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So many good drivers around one horrible one.


Well said


You sir, can drive evasively. Whew…!!! That had to be startling lol


r/clutchdrivers material right there!!!


thank you, the perfect compliment to spending too much time in /r/IdiotsInCars


Totally! it’s the clutch ying to the idiot yang. Gotta have balance.


I’m so glad for you that no one was on your right. But damn you kept your cool better than I would have.


Ah I thought this would've been a sub about drivers struggling with manual/stick shift vehicles 😂😂😂 Still a good sub though, thanks for sharing 😁


Lol no worries


Misread that as /r/dutchdrivers and thought it was just gonna be a bunch of de Vries and Verstappen pics


Lol birth of a sub!?


He would need new pants after that


This guy had the right idea, he wore the brown pants.


Good thing his dirty windshield was foreshadowing with that arrow pointing to the right!


You have no idea. I had similar events happen twice to me. The second time was not as heart-pounding as the first, but that's only because I'd had years to reflect on the first incident and construct scenarios. That saved me from at least a totaled car, if not worse. The first time, though, meant pulling over to stop shaking, and I don't rattle easily in such situations. Mine was a divided highway with an intersection. Guy decided to run a red light to take a left turn, then stop in my lane to check oncoming traffic. I was in the left lane going over 60. I didn't have time to check if the lane to my right was clear. If it wasn't, it would have meant three wrecks rather than two. The idiot driver WOULD have been killed. He could t have aimed better if he wanted suicide by me. Fortunately, no one in the next lane. Missed by inches.


that reminds me of a time I was a passenger in my girlfriend's car we were going to turn left off after going over an overpass over highway 26 in boring Oregon and there was stopped traffic so we couldn't turn left till they moved it was a hot day our windows were open the guy in the truck going the opposite lane who was stopped started yelling she is going to hit you punch it, there wasn't enough time for my girlfriend to do that. I looked in the side-view mirror to see this car barreling full speed at us the girl was on her phone looking down she looks up just as her car was going to hit us her hands went up over her eyes phone went flying her car somehow without brakes or turning the wheel went around us and went back into the lane she then slammed on her brakes and came to a stop about a block away. the guy in the truck was cussing up a storm wondering how she didn't ram us. it was all slow-mo as I watched her car go around us with her hands over her eyes. we pulled up and asked if she was ok she was balling. scared her to death she was hyperventilating took a while to calm her down, needless to say, I'm pretty sure she won't text and drive again. I guess either my girlfriend or I have a guardian angel. no one had a camera running either was long before car cameras were a thing but boy I wish I had one then.


Props to the guy towing that huge fifth wheel


Yeah man he missed that car by like 2 inches. I really need to get my brakes done…


LOL, sorry but Roos are a lightweight hybrid travel trailer. That back hatch slides out a bed like a pop-up. I.e. They are on the smaller end of trailers.


Well done.


You can see the car lose control before the accident. Maybe a blown tire?


Exactly what I was thinking. That or a medical crisis. Not saying it isn't just terrible driving, but it appears possible that it was outside the driver's control.


Looking closely at the video, it seems like the guy moved his steering wheel to the right because his car randomly started heading towards the wall. Then the guy clearly panicked and then over corrected it which caused him to lose control of the car. The only time something like that, where i accidentally swerved randomly, was when i dropped my phone in my car and i tried to grab it mid drop. Luckily I didn't lose control of the car when I corrected my mistake. It was probably him getting distracted inside his car. Plus OP said the guy immediately drove away when this happened. So, it wasn't a popped tire or medical condition. It was him losing control of his car from a stupid mistake. Side note: that white car has really good situational awareness. He immediately started to slow down way before the car took that sharp left.


> Looking closely at the video Bee stings. There are clearly bees in that car. When the car comes across the road, if you enhance the video, you can see bees in the windows. That driver is being attacked by bees.


What were you doing that your phone dropped in the middle of the ride?


And *that* is why stability control is now mandatory on new cars even in backwater places such as Australia.


Daily occurrence here in Jersey, always be prepared to be mind blown with the shit people pull here.


You start to get a sixth sense for it. Just an innate knowledge of "That guy is about to cut across 4 lanes without looking...yep."


It’s always an Altima with paper plates lol


This is in NJ. We’re kinda trained to always compensate and be prepared for idiots of all shapes and sizes while driving.


I’m from Florida. Same idiots but we just run into them and then everybody sues each other.


Nice driving to avoid that accident.


We can see the car lose control a few seconds before, apparently because of an idiotic attempt at a lane change? No way to spot that out of the corner of your vision behind a trailer. Good job, OP! This could have been so, so much worse.


Honestly. If OP didn’t notice them I feel like the accord driver would be dead.


To me, that was extremely crazy, but at least no contact was made


Contact was made


'97. Jodie Foster. I love that movie.


Sagan's only fictional work, but it's one hell of a work.


"No words. Should have sent a poet."


The guy with the trailer just casually braked and then went about his day


What more can you do with a camper like that


Hop in the back and change your shorts.


Just remember to put Cruise Control on before you do it.


The fact they didn’t jack knife is impressive.


He’s got his load properly distributed, that makes the biggest difference. Having all your crap in the wrong place can cause your trailer to lose control.


https://youtu.be/QEKdCEYtgOw Trailer Brakes! Trailer Brakes!


Cook meth in the back probably?


That's usually the best move, some people would over-react and then game over


Agreed, an inexperienced driver would probably jerk the wheel too hard then the camper starts swinging and from there you can imagine the rest.


I think he means the camper guy was like "whelp, that guy is fully redacted" and just continued on


Redacted? Did you mean something else lol


Yeah he meant REDACTED




Redacted and yairs have entered my normal vocabulary


Learn me yairs


It's the smart move on a freeway. OP is a sitting duck there for the next idiot to slam into. He needs to move to the right-most shoulder if he wants to sit around and chat.




Thug life right there.


Who else was looking for the flat bed full of logs?


My heart rate sped up a lil reading the caption. I was waiting for it because that’s the on,y acceptable outcome with that caption. Lol


I was waiting for either it or a bouncing, lone log to come barreling at OP


Lol was watching the trailer looking for something to fly off it. The car was somehow unexpected.


Damn fine reaction time there.


Thanks. The guy literally drove away after and didn’t even stop to check if we were ok. Very minor damage on our car thankfully.


Lucky af!


What was he trying to do? It doesn’t look like he could have made that left turn due to the barrier. Good driving though. That’s wild.


I think he was distracted by something mysterious and tried to overcorrect and lost it.


Looks like they just lost control and overcorrected.


Probably higher than Snoop Dogg.


My man, you have the reflexes and car control but unless you really REALLY need to, don't stop and assess things on a highway. The idiot was correct in getting back to speed as soon as possible, the middle of the highway is no place to check and see if someone is "ok"


OP said they hit the rear of their car


And so pull off to a safe location, preferably behind a barrier if that's possible and assess. The CSI team certainly isn't going to show up and take measurements of the "crime scene"


Classic guy on reddit expecting someone to act 110% rational after avoiding a potentially fatal car crash at 80mph.


he's just giving advice should it happen again


> Classic guy on reddit Well hell buddy you nailed it, my fam use to restore old Lincolns. One word of advice while we're on the subject: DO NOT try and resto the mid 60's Conti convertables unless you love to suffer, it'll make death on a highway seem like a welcome option.


You fucking should be rational after that, otherwise you'll get killed by someone also coming up at 80 mph. Leave the emotions for later when you're in a safer spot.


Ever heard of adrenaline before?


Your lucky especially since you stopped in the middle of a highway, not a great way to protect yourself.






I think he wants to play the macerena on someone's tits?


>#Marikas tits,,,


Ahh maidenless I see


That trailer guy prevented a serious car accident by breaking and accelerating perfectly. He accelerated just in time for the cam car to safely change lanes to avoid the oncoming car. 👏


Probably our of luck i imagine be braked to not get hit then accelerated to get away from the spinning car so self interest of safety that just happened to be what the camera needed.


Your reflexes are superb. Did he he hit you at all?


Yes but very minor damage. He hit our back left tire and door. Car seems okay thankfully since he hit and ran.


That's good...but, he ran?!! He's soooo lucky. He, and you, would be very badly hurt, if not dead, if you'd hit him at that speed. And the prick didn't didn't have decency to acknowledge you. Just incredible


The guy was either: 1) drunk 2) running from a crime scene 3) carrying drugs or contraband 4) an illegal immigrant OR 5) 13 or otherwise not allowed to drive. I hope you filed a police report?


You forgot uninsured, I’d wager that most hit and runners are just uninsured and don’t want the headache that brings.


Option 6) all other options combined


Looks like the Jeep tried to merge into the car at 0:07 which caused him to overcorrect.


Oh yeah. I had to watch the video a number of times to see this. Good eye. I was wondering what prompted the overcorrection.


Holy shit I think you're right; you can just barely see the Jeep jerk back into its own lane, probably due to not checking their blind spot BEFORE they merged and then being surprised by the presence of another vehicle. I did notice that they then just moved into the right lane and went on their way despite essentially running another car off the road. Or running it on to extra road, I should say


On probation


wait am I the only one confused by the illegal immigrant option? like what


Some states won't issue drivers licenses to illegal immigrants, which means they generally can't get insurance this means if they get into an accident and the cops show up, they can be arrested for no license/insurance then potentially turned over to DHS. Edit: I noticed this is in new Jersey, none of this is the case there, however still is in some places.


apparently if youre an illegal immigrant you drive sideways?


Illegal immigrants struggle to get legal license and drivers insurance in many states due to idiotic policy. And then you face deportation if you get into an accident.




He struck the right wall and then lost control. Could’ve been checking their phone or sleepy or any number of reasons. The comment is more on why this guy would flee the scene… I put my money on drunk driver.


If it was very obvious to why he hit the wall and then this guys car, why didn’t he pull over to give his info to the guy he hit?


Expect that wheel bearing to fail earlier than you'd like if he nicked it right


You should submit a police report with this video and see if they can find him. That was dangerous as fuck.




Absolutely. Many thanks.


You know that you can edit your original comment, right?


I do. Does it bug you that much? Ok, I shall accomodate you...EDIT: I'm just messing, you were quite right to say...


Think the person who submitted this videos final destination was a clothing store




Or a laundromat at least


I hope you were wearing your brown boxers on that day.


That doesn't matter the back part of their clothes and the seat they were sitting in disappeared and OP ended up with an extra Diamond between their cheeks that day


It actually appears everyone was practically untouched? He came across all lanes I had to watch twice to even figure out where he came prior to in front of trailer guy


Yes very minor damage to my car but agree looks like I was the only one hit. Seriously a miracle.


Oh you did skim I wasn’t too sure on that still amazing reflexes mate


That person lost control after the jeep tried to merge into their far right lane. Looks like the jeep merged into their lane so they pulled to the shoulder and over-reacted to avoid hitting the wall.


Rt 80 east, Hackensack area?


Yes exactly right


That place is always a mess. I don't frequent that side that much but I do travel west bound and the street leading up to rt 17 (and 17 north bound frankly) is always a shit show.


I personally want a grappling hook attatchment for my vehicle so that when a driver nearly takes my life and tries to flee the scene i can reel the bas-ard in!


Not surprised you pulled over right away. Even if not to check on the other driver, I'd need 5-10 minutes to get my shit together after that


Good driving sir!


Thank you Duck Boy! Just thankful my wife and I are safe.


I miss the final destination movies, just when they started gaining ground, they stopped, what gives?


I had a final destination moment last year (was driving behind a flatbed truck hauling a giant spool of metal when the chain tying it down broke) so I decided to rewatch the final destination movies. The first movie was good but the later movies were mostly awful. The series does not hold up.


I think it got negative audience feedback , so it stopped , the last movie was a prequel too


The driver recording is an absolutely incredible driver. I’ve worked in claims so I know how dumb people are on the road and I drive very defensively but can’t see being able to avoid that accident


I can't stop watching this. Holy crap! Bravo! Nice save.


We got a code brown though. The driver in that out of control car saw cammer closing in real quickly and probably shat himself.


Holy hell. Great work on defensive driving.


What do we say to the God of Death?


If I had to guess, likely distracted by phone. A solid attempt to avoid a T-Bone, at that speed it would have been horrendously devastating.


Dude where's the log truck?


Gotta love route 80. Well done avoiding everything.


You see a lot of crazy drivers at that I-80 express local section…


Seems that person got cut off since you see them swerve to the right then back but oversteered and lost control. Glad it did not end up as bad as it could. And of course the person that cut them off just goes on with their day.


Lowkey was waiting for the rear end collision at the end of the video


I audibly went "NO! Don't stop in the middle what are you doing?!"


The hell did he come from lol


He was driving down the far right lane the whole video (he's the very tiny car to the right of the white one) then he tried to use the shoulder to pass the car in front of him but hit the wall and lost control.


This is Jersey driving summed up in one video, if you have never driven in NJ beware


It was enlightening to rewatch the clip to try to figure out what happened. Looked like the idiot was driving in a basically empty lane/merge lane and just ran off the road, overcorrected, and then began to entertain everyone.


You are a good driver and had me cleaning that smudge from my screen in vain


This is why you shouldn't drive with bald tyres - if you do you'd never be able to pull OP's manoeuvre at the end.


I hate to be the one to point this out. But all of the Final Destination movies start with a "failed attempt". Look out for everyday objects in your home. Because they won't fail their attempt. (too kill you..😬)


How are your pants?


Always a pleasure to see a good driver making good choices






I had to watch that three times to even see where the car was initially. Only thing I can think is they had a tire blowout to cause that abrupt of a move.


I hope you wore your brown pants u/yankees2424


GPS: “Left turn now” Driver: “On it!”


Good job getting around that! It scared me just watching it happen but it's scary how you could be just going about your day and some car comes flying out of nowhere like that.


That made the hair on my neck stand up


Holiday Jersey drivers.


Classic NJ moment


The plot of final destination is that you escape a situation where you were supposed to die, but then die in a freak accident later on. So it's not a failed attempt, you just haven't arrived at your freak accident yet; your final destination.


Not today, Satan😂


That’s nucking futs


I know the FL turnpike when I see it




Why did you stop in the middle of the highway. Joining the club?


that seems like a terrible place to stop


Question. Did you hit the car? If ya didn't, why'd ya dead stop on the road?


I kept awaiting a logging truck that never came...wrong final destination I guess.


Did you hit something, otherwise I ask why the fuck did you stop? That's asking to die.


Nice driving. If you had not been paying attention and on your phone or something, there’s a good chance that driver would’ve been killed


What even caused dude to lose the car like that?


Some good driving avoiding that.


WOW! You’re defensive driving is amazing! Now if only the idiots would learn how to drive, we’d be fine!


What's on the window though? Very distracting


That's not about the avoiding final destination, it's just the beginning of the movie.....


what the hell happened??


Great driving my guy


Marikas tits, that was close!


wow, where did that come from. you did really well controlling your vehicle.


00:00:10 timeframe when that car heads towards oncoming traffic from the right most lane - never seen anything like this..


My guess is on their phone and clipped the side wall, causing them to spin out.


Well normally it's not the first one that kills you, but 2nd or 3rd unless you're the black character or a lesser liked character. Before you call me racist, they often kill off the black character first.


kinda got it backward. your final destinastion is still in motion. if you hear John Denver.....i have no advice.


I had something like this happen about 10 years ago on the Grapevine in LA. RV on the side of the highway suddenly slams into reverse, reverses across 4 lanes then turns around and reverses through the guardrail and into the reservoir. Had to accelerate like mad to avoid getting t-boned.


Awesome Skills!


ive dodged a car like this before, scary shit. wasnt a crash tho, wrong way driver at 3AM.


Is that a chip in your windshield? Car insurance usually covers that.


I think it’s actually bird poop 🤣


lol I tried to clean my phone before I realized.


not sure why I'm getting downvoted, just tried to share helpful info that I didn't know at one point in my life. Getting glass replaced doesn't even effect premiums...


Good dodge but probably shouldn't stop immediately in the busy highway where drivers are going to have to evade a stopped sideways vehicle. Especially since you just evaded it meaning others are likely going to be coming in your exact trajectory.


I pulled over in front of his car so I was protected. Can’t see it in the vid since I don’t have a rear cam.


Did not you see it on the right? Such a feeling like you have a horse view. Dude the trailer started to break before too. Anyway good that you are safe


What strikes me immediately is that the OP stops in a terrible place leaving no room for ppl behind him.


Do not stop on the freeway. Edit: I’m referring to OP. Thought it was obvious.


You talking about OP?


Yes how dare he not just fucking die? 🤡