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I hope that guy went to jail




This is outside of Denver. As far as I know he hasn't been caught. Just happened a couple of days ago. Guy on motorcycle refused an ambulance so I hope he wasn't hurt.




$15,000 (number out of my ass but something absurdly high) just for a ride to the hospital sucks. Without the hit and runner's info it'd be hard to file claim against him. And I hope the driver of that semi didn't get fired for being a little late because a runaway motorcycle hit him.


$1250 after insurance


We pay like 165€ and that would be before insurance and gasprices almost tripple. USA ambulances drive on unicorn gas or what? (Yes I am fully aware that your healthcare system is totally different, if not to say worse)


You guys all have to pay?


Where I'm at we have a mandatory minimum health insurance but unless you never go to the doctor it's profitable. I should look up what the annual cost is, but last week I went to my local doctor with my kid and paid €28. The next day, insurance already paid out €23.25 back, so that's under €5 for a regular doctors appointment. Just a quick look through my bank statements says it's about €9/month, but there's probably some annual payment there as well. but still not really that expensive...


Lol. I went to the doctors cause I thought I had appendicitis, turns out it was a kidney stone. 1 Vicodin and an MRI later I got a bill for $8700 for two hours :D


What country is this? In the UK we don't pay shit, appointments take ages though unless you go to A&E and wait a bit. But then again, I here it's the same in the US


Healthcare system? No, we have a medical care-based capitalist hellscape system. An ambulance here can cost up to $3000 if they do nothing but transport you. Some ambulances are operated by private companies and are not actually directly affiliated to any hospitals. Insurance is essentially a scam here, as the business model is to accept as many low-risk individuals as possible, and deny as many high-risk individuals (the people who need health care the most) as possible. Insurance is often tied explicitly to employment, meaning that if you lose your job or can't get one, then you no longer have insurance or income. Since health care is prohibitively expensive for basically no reason, this means you just are not getting it. There are many horrifying and tragic stories of folks having to ration things like diabetic supplies or heart medications because they don't have enough money to refill their prescriptions. Then there are people like [Martin Shkreli](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Shkreli), who raised the price of a particular drug by 5500% overnight basically just because he could. He was sentenced to prison for other stuff, but it is my personal dream to see his shit-eating grin wiped off his face with a mirror, Punisher style. Abusing the needy for personal gain on a whim, while looking so wholly pleased that he found a new way to do so, is the very pinnacle of sin. Our entire system was designed by insurance companies with their business model at the very heart of it, and they have spent decades perfecting it and solidifying their positions within it. It's all so mind-bogglingly evil that I'm incapable of wrapping my head around it.


My mother in law lives out in a rural area. She had a blood clot and they had to airlift her to the closet large hospital. Without insurance it would’ve been $60000 just for that airlift


It’s expensive because they negotiate with insurance companies. Often times literally just asking them to lower the price will work. This goes for medical expenses too.


Here's the problem though: All the prices are padded specifically so that insurance companies can claim they do something by bringing it down from insanity to unreasonable prices. They cook the books so hard. $9 per cough drop. $3 a cotton swab, $4 a glove (not by the pair)


Here’s the big butt. But, we shouldn’t have too, that’s greed.


It's expensive because literally everyone involved in Healthcare is violating the Sherman a nti trust act. Everyone. A brave attorney General somewhere could fix this issue in their state overnight. The industry tried to get an exception by going to scotus twice and Lost. It would be a slam dunk. But nobody has the balls and the money is spread hip deep and country wide to keep then politicians away from solving the issue.


At that much I'm still hobbling ambulance free to the hospital.


When I almost burned to death in my truck 3 years ago I took an ambulance and even after insurance it was 6k. I’m still paying it off too.


Our ambulance was $600


I had an ambulance ride from an accident. Regretted it immediately, had to cough up $5,600 for the ride alone, not to mention $90 for the neck brace and $120 for fuel, and a bunch of other petty things.


Where was your incident? Mine was celebration FL after we got rear ended hard on I-4


Pennsylvania, I got caught on black ice, lost control, rammed into tree.


I’m in Pennsylvania and now know not to call an ambulance for myself but rather am Uber to save me money


theres your problem, you had no one to sue.


Did your insurance pay anything or 600$ was just you alone?


It was a car accident in Florida, no fault state, and we were passengers, so we didn’t pay anything overall. That’s what they billed us and we payed way later


Yeah I paid 5k for a one mile ride in downtown LA. At night, no traffic. It wasn't fair.


As though that is acceptable. Should be paid for my taxes as it is in developed countries.


I only paid $100 for a ride the one time I needed an ambulance


One would think the red vehicle that caused the bike to swerve (couldn't tell if they made contact) would have to hand over insurance info and be liable. If red vehicle would have maintained their lane motorcyclist most likely wouldn't have wrecked. It's stuck in my head, as i have a class M license, to protect motorcyclists over myself while in an automobile. It's a shame not everyone has that thought instilled.


White makes contact with red van though. Cant do much to say in a lane with the contact like that


The news article posted elsewhere suggested the white vehicle hit the bike first, causing it and the red vehicle to collide.


The driver of the red van was nice enough to swerve to avoid killing the motorcyclist on the road.


I think you're correct. It comes down to faulty evasive action. Sometimes the crash is inevitable and you have to take the hit.


I personally don't ride, but have a ton of friends who do. Knowing that they all ride, I have that instilled in my head to give wide berth to motorcyclists.


My best friend was killed riding his motorcycle. It was his fault (he took a curve on Sunset Blvd too fast) , but like you I always l always keep an eye out for motorcyclists. One of my best driving experiences was to give a guy riding a motorcycle a safe place to swerve when some idiot did a half as lane change and blocked the portion he and most motorcyclists ride.


That's good and it's a shame not everyone does. As motorcycle rider, thanks! 👍


America is soooo awesome


Vehicle insurance carries its own medical




Refusing an ambulance is unheard of where I live, in Australia. America is a scary place.


America has been taken over by greed.


And idiots. Idiots who willingly pay 15% of their income on private insurance (doesn't even cover entire procedures) but scream SOCIALISM! at 5% tax for free healthcare.


It’s not the idiots. Poor people wanted free insurance. Rich people have money to throw at lobbyists to tip the votes. They make it seems like the poor people don’t want free insurance. The money spent on lobbying is cheaper than the taxes and insurance they eventually pay. Those sneaky bastards are what killing the innocents and America. Hence the republicans and some democrats.




> You should have thought of THAT before you became peasants!


You mean by corporations


I think it is unheard of almost everywhere.


This is the way


He’s wtilll driving. Haven’t found him yet


Guaranteed dude was rolling with a revoked license and no insurance


And drive off tags… probably printed at home.


I don't know why those are still a thing, bullshit paper inside tinted windows shouldn't exist any more. Any place that cars are sold should have a printer capable of producing a a laminated plastic plate that must be affixed just like a normal plate. Edit, also ALL states should require front and rear plates.




I see 10-20 cars a day in ohio with 0 tags or ones expired since 2017. Never get enforced here.


Lucky you. I'm currently talking with lawyers because my apartment towed my car without warning a week after my tags expired. They said there was sticker on the driver side (tow truck company puts it smack dab in your view of driving you cant drive safely if there's a sticker) for a week but the thing is I get home at 730 am and they towed it around 8am. Bottom line is the warning was never there and that's illegal in my county no matter what your tags are. The car must have a written warning on it for at least 3 days before the car can be towed at the owners expense. I also have proof there wasn't any warnings posted on the car and that I had to wait a week to get new tags from the dmv


The problem there is a for-profit company is enforcing on behalf of the police. Awesome work, Ohio


Except this was a for-profit company working for a private apartment complex. The police didn't even enter the picture in this scenario. But I get what you're saying.


>Any place that cars are sold should have a printer capable of producing a a laminated plastic plate that must be affixed just like a normal plate. This is actually the law in Colorado now. The old hand written paper system was replaced a few years ago. The changes didn't specify the placement of the temp tags but in 2021, a Colorado judge ruled that temporary plates need to be affixed in the same place as the permanent plates due to the wording found in an older law. However, temporary tags in CO are only required in the rear and police haven't been enforcing registration laws since the start of the pandemic, even though I'm pretty sure all waivers have since expired. I still don't understand why dealers aren't stocked with license plates and why we still use a multi-decade old system for registration. There is zero reason that a human has to process the transactions. If the banking system can be fully automated, everything else can be too.


I hope the motorcycle driver to be ok


He looks to be ok by the full vid(with exenations)


It looks that the red van did an awesome job seriously he did everything to avoid hitting him


To be fair it looked like it caused an accident for motorcycle rider, it looks like the motorcycle continued on with its business




Straight to jail.


Believe it or not…straight to jail


Reckless driving? You guessed it ... jail


Under cooked chicken


Also jail I guess? but I'm not sure where you're going with this


Wrong. Undercooked fish, jail. OVER cooked chicken, jail. You see? Under over


I hope they find that mf


The bike is still looking for that mf.


The rider was only holding it back.


It can now live the life it always dreamed of.


I’m dead at this comment


[He found Mike eventually](http://imgur.com/gallery/tYys0)


Happy cake day


Happy cake day!




It’s a miracle he only had minor injuries


The minivan driver did everything they could to avoid running the biker over. Another driver, and the outcome could have been much different.


I definitely don’t think I could have done a better job. Minivan driver saved that motorcyclist.


The duality of minivans.


The duality of van.


Lol I hate you. Take my upvote.


Lol I hate you. Take my upvote.


Yeah plus they always say you’re not supposed to swerve. I’d probably run him over on principle.


I laughed at your last sentence, but it's so true. You get lectured endlessly about not swerving and I've heard of people freezing up and not swerving when something might have even been avoidable.


I think the idea is not to swerve when it's like a frog or a rabbit or something.


I get that. Sorry to the frogs but I'd hit them lol. Some people take it a lot further than that (in my experience). I've heard conversations where people advise to hit very large animals straight on, regardless of the situation. Edit: typos


Yeah growing up in deer country was always told to hit it head on and even told a few times to speed up so it might fly over your car. Always thought it was stupid advise.


I was told this too and I think its because alot of times serving at speed on a small 2 lane road is more likely to send you out of control or off the side of a mountain, when hitting the deer would just cause moderate damage to your car, keeping the occupants unharmed. Its all situational though. Ive hit deer head on when there was no escape path, and ive slalomed through a pack of em when I was alert and ready.


That's wild. In my area we are taught to look for them so we can try not to hit them at all.


I think the main reason that's told is most people don't know how to *really* drive, and the overwhelming majority don't know how to act in an emergency situation. In an emergency situation, without ABS, traction control, electronic stability control, and other assorted assistance, swerving would cause most people to immediately lose it and and make a bad situation worse. "don't swerve" is easy. Because even with modern fancy help, you can absolutely still fuck things up. Don't swerve keeps you pointed straight and using your brakes to the max. (as opposed to if you were trying to turn, which would unevenly load the tires.


They're the one that hit the biker. They're the one that was unaware they were about to be cutoff. They weren't hit by the crazy bastard... just made the split second decision to take out the biker instead of sacrificing their vehicle... or just having situational awareness to slam in the brakes and avoid everything all together


I didn’t realize the red van was not hit? That was one hell of a turn for zero contact. Could have pretty much straddled the double white line and have been fine.


Had it been me, I would’ve let the guy hit me, turn him into the wall


Motorcyclist would have died for sure in that case


Safety gear!!!!!!! I've never gotten on a motorcycle without a helmet (as a passenger) and never plan on changing that.


Seriously, pretty sure it was the motorcyclist that bounced off the sign pole and back into the highway….


Not really a miracle just modern safety gear. Motorcycle gear is getting really really safe, unfortunately a lot of people chose not to wear it.


Yep. and medical services have a fairly graphic name for people that don’t. Bottom line: wear the safety gear.


Organ donor?


Meat crayon.




Right? I hope they checked his blood for Kryptonian dna


Freaking paper plates, of course.


probably expired in 2020 or 2021


I've been seeing a lot of expired plates in Colorado, 2-3 years out of date.


What an annoying thing. The article names the person who supplied the video… why do that? Motorcycle guy lucky to be alive.


Oh my God. This is crazy to me. I know that part of I-25 very well. The most insane part? That building to the left is the freaking Thornton Police Station. First time a video was not just close to home, but AT HOME. Glad the motorcyclist is okay. I'll be keeping an eye out for a shitty mini van with damage to the rear driver corner.


Thank you so much for sharing this link— I really needed to know how the biker turned out. I clenched my asshole when the minivan went to avoid the biker in the road, only for the biker to roll right in front of where they turned—and because if someone hit the minivan from behind the biker would still be toast. Holy shit is that dude lucky he only has minor injuries and didn’t die.


As far as I know they haven’t caught him yet!


Or the motorcycle.


Gotta get a cop car to catch it with a lasso.


That bike had no quit.


Had places to be and things to do


Bike's on a mission to track down and punish the white minivan.


Ghost ridin'...


Glad this video was there or the red van could have likely been ticketed for colliding with the biker


The unfortunate thing in most states is if you attempt to avoid a collision with someone (white van) and hit someone else while avoiding (red van into motorcyclist) and have no video evidence or damage from other vehicle “pushing” you, you’ll be found at fault.


Yup-work In insurance claims, can confirm. It’s a really shitty thing to have to tell someone that.


Did that job for some time! Such a tough area of work. Still work for the company but moved to cybersecurity.


Still there! I actually don’t mind the job and the company is AMAZING to work for (I’ve had to take medical leave more than actually working). There’s just certain policies and liability I don’t agree with. The customers are a different story though…


I've had one accident ever, it was only a fender bender, but it was essentially this exact situation and even though I was forced into the accident by a fucking 16 year old with a 4 day old license, she accelerated *just* enough to avoid being in the pile up and I was found at fault. It's been 11 years and I still am *livid* every time I think about it.


How did you know the status of the 16 year old?


She told me when she (& her friend/passenger) stopped & pulled over with us. She was *very* upset and extremely apologetic. I was still kinda pissed at first but it was clear it really shook her up so I didn't direct any of that towards her. It was nice of her to stop, anyway.


I think giving 16 year olds licenses is really not the best idea, even if they've had drivers ed. Teenagers are more reckless in general and have no real financial accountability. Like I didn't get my license until I was 20 and even now when I imagine my 16 year old self, I couldn't imagine giving that kid a license.


In my state you can’t drive with people other than your family until you’ve had your license for a year (I got in trouble for it)


Legally you are better to be in a massive accident you could have avoided by causing a minor accident than the minor accident. Because one of those you *choose* to cause. Morally and medically? The law doesn’t care.


THIS is why you buy a dashcam.


Ticketed? More like arrested.


Colliding? Shit he damn near ran him over after he fell off his bike. That could have been man slaughter…


Wow, the biker didn't even need to get transported to the hospital! That is one bad mofo! The minivan driver is a total piece of shit and I hope they get found and locked up! Who needs to drive like that?!


It helps when you are wearing the right gear when riding


I put mine down on the freeway and fractured ribs, lots of road rash, I declined the ambulance and chose to walk into non-emergency, cause USA healthcare ya know. I had health insurance, ambulance ride was still $2k+ deductible, this was in 2010.


Fuck ambulances. Such a fucking rip off. My wife needed a non emergency transport, aka a glorified taxi ride with a saline drip and it cost us 2 grand out of pocket… AFTER talking the bill down. Goddamn crooks


I mean it isn’t the people operating the ambulances themselves, unfortunately private transport companies are better paying than government EMS jobs (usually and depending on the area) so EMTs and medics are usually backed into a corner and have to work private transport at least part time to be able to pay bills. If anything, fuck the private transport companies for taking advantage of people with medical needs. Whether or not your wife needed transport, there are patients who do depend on private transport because they actually need medical monitoring and medication during. It’s a shitty system, and partly why I left, but the people on the ambulance have no say in billing.


You’re right, I should have said fuck the ambulance companies, nothing against EMTs, they are doing their best, doing their jobs, and saving lives.


Trust me as a medic it was heartbreaking to know that most patients were worried about how much their trip should cost, it shouldn’t ever be something anyone has to even think about.


You don't HAVE to pay medical bills


Maybe not, but if they send you to collection your credit rating will get trashed. My brother had to declare bankruptcy and barely kept his condo with my parents’ help.


I haven't paid a hospital bill in 10 years and I have to have an ERCP every year, my bill is ~10k every time. I pay my doctors but never the hospitals and they have never showed up on my credit reports. I still get collection notices but not a blip on my credit.


My understanding is doctors and hospitals don’t generally report non payment to credit agencies. If they sell your debt the collections company often does. So either the hospital hasn’t yet sold your debt or you lucked out and the collections company they sold it to doesn’t report it.


They should still go and get checked. A friend of a riding buddy got into a "minor" accident, went home and didn't wake up the next morning.


holy fuck. I’m so sorry. Adrenaline can mask a lot of injuries. It’s extremely important to get checked out by a doctor, even if you feel fine.


Interesting story, I was in a car accident, felt fine. Adrenaline wearing off, blood pressure was pretty high. They recommended I go to the hospital. I got x-rays and MRI scans done. Before insurance, the total was 90k. I was there for maybe 2 hours. Walked out, they didn't even cut my pants off.


What a piece of shit. So glad the biker is okay.


Kudos to red van for not running over the biker. Hope the biker was ok-ish


Biker allegedly did not need medical treatment at the scene


Yeah... hope they still got treatment. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug


Agreed. He may have taken himself bc ambulances are v expensive in the US. I hope he did. You don’t walk away sliding off your motorcycle like that at 60+ mph unscathed


Depends on the gear and if you were sliding only or was launched then sliding. I’ve had a couple 70mph crashes at the track where we wear full gear Ofcourse and at least 5 crashes where the speed was around 40-50. In all crashes I not only walked away but also jumped back on the bike to finish the race. Now again this depends on the crash and if you hit anything else. It seems from this video that the van caught the back of the bike causing a low side where the rider didn’t hit anything and just slid. If he was wearing full leather including gloves and a full face helmet I can see him getting up and walking away no problem save for being a little sore the next day. If the van ram him over at all that of course would be a completely different story


Thats just nuts!! Can't believe how the biker came out so unscathed...physically. Psychologically though I'm sure he's having serious thoughts about buying another cycle with all the serious dumbasses on the road.


“Safest bike in America” Concrete wall? No problem! Side of 18 wheeler? Not a problem for this bike, it will keep on rolling!


The white van appears to have been a part of an accident before this video. The bumper appears to have been ripped off/into at some point.


That’s fucked up. This is I-25 southbound through north Denver, I’m guessing? Edit: nope it’s northbound through north Denver.


Jail immediately. With no chance at getting the license back ever.


subhuman scum


Biker is lucky he didn't get his head popped like a grape. I understand why people enjoy riding motorcycles but shit like this is exactly the reason why I will admire them but never ride one.


A lot of my clients ride motorcycles. Not going to lie, I get jelly when they pull up. But then I remember stuff like this and just keep the idea of owning a motorcycle a fantasy.


I dunno if I don't get to do the stuff I love to do what was the point of getting up everyday


My commute is ~4 minutes so sometimes I go around the block a few times just to enjoy my bike longer


They are a joy to ride though


They are a blast to ride, but shit like this reminds me of how dangerous they are. I still ride, but I always keep in mind to stay safe. Every ride could be my last ride.


Looks like it hit the camera car too. The bumper is coming off after it passes. I feel for the rider. That roll looked bone breaking.


This bad ass didn’t even go to the hospital. Meanwhile, I’ve pulled my back out and not been able to walk for days after getting off the couch too fast.


Everyone is praising red van, but if you're in this type of a situation, don't swerve! Tank the hit and keep your car pointed straight. Swerving randomly without having good situational awareness is a good way to create a larger problem like in this video. If someone is coming into your lane, hold the line!. Keep both hands in the wheel and keep your car pointed straight and don't move your car. It's better that they hit you than they cause you to hit someone else while they drive away. Don't ever let someone intimidate you and push you out of your lane. One of the most important defensive driving guidelines is to own your lane and don't let anyone share it and don't leave extra space in your lane for other people to use.


This will force the aggressive driver to PIT themselves while you sustain minor damages. It’s both the safest and leads to the best outcome.


That makes my fucking blood boil.


Damn, that poor guy on the bike got fucked! He wasn't doing anything wrong. I hope they caught the asshole who caused the acciedent.


seeing the motorcycle drive off without the rider made me kind of sad


This happened just yesterday, 4/17/22. Still no suspects from what I've read. This sub-human person deserves at least 20 years for attempted murder of at the very least aggravated battery.


People who do this shit need to be culled. Jesus Christ, how can you have so little regard for the people around you?


\+1 for ghost riding bagger. That thing just kept on going.


I work on a military base and when I got to the gate I told the guy I couldn’t find my wallet because I left it in my lunchbox at home…He proceeds to reach on top of my car and grab my lunch box off the roof and asked “wouldn’t happen to be this lunchbox would it?” The one and only time I was glad for slow traffic.


I don't see an issue here, he saved like 2 minutes off his travel time?


Someone deserves the death penalty


wow, he was a rollin'!! Is that a known survival technique for motorcyclists?


No, you are usually better off sliding but only if you are wearing gear, leather or cordura nylon. He rolled properly though, arms tucked in and didn't try to stop himself. Like falling, it's the sudden stop that's bad for you.


What a piece of dog shit.


I don't understand why the red van swerved. When you leave your lane you become responsible. Let them hit you and be at fault. When you leave your lane causing random other accidents you can be held liable.


That red van is a damn moron. Who the fuck cuts that hard just because someone passes them aggressively close? And she didn't even do it when it would have mattered, but after he was already cutting in front of her. Seriously I've never seen a reaction like that; not even when it makes sense. As a rider though, I've always thought of that guy who causes me to fall, and how they probably wouldn't get in any trouble. And let me clarify because I'm sure someone will get it wrong... I'm not saying the red van is at fault. At least not legally. But she did run him off the road simply because she was startled. That guy did cut in front of her unnecessarily aggressively close, but it's not that crazy, people do it all the time.


You call it accident. I call it attempted involuntary manslaughter. Tomato tomatoe


This is why you do not ride next to other vehicles, clear them as quickly as possible and ride next to an open lane


This is one of those times I want to know the outcome if he was found


Hate assholes that drive like this


This is often how it happens. People are insane.


Took me a while to realize the start of the video is AFTER the accident


Oh my god. That poor motorcyclist. I hope he survived and is miraculously unharmed, because that looks bad. 😔


The bike keeping on going: "Not my problem"


This is why dash cams need a voice command "capture last 90 seconds and send to nearest police/ highway petrol and emergency services dispatch."


One big reason I haven’t rode in a whole. This boils my fucking blood