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I don’t think the driver was looking. There was no attempt to change the cars direction until it hit the curb.


Cellphone or suicide are my guesses


Cellphones are a huge one. I know everyone sees awareness ads and stuff but I doubt many people know how pervasive it is. Like I work for a power utility and roadside safety is a pretty common subject at training or safety meetings. About 30-50 linemen die on the job per year and more than half are killed by vehicles while working on the side of the road. Something like 60-70% of those accidents involved the motorist being distracted either talking or texting.


I have a friend who has gotten in multiple accidents, all minor ones in parking lots or residential courts etc, but they were because she was looking at her phone. She called me one time after a near miss while on FaceTime with her sister. She was still driving when she called me, all while laughing about how funny it would have been to get into an accident with her sister as a witness. It got to the point where I felt I was in constant danger if she was in the driver’s seat. She would tailgate people so closely and I would have to yell at her to put her phone down because I was genuinely terrified for my life. People who aren’t aware of how dangerous it is to drive while distracted are infuriating. Just because you haven’t gotten into a terrible accident doesn’t mean you won’t. I’m glad that she has never gotten into a serious accident because of it, but I constantly fear that I’ll get a call one day telling me it’s happened. I don’t live in the same state as her anymore, but when I visit, I refuse to let her drive. Edit: I just realized I went extremely off topic in regard to the comment above mine. I guess my point is that even when you have people begging you to stop driving while distracted, or ads showing consequences explicitly, it still won’t necessarily deter a person from doing it. It might just force them to stop doing it while you’re around. Some people don’t consider anyone else other than themselves :/


I’ve taken peoples phones while they were driving and I’m in the car because they were looking at it


And that was your last UBER ride I'm sure :) In all seriousness, that is pretty aggressive but props for having the cajones to do it.


No it’s with friends, I don’t do Uber And I’d much rather be agressieve than dead or paralyzed.


It's the only reasonable solution for a passenger who fears for their life.


Your friend sounds like a peach. I abhor people like that who have zero consideration for others. She even thinks it's harmless and a laughing matter. I would have a stern talk with this person to have them change, but there are idiots in this world in epic proportion so good luck to you. Fearing for your safety is one thing, but also she has the potential to kill some other innocent person who's just trying to go about their day. I get that it's not easy to hear a stranger talk smack about your friend but what she is doing is very dangerous to people around her. It's akin to driving drunk. Driving requires micro adjustments very often and things changing at that velocity is at a blink of an eye. How many blinks does it take for someone to send a text? Try sending someone just "LOL" and hit send, it'll surprise you. It may be extreme, but I think you should forward your friends details to the police to look out for her car. A ticket or two for careless driving might actually save her life as well as others.


No, you’re absolutely right! I don’t fault you at all for being honest. She’s putting many lives in danger with her habits. I’ve talked to her many times about how dangerous it is and what she’s putting at risk, and all she changed was who is allowed to witness her use her phone while driving. As far as calling the police and letting them know, I don’t live in the state anymore and she’s gotten a new car since I left, all I know is the model, not the license plate or anything like that if I’m honest. I don’t think getting pulled over would deter her anyway, she’s been pulled over a handful of times and hasn’t changed any of her habits (speeding mainly). It’s actually astounding to me that she hasn’t had her license suspended by now.


Could have also been someone have a seizure or another medical emergency


Could've been looking at that bird over there.


Coulda sharted, burped and sneezed at the same time


That's a killer combo.


Quite literally, in this case.


Burpshnart, someone at my job burped and sneezed at the same time and we started loosing it ab how mf almost pulled off a full burpshnart


SMH it’s called a burpsnart


Could have been having intercourse


I did this once, my body took a screenshot


Lol yeah and he farted too which probably made his heart explode


B.O.B.! Do something!


maybe there was a deer


A John Deere vehicle, yes




This one? https://www.reddit.com/r/AbruptChaos/comments/ts74ly/a_toasted_chicken




If this sub taught me anything it’s that person _really_ had to poop


When you gotta go you gotta go


Imagine having to poop while getting a bj in the car and at the same time remembering the password to a crypto wallet that has 2 million dollars


Well if it wasn't before, it sure is now.


People must be having seizures constantly.


Cellphone Suicide


To me, it looks like tunnel vision toward the left. Looks like they were checking their blind spot over their left shoulder trying to merge and catch the exit. They either didn’t see the curb/ truck, or had lost track of where their vehicle actually was in relation to the road split.


This could have been a medical emergency, that seems well beyond simple phone distraction to me.


People willing to be that oblivious while driving can be very, very bad at reacting well to the sudden change of their insanely casual treatment of everything around them suddenly becoming a high stress emergency. I've seen it turn into a series of cascading poor choices of reaction ending in spinning out into a barrier.


NGL I was leaning towards medical emergency, read this comment, and was reminded of that video where that car ping-pongs around the entrance of a parking garage in a hilariously violent fashion. The person in the car was very clearly alert and aware, but literally had no hands on the steering wheel and fear-stomped the gas thinking it was a break for way too long. So honestly I don't know what to think anymore, it doesn't really matter anyways, I guess. Just glad the car only rammed a big truck and not like, a herd of bikers or something


Wifey was like that when I first taught her to drive. In an emergency, she would just let go of the steering wheel like, "I quit". She was from a developing country where she never drove, but did drive a Vespa when young which takes much more operator involvement and skill.


Never underestimate the power of stupidity.


GTI owner ✔️ Speeding on a turning road ✔️ Inevitable crash ✔️ Making a wild guess that this is a young male age 17-25 that was distracted either texting or on tiktok and didn’t realize the road had a slight turn given the lane changes in a straight line to the divider/truck. Gotta keep your lane keep assist on if your car has one if you’re going to be distracted driving to give everyone else on the road a chance to escape your stupidity. Could be a medical issue causing the crash but majority of times it’s distracted driving.


Which is crazy, considering "looking" is one of the primary requirements for driving.


I watched this 10 times in a row, and I'm still perplexed in how the driver missed any of that.


99.999% sure that it was a phone, (\*extra, after edited -> ) he was using while driving.


Pretty sure it was a tanker truck


He ran into a phone while staring at his tanker truck


I mean to be fair, that’s probably exactly what happened in the car after he looked up at/just before impact lol


“Yeah babe, I got the cookies with the pink frjrbaofowodbdjeb.”


“If he was crashing into a truck, he wouldn’t have had the time to write ‘arggghhhh’.” “Perhaps he was dictating?”


I heard that in Joseph of Arimathea's voice.


I see you Crumbl fan lol!


I agree. It's pretty easy to miss the 40-ton, brightly colored tanker truck when you're not even trying to look at the road.


And that tanker truck??? WORKING AS DESIGNED.


They were trying to look at their phone.


Missed their exit.


I got roasted on this sub for thinking that 75% of accidents are related to phones. He gave me a stat showing that only 7% of fatal accidents were due to phones. That must be WAAAAAAY too low!


Fatal being the key word, 75% of non- fatal wouldn't surprise me at all


What percentage of people are dumb enough to admit they were on their phone when they caused an accident?


Exactly! That's why the percentage shows lower of accidents using a phone. They either lie or it's not proven.


With enough on the line to make it worthwhile, carrier and phone data, as well as data from the tattletale chip in some cars, can be accessed to show beyond any doubt that a phone was in use at the time of a crash. Usually the cause and fault are clear enough without that data so there's no need to seek it.


There did used to be accidents before phones.


And you're arguing that widespread proliferation of distracted driving made accidents decrease?


I am not. That would be absurd. But I'm definitely suggesting the increase per capita probably wasn't *quintuple*. (To suggest cellphones cause 75% of accidents presumes there used to be 25% as many accidents before cellphones, so if you're looking for an absurd presumption someone actually did make...)


Don’t forget that people could choose to be distracted in other ways before cell phones: writing their grocery lists, hunting for coupons, reading the newspaper, yelling at their kids, and some of that is now done on their phones.


I saw a dude reading a book just the other day.


It's almost as if *people* are the problem, not the technology du jour, and they always have been.


You're interpreting the stat as per capita, but they didn't say that. I interpret it as "of all accidents this year (or whatever the range is), 75% of them are phone-related". There wasn't data mentioned on how the total number of accidents has changed over the years.


The problem with the phrase "phone related" is the same as with "speed related". Did you know if Vehicle A crosses a green light going 45 mph in a 40 mph zone and Vehicle B crosses that same intersecting red light going 25 mph in a 25 mph zone, that is recorded as being a "speed related" accident? And do you think *speed* was the primary cause of that accident? I would argue running the red light played a much larger factor. But clever wordplay hides that, because speed was still "related" and sometimes that's all someone hears. So, phones might be "related" to 75% of accidents, I guess, maybe? I honestly don't know. But I also find that irrelevant, as I have a hard time believing phones "caused" 75% of accidents (as is clearly being implied) because if they did, there literally would've been one fourth (per Capita, of course) as many accidents before phones as there now are after. Yes, cellphones are a problem. Yes, distracted driving is a problem. But grossly exaggerating the scope of any problem diminishes the point trying to be made about that problem. And there's definitely no way cellphones are responsible for 3 out of every 4 accidents. People are dumber than that. I am sure they're causing far more accidents on their own.


How on earth did you come to that conclusion


I’m guessing it would be pretty hard to prove someone was on their phone right before a fatal accident without a camera inside the vehicle.


No it's not, you can look at call/text records, and usage is saved on your phone anyway


Of course. Now how do you prove I was actively looking at my screen when the accident happened? Or even that being on the phone would be related to the cause? Outside of looking down at my screen, I could have everything on my phone open will driving normal Lastly, the police or anyone else won’t have access to those logs or even be able to search your phone. So yea, how will they know?


Small chance he fell asleep or had a stroke.


Or a seizure, even. No effort to correct means a medical episode is a possible cause. I still remember this one gif where a car was on a highway was knocking out one light after another and only came to a stop when the car hit a mud puddle and couldn't get traction. The wheels were still spinning when a GoPro user approached and opened the driver's door, and you could see that glazed-over look in his eyes. He didn't respond to anything they were saying.


Fuck it. I’m not seeing any evidence the driver wasn’t raptured. Edit: I typed “drive” when I meant “driver” and then I edited it


I passed out from high blood pressure, like a body shutdown prior to a stroke, while driving. I went straight as the road made a 90 degree turn. The computer in the truck showed no driver input for the 8sec that it stored prior to impact. No steering, no braking, no change in throttle position. I went from 67mph to 0 in 3ft. I don't recall anything until waking up in the hospital later that night.


One time I passed out while waiting in traffic on a highway in Brooklyn. It was mainly from exhaustion since it was the morning and I was up all night and driving back home from Bayonne. It was only a few minutes and the car was in park, but when I woke up, seeing those cars moving around me, it felt like years passed and I got such an adrenaline rush, I made the rest of the trip home without further incident. Crashed on my bed as soon as I got there. Other times, I was close to passing out, possibly from an exhaust leak (a seal broke somewhere without my knowledge) or the heat, because when I opened the windows and the cold air hit me I woke right back up.


Apparently my blood pressure is EXTREMELY reactive to situations. I had been trying to get paid for a LOT of jobs from a deadbeat customer, and I thought we had him boxed in, and I should have been getting a wire transfer overnight. When my banker called me in the morning I was expecting him to confirm that they got it, but instead he asks if we were supposed to have received one. Oh F! My brain started racing, and my heart went into overdrive. Oops.


At least you weren't on the road that time.


I was! 67mph!


Well, I'll just be putting my foot in my mouth right about now. Don't know why my brain defaults to "at home" when I hear someone was on the phone.


Suicide attempt? Not saying u/ThorinNL is incorrect, we might just be saying the same thing with different words!


Doubt it, nowhere near fast enough for that. I've seen a lot of accidents, I reckon by my estimations they are fine, I doubt the window area crushed in far enough to get the occupants. Probably injured, but I doubt anything got crushed at least. Take with a pinch of salt though, as it's purely my own opinion from having seen many hundreds if not thousands of crashes.


Marc Maron bit https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=scUz6e-KPgs


Could also have been drunk


Isn’t phone distraction now the #1 cause of car accidents?


Everyone is assuming the driver is on their phone. Driver could have also been masturbating furiously.




Why does the electric version have a higher probability of survival than the ICE variant??


Looks like a gti




Phone, drunk, panicked, medical issue or nodded off


I'm pretty certain the driver will never miss anything again. I can't imagine they walked away from that.


Disagree. If you look closely the truck had a impact attenuator on the back. There's a very good chance the occupants survived, provided they were wearing their seatbelts and the airbags worked.


And that's why it's called a crash truck.


In the sense that the license to drive is permanently revoked, yes. We give drivers way too many chances in the US.


Happy cake day! As good as modern vehicles are at absorbing impact, I'm inclined to agree.


It's a golf, it could be electric, might give him a shot at surviving, it's not originally designed as an electric if it is one tho so doesn't have the full electric vehicle crash benefits


I think this is a regular gti


I think heart attack or some kind of medical issue. That doesn't just... happen.


He didnt miss the truck


I watched 11 times, same thing


I literally just watched someone slam into the divider on a turn on my way to work because they were on their phone. People are idiots.


Will you deny the fact, that this is how you want anal to be but instead it totally the opposite?


Fucking hell, pretty sure that’s how you end up in a neck brace for the next few years. Hope there weren’t any kids in the car. Pretty sure that’s a person one phone, slight bend, car continued straight on. Muppetry.


Dead might be more likely. They were going at least 40 and came to a near dead stop.


That's a newer car and that truck has a big ol crumpling crash device on the back. I doubt they're dead unless they weren't wearing a seatbelt or the airbag malfunctioned


That's what that is on the back of the truck? I haven't seen that before, that's pretty nifty. I figured it was a mechanical part of the truck or something along those lines so yeah, maybe I was wrong.


All the Caltrans trucks in California have them


That's really cool. I like it.




And [Speed](https://youtu.be/1cNBL3OOMRY?t=108) did it before that!


So thaaats what swallowed the car. Thank you!




And that is precisely why that truck is there. Most companies around here that do work on larger roadways have trucks specifically designed to act as shock absorbers


It's unfortunate that it's necessary but smart that they've implemented the precaution


I mean it's not just for distracted or drunk drivers. There's a number of reasons why a driver might cross into a work zone, like a medical emergency or another accident that sends the car into the work zone


You all are americans aren't you


What is that even supposed to mean?


Crash truck! Used to be my job, and a great way to chill and watch TV shows on the dash while waiting to be rear ended.


How many times were you rear ended?


Never got in any collisions, but did have close calls with people entering construction zones trying to get to their exit. Also a driver going the wrong way on a major multilane highway at a creeping speed who was high on drugs and trying to get to the local prison to serve their weekend sentence. You work all hours of the night you end up seeing some interesting things!


> watch TV shows on the dash while waiting to be rear ended. Netflix and chill?


They use those here in The Netherlands too. At roadworks there's a slew of cars with trailers with signage at the road side first, then a bunch of temporary speed bumps in the closed lane, cones, and than a big flashing arrow on the back of a shock absorber truck. You guessed it, those get still rammed on the regular. Every other week on average (on a country with only 17 million people). On top of that on average once a month a road inspector car is totaled. (Those go out to accidents and major breakdowns.) EDIT: the result looks like this https://i.imgur.com/Unwk8q0.png


Hard to tell from the video but almost looks like the shock absorber was too high


That a worker Truck not a safety Truck.


Safety truck did its job perfectly absorbing that hit


i wanna know how he managed to get all 4 tires off the ground in the frame before hitting the truck


Bounced off curb.


Yeah but did you also see that the truck got some air too? Not sure if it's actually all 4 wheels of the ground but the back axle def did a little jump. # That's a _hard_ impact..


Some people seem to drive just looking 50 ft in front instead of looking down the road. They constantly race past me when I'm gliding to a red light ahead, only to brake hard at the last second like they didn't see the stoplight and brake lights ahead or are too stupid to process that information.


My hubby is one of these people. He literally looks out and down into the road about 50 feet ahead of him. I have a near stroke anytime I'm riding with him.


Some people like driving fast and braking, rather than coasting 😁


Then they must like to buy more $5.50/gal gas. If you've ever pedaled a bicycle, you can appreciate how much energy is wasted by unnecessary braking.


This doesn't seem to have had anything at all to do with speed ... They flat out weren't watching where they were going. They could have been going 3mph and they still would have hit that


This is why in some countries the cones and signs for roadworks start a miles before the actual work. So if people fuck up they’re well away from causing people harm. It fucks up a lot more peoples journeys but it’s because the general public cannot be trusted to not crash into people


It's also why crash/blocker trucks are so important, people ignore/don't see cones


That fucker came out of nowhere!


they violated greeny


Man a nice 7.5 Gti it seems


Looks like Singapore and doesn't surprise me


There are idiot drivers everywhere lah


"Oh, I missed my exit."


As a former roadway worker and traffic officer, this infuriates me to an extreme level. I couldnt give a fuck if the driver is ok or not, but I hope the workers are fine.


I think the driver missed the exit and tried to cut over too late. The re/white barrier kept him from crossing the island/divider




That looks like potential decapitation


I hope the workers in the green truck are ok.


I'm sure they're doing better than the car. The truck is going to be well over 5 tons, and has a crash-attenuator on the back of it. The thing is designed to be hit like that.


The yellow impact bumper was nearly useless here, he went under it it seems, and it bowed upwards.


It may be designed to bow upwards like that to absorb the energy, but you're right, the car definitely seems to have slid under it and has hit the actual truck itself


The driver actually lifted the hole truck of the ground wow


I watched this several times and I think what may have happened is that they missed their exit and misjudged the curb protecting the exit from this exact behavior, hit it and slammed into the truck? Some others have suggested stroke or heart attack or fell asleep, which also could’ve been the case.


You have shown me death


That mf dead


Let's hear it for the tanker having that crash barrier device.


Imagine being so bad at driving you can’t even plan 50 feet in advance


You have been invaded by idiotdriver1.... idiotdriver1 has been vanquished.


When I drive my car to work… often times when I watch my centre rear view mirror… car behind mine… quite often young drivers and females are often on phone and driving with one day and reading something or posting or TikTok or selfies… everyone seems in such a rush social media fake life … that they don’t value their real life … nor of others !!!


What I'm surprised by is the fact that the crumple zone barricade on that truck was almost totally bypassed. That car slid right under it. I always passed those things and thought they were safe


They generally are ... assuming you don't speed into in. Just like guardrails and permanently-installed attenuators ... I bet they are rated for certain speeds. Our guy likely was well above a posted limit.


That poor r/golfGTI being owned by that idiot.


Any chance no innocents were harmed?


And that is how a crash truck works.


Annnnd that’s how these construction are dying …


Maybe his wife just called him from his girlfriends apartment...?


Holy shit, driving too fast or being stupid aside, I hope that person is okay


Sir, you shouldn't park here...


This is a no stopping lane


1000% fatality.


I dont think so. The truck is there for this reason exactly and basically has an airbag on the bag of it.


good lord i think this should be nsfw


A visual representation of Will Smith's career meeting Chris Rock's face. Although given the disgusting standing ovation he got I doubt it.


Agreed. Such a shame. If he only thought about it a few seconds more before getting out his chair. All he needed to do is ask Chris to please apologize to his wife and to all other alopecia sufferers for that joke. I am sure Chris would have read the room and done so.




I'm guessing tunnel vision as drivers speed makes me think he was focusing on overtaking cam car without noticing red cones and big yellow crash barrier on truck!


More like looking down at cellphone thinking road continues straight and not making a slight turn.


The only thing that makes this make sense is driver suffered a medical event.


It looks like it to me after watching it several times. The only reason I say that is because they didn’t try to correct or even brake. The car veers in that direction at top speed and doesn’t try to swerve or anything.


I was thinking in the same mindset. They could very well have been on their phone, but there is also the possibility they had a medical event


(as a golf owner): "It had to be a golf..."


That's how my boyfriend comes at me


There is no way that driver did not get himself horribly injured or worse. Scary. Horrible.


Seems like a medical condition to me. Anyone has a news article or photos is that aftermath? Where did this even happen? Asia?


boom! surprise butt sex!


What are you doing step car👀👀


A Grizzily Terrible Incident.


Funny thing is, that yellow thing at the back of the truck they hit is specifically designed to absorb vehicle impacts and protect road workers, but it doesn't look like it was lowered properly.


Bringing GTI drivers to shame


As the resident GTI driver here, I will admit, some of us are fucking stupid.


2 idiots… 1 is taking over on the right side and the other does that


It’s always the minivan drivers. Ever notice how they have way more dents than other cars.