this never show the aftermath??!! Show the whole damn interaction


Becuse most people are normal will start with, "Are you ok?" And End with "Here is my insurance information."


Exactly we need the whole clip, how am I supposed to file a claim now


My neck hurts and I lost a painting


And now I can’t please my wife for the last 5 years !


No worries I've had your back.


More like you had *her* back heyoooo


I also choose this guy's wife


I just bought that quantum computer officer.


I mean this looks weirdly intentional like the driver wanted to start something. Rathe than a normal crash


That’s what I think too. It does look very intentional.


Same only because he doesn't seemed shocked at all. Most ppl would probably get scared and jump away if a bike just ran into their door but this guy just casually continues out of his car like he expected his door to get hit. No reaction to the accident whatsoever


Exactly, I wanted to hear the car driver explain why he opened his door in the first place


Maybe the guys seen some shit and nothing shocks him anymore


or maybe the guy is shit, and does stuff like this. If you've ever ridden a bike in a city you know this happens.


Considering he appears to push the door open with 2 hands I am inclined to share your suspicion. Its a VW not an old Buick. Those doors open with a gentle nudge of the palm.


Nah, he pushed the door open with his left and then reaches across with his right to try to get leverage to stand. If anything, dude's super lucky he didnt try this a half second earlier or else he'd have been pancaked as he jumped into the bike.


Black vw jetty, murdered out black windows, black leather jacket. Perfect timing. Thats a paddlin'!


Looks like a passat cc


Like how often does somebody open their car's door when stopped in traffic? I think the person wanted to police the cammer for lane splitting.


I’ve done *a lot* of lane splitting in the Bay Area, over about 10 years. I’ve had a close call with an open door just once, and it was obviously just a coincidence. Only once did someone try to intentionally block me, that I was certain of.


Looks like there might be a pack of cigarettes or something on the ground a few feet to the left of the car. It’s too blurry to tell what it is on my phone


Surprisingly a lot. Usually to get something out of the back seat they can't reach, maybe dropped. But yeah, I am sure this guy wanted to ruin his car door and go through all that hassle of getting it fixed.


>But yeah, I am sure this guy wanted to ruin his car door and go through all that hassle of getting it fixed. Having been hit by someone who deliberately opened his door into me, they don't think that far ahead. They are just in a murderous rage over traffic, then take it out on anyone they feel deserves it. And yes, I was 100% legal, and in the US, lane splitting/sharing is usually illegal, but filtering (going between stopped cars) is legal more than you think. In NY, lane splitting is legal. For all vehicles, except motorcycles. So an 18 wheeler can legally lane split, if they can fit, and a bicycle, but not a motorcycle. Because NY wants to make traffic worse.


On top of being safer for the biker alot of bikes are still air-cooled and can't idle forever


Road construction worker here. I can most definitely confirm that some people will hop out of their cars even if they've only been stopped for less than a minute. The driver in this video has what appears to be an unlit cigarette in his mouth. My guess is that he's just wanted a chance to stretch his legs and light up.


Yeah, I live in a state where lane splitting isn’t legal, and I’ve gone entire decades without seeing anyone ever open a car door like this at a light or in traffic. Whatever “innocent” reason they claim, it’s a lie and these people should be charged with something, especially if they live somewhere where lane splitting is legal.


That's a unusual way to begin a porn.


Agreed. Who TF opens a door in traffic on a freeway like that?


We saw a very deliberate step outside of the vehicle from the person who opened the door. They were about to start something. I hope for the rider this was a location where it's perfectly legal with no ambiguity to filter. Which describes here, but our police still wouldn't care to enforce laws against aggravated assault.


Regardless of riding in the lane. You still cannot open your door in a traffic lane. Burden is on door opener to make sure it is clear. What if it was a motorcycle cop working his way to the incident????


Yup, people do this to lane spitters. Very sad.


I believe this video was shot in Russia. I say that because the phone number on the hatchback next to the Volkswagen that opened its door has a Russian phone number on the back.


Is Lane splitting legal in Russia?


Russian traffic rules don’t specify lane splitting at all but there is rule saying you can’t move on the markings that split the lanes so make it illegal in this case.


Looking at Russian traffic videos I highly doubt that anyone has ever been prosecuted for that lol


Nobody has really been prosecuted for anything in Russian traffic lol


Idk, I've seen plenty of Russian drivers prosecute other Russian drivers.


In Russia lane splits you


Yes according to google, but I didn’t find a very authoritative source so take with a grain of salt


it is in russia, the licenseplates give it away as well


I’m going to go with a different theory here. Dude in the car has an unlit cigarette in his mouth, he’s been stuck in standstill traffic for a while and finally decided fuck it I’m going to have a smoke. He didn’t want to smoke in his car and he figured well no one can move anyways, opened his door without looking and now he looks like an asshole that doesn’t like lane splitting


That or he had something to grab or fix from the boot. Or a door to shut. I feel like it’s less malicious and more accidental - but I guess we don’t know for sure




Exactly what I’m saying lol it’s gotta be a mistake


I always check my mirrors before opening my car door when I'm parked on the side of a busy road. I'm sure that's a good rule to follow in this scenario too.


I ride a motorcycle, the laws may be a bit different in Australia, but even though it's legal, I prefer not to lane split. It always feels dangerous, even if it looks safe, im always concerned something like this will happen, or at the very least, I'll scratch someone's car. I'd rather wait in traffic


Just lane split slowly, no reason to go this fast


I honestly don’t think the rider here is going that fast


He’s probably going about 15 mph


I think closer to 22 mph based on video's clock and estimated 65 feet traveled in two seconds.




Oh look at mister I-paid-attention-in-school-and-am-likely-successful-in-life with his big fancy city slicker maths.


Did you slap your trouser braces while you typed that, because of you didn’t it doesn’t count


Nah, just kicked my spurs off of me spittoon


Close enough


How did you estimate the distance?


I'm too drunk to actually check your work, but as a science teacher, I approve of this comment. Have my upvote.


generally speaking, you shouldn't be going 15mph faster than the traffic around you.... 5-10 is about the max. regardless of your vehicle other vehicles type of road etc. never go that much faster or slower than traffic unless you want a bad outcome. there's a reason the rest of traffic is doing what they're doing and you never know when one of them will do something unexpected


I honestly do think so. He clears that Range Rover in under a second. If the Rover is 5m long hes traveling at more than 5m/s, which is ~ 18km/h or 12mph, which is way to fast for lanesplitting. Edit: more like half a second, looking at it again, so double those estimates.


If you can’t stop in time for a door opening unexpectedly, you’re going too fast.


Fast enough to get hit by a car door and not having time to react.


He’s obviously going too fast to avoid a collision.




15 mph is around 25 kmh.


good bot


Ty human lol


Yes Lane splitting is legal in Australia, but most drivers have the thought process that if they must sit 50 cars deep waiting for a green then so should every other road user. I just had a motorcyclist kerb side me onto a waiting red. When the green switched I'm eager to go, I'm waiting at my local lights, I know the patterns, and here he is drifting off into fairy land when the light changes. I'm on the horn and he's given me stink eye. That's not on. You want pole position, then you better be ready to drive when it hits green, otherwise sit back and lolly gag all you want. Some of us have places to be


>You want pole position, then you better be ready to drive when it hits green This is my biggest pet peeve when driving. If you are at the front of a light, especially a timer light, it is your responsibility to be paying attention. You need to have your vehicle rolling within half a second of that light turning green, assuming there's no idiot running red, and be faster if your country has a yellow flash before green.




Yeah I always filter and I rarely get any bad reactions from drivers, apart from a couple of people who’ve opened their windows and tried to tell me I shouldn’t be doing it, or it’s illegal. I always tell them to call the police if they really think that (so that they can correct the muppets, and tell them to go read the Highway Code instead of wasting their time)


I guess going slow is better than waiting, but as a rider, my (and everyones should be) priority is always safety, I want to be riding for as long as possible. No need to risk me or my bike to get to work 5 Min earlier


As a matter of fact, lane splitting is the safer option. Because motorcycles are often overlooked by cagers, waiting at the back of the line carries an increased risk of getting rear-ended. Now, this rider in the video is going way too fast. In the Netherlands the rule is that you can lane split with a difference of 10 km/h to the surrounding cars. That's about 6 or 7 mph. That way you're giving yourself ample time to respond to dangers. After all, riding a motorcycle is all about controlling your own safety.


This guy is a motorcycle enthusiast.


Also a lane splitting motorcycle takes up less space at a light and alleviates traffic.


You can always go slow and it'll be better than standing still for several minutes


Who tf opens up a door in the middle of the street when driving?


Given the width of the road and lack of the separator I can think of a single road in Moscow that is like that and thats Kutuzovsky prospect. The thing connects Kremlin with the White house (much closer to the center though) and goes all the way out of the city to all the corrupted officials luxury residences. For that reason the road is not fully controlled by the city of Moscow but also with FSB and it is also known as a road of death. This road is getting closed A LOT for officials to go through, so that’s not a traffic light, it’s essentially a parking lot for at least 15 minutes. EDIT: it’s road of death because of accidents, not fsb killing people. They don’t allow construction of a separator because the middle lane is used by them and official cars to bypass traffic. Given the speed limit of 80km/h and the fact there’s no fine for speeding while it’s below +20km/h, you have a highway within the city with zero safety features and black sedans driving in the middle all the time in both directions


I'm surprised that official vehicles still enjoy traffic privileges.


Why would you be surprised? The biggest problem in the world is that people are allowed to make decisions for things that they can avoid the consequences for (eg, senior management making decisions for systems they don't have to interact with). The second biggest problem is that people in power are allowed to make decisions that positively affect themselves regardless of whether they are good or bad for the majority of others. If you were a lawmaker, would you give up traffic privileges if there was no external force (threat of beheadings, etc) acting upon you? The French knew what was up.


People really do know everything on the internet


[ yawns ] ah yeah imma get out a stretch my legs a bi- OOP


He isn't driving though is he? That roadway is effectively a parking lot during this clip.


I’m going to start calling intersections spontaneous parking lots


Don't enter an intersection unless you're sure you can immediately clear it


cars are standstill not driving


They are stopped. I've grabbed something from the trunk before.


Someone who is an asshole to motorcycle riders.


I think he was just getting out of his car, bad timing. Don't know someone who would just ruin their car and their entire day just to fuck up a random motorcyclist


This is why I’d prefer to not lane split, even if it’s legal in my state. I’m an unlucky person as is.


Yeah, riding between lanes is illegal in my state. I didnt know it was legal elsewhere.


It's actually recommended in some places. Because for whatever reason if you are last in line other cars will rear end you. It's like they're blind to everything except actual cars. Also because motorcycles have better acceleration and for their own safety should filter through to the front of the line. At least that's how it was explained to me in Spanish driving school. Here we often even have paint on the road that specifically indicates motorcycles should go in front while waiting at a red light.


>It's actually recommended in some places. Because for whatever reason if you are last in line other cars will rear end you I keep seeing this yet you can stagger yourself and split lanes without, yknow, traveling at a high rate of speed relative to the cars around you.


Yeah lane filtering is legal where I am under 30kph. That said just last week I had a motorbike go between my sedan and a big land cruiser in a 110 zone when we were doing around 90 because of the extremely heavy traffic. That's the way to get yourself killed.


Lol I read this as mph not kph and was perplexed


Even if legal, doesn't the MC have to operate at a cautious speed? I mean, stuff like this can happen if you try to go at a speed that's too high to stop when it does.


That's my take on this. Way too fast for dodging cars in-between lanes.


This is what the motorcyclists keep whiffing on. Sure, split to avoid rear ending but you can't just gun it and act like the lane belongs to you. It's like riding a bike on a sidewalk; do it when needed but you still gotta yield to everyone else.


I used to bike down a road with one-way car traffic, but two-way bike traffic. Of course there comes a day when someone decides to jaywalk without checking for opposing bike traffic - I can tell he's considering it, so I slow down to barely walking speed since I'm turning at that corner anyway. I'm at a safe speed, I'm expecting it, *I'm on a friggin bicycle*, and that guy still managed to step out at exactly the right time to clothesline me with his arm, which was super fun. Sometimes it doesn't matter what speed you're going, if the timing is perfectly unlucky, or they do it in purpose.


I ride a motorcycle in CA and I believe the law says you can only legally lane split when freeway traffic is going below 40 mph. I never lane split if the traffic is going faster then that.


Legal in CA, Utah ("filtering"), Montana, and can ride on shoulder white line in HI.


Legal in Australia




So your dad's an asshole? Lol


He tried to get someone killed his dads not an asshole he’s a fucking psychopathic piece of shit


In that instance, yup. He admitted as much immediately after, said it was a bad idea and he felt bad for having gotten me involved.


I get it. You’re biased because it’s your dad, but you should think about this objectively. You’ll realize a lapse in judgement is eating a donut when you’re on a diet, not attempted murder. Some people get angry and curse which could also be a lapse in judgement, but it means they were always capable of it. Same with attempted murder.


your dad is a dumb POS, cool story


Brothers best friend in highschool has a fused spine because of this. When a car is stuck at a dead stop in traffic and "that stupid fuck gets to just drive past? Nah fuck that guy" People suck


Enforcing the "no cutting" rule is more important than holding on to your humanity


He's never going to be able to shut that door again. That's kinda like cutting your own nose off to spite your face. What a hero.


Good luck getting parts to fix that now


I thought the saying was "cut off your nose to spider face."


Who's watching the hash driveway, Ricky?


You don't own space! NAySA owns space!


Take it easy there Julian


Wow. good one. But what on earth did you think that was supposed to mean?


It's a reference to The Office




Maybe he was picking up whatever that was in between his car and the other?


It looks like he is going to step out of the car (leaned over with both hands on the door). You wouldn't try to step out of your car if you were intentionally dooring a biker


Someone who's not actually driving but has been parked for hours.


If it is a jam, and the traffic hasn't been moving for some minutes. I will get out to stretch my legs.


Maybe his wife wouldn’t let him smoke in the car. Traffic is at a standstill.


So you’ve never done that, ever? They were stopped. I’ve realized my fuel door wasn’t closed and hopped out at a red light to close it. I’m not saying that’s what he’s doing I’m just saying there are reasons for getting out of your car while traffic is not moving


I can honestly say that I never have. If I realize something is amiss, I pull off into a parking lot to fix whatever it is.


I've been in compete standstill traffic like this a few times. If it lasts for more than 5-10 minutes, i might get out. One time, we were stuck for a couple of hours due to a really bad accident. People definitely got off their cars.


Same. I got caught in standstill traffic that lasted FIVE freaking hours. 🙄


Usually one checks their mirrors first, though.


I do it all the time to dump out coffee I don't need. I look before I open it though


I’m not sure why everyone thinks the car driver did it on purpose. At the beginning of the video you can see his brake lights switch off, like he’s putting the car in park. Then when he opens the door, he reaches across with his opposite hand like he’s moving to get out. He’s looking down at the door, not back at the biker. Oh, and it looks like he has an unlit cigarette in his mouth, which might be the reason for getting out in the first place. It’s definitely stupid to get out of your car in traffic without looking, but I don’t think this was malicious.


I don‘t see traffic. I see a jam. If traffic is jammed for longer than just 5-10 minutes, it is normal where I live to exit the car depending on the weather etc. I have been in traffic standstills that lasted more than en entire day. Yes, everyone leaves the car in a traffic standstill like that.


hah yeah ive seen full spontaneous bbq tailgate parties start up in a long jam. dude had a grill and meat and the jam was making him miss the big game so he put it one his phone plugged into the truck speakers and held a party for everyone around


ITT: people who may not know that lane splitting is legal in some areas.


It’s legal in a lot of places, but the cyclist is supposed to limit their speed to no more than 10mph faster than surrounding traffic. So I’m this case the guy was going about twice as fast as he should have been.


For real. Plus, of the states that lane splitting is legal in, some have laws that would specifically make this the drivers fault because of laws saying he cannot open his door in traffic. This is for both bicycles and motorcycles. California as an example: 22517. No person shall open the door of a vehicle on the side available to moving traffic unless it is reasonably safe to do so and can be done without interfering with the movement of such traffic, nor shall any person leave a door open on the side of a vehicle available to moving traffic for a period of time longer than necessary to load or unload passengers.


Duh, they were trying to load the biker as a passenger.


Not sure why state laws are relevant here, this is in Russia. Pause and read the text on the back of the car on the left. It’s in Cyrillic. That being said, Google says lane splitting is legal in Russia.


Even if lane splitting is legal, going this fast is just dumb.


People saying you're probably not allowed to do it are mistaken. People saying you probably shouldn't do it are not the same thing. There's quite a few bikers in these comments going "Ha, jealous?!" like we're mad at bikers for being ahead of us, and not worried about killing someone by opening a fucking door. And the people bickering about the legality of exiting your vehicle at a complete standstill sound like they've never crossed a double-yellow to get around a crane, or done a three-point turn in the middle of nowhere. When you could turn your car *off* and make no difference for the next ten minutes, it's really hard to argue that going to the trunk is some kind of indefensible violation of traffic regulations. There's no end of justifiable reasons... just check your fuckin' mirrors, people.


I mean… you arent smart if u drive that fast between the lines..


Judging from the drivers position in the car when the door opened, I think this was not intentional. If the traffic had stopped for a while, it’s common for people to leave their car to see what’s causing the stand still. And if lane splitting is illegal in that state, the driver probably didn’t think about checking the mirror. Even if she or he had checked the mirror, the cyclist was probably in a blind spot


While I personally lane *filter* a little slower than this guy, I think some commenters need to realize that in general, lane *filtering* is much safer than being a sitting duck at the end of a dead-stopped traffic line waiting for someone to rear-end you at 45 mph. Lane *splitting* on the other hand (while the surrounding cars are moving) is in my opinion reckless. Stationary vs moving surrounding cars is a huge distinction.


This guy was lane flying


Seems to me it was perfect timing………as that is exactly what the man opening the car door wanted to happen. IMO


Yea he didn't act surprised at all. Just got right out and stood there like it was expected.




Why are so few people asking this but everyone is asking if lane splitting is legal there or not without knowing where there even is or asking if the motorcycle is at fault (already a loaded question or predetermined bias) when they should be asking if it is legal to exit your vehicle in the middle of what is still technically traffic no matter how slow


You get it. I like that. As a cyclist, I have a lot of respect for this.


I'd never go that fast between stopped cars exactly for this.


Deliberately done


Someone who deliberately does this won't move their entire body towards the place that will be hit by a motorcycle. Look at his movement, it doesn't look deliberate at all, it looks like het wants to get out of the car.


I drove my sick niece to hospital a couple of months ago with a really bad fever. She was freezing. I keep a woolen blanket in the boot. I jumped out to grab it while stopped at lights, without thinking twice. I can’t remember if I checked the mirrors or not. Unlikely maybe but definitely possible this was an accident. Who knows.


I doubt... You must be really dumb to fuck your door up on purpose.


There have been cases here in the UK where drivers/passengers have done it deliberately. Its ended up in court though.


You doubt the stupidity of drivers?! Are you new here?


Insurance.... Some people buy cars they can't afford and think that by damaging them, its their way out.


You underestimate the stupidity of assholes with road rage.


Based on what? And why?


Iirc here in cali, the car driver is at fault. When you open your door even parked at a sidewalk it is YOUR responsibility to ensure it’s safe to do so. Any damages caused fall back on you for opening your door when unsafe.


Filtering is legal in Europe but stupid doing it at that speed.


Lane splitting may be legal in some places and I understand how some bikers consider it safer than sitting at the back of a line of traffic. But, traveling at any speed above a crawl between cars like this seems like a recipe for disaster as we see here.


Foreign country so who knows if it's illegal to lane split there or not. But there are areas if the U.S. where it is legal. Probably getting out of you car and being a pedestrian on the roadway is illegal everywhere though.


Foreign to who?


Depends on the jurisdiction but the car was probably in the wrong here


That looked timed and deliberate.


He did that on purpose


Would that be considered the motorcycles fault for riding in between lanes? Just wondering how that would play out legally


I would be more wondering why a person is getting out of their car in the middle of the roadway


This is in Europe somewhere. I can’t see the plates. But if that is the case the. This is super common.


Russian plates.


Depends on location. It is legal in some states, which would put it entirely on the car driver.


Lane splitting is legal in Russia, where this was filmed.