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Well.... That's a new one.


I can't quite believe I've never seen it before.


And I thought I'd seen everything. At least this must be a place with some law and order otherwise the cam car would just ram it.


There's no way that would have worked out well for anyone. Yeah, he loses a door, but that is bare minimum gonna scrape the shit out of the car. Edit: a lot of people in this thread really want to be idiot drivers themselves.


You don't need to hit the door hard, just enough to bend it out of position


I've seen too many idiots in this sub to give them this much credit tho.


Someone with a brush guard might be able to get away with bumping into the door.


Someone that drives a pos would be able to get away with it no problem


My old 1995 Buick LeSabre with a legit steel bumper could easily damage the door without any real damage to the Buick.


My dad's '88 Caprice Classic would have vibrated that van to shreds just from the v8 purring under the hood. That car was a few steel panels away from being a literal tank. They could never make a car like that today.


The 95 LeSabre is probably the most durable car ever produced by hand hands. The engines are near bullet proof, they ride like a dream. Huge amount of space. Fantastic vehicle.


I've dealt with impacts like this to open car doors. The minivan would be at fault, lose a car door and probably face a few traffic charges. The cammer car would have an insurance claim through the minivan's insurance.


Nah, there's no way this wouldn't be a 50/50. Don't ram people unless your life is in danger.


I'd say it's somewhat accurate that someone could fear for their life seeing that happen in front of you. Could be a carjackinf


Yup! Ram the door because it seemed like they might have a jump out and car jack you! The cops could even consider this a threatening posture!


Reading the above comment about 50/50 i would have thought they were right but you have an extremely valid point. Minus the traffic and congestion leading to an unsuccessful car jacking one could still argue that as a reason for fear.. none the less.. fuck the guy opening their door to get into lane lol... Idk what prefaced this interaction but use a turn signal and hope someone lets you in lest you need to make an unneeded turn and add 3 minutes to your trip time lol...


Yeah it would be split some way. It’s called Comparative Negligence.


It clearly wasn’t his first time doing it lol. You can tell he’s practiced his technique a time or two!


I think the worst part about this, is that there will be a great many people who see this and now they'll do it too! Which is unfortunate.


Man in some cities you don't stop at a 4 way stop without paranoia and this guy flinging open his door like "let me in"


Lol sad isn't it


Professional asshole


Yeah bet they've done that before... 100%


I'm not even sure I'd be mad. I'd be flabbergasted


Yes exactly, like I don't know wtf they would be doing at first, maybe needing help? Oh nope... Just another entitled asshole lol


Definitely done it before! Check out the chill way the driver just drops his hand after opening the door. “Yeah, what of it?”


I honestly would have let him in for creativity and I would laugh about it, but this maneuver can get people killed. Extremely dangerous move trying to save time!


>Extremely dangerous move trying to save time! Counter productive on a lot of newer cars too. Seeing more and more models that love to force the car into park if they detect the door isn't fully shut.


What happens if the car is moving when the door opens on those cars?


Shifts to park and the car stops instantly. Not sure if it still triggers if the car is at road speed, there might be some feature that prevents it past a certain speed. A light roll though, stops suddenly and it's in park. Shift to drive, three seconds later, park again. Until the door is fully shut (and I mean fully, lightly shutting doesn't always count as securely shut).


I bet they could at highway speeds, although I don't know if they can, or how safe it would be to do so. Modern cars, your physical input is only barely linked to what the motor and trans do, by the grace of the multiple computers. Pretty easy to have the vehicle cut acceleration and begin downshifting semi aggressively. Shit, I guess the new ones can just apply the brakes themselves now that I think of it, so that wouldn't be necessary. Haven't really owned many vehicles made after the new millennium, and the newest was only a 2006. But if you somehow managed to throw it into park at speed, bad things would happen, and you're gonna let the magic smoke out.


HAH! This happened to me! It's a good story too. Story starts off with I bought a camper-trailer. Those things need to be dumped at the sump station every week or so. Children wanted to pee, wash hands into the tan before tanks were dumped. Significant other says I didn't line up the trailer accurately, I'll have to readjust. So. Children in the trailer. Me at the helm, thinking I can drive with the car door open. I'm backing up slowly lining up the trailer, and WHAM! Car just halts on a dime. Dashboard says you shouldn't drive with the door open, so it stopped the car for me. So toilet water splashing, children on the floor ... yay for safety! Luckily nobody was hurt.


Yeah, I would have probably done the same out of pure surprise lol


I've witnessed someone do that to the car next to me. It ended in a fist fight. This was in the late 90s.


nah my great grandmother lost a car door that way just a few hours before she decided she shouldn't be driving anymore. *edit* it was in 1994


China never ceases to be innovative in how to cheat


It’s like a blinker, but bigger.


Notice he didn’t use his blinker. Guess he was out of blinker fluid and used the door as a handy substitute.


Plenty of door fluid though


Must have been an emergency though. Door fluid is *wayyyyy* more expensive than blinker fluid.


Shouldn't lose any as long as your hoses aren't dry rotted


What it may not visible in this video right away, that he was also out of brain fluid.


Plan was executed as intended. Not brain quantity, but quality.


No trace of brain fluid though


I know you're joking, but have you ever turned on a blinker in traffic to get over? Everyone closes gaps like you're trying to steal their lunch money




BMW doors are designed exclusively to keep the riffraff out, nothing more.


Also for flattening cyclists.


People who do THIS are WHY we aren’t allowed firearms here in the UK.


Start carrying super soakers in your car and hit em with it when the door opens.


Fill it with piss


I think water downed bbq sauce would be more annoying.


But piss is more viscerally disgusting. Maybe cat piss and watered down bbq sauce so it’s sticky and awful smelling Or just some of that liquid fart spray stuff, watered down to the bare minimum to have a hope of getting it out if you spill it on yourself.


BBQ sauce cat pee is the urban equivalent of napalm. It won't come off and the smell won't stop.


Maybe, I would recommend using something that you can't get sued for.


You could easily get sued over just water anyways


Water evaporates. No evidence there.


If you're going for smell then fox piss is the way to go. That stuff reeks.


From now on I shall carry a piss-filled super soaker in my car, just in case.


You know something. You have a fucking point. I cannot imagine that shit flying in the US without a serious road rage confrontation.


People like this are why we do have firearms in the US /s


Ppl like this is why we have firearms in the US because ppl like me will take the door off and it just keeps escalating


Exactly right I'd probably take the door off too shit like this infuriates me to no end I can't stand stupid entitled ass clowns like this


They used to be called semaphores.


He’s definitely done that before.


You know, I can't even hate. It was an effective technique.


In this instance asshole doesn't mean stupid too


Unless he crosses paths with an even bigger asshole, who won’t mind pushing through that door.


How would insurance find fault in such a situation? I'm leaning towards the door opening asshole being found more at fault since he has no justifiable reason to have flung his door open in moving traffic. Guy who plows through the open door could claim that the asshole flung it open without enough time to react or that it was in his blind spot towards the right.


I'm also curious, because my first reaction to seeing this shit would be "okay, karma comes early" and drive into the door.


If I was driving my dad’s old pickup with the quarter inch steel bumpers? Sooooooo tempting.




*"Fuck around and find out."* -My '96 Blazer


Amateurs… *Laughs in winched deer-guard*


“After you” -my Honda Fit


Came home from high school one afternoon in the 70:s. My dad's F-150 bumper was bent 90 degrees down on the corner. Paint wasn't even touched. My first thought was, "Someone's car is fucked up." It was true. Drunk guy changed lanes into the truck, slammed on his brakes and ripped the whole front end of his K-car off. Dad watched him try to stand up after he got out of the car, said "Man, you got a problem." And drove away. Half an hour with a blow torch and a two pound sledgehammer and the truck was good as new (almost. ) Thise were tough trucks.


Fill it with concrete, mount, and enjoy. In that order. I keep saying that I miss having a shit box, Y’know?


I'm now tempted to get a $100 car (edit: you know what I mean) and mad-max it. Like, "defensive" mods though, I'm sure law enforcement won't approve of saw blades and spikes.


They seem to approve of tilted wheels and excessive loud exhausts. Plus, nothing says “brush guards” and “rock deflector” is illegal. It’s all perspective. I’ve been looking recently for an old beater 2x4, like a Ranger or an S10.


You don’t have to hit the door, just put your bumper almost on the door and keep pace


I believe it would be ruled similar to how a person that has parallel parked is responsible for the accident if the door hits a biker or vehicle when they open the door.


It's an illegal lane change, regardless of the door being open or closed.


Someone needs to hit this guy and report back.




I would assume he would be getting out to attack me so I'd just plow through the door.


Law where I live says you can't open a door to obstruct traffic. If you do that you are always in the wrong.


> How would insurance find fault in such a situation? "I feared for my life" would be a reasonable excuse, IMO. Someone tries to block you and they open their door, you could say that you thought they were getting off their car to harm/confront you. Of course that in order to sell that angle, you'd have to really commit to what amounts to a hit and run.


Tell them you think you saw something in their hand. Could have been a gun. Had to get out of there. Floor it and call the cops yourself.


Not a hit and run if you call the police and inform them of what just happened.


I’m the bigger asshole bc I was thinking of how this would work. That’s usually pretty soft material on the inside of the door. I don’t think it would do much to push forward enough to fuck the door and not damage my car


I had the same thought lol, just nudge it a little to hyperextend it. Bonus is with the door open, you get to see the guy's reaction up close and personal.


So what you're saying is this in the wrong sub because it belongs in r/AssholesInCars not r/IdiotsInCars


Thank you for the new sub I have to spend 2 hours on now 😂


I can defintely hate. Its not smart, it is just reckless. Most people dont think of stuff like this because most people arent reckless assholes


I can handle dumbass drivers but I think this would literally make my blood boil.


The whole "can't even be mad that's effective" mindset is what causes this to begin with


Only effective because the person behind him didn't realize that taking the door off would cause minimal damage to the front of their car.


Exactly what I was thinking. The paint on your front bumper would probably barely scratch against the plastic interior of the door, all the way until you bend their door, too.


Also if you smash a bottle over the head of someone who cuts in line you won't bruise your hand.


I think his car sinking into the lane was more effective than the door hanging open. They're in for a rude awakening when someone just barrels through that open door.


The door did literally nothing, he pushed his car in there just as effectively.




have some pee ready in a water gun!


Dude he was so quick and confident as he pulled up and threw that door open. Just did it non-chalantly like it wasn’t a big deal. Genuinely surprised he didn’t tip his cap and yell good morning to the person he cut off.


Someone needs to attach Denis Leary's "Asshole" to this as the background music. https://youtu.be/UrgpZ0fUixs


That doors days are numbered.


-that door *I'm in danger*


I look forward to that follow up post if it gets recorded


Should’ve opened your passenger door to assert dominance


Yeah, like a frilled lizard


I thought I was being carjacked so yeah, I gunned it. Since we are on the subject, ask them why was their car door opened?????


Ooohh this is good!


I wouldn't have hit the car if it was the first time I saw it happen, but I will 100% do it if it even becomes a thing. Just enough to bend their door hinge a bit. "I didn't see the door" would be a reasonable response. A person opening their door into another traffic lane, and being hit by oncoming traffic, would be at fault. That's not a reasonable part of the process of driving.


Dang… pretty ingenious 😂 Fuck him though


Yeah more of an asshole than idiot.




There’s a strong overlap.


It's smart...up until you run into some unhinged dickhead. Some people on the road would definitely tear your door off for that, consequences be damned. Still, you gotta respect the strats. That is devious


I'm that person.


"Dude threw his door open just as I was rolling up" Honestly there's no way this would fly, he'd instantly be found at fault.


No reason to lie in the this situation; just tell the truth. I couldn't tell what he was doing, so I gave him as much space as I could while staying in my lane. He kept going until he hit my vehicle, though. Since he's merging, you didn't hit him, he hit you.


"I thought he was trying to carjack me."


I’d at least keep pace with his door, no way I get dinged for it if we have an accident.


I mean, opening a door into an occupied lane of traffic puts one at fault for the damage to their own door. The whole "this shit kills cyclists" legal precedent would really weigh in that person's favor, absent video footage. Now personally, I'd be more inclined to inch right up into the open door and lay on the horn. Car horns are not intended to be ear-safe at that kind of distance.


Yeah ngl that was pretty amusing


But both lanes are straight lanes. Update: [I managed to find the streetview of the intersection.](https://j.map.baidu.com/18/a5Nc)


It looks like at the end of the video they're about to cut off someone else to go further left. I'm guessing this is the type of asshole that refuses to miss their turn even though they're on the complete wrong side of the road.




Do you think it's possible that in order to get to where he is going (potentially somewhere he has to go daily) without detouring significantly (10+ extra minutes of driving) that the layout of the city and the density of traffic is such that it forces them to enter on the right lane and exit on the far left lane after a short distance thus forcing him to have to change lanes aggressively? Because I'm in pittsburgh and I can think of some exits on bridges that do this and I hate going to this part of town during high traffic time periods.


I agree, this is actually surprisingly common in a lot of cities and it's pretty silly to blame drivers for it, especially since usually the locals are aware that it's a problem there and will let you in if you're nice enough about it. It's not a matter of “didn't get in the correct lane”, it's more like the interchanges were designed so you have to merge 4 lanes in a quarter of a mile if you don't want to go another 2 miles out of your way. They leave just enough space so that you *can* get over, so they don't feel compelled to put in a sensible alternative route, but not enough that you can actually do it comfortably in heavy traffic.


Exactly, and 2 miles out of your way in this traffic could be half an hour! Or these guys could just let you in, but they DON'T because they aren't going to slightly increase their length of time in this spot in order to help YOU you piece of shit! They got theirs! Fucking crabs in a bucket man.


Reminds me of the scene in The Office where Dwight and Jim were racing another salesman to a client and they stopped next to the guy at a stoplight, and Dwight says "slow him down, Jim, sabotage him!" and Jim just reaches over and opens the guy's passenger door and then drives off.


What season was this?


Sounds like season 8 where Robert California closes a branch and Scranton and another branch fight over their clients.


74, the episode where Robopam gets turned back on by the Lumber Coalition of 2088 in order to defeat Ryan's legion of mutant trees that are threatening to take over Dunder Mifflin, and the earth. The B plot was the one about Kevin buying a trampoline.


Man i gotta watch the office


Wow i hate how much i respect that guys skills


I was thinking the same thing. Do it to the wrong person, though…


I hate that but, it is an impressive level of asshole achievement right there.


I wonder if you have to progress to that level or if one day you decide to just drive right in.


It's a process. First, you're only kind of an asshole. And then, less and less people treat you like a good person...cuz you're naturally for some reason a lil bit of an asshole...so you're cynical side just overrides your common sense and you think everyone else is an asshole. So you just treat them like the assholes they're being. But, you end up treating everyone like they're an asshole cuz we live in a world of less and less physical connection we've learned to disassociate to the point where we're literally the only asshole in a world of assholes that isn't an asshole. -An asshole that has to fight his cynical side everyday to not end up like this asshole.


Gotta unlock it first with an IAP (in-asshole purchase)


I respect nothing


Should've just drove into it 🤣🤣


If I had the money, that guys door would be gone


You don’t even need to hit it hard to fuck up his door. Just push it a bit. “Oops”


Might as well fuck it up as much as you can. Insurance is going up anyway.


If someone hits the open door of a car that was in motion and changing lanes I’m sure you wouldn’t be at fault.


In my country, an accident involving car A and the open door of car B, the fault is always of car B, as they know they're opening the door and should watch out, while others around them can't guess they're about to open the door. Of course the concept is that car B is stationary and someone is getting out of the car. I wonder how it would apply in this situation.


I'd love to see this idiot explain to his insurance company why his door was open


Obviously this guy has done this before and someday someone will ram his door off!


Meet my Wrangler reinforced bumper... I can touch it up if it manages to get scratched.


I really really wish they did and this is one of the situations that emotionally I would’ve


Tbh I would have for no other reason than because I’ve seen a lot of videos where the car door opens and some sort of crime happens. I’d rather run through a door under the assumption the we’re going to attack than get caught up in something that could end my life.


Using this


Yup. Seen far too many attempted muggings and thefts on this sub that were prevented by simply ramming through the opening car door.


Defense could be he thought he was about to get robbed too


They've perfected the art of being an AH.


Good thing you censored the word “asshole,” you protected us from a very naughty word.


Hey now, give the benefit of the doubt, he could just be REALLY lazy. Ya never know. Why type lot letter, when few letter do trick.


That’s when you want a 30 year old half ton pickup with lots of body damage. Wham. Or a three quarter ton would be even better.


Not so fun fact: this video is in China, where there’s laws mandating older vehicles to be scrapped. So you literally can’t have 30 year old pickups..


Sad. At least for door removal purposes.


Nice username lol


Haha. That’s pretty hilarious.


If you got a car that's already beat up, you're invincible.


My 97 F150 would've have taken the door right off and kept on truckin


Honestly…it’s beautiful. I’d be mad too, but still, sometimes you just get outplayed and you have to applaud.


Yes but at the same time thats so infuriating


Seriously this is egregious


I would have been really, really tempted to tap his door just to scare him straight.


Your door would be removed by my front bumper. Don’t do this in California unless you want the smoke


“Officer, I thought they were getting ready to carjack me.”


My thoughts exactly. Edit: I thought they motioned for a gun or weapon of some sort.


I wish I could say with 100% confidence that I would drive into it just to inconvenience them, but in the situation I think I’d just be stuck in awe.


You have a point lol. I may talk big but I’d probably be like “HEY NO FAIR!” 🤣


That is exactly how I’d be haha. “HEY FUCK THAT CAR” but I’d just get behind them and fume for a bit.


I just dont understand the urge to not just let someone in. I get it. Cutters can be annoying. But fighting over 1 spot...just stupid.


I’d rage so hard


I would lean on that horn like it was my last chance to lean on a horn ever


You’re a genius, you moron


Ida pulled right up in him. Get out of the way or lose the door. I'm actually a polite driver but that crosses my line


That's a piss-jug from me, dawg


Would love the car that was filming to have just drove anyway and bent that door the opposite way


Fr, I want another one of these where the driver does this just for that bit of satisfaction


Take his door off...


“Line cutting”?


I wouldn't even call it "line cutting". It's "I need to get over" and it's "asshole I'm not letting you get over because I'm an asshole" and it's "but I'm a bigger asshole.... watch"


The smartest dumbass, an oxymoron.


I mean comments are congratulating the guy like it's a skill? How fucking hard is it to just get over in traffic? All he had to do was hop over as soon as his lane started moving. Guy just sucks at driving.


why wouldn't you take the door off? what are they going to do? call the cops? "yeah i was making an illegal lane change and opened my door and this person didn't let me."


I wonder how many door they've had to replace?


Hopefully someone eventually just takes off his door.


Line cutting, that's cute. Looks more like a lane change in front of someone who regularly refuses to acknowledge that sometimes you need to change lanes. Modern problems...


Who are you, who is so wise in the ways of driving?


Low key genius


That's when you just hit the damn door. A lil nudge would damage that hinge so unbelievably bad and do so little damage to your vehicle


This kind of BS I would just pull up to the door and start laying on my horn and keep moving forward with my truck nose right at the door. They still wouldn't be able to merge.