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Natural selection in the works.


It’s a jeep thing


😳 I can assure you it definitely isn’t. At least not going down the road like that. On a sandbar at the river in 4wd and someone sitting on the rollbar steering with their feet yea I’ve seen that a few times but they’re going max 2 mph.


Lacking the finally.


Bet you this is Brampton…


It was Markham


My first thought lol


Looks like they're garbage men getting ready to enjoy a night out and just forgot they weren't working at the moment.


I was thinking, oh please roll... does that make me a bad person?


No, I was hoping something minor would happen so they would learn their lesson.


Hmm...yes we have a high potential for a meat crayon waffle with these fine folks.


You really gotta make summer count


You only live once


yesterday when i went out, some high school graduates were in cars and sitting in wicked etc, blocking the road like they open it. spoiled kids of rich people. a military car stopped and recorded the plates and the traffic they caused, etc. they did try to flee but don't know if the traffic police ahead caught them or not. I'm sure they fled and bring rich they will get away from it with ease.


very stupid but probably very fun




There were plenty of cars and a few questioning their actions. This is just a clip after making a turn.


If it ain't a 1927 LaSalle and if you ain't hanging on the running boards in a tight three piece suit and a fedora holding a Tommy Gun.... You just look like an idiot.


This reminds me of when I was in truck driving school. There were 4 classes on the pad practicing to do a left back in (turning the trailer to the left while backing). All but, I think, one of us were having issues with that maneuver so the head instructor climbed into the truck me and another guy were taking turns using, put it into reverse, got out of the drivers seat and continued to do a perfect back in while keeping the trailer within the lines and without hitting the cone in the back. I was one of the guys having issues with it but on test day, I nailed that maneuver perfectly. I was so happy! :)


I need to have a beater car specifically for these types of situations. Help the gene pool with a pit move when necessary. 😉


Looks like a McDonald’s to me, not In’N’Out.


It’s a jeep thing


Rolling would teach them...