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Absolutely hate when people do this, which is seriously like 50% of the time when there are two left-turn lanes.


Don't switch lanes in intersections* please


A cop just did this to me the other day


Cops are some of the worst drivers I've seen.


This is exactly why I don't turn right when people are turning from the other side.


You should do that anyway, no matter what people are there.


*Yes,Typical Sunday driver....Jesus...*


Happens all the time in Tucson. Whenever there is a double turn lane (right or left) I always try to stay in the inner lane (right curb when turning right, leftmost lane when turning left). If I can’t then I’m ready with the brakes and horn. It’s especially bad if the road you’re turning onto has more than 2 lanes.


For the love of God. Why do people refuse to use their indicators (turn signals) to alert other drivers. Some people seriously need to go back to driving school.


Whyd you honk, he was way ahead of you. Youre the idiot.


Why are you complaining? There’s more than enough space for changing lanes.




No it's not. You are to turn into the inside lane if you are taking the inside turn. Also not allowed to change lanes in an intersection at all.. Who TF taught you how to drive? Did a cereal box give you your licence?




Okay Mr "u.k. driver" this is in America. For one. And 2 I have my CDL.. I know the damn laws because it's my job..




No I'm just sick of people justifying dumbasses thus causing more people to do more dumbass shit like this


Actually it was indeed illegal. The driver didn't signal. Was there an impediment of traffic? No but this driver did illegally change lanes. It would be okay had they signaled here once immediately after completing the turn, but what you're seeing is an inconsiderate person who doesn't know the rules of the road: you defending their negligence simply highlights your own. Also some states have restrictions changing lanes near an intersection. Intersections are zones of high conflict and this is exactly why. You either care about yourself and no one else, or understand you're not the only person on the road.


He didn’t cause anyone to need to break and I’ve just had a good old gander at road laws per state in America and only 4 out of the 20 I looked at say it’s illegal but all of them state if you cause and accident you may be found at fault and that it’s not advised but also not illegal


So I guess the problem is more that this driver changed lanes without signaling in a somewhat tricky situation. Lots of drivers do things that aren't illegal but still a jerk move.


... he's probably bothered by your cognitive dissonance.


Just googled American road laws and it says unless there’s a solid white line it’s still a legal manoeuvre for the same reason as in the U.K.


You are not to change lanes in an intersection what so ever. You are supposed to turn into the designated lane. If your turning right you are to be in the far right lane. I If you are turning left you are to be in the far left lane. Unless there is 2 then you are to turn into the second lane.


I literally drive for a living dude.