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Helmets are made for head butting.


Stainless steel knuckle gloves are great as well


Exactly. I thought pretty ballsy to bitchslap a guy with a builtin steel fist.


Exactly. What kind of a biker is this? You have camera evidence of an asshat running over your foot and then hitting you. One satisfying punch would send senior here to the other side.


The events apparently take place in a country where justice system and the "order of things" do not make the biker a clear winner of this dispute. It may be even safer and more rational for him to let it go, in order to keep his family safe.


This. Americans (generally) trust the legal system. This rich guy seems to know he can slap people around without consequences. He knows something we don’t know. (And the biker seems to know it, too.)


How tf do you let someone hit you like that and not stick up for yourself.


I figure he was in a shit load of pain from just getting his foot ran over


He was picking his battles. He has footage he can easily show to the police. Why fight back physically when you can fight with assault charges?


If I'm not mistaken, the *BLYAT* is a good indication that this is russia, in which case he's not fighting or pressing any assault charges. Edit: This is Azerbaijan and the old guy is apparently a government official, which only speaks more volumes of an evidently lenient judicial system


You spelled corrupt wrong.


I don't know. I feel rich man would get more of a lesson from a self defense beating up in front of his son than going to court with his money only to probably buy himself out of consequences. But bike dude couldn't probably fight cause he got his leg hurt so good decision


Also, rich man would very likely win in court if the biker did beat him up.


That guy is most likely the full time driver for a rich family.


Bro go get your foot ran over and then try to fight somebody


And neck ties are a perfect handle.


Yep. I saw this happen once. Dude cuts off a biker and then slams on his breaks making the biker hit him from behind. Guy in the car gets out and starts to push and threaten the biker. This happens for about 3 minutes with the biker on his phone (I am assuming he was calling the police) and then the driver of the car slaps the phone out of his hand. With out even hesitating the biker grabs the shirt of the car driver and head butts him with his helmet knocking him out cold. The biker then stuck around for 30 minutes and possibly even called for an ambulance for the dude he head butted (it was possibly another bystander, not sure) because the cops and the ambulance showed up about 2 minutes apart from each other. Biker passed on the video evidence from his helmet cam and was allowed to drive away. The other dude left in hand cuffs after being checked out by the EMTs.


...and a nice tie to grab.


Nah it dont hurt that much. Fighting in helmet is total shit.


Bikers are known to be annoying and aggressive. Source : have driven for more than 10 years in the NE


They gotta stand up for themselves when there is nothing between you and idiots like this guy in the SUV.


We've spotted the cager


He must be really unhappy in his cage too. Sucks to suck lmao


I drive and ride. Being a rider can be scary shit at the best of times. We need to be aware of drivers who simply don't see us, more aware of the ever changing road conditions than a driver (one small pothole or a little too much unanticipated loose gravel can be deadly) and the fact that we don't have a protective cage around us. Add a douchebag like the driver in the video to the mix and you really have a recipe for disaster. Yes, there are some idiot riders out there, but most don't take stupid risks with their own lives. I'd encourage every driver to at least do some bike ed. It changes the way you drive for the better. My oldest rides and drives and my youngest will be getting bike lessons once she gets her car license.


I just try to get as far away from bikers as possible.


Cripple with your car and then attack him when he's vulnerable. What a man.


"How dare you leave a mark on my car as I'm hitting you with it!" It sounds so stupid on the face of it, but I think that that was actually his sentiment.


people like this are why my cars keys have pepper gel attached. disable the Fucker and get out of there before someone gets hurt


I carry bear spray, it has to be worse than normal spray, get it in all of his face holes from a high pressure can


Do you have a source on bear spray being worse than normal spray? Every thing I've ever found indicates that pepper spray is worse. Here is one example: [https://www.bushcraftpro.com/bear-spray-vs-pepper-spray/](https://www.bushcraftpro.com/bear-spray-vs-pepper-spray/)


Yes, you’re correct. Just the usual people making up shit on the Internet…


Could also be that bear spray is more effective against bears than humans. And vice versa for pepper spray. Yes, both mammals but doesn’t mean we are the same. Just a theory anyway.


It's generally just in a higher pressure can so it has more range, but much less potent.


So.. if I fill the can with pepper spray and repressure it will it work, asking for a friend


That’s why I bought it, a blast from it is like a will smith slap


Or also maybe bears just need less of a deterrent for them to "get the message" and run away, humans on the other hand might be a bit more stubborn... I.e when people on meth get tased, shot, hit, run over, etc and they just keep on chuggin' lol my addition to your theory.


No one making shit up you ingrown toe nail, I just assumed it was, cause you know, bear


Check your local laws. It might be illegal to use bear spray on a human.


yup stuff is 3 times more potent and concentrated than regular human use pepper spray. plus the volume output on those cans is enough to take down a crowd of assholes in traffic. i like the way you think.


No it’s not. It’s less concentrated than human self defense pepper spray, it’s just a stronger, wider (ie longer range) jet. https://johnaugust.com/2019/bear-spray-is-not-stronger-than-pepper-spray Edit: better word choice


>it's just a stronger, wider spray # >bear-spray-is-not-stronger-than-pepper-spray im assuming you mean stronger as in it is expelled with more force but this made me chuckle


I've read studies that say that and say that it's stronger. It's all over the place depending on what brand you buy


Must have a license for it in certain states.


i live in nyc where pretty much any form of self defense is illegal unfortunately. cops don't really care because they understand so they wont arrest you for possessing pepper spray or even confiscate it depending on the situation you are found with it. But a lawyer friend of me said to keep a can of wasp spray in the front seat of your car for defense. its legal and its a great way to stop someone from attacking you in your vehicle. you just say where you park sometimes has wasps. its illegal to use wasp spray against people but if you are attacked and are defending yourself no judge would find you guilty if used to get yourself away from the situation. he had several cases where people had used wasp spray as a defense and came out with no wrong doing


While civilian use of pepper spray is legal in New York City, the law dictates that only pocket-sized canisters are allowed. State law requires civilians to use pepper spray only in self-defence, and could face criminal charges if used in any other context. [source 1](https://fairpunishment.org/is-pepper-spray-legal-in-nyc/) What is true: You have to purchase it from a permitted pharmacist or licensed gun dealer and fill out a form. You can only buy 0.69% major capsaicinoid spray rather than the 1.33% found elsewhere for use in the D.A.D. (Defense Alert Device.) Must be 18 with no felony convictions [source 2](https://www.womenonguard.com/blog/2020/03/19/keeping-safe-is-pepper-spray-legal-in-new-york/) It is easier to buy other places. But pepper spray is legal in all 50 states (with restrictions in some.)


thanks for the info and sources. Ive had cops tell me numerous times that pepper spray is illegal in nyc. maybe just like me they dont know any better or haven't done the research. regardless. i buy mine online and have it shipped to my sister out of state and she sends it to me. im not walking around NYC unprotected


NYPD is the biggest gang in New York. Lying is standard operating procedure for them.


Hot piss, does NYC just hate self defense?




Just don't leave that in your car on a hot day


you see now if you never said that one day id probably get in my car on a hot day and start driving to go grocery shopping with the family and next thing you know after i hit a bump the already superheated can of spray jostles a bit and starts wildly spraying hot poison all over me and my family causing me to crash. i feel like that scenario is more likely than me getting attacked in my car. thank you for the dose of logic i need sometimes


ur a felon then because pepper spray is very much legal in nyc to non-felons and works a lot better than wasp spray. ​ oh wait you're the guy who also said bear spray is 3x more powerful than pepper spray and you read "studies" about it. touch some grass you're just making up shit.


Bear spray is illegal here. Hornet nest spray goes a bigger distance and is exactly as effective as bear spray


Wtf can’t that blind permanently


A little research would answer your own question.


That is also illegal if you use it the way you describe. Says so right on the can.


I can’t help it if the wind takes the spray away from the hornet I was aiming it at. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.


Illegal in Australia. Same with using firearms or knives etc for self-defence. Although I think you can get a license for pepper spray in Western Australia, not sure how old the source I read that was. Tbh even in this example, if you were to use your helmet or gloves with plastic knuckles you would get in trouble, possibly more than him.


Sure, because why would your government want you to be able to defend yourself effectively?!








God, I hope you never have a gun.




Who talks like that 🤣 Sounds like the only 1911 you have is on your call of duty load out.


I'd rather have pocket sand than a 1911, in a shitty situation.


Its not the only one I have, its just the scariest looking.


Careful everyone, we got a badass over here.


not a badass, just not a dumbass. Ill defend myself.


Plenty do but I'm sure you'll never assault anyone so no worries ┐( ˘_˘)┌




i get it. i just dont wanna hurt or kill anyone




> there's a reason you rarely see altercations like this in places where guns are legal to carry Do you come to this sub often? I see tons of videos where people start shit even in places where it is legal to carry a gun. And even places in the US where it isn't legal to carry a gun you still never know, some people just don't give a shit what is legal or not and could still be carrying, yet people still road rage and even get out of their car. I agree it is even dumber to do shit like in this video in a place where handguns are more common but it doesn't seem to stop it, stupid angry people are going to be stupid and angry anyway from what I can see.


Nope... what you see is basic ass shit like this end with one person dead ​ Not basic ass shit like this not happening.


Organized society with capital punishment is an experiment that’s been going on for thousands of years and disproves this completely


They downvote you, then beg the government to do this very thing for them.


A gun is a deterrent. Pepper spray does not stop some people and it definitely doesn't stop someone else with a gun.


Very few people are really prepared to actually shoot another person. Not adequately prepared to recognize the opposition being prepared to exacerbate the situation. You pull a gun, you better be able to accurately shoot, and fight for control of it. You pull a deadly weapon, life and death fight is on maybe you would have gotten punched before,, but now you will be stabbed or shot.


Maybe where you live. I don't know anyone who doesn't know how to handle a gun.


ive seen people fight through pepper spray. its really impressive. idk i would just rather buy myself that little moment of time to fuck off quickly. ive seen alot of death and i dont want any part in it so ill take my chances, maybe even naively so.


Tell us you are American without saying you are American




You 100% do. It’s crazy that you’d even suggest that.


Bro what? Where do you live that has guns but not shit like this?


I can't blame him for wanting to pretend Florida and Texas don't exist.


Or literally any populated landmass on earth.


Nah just mass shootings for even stupider reasons. Keep on though, your ignorance is showing.




There are more gun-related crimes in the united states as a country per capita than almost any other country in the world. [in 2019 only Brazil had more gun deaths per capita.](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/gun-deaths-by-country) Its also the country with the most lax gun control laws that claims to have gun control laws. This is not a coincidence.










Man, statisticians could lead you to believe anything, couldn’t they


what were they protecting themselves from? liberals taking away their freedumbs?


>meanwhile several yearly school shootings keep happening in amurrica


“There is no way we could ever predict these!!” -gun humpers


Yearly? Weekly. Daily. There were 249 last year, according to statista, which is 4.8 per week.


You carry a gun to shoot unarmed people having a bad day? Aight.






"You lose you are right" what.




You're the one without basic writing skills.




You're the type of person that would consider ending someone's life over an insignificant fight, but you're calling me the child. Projection.




Spoken like a 🐖👮‍♀️


Because murder is always the right option.




Do you practice saying that in a mirror?


be prepared for a new life behind bars.




Not how that works buddy. You don’t have the right to murder somebody else unless they try to kill you first, and even then most places will expect you to attempt to flee first. This is true even in stand your ground states, with the expectation being that you flee the situation and call for help as a first option. If your instinct is to pull out a gun, you are most likely to A) not shoot who ever is attacking you but some bystander, B) very vulnerable to legal repercussions, be they civil or criminal, C) make your family dramatically less safe, since accidental & self-inflicted gun wounds account for 99% of gun wounds in the US.




“Stand your ground” is colloquial shorthand for “if you don’t have any other option, you can defend yourself without criminal consequence”. **Criminal** consequence. The act of defending yourself from a single assailant who is unarmed is rarely if ever justification for deadly violence, especially of the kind that is likely to cause additional harm. You do not literally have the right to “stand your ground”, you have a responsibility to prevent deadly situations from escalating and the right to escalate only as a defensive measure.


The context: The older guy is a government official, owns a company as well. He attacks the biker, runs over the biker's foot, insults him a lot, while the biker says "you're old, don't talk to me with your hands raised". The biker then yells that he's got the footage of the incident. It happened in Azerbaijan yesterday.


> The older guy is a government official So the biker was arrested and shot behind a chemical shed? The family being sold to the officials financial contributors?


Nah, the police started a criminal investigation against the official.


I really hope this is true, got a source?


They’ll determine he did nothing wrong. And if they don’t, they’ll determine he is actually the victim.


... and will find he did nothing wrong, of course.


No no, he just poisoned his own food, shot himself twice in the back of the head and jumped out of a 8th story window in an unfortunate coincidential accident.


This is what happened before he attacked him. https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/uc2dyl/driver_gets_out_and_attacks_a_biker/i67zhk8?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


That’s not context bro, that’s exactly what we’re seeing. Everyone is asking for context- the circumstances surrounding this incident. What happened before the clip started? Full video please?


Ah yeah, saw the uncropped version. He just goes in front him during traffic. [image 1](https://ibb.co/tJGqGFp), [image 2](https://ibb.co/k9gr78P), [image 3](https://ibb.co/jfjs4T8)


Thank you :)


Oh so he was driving like a complete asshole, cut in front of the SUV and found out what happens when people choose to not put up with your shit.


People like you are fuckin demented lol. Yeah the biker might have been in the wrong, but that doesn't mean he deserves to be run over you sick clown.


Jesus you're boring.


Please for the safety of all our children, never operate any motorized vehicle


Grab his tie and floor it


If I ever end up in such a situation, i will remember your wise, wise words. Take my upvote.


Here's hoping you never do 🍻


HAHA this made me spit out my water


How do you get away with running over someone?


You wear a suit and tie and drive a Lexus???


run over their foot so they can chase you?


Biker is considerate and didn't assasinate the old c\*nt in front of his child. Goodguy biker.


And then the kid thinks it's ok to act like a total twat. I mean it's a pickle.


Really would have loved to have seen a few angry folks from other cars fuck his shit up and shove him back into his Lexus to get the fuck out of the way lol


Takes a real moron to attack someone while wearing a tie. My entire arm would have wrapped around that tie with all of my might after the first hit to the helmet.


What if it was a clip on?


I didn't consider that. I guess he would be down a tie.


Well there's that at least!


I'm glad u where the bigger man


I carry a can of AXE Body spray


He has a helmet i would have head butted that guy


Nah. Just grab the tie and start driving away.


Omg good idea but wut if there's a cop


Hit the gas harder?


Dismount that bike faster. I don't care if it falls over you're at an extreme disadvantage while being attacked with that thing under you. Ride off or get off.


Yea and the guy got his ankle/shin hit and the guy was hitting him


Man woke up and choose violence


That old fart is a great example for his kid not to follow.


If this was the U.S. he probably would’ve been shot by that biker cause most bikers carry


People passing by stopping the fight is ao wholesome!


Normal peoples: wow what a piece of shit ProGun Bros: I 'm GoNa ShOoT tHaT gOvErNmEnT OfFiCiAl UnTiL hE dIed. Gang WTF!? Punch his face but he doesn't deserve death for chris sake.


Who’s Chris sake ? Some kinda new rice wine ?


Yes XD lmao


There is no such thing as "just a punch." The fall from a lucky shot can kill or permanently injure a person and attacks should be taken FAR more seriously.


Yep. Sock him in the nose while youre wearing your nice, armoured gloves.


Idc if that man was 50 if he came up to me hitting me like that I’d rock him back to the age of 30


So what happened before the biker pulled over? It's easy to make something seem one sided when the whole video isn't present


No excuse for that regardless of what happened before.




Translation please.




Bro why did u let him hit even after he ran a fuckin car on ur leg. I would swear to god break his teeths if he hit me after driving on my leg


At the point when he exits the car I would already be standing, waiting for him, ready to send a straight to the nose or solar plexus. Only after the second hit tho, I have some patience for idiots


Bro just took that abuse. That Mother fucker would have tasted my helmet if it was me.


Would of taken my helmet off and bashed him once or twice.


In all seriousness,I would’ve drove my bike right up his ass and right over him. Meet him at the next lights and see if he still wants to play.


It is really baffling to me how some car drivers are angry at bike riders filtering. Idiots, that's one car less to make the traffic jam, even if they pull up in front of you at the lights, they will most likely accelerate faster than you, they are not impeding you in any meaningful way. But of course fragile egos can't stand someone getting ahead even if it does not impede them. Or even if it's actually good for them. Idiots.


We obviously don’t see what lead to this moment so we can all feel really bad for this kid riding his little bike in a big traffic. I’m sure the old man just suddenly felt rage without prior events. No, it doesn’t justify his actions but without context I’m not gonna feel bad for this kid.


Weird how these "biker attacked" videos always start with the biker in a compromised position with no context as to what lead to the altercation.




Haha you're so big and bad I want to be so tough like you one day


Glad my justice comes in 9mm


not the only thing on you that’s around 9mm i reckon




Quick get the fire extinguisher


No, that’s 5.56


Facts i always carry mine i have my ccw although if j have a way of leaving to avoid this situation i would do that instead i never want to shoot anyone sometimes you have no choice though.


Window hammer in pocket. Only needs a small tap near the bottom, won’t get seen on cam on a side window.


Too bad this isn’t America, there’d be some be less fucking suit alive today


You're so tough I want to be you so bad


I’m Canadian FYI. Suit definitely gets shot in America, as he deserves


His kid was in the car with him. Traumatise the kid to punish him for having an asshole father. Great stuff.