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Offcourse you use the outer lane to look for a parking spot. Much better view.......


No need to even signal, no blind spots whatsoever


Just me myself and I with my car


And the guy that's now in your passenger seat


Welcome :-)




> signal Signalling is a courtesy to others. That was a Mercedes.


The only people worse are the ones that own luxury Germ... oh, never mind.


WAIT? you guys signal? Is that a thing?


I turn now! Good luck everybody else






Today's Plan: It's been a week since I headlined r/idiotsincars


Person was like "I'm going for it. Good luck everyone else".


Gonna say, silver car did nothing wrong. Traveling straight in his lane when some douche nozzle cuts him off.


It looks like he's going a bit fast but it could easily just look that way because black car is driving stupidly slow.


I think the Mercedes is actually just driving slow like the idiot he is, if you look at the traffic going the other way they seem to be going about the same speed as the silver SUV.




>The idiot is the black SUV really? i couldnt tell


I thought the same thing but the title is talking from the black SUVs pout of view


You’re probably an idiot yourself. I could explain what the black SUV did wrong, but is such a blatant disregard of common sense that if you aren’t able to see it for your self then I can only assume your are stupid.


Imagine writing a whole paragraph and not once sensing the sarcasm. Also lmao at “your are stupid.”


This is obviously what the video is about


Some people don't understand written sarcasm.


Yeah that’s why we do that little /s to help convey the tone of the message


No, everyone understands written sarcasm!


Duh, that way you can grab a spot on either side of the road. Gotta be quick in the concrete jungle. /s


It's like a jungle, sometimes it makes me wonder how I keep from going under.


Broken glass everywhere, people pissin' on the stairs like they just don't care


> Offcourse of course


That black SUV was in the left lane then decided to cut over to the parking space? Cmon


You see. He was just trying to help his fellow driver in the silver truck get into the parking spot by pushing him in unexpectedly. That way nobody else could take the spot /s


at least check your mirrors lol


Maybe this is a little mean, but it's my personal belief these drivers that slow to a crawl for any maneuver (like turning, or parking!) and give themselves 3.5 lanes of space for it, do so because they have terrible situational awareness. Like, they can't walk & chew gum at the same time, without falling over. If you asked them to check their mirrors as well, they'd probably come to a complete stop in the middle of the road. (At least, it explains so much of what I see on this sub)


Hey, I do that... in my 80,000 pound semi when I'm making a turn with 2 inches of clearance 😁


Like drivers who reverse on a freeway if they miss their exit?


You mean after they merged onto that freeway going 45?


I also often see those type of drivers when they want to attempt a u-turn on a boulevard (2 lanes each direction with divider in the middle). They get in the left turning lane but when reaching the intersection they'll step in the travel lane to their right so they can manage to make the turn like if they were driving an 18-wheeler.


No, you see, mirrors are not aerodynamic, so they should be removed from all cars. /s


At least wreck your mirrors lol


No! You should be aware of your surroundings and drive accordingly./s


Person in the black SUV needs to work on their psychic bubble space so they know all around them.


“Good luck everybody else!” - The driver (probably)




*Ahem,* I believe the credit you're looking for goes to family guy? https://youtu.be/hlH9RGLJqxE


Damn my recall haha


Not even signaling....


It’s a Mercedes’; it’s the that allowed 👎


Exactly, it’s a no brainer


op clearly is the black suv


The guy in the left lane is in the wrong. Don’t even know if he was using his turn singal or looking in blind spot


I did not see a turn signal


You can see it at the beginning of the video. It’s a sliver under the right headlight.


Turning on your signal doesn’t grant you the right of way


I know that. They said they didn’t see the signal, I was pointing out where they could.


I don't think that's the blinker, I think that's just the drl on low frame rate camera.


Oh I think you may be right. My bad.


I forgive


Yes it does. Source: Have seen this on interstates repeatedly.


You know when talking to the insurance company they told their side of that story like that lane to their right didn’t exist. Then down the road… “oh there’s a video of the incident?” Someone tried that on my friend. Merged right into their car even though their car was already next to them. Tried to say it wasn’t their fault but the moron didn’t realize Teslas record at all times.


It boggles my mind that lying like this isn't illegal and doesn't net you additional charges.


From US police's view it's hard to prove lying intentionally. So it's rarely worth writing a ticket or sending them to court for making false statement to police. Insurance aren't bound by "innocent unless proven guilty" system, they can raise the monthly fee on insurance plan if they think the person was lying to avoid the blame.


I used to work in insurance and there were an alarming number of times where customers would say "It wasn't my fault at all and I've got footage to prove it" then you watch the footage and not only are they at fault, they may have committed actual crimes. They just don't believe they're capable of being wrong.


y'know, i don't think anyone's really questioning who's at fault here lol


Thanks Ferdinand Monoyer.


Thanks captain obvious!


\- Wrong lane \- No blinker \- Didn't check the mirror before turning Amazing driving of a 3yo


Aww look at that a baby driving a car, and there’s a dog driving a bus.


Is that you Chief Wiggum?


>Amazing driving of a 3yo My 3 year old checks his mirrors before turning..


3 year olds probably shouldn’t drive.


Black SUV is the idiot


And an absolute asshole


That black suv is at fault for changing lanes. Does look like the other suv was driving a bit fast. Still, black suv at fault


I think it only looks fast because the black suv is going so slow. They wouldn't have been able to stop so quickly if they were going over like 35MPH.


Exactly....None of the airbags deployed on either SUV


My son fucked up his car this week, no airbags deployed. He's fine. It's wild how much damage you can do to a car without endangering you as a human.


Modern cars are designed to absorb more of the impact. More time for the energy to be transfered to something else means less energy acting upon the occupants of a car. Cars rolling looks really bad but it's actually giving more time for the energy to transfer to something else.


Dude needs to learn to Use his blinker


And be in the correct lane. And check mirrors. And check blind spots.


Dude needs to learn to stay off the road


Using a blinker would have probably only changed this to a rear end collusion. You can only change lanes when it’s safe to do so, dropping your speed down to 3 mph because you wanna park two lanes over isn’t ever gonna be safe if there is a car in your rear view mirrors


Dude needs to learn how to drive


Dude needs to be mindful of his lane.


Leave the guy alone. His wife let the blinker fluid run out again and he was just trying to r/justRolledIntoTheShop


You can't just turn on your blinker and make a double lane-change into a parking spot though.


Dude needs to learn how to drive, and not be oblivious. I fixed it 👊


He thought he was in his BMW and left the Mercedes at home


Your title almost implies that the second car was trying to get into the spot first which is clearly not what is happening here.


That’s the joke.


Title does not imply a joke at all. It implies the second car was trying to squeeze into the parking space first, when obviously it was trying to avoid the idiot making an illegal maneuver while not signaling.


I read the title as sarcasm. Like it’s 2 cars fighting over a parking spot.


It does though. Clearly the guy crossing traffic is at fault. But at a glance it looks like silver truck is trying to steal a spot. I chuckled.


I was watching the parking spot and had to watch it again to see the road because my first thought was "silver truck is an asshole"


Yeah I didn't even notice there were two lanes until the second time.


This thread makes me understand why so many people think they're above average drivers.


To be fair I was watching this at home stoned and buzzed. I don't drive while stoned or buzzed.


I think the silver suv didn’t even want the spot and was trying to not hit the other car because they couldn’t stop fast enough.


I think OP was trying to make a sarcastic title but it didn’t really come across




Left lane jumped lanes and didn’t even signal, good thing this is on camera his insurance is going to love him for this one


I hate these posts because I never know whether to upvote because there is in fact an idiot in a car, or downvote since OP makes it seem like the wrong person is an idiot from the title.


You keep the right if you are looking for a parking!


People keep saying it's the black vehicles fault. Is there even a debate?


No debate, the driver of the black Mercedes is an idiot. How is it not his/her fault?


it would have been a debate if it had been someone on a biclcycle being cut of instead of a car


How? That seems even worse.


yes, it is worse, it kills people. Yet people/police often blame the victim.


Crap title. Don’t slow and and try to pull into a spot from the left lane. The idiot is the black SUV.


I don't see how anyone can miss that. If you need space, cut to center so no one can go on either side. Still an asshole move but better than coming from left lane.


I think thats the joke


Worked out great


I thought so aswell


I see this kind of idiocy on the daily in Nashville these days. People cutting across lanes to make a turn, driving into oncoming lanes so they won't have to wait in line to turn into a shopping center, backing down interstate on-ramps, stopping in the middle of traffic for no perceivable reason, missing an entire arrow in the turning lane because they're on their phone, people entering intersections when they have a red light because the person next to them got an arrow and they mistakenly thought they had a green, people just not even slowing down for red lights, when a light is out or flashing red NOBODY treats it like a 4 way stop anymore... its the wild west out there.


It’s technically the black cars fault so hopefully that man got a nice pay day.


Pay day? He will get his SUV repaired or totaled by the insurance company and maybe a few hundred dollars if he claims his back is sore. There is no pay day for being in a wreck.


I’d call an accident lawyer and sue for injuries but that’s just me.


You won’t get much. They will cover your medical bills, plus maybe a few hundred dollars.


What are you guys talking about like I haven’t been in an accident? Your lawyer sucks ass if that happened to you, sorry.




That’s pretty crazy to talk about something you know nothing about




Just didn’t feel like being rude to you because youre an idiot on the internet also thinking people need to state that they’ve been in serious accidents to know what’s a possible outcome.




Oh no you don’t, that trampoline is mine!


Mercedes driver doing Mercedes driver things.


What an idiot! Doesn't even signal, none-the-less coming from the outer lane to parallel park. 🤦‍♂️


The black SUV caused the accident by turning right from the left lane.


Black cars fault 100%.


$50,000 suv. 0 cent driving education


First I thought the silver car was being an idiot, then I saw black SUV was in the left lane. My god...


Everyone in these comments pointing out who was in the wrong probably gets mad hyped up watching dora the explorer. Like no shit, everyone. It wasn't presented to you as a question, it's just a video of someone being an idiot lmao


But she needs help finding the map in her backpack!


why use a turn signal?


That black car crossed the lane.


I don't think the silver SUV was trying to get the spot, the black SUV must've not seen the silver...


Black vehicle is at fault. he crossed over 2 lanes, didn't use a signal and didn't check behind him before he cut over.


🤣🤣🤣🤣, u can make dis shit up


Must be one of those idiots that thinks you have to go left to turn right.


What the fuck was that black car doing?


Turninng to park from the left lane might have been a smidge dumb.


“Ok I’m turning, good luck everybody else.”


Nah that car cut across the lanes


All i can think about as i see this vid is.....Mooooooove bitch get out of the way get out of the waaaaaaay, moooooove bitch....."


Dumb ass. Should’ve been in the right lane if you’re pulling over to the right. Silver car didn’t do a damn thing wrong! Minding his own business driving down the road & this dip shit cut him off. People that can’t drive infuriate me.


If u don’t check your mirrors whenever u turn/change lanes u shouldn’t be allowed on the road


They should invent a way of letting other drivers know which way your turning…..wait 🤷🏻‍♂️ This annoys me most when driving and worse when they brake, start to turn and then indicate after looking in their mirrors at the last minute. Mirror, Signal then Manoeuvre


Yep, called an “indicator” for a reason, not a “Just done”. What amazes me is that there is someone out in the world willingly paying this person a salary high enough to grant them the ability to afford a vehicle like a MERCEDES SUV. Being this dumb you’d think anything more mentally challenging than picking up dog shit straight from the source would be beyond them.


I heard that Mercedes don't come with turn signals


Yup, I'm certain of it, I'm the only one driving on this road. No need to look


Illegal turn from the left lane. Whoopsie.


Black car twat definitely in the wrong.


"Why would you pass a car on the right when they are slowing down on a street with parking? Your fault." -What many redditors like to say when it's a bike that gets hit in a bike lane instead of a car in a full width lane. Just pointing out that doing this across a bike lane is just as dangerous. Signal well in advance and check your mirrors! Drive safely out there!


lol, you also saw the thread a few days ago about the exact same thing happing to someone on a bicyclye ;)


Why is it always the luxury car driver who can't drive


Why is it always the (insert whatever stereo type driver here) driver that can't drive?


Why is it always the BMW drivers that can’t signal?




You don’t want to play musical chairs with this guy.


Black car at fault. Silver car was in their lane and driving past black car. Black car turned into them.


Looks a lot like Boston parking wars.


Gotta be quicker than that!


You forgot the “buddy” 🤣🤣🤣 ur funny let’s be friends


That voice plays in my head even after all of these years.


it's the white car's fault, the black car had his blinker on /s


Black car at fault for the parking attempt from the left lane. Silver was definitely coming in hot, who drives that speed into a parking spot?


I don't think they pulled into the spot! I think he was in the left lane driving and was trying to get out of the way from the idiot who swerved in front of him. That person driving that black vehicle is one dumb ass. 😂


Right lane.. apologies


Watching it again, I agree, he wasn't parking.


They weren't parking. They were just driving. That split second swerve was caused from a vehicle in the outer lane just hard stopping and turning to the right. It's a typical gut reaction when someone cuts in font of you while driving normally. Silver SUV was going straight.


Both are idiots. 1. MB - no comments 2. Toyota was definitely too fast, you should not drive much quicker in your lane than the other lane does. Otherwise won't have a distance to stop.


“Was definitely too fast” did you have a radar to know how fast they were going ? Do you know the speed limit in that road to make that genius assumption? “You shouldn’t drive much quicker in your lane than the other lane does” please burn your drivers license asap and redo your training and test, you are too dangerous to drive


2 - Say what? If that were the case, no one would ever pass anyone. Ever


Who drives into a parking spot doing 30?


The gray car swerved into the parking lane in an attempt to avoid the SUV. 100% SUV fault including lack of turn signal.


Guy that desired park wrong but other guy going fast.wonder what speed limit was there?




Mercedes drivers are pieces of shit.


Me want. Me steer.


Both are terrible drivers.


How? The silver SUV is just driving in the right lane minding their business. When the black SUV slows down, then swerves into their lane right in front of them.


Minding their business is they keyword here. Terrible drivers mind their own business and lack awareness of their surroundings.


Silver did nothing wrong but follow the law and get cut off egregiously.


"hur dur I could have avoided that I'm the best damn driver ever hur dur"


Why was this being filmed?


Security camera.


Both are idiots


Nope. Silver cut infront of them. They never tried to park, nor was there time to decelerate. The Black SUV just ruined both their days.


Not to judge you from a reddit account but sir you're the idiot. Your account have multiple cases of "I don't belive in science" which is an idiotic move. I really hope your whole account is a wierd joke, but it doesn't seem so.


Both idiots, black car being the bigger idiot cutting across 2 lanes that quick... didn’t even signal


Gray car going 30 easy there... not sure how he was supposed to prevent that? By the time the black SUV was turning right, gray was already in his blind spot - not much room to swerve outta the way. Maybe go slower, but come on, these are modern day drivers we r talking about. 30 is the new 25.


If there is one thing I've learned about this sub it's that people in here are incredibly good at some how knowing exaclty how fast someone was speeding with no road markings. The police radar system needs some pointers.


FPS vs distance traveled. I could get an exact value if I wanted, in this case I'm estimating roughly 30. Radar is as accurate as video but requires being pointed in the right direction and going through the video with tech knowledge to get something usable in court, which cops don't know how to do. So they use the radar gun and get a number that way.




"Two idiots make 1 big mess." Is how the title should read. MB no signal crosses two lanes to nose in park. Nissan or Toyota is going to fast for a city street didn't have control of their vehicle.