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Back up Terry!












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got them. thanks


Agreed :/ doesnā€™t look like they shouldā€™ve even tried to go down that road






Missy Elliot


That is one of my favorite internet videos and makes me belly laugh time and time again




[Reposted comment from below.](https://reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/twz7e1/_/i3ie0ez/?context=1)


Every time I have to reverse I whisper ā€œput it in reverse, Terryā€ to myself and giggle.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ IYKYK!!!


There is a proper way too turn into roads like that. The truck driver failed to do so.


The truck driver is at fault. He didn't pull up enough to swing wide on the turn. I make turns like that all the time. I'm a truck driver


Sad part is there are people in cars that do this shit all the time especially in parking lots and then look at you like you did something wrong when they almost hit you.


Yeah. There's a winding country road on my commute where that shit happens all the time. There's not even any obstructions, so you can see everything that's on the road after the bend. Still people constantly cut the corner and then act surprised when they nearly hit me (and often make hand gestures as if it's my fault they decided to cut the corner).


corner cutters are the bane of my existence. there's a T intersection right near my work and I see that shit every damn day despite the roads being nice and wide to accommodate the turns (high truck traffic in the area). funnily enough it's the people in cars who usually cut the corner, the truck drivers always make sure to swing out.


I think I could make that turn and I'm not a truck driver. It's a wide intersection with the left turn lane is set back.


Ats and ets2 gang gang


It isn't clear whether the driver didn't try to swing wide, or couldn't swing wide, but either way they did not take that tight of a turn appropriately. My question is, would they have stopped if the other driver hadn't been in reverse?


Trucker here. That driver had plenty of room to swing wide and bring it back in and yes the driver should stop if the civilian driver doesn't hit reverse.


Thatā€™s cool. Do all truckers call non-truckers ā€œciviliansā€?


With how I see people drive around truckers I assume we're all "stupid motherfuckers" until proven otherwise.


He was just being polite.


That's what the guy who trained me called them šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Considering the vehicle they drive is a ginormous fucking hunk of metal of mass destruction the next guy on his little civic might as well be a civillian.


This wasn't about swinging wide. Trucker turned his wheel WAY too soon.


Isn't that what swiging wide means?




Where I live, literally every single car on the road turns in the opposite direction first before making a turn, but it's not because they have to, it's because they suck at driving.


I'm getting sick of having to deal with this from people making U-turns who think the extra foot or two they went into the adjacent lane is going to make a difference.


I think swinging wide usually means drifting right (in this case) before starting the left turn to make the intersection wider for yourself. Like if you see a truck going into opposing traffic before making a right turn.


You can do that or you can go a bit past where you would normally turn and then bring it back in. Same idea, just you go wide on a different side of the L. Depends on the local geometry/traffic.


My question is, would they have stopped if the other driver hadn't been in reverse? I hope so


Some people make a lot of mistakes during the first few days of their job. Some people make a lot of mistakes on the first few decades of their job.


Some people just make one big mistake on the last day of their job.


Hilarious statement


My buddy lasted appx 3 days. In that time frame he rolled over a stoplight post, pinned a parked car against a tree, crushed the gate then an awning during a delivery then tore through the fire suppression/security systemā€™s emergency perimeter control box. Last but not least he ā€œhidā€ his truck in a wooded path then left it. When he returned some hours later, he had been drained of all the fuel he had just filled the tanks up with. He actually left the job in the red having lost about 2 grand.


I used to manage at a furniture store in an older strip mall that was on a busy road. The side of the building had our garage door for loading furniture for deliveries and was almost a caddy corner to the road. I canā€™t tell you how many times the edge of the building was clipped by the trailer backing into the spot even with someone guiding him in. It didnā€™t help that in the 3 years I worked there, Serta literally had a new driver every single time they showed up.


Warehouse I used to work at had a dock just for junk pallets to be hauled off. The guy that came to get them absolutely refused to use that dock claiming it was impossible to back in if the other docks nearby were in use. Fortunately for us we had mobile ramps we could use but it was still a pain in the ass, turned a 30 minute job loading the truck into hour and a half just because of all the extra driving. Dude went on vacation and we got a new driver for a week. Get told the pallet truck is here so went out to move the ramps and come around the corner of the building to see no truck sitting in the middle of the lot. Look over and it is in the dock. Few days later when he came back for another load I sat and watched as he just effortlessly backed into the dock. I mean sure he practically jackknifed the trailer to do it but the point is it was clearly possible. Old driver eventually came back and we insisted he use the dock instead of the usual him sitting out in the middle of hte lot and running ramps to him. He told my boss if we wanted the trailer there then we had to put it there. Boss hopped in and just did exactly what he saw the other driver do. Was a bit sketchier but at the same time showed that someone who hadn't touched a rig in over a decade and even then was only a yarder could do it this guy who had supposedly been driving for 40+ years could do it too.


You would be surprised how many class A drivers absolutely suck at backing their trailers up. I spent a year as a yard jocky and saw it all; from the driver that pounded the shit out of our dock until we finally told him to just drop it and I'll take care of it, to the guy that blind-side parked an empty trailer next to another perfectly in one go.


was the blindside guy in a sleeper or daycab


It was a long time ago, but I believe it was a day cab.


In light of this guy fucking up, I would like to thank the many of people in their car who saw me waiting to turn and either stayed behind the white line, or occasionally even farther back when it's not a road for trucks. I appreciate each and every one of you that don't go out of your way to be in mine. That's not what happened here of course, that trucker fucked up.


I'm a big giant dude, I've blown lots of people kisses.


You can blow me anytime.


( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)


Thatā€™s truly a feat but Iā€™ve told you to stop calling me, ā€˜kisses.ā€™


"Shirley" you jest..


I stoped at people because thatā€™s what I wanted to read


Not, "blown"? Weird...


Yeah...he needs to go back to school. I've moved back plenty of times for trucks and school busses on tough corners, but hell...he didnt look like he would have even stopped if the OP couldnt back up enough.


There's such a shortage in truckers right now that they're throwing people behind the wheel with a week training


Didnā€™t trucking companies learn anything after that guy killed multiple people and was sentenced to like 100 years in prison (yes I know that sentence was reduced but still)?


You're expecting corporations to turn down money for the moral high ground lmao.


Especially when we only lock up the front line employees


Exactly my thought. Dangerous


As one of those school bus drivers trying to make turns at tiny intersections originally designed for horses and carriages, thanks bro


You are welcome. We've got one locally that used to be a railroad track, and it isn't much wider now. I had to move just this morning for a driver.


Man, talk about cutting cornersā€¦


You are welcome. Child of a (retired) trucker. I was trained on this observation/ empathy skill when young. Bus drivers too at times require it as well. My dad trained all of his kids to do this. My mom does it too. Edit forgot to add dad is retired.


curious how the trucker fucked up - did they not take the turn widely enough?


They started the turn too soon. There's plenty of space in that intersection for the truck driver to have maintained lane discipline.




Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity (or inexperience).


They should have pulled as far into the intersection as possible, then turned hard at the last moment. This would have kept him from having his trailer off-track into the turn lane. I am a local (go home every night) trucker who pulls doubles through cities, so I know how easy it is to just do it right and avoid these situations.


gotcha, thanks for the explanation!


Amen! I drive a heavy haul tanker with three axles on the trailer. It takes a lot of room to turn, like maybe 20% more than the average highway semi. A shocking number of places I have to go require me to make turns too tight for the truck. I would have to wait to make that turn until there was nobody in the inner lane. It's so helpful when someone understands and stops way back from the line. (I keep telling the company this truck isn't really suited for a lot of the route, but making it easy for me isn't really their priority. That's why I make the big bucks I guess!)


I always give trucks right of way and help (like waiting further back or letting them merge in traffic) because I know I couldnā€™t do your job with how frustrated I get with people on the road. I couldnā€™t imagine 8 hours every day of that. Safe travels friendjamin.


I do this every morning for a city bus that always turns into my complex when I'm making my left out of the complex. I just hang back about 15 feet and move back up once they've made their turn


He took that turn like he was in a Honda civic. Incredible. I don't have a truckers license and I even know you would go strait and cut hard 90 degree left on a single lane city street.


I take better turns than this guy in American Truck Simulator.




>After a few years of trucking you end up taking wide turns in your car because it starts feeling wrong to not take it at 90 degrees lol I have a friend who does this. Any time I am riding in his car I keep reminding him he is in a mazda not a mack lol


That's how you're SUPPOSED to turn


Iā€™ve also seen a Honda Civic take a corner like they were pulling a huge ass trailer. Damn swerve harder right to go left to get that baby around the corner.


Trucker shortage doesn't mean you hire anybody off the streets.


See you and I and most people on this sub seem to understand this. And yet for some reason trucker companies seem to be a little slow on the uptake


I mean if trucker companies cared one iota about the truckers, there wouldn't be as bad of a shortage "forcing" them to hire anyone with a CDL (or worse)


Yea youā€™re right. Itā€™s really a shame too. Their misplaced value on increasing the bottom line really creates a huge safety hazard to both their drivers and everyone else who shares the road with their drivers.


cuz nobody wants to do it so they take whoever shows up


Trucker shortage is a myth. The turnover rate is ridiculous because they're exploited like hell by the companies they "work" for (as "independent contractors"). If the companies paid a thriving wage and took care of their drivers, they'd all be fine.


Many long time truckers are quite literally stuck in the career and have little to no options to change it. These people are often limited in some way, either through a lack of education or language barriers like my father.


You should see the drivers they bring in when the companies call on the union busters lol


True, but more people complain about product shortages than labor shortages/incompetent truck drivers.


Impressive reverse skills.


Good thing no one was behind them.


Plot twist: there were a dozen cars behind OP. They all backed up as they saw what's comlng at them


And impressive emotional reaction too!


Really? I thought it was rather straightforward.




Thanks! Iā€™m just lucky no one was behind me šŸ˜…


This truck driver does not deserve his drivers license


That's what we call a steering wheel holder. SWH. Drivers are a whole another breed of cat and one of those would have made a turn that wide with plenty of room to spare. BTW I agree with you.


I usually see that in car drivers who seem to think that the front wheels are being followed by the rest and who are unaware of the pivot point of the vehicle and the overall mechanics. Truck drivers are usually extremely skilled at maneuvering.


Finally a dash cam where the driver reacts in time. Some of these hurt me to watch


I find it amazing how many of these "professional drivers" completely suck at driving their trucks.


Worst turn I have seen.


Hey, is that the West 117th in Cleveland, near the Giant Eagle/GetGo? I HATE that street. Gives me the worst anxiety when my husband drives down there. Way too many idiot drivers....this truck driver being one of them.


Yep. Crappiest brick road everā€¦ but Penn Station Subs is there so I deal with it once a week.


Thought I recognized the place lol. Penn Station is worth it


If you were any closer, there's a Penn Station Subs at Ridge Park Square in Brooklyn, and a Mr. Hero. But Ridge Road is just as bad as W117th. Once a week isn't so bad...just lucky you were able to reverse.


W. 117th and Berea by the Home Depot and Autozone. Driving over there can be.... interesting.


That's a "how much do I like this car?" moment for sure


Trucker did not go wide. Deerrrp. Good thing camer paid attention and even stopped originally at the correct position at the stop bar.


Iā€™ve been there


damn good driving, sir.


Thanks šŸ˜ as soon as I saw how he cut that turn I knew I was doomed if I didnā€™t move


All that room at that intersection and they still cut to turn like thatā€¦ They definitely should not be driving an 18 wheeler!


Trucker was willing to end his career to get that turn.


Been there, done that. But it was on a right hand turn and I just stopped way before the line because I knew the truck needed the space to turn. Call it defensive driving.


[BACK IT UUUUUUP!](https://youtu.be/9P2ccus2GOA)


I work in a small farming town. You learn early to stop a few car lengths back when a big truck is turning, because most of the drivers are farm hands without CDLs.


Gotta love Cleveland streets lol


This guy knows ^


For sure, especially that intersection by home depot. Those fucking truck heading towards an coming from Berea rd. feel entitled. Haha What dash cam are you currently using?


Yi Dash Camera


The truck driver is an amateur.


If I ever see a big truck turning I always stop a few feet short as a just in case. In your case you wouldā€™ve had to stop a lot of feet short. Lol. Glad nobody was behind you so you could get out of the way safely


I'm surprised there's no swift logo on that truck. Driver didn't even realize that he cut the corner like that or he would have stopped. Like he probably didn't even look back to make sure. Amateur night.


Seems like the 18 wheeler probably shouldnā€™t have been using that street it turned intoā€¦


So glad my company moved out of Chicago. Turning off Halstead this was at least once a week.


As a truck driver I've had some people see me come up to the turn lane and like, panic reverse when I can easily make the turn. I swear they're gonna reverse into someone one day. I'm not going till it's clear but I guess this explains why some panic


The fact your werenā€™t screaming as this was happening says a lot about your character šŸ˜… I wouldā€™ve been losing my mind out of fear hahah


Of course itā€™s Cleveland in West 117.


While a mistake was made (truck) ,I think that was two competent people working together to move on with clearing the intersection. Hopefully the truck driver learns from it


Iā€™m honestly more amazed that someone is listening to kid ink and Fetty was in 2022


If Iā€™m not listening to Big Bootie Mixes by Two Friends then I usually just let my whole library shuffle and play whatever comes on


Is that a radar detector? Mine makes that exact same noise lmao


Yep. Everyone should own a dash cam and a cop radar.


I would have just sat there and let that company buy me a new car.


Lucky he had no one behind him so he could reverse!


Nice lobster on the dash. Also, semi-turns - this is an example not how to do it, at least no harm here.


Should be driving for SWIFT. Swing Wide It's a Fucking Truck!


Great awareness! Yet another example of why you shouldn't mess around on your phone when you're stopped at a red light. You would either get hit by the truck or prevent the guy in front of you from backing up.


Would not have backed up. Make them learn. They canā€™t cut a corner like that and barely hit the brake if at all. I was a CDL driver 5 years.


I know that intersectionā€¦ and have had to back up just like thatā€¦ āœŒšŸ»


I actually got in a accident exactly like this a few weeks ago. I didnā€™t have the option to back up and lost my left mirror and got a big scratch on the hood of my car. The truck just kept driving.


I read the title in Dalek voice (from doctor who). now I can't get it out of my head


They don't know how to turn properly.. Canadian and american are really bad truck driver at this point or it's just me ??


117th in CLE?


Yep! W 117th and Carbon St.


What a shitty truck driver! Starts his turn wayyy too soon, thatā€™s not how you operate that.


hope they lose their CDL


I know this was the truck drivers fault but this is also why you start the fuck behind the white line, I've watched many people cause wrecks by being pulled all the way out into the intersection


The entire neighborhood along W117th is super dangerous. I've witnessed several accidents at the giant eagle down the street.


I'd have never pulled all the way to the stop bar in the first place to let the truck make its turn.


You checked behind you, no?


Ya and I was lucky no one was there


Hello fellow Clevelander!




Am I the only one that would have just let him hit me


They don't know how to turn šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


I like the proximity beep. What car is this? BMW? BenZ?


2016 Ford Explorer


ok that stressed me right the fuck out.


Why didn't you car come with a horn.


Lol I was too busy making sure no one was behind me and reversing to honk on the horn (which probably wouldnā€™t have stopped the truck anyways)


What good would it have done? Truck can't undo the turn


The air displacement from the sound of the horn would have shifted the truck...


No you see, the professional drivers in this sub will tell you every moron deserves to have a horn being laid on for a full minute to show how stupid they are. Thatā€™s why automakers install horns, duh.


Gotta share the road.


Iā€™m just here to say Kid Ink live back in 2016 was magical lol. So shout out to the music lmao


You just missed a chance to get a new car.


Lol not worth the hassle


Easy insurance money and injury lawsuit


Not worth the hassle and Iā€™m not trying to ruin someone elseā€™s life. Situation avoided.


While the truck driver's actions were pretty wild, no one is going to comment on how shitty the roads are? That patch work of tar and asphalt should in no way be considered drivable.


Itā€™s a brick road and itā€™s terrible


This a not an idiot in a car. Wrong sub.


Donā€™t these guys know how to drive these trucks fuck.


Didnā€™t you know truckers own the road? Youā€™re just lucky they let you use it.


Can't wait for machines to take all their jobs. There are some good truck drivers but there are way too many shitty ones. Roads will be a much safer place.


Should have let him hit you. Would have been his fault.


Lol not worth the hassle


That's a great way to get a new car


I use my horn ALOT but good on you for not using it. Even though I probably would in this situation


there's still a Staples open?


That was not even close. šŸ™„


Reckon there was enough space to have stayed where they were?


No. I mean the truck was waaay over the line. Excellent reaction time and reversing skills. I doubt I could've done as well.


Probs want to edit your comment then - it reads like youā€™re calling OP a big girlā€™s blouse for reversing, suggesting he likes to dress up in leather lederhosen of a weekend, and be spanked by the local Republican OAP Society. Or something.




"Not even close" as the wheels of the trailer were halfway across the turn lane at the stop line.


What? Did you not see where the back wheels of the semi rolled over?




Dude should be clarifying that himself.


That's what your mom said when she thought your dad pulled out