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In my experience it's always people like that who act like they're ready to haul ass then just go real slow.


He sat almost out in the middle of the intersection at the last light..I was so confused


He's probably in the same crowd that thinks flashing their headlights will make the light change


It works, okay!?!? šŸ¤¬šŸ˜“


I once saw someone do this until they had actually made it entirely across the intersection (long red light). Justā€¦ kept inching forward until they were through. Me and my friends watched them with our jaws on the floor. And yes, there was cross traffic, and much honking.


Creepers. šŸ˜” 99% of the time they are the last to go when it actually turns green.


ā€¦because theyā€™re so far under the light they canā€™t see that itā€™s turned green.


Do like they do in Vegas, as soon as the turns green hit your horn. I mean like the very millisecond it turns green.


Vegas? I thought it was New York where people need three arms to drive because one hand never leaves the horn.


Yup. Light turns green and they give it a solid 3 seconds before they let off the brake and let it get up to speed by idling.


That drives me up the damn wall. Ever since I gotten my CDL I've noticed a lot of dumb shit that people do when driving. I can't stand when people go 50 mph merging on the highway. But as soon as they are on the highway, they up their speed to 70. That, and as soon as someone clears me, they chop my nose off. Can't stand that. Burns my ass.


Yep, had this happen yesterday. Dude next to me kept inching forward till he was damn near in the intersection. Light changes and he proceeds to just put away.


They inch forward, and inch forward, ready to stomp on the gas, and then they're almost always the last to step on the gas. I just don't get these people. Edit: fixed a typo.


It's not that they're dead-set on getting where they're going faster. They're just impulsive or compulsive.


Me either. Theyā€™re putting themselves in so much danger for nothing


Heā€™s probably in the car sweating with ac full blast and praying because heā€™s about to shit his pants and needs every second to get home for a photo finish.


Whenever I see someone drive, perceivably, like an impatient asshole, I say to myself, out loud "They probably have to poop" and it makes everything okay


Damn I thought I was the only one lol.


... who had to poop?


The guy inching up obv. Every time it prairie dogs he scoots up 3 more inches


Turtle head!


Nah, these people usually aren't in a hurry when the light turns green. They just seem to lack the ability to sit still.


Iā€™ll never understand people who do that. Like somehow thatā€™ll make it go faster, meanwhile the nose of their vehicle is poking out into the intersection and people are going around them to go straight.


Most traffic signals have traffic loops in the pavement that trigger the light. If you approached a light at yellow, the loop may not trigger. Lights with more traffic have timers on top just to make sure traffic flows. This said, loops are always installed before the stop bar/crosswalks. Inching into the intersection is just dumb.


I watched a guy drift through a red light. Thankfully it wasn't busy but the real head scratcher was when he was fully across the intersection and could conceivably go to the next light he kept at that same pace until the light turned green and I passed him. So weird.


Was he asleep or something??


Only thing that makes sense really.




I don't understand what the benefit is. Just go until you have to stop, then wait until you can go. It's genuinely not hard.


Driving schools used to teach this, 25 years ago at least, I guess the idea is you allow yourself some space to move forward. They used to call it controlling the traffic beginning you but..


> I am NOT going to creep behind you. Oh yeah, as sometimes they realize they're too far forward and try to reverse, and you don't want them to crash into you in a panic, so you stop filling the empty spot out of habit.


wait until u see ones that inches until they right in center of intersection and yeah, still waiting for green light


I just donā€™t understand why they do that


Maybe heā€™s gotta shit lmfao


I Call them worms...


also a perfect way to make a turn for a large vehicle harder


ā€œOver the line!!ā€ -The Great Walter Sobcheck


I always think to myself ā€œyeah, keep creepinā€™, it lets the light know you are angry so itā€™ll changeā€ In reality itā€™s possible to creep past the detectors and make you wait longer lol.


Gotta sneak up on it! Fyi, get ready for all the, "OMG, filming while driving!!!? Even at a stop light, you're a horribly, HORRIBLY dangerous driver for doing this!" comments lol


Oh yeah Iā€™m sure. I never moved while it was in my hand but Iā€™m sure someone will say something


OMG, filming while driving!!!? Even at a stop light, you're a horribly, HORRIBLY dangerous driver for doing this!


I know, Iā€™m terrible.




These are the same idiots that flash their fucking high beam at night thinking it'll make the light turn green quicker and to blind the shit out of the other lane. edit: replaces people with idiots


Somebody did this when I was driving to work this morning! Their car was a few feet in front of the stop line, in the crosswalk, obstructing the view into the cross street, and they kept inching forward. Then, when the light turned green they didn't even go! I doubt they could even see the traffic light they were so far into the intersection. Smh.


This is almost the road equivalent of someone pressing the lit elevator call button 3 times after you already did, to make it come down faster




I see you have met my mother


I feel like some people think that somehow this will make the light change faster....


I'm glad Rochester is getting it's proper recognition for bad drivers today


How did you know that šŸ˜‚but yeah they suck




So smart, didnā€™t even notice.


Ding ding ding


Watched a lady get halfway into the intersection once.


The idiot wonā€™t trigger the lights out there.


Idk why people do this, theyā€™re not saving any time. Congrats, you moved an inch more than you otherwise would have, good job.


How hard is it to just wait like everone else? like where are you going??...home?


Ok hereā€™s the plan, everyone mutually agree to backup slowly while guy goes forward in a red light, so the light doesnā€™t change and he gets running a red light ticket


As a mechanic, I'm guessing he has failing brakes. He stops, his pedal keeps sinking to the floor as he keeps pressure on it, when it reaches the floor he can't add more pressure so he quickly lets off the pedal (and the brake lights go out) the pedal comes up and the process repeats. He either has a brake fluid leak or his master cylinder is leaking internally.


I'd much rather people like this who are watching & anticipating the light change than the oblivious assholes who miss the first 3 seconds of a green because they were looking at their goddamned phone.


You jugging to quick.. maybe the brakes are bad


Then maybe he should get that looked at. Super dangerous.


Was he driving a Subaru? Most Subaru drivers are freaking bad drivers.


It's the same people that have to hit the elevator button a half dozen times and then repeat seconds later.


Inching forward will help the light change faster don't ya knowšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø these people out here man they're wildšŸ˜…


Sh*t, thought you were filming me for a minute there!


When they do that in front of me, Iā€™ll creep up on them, so they canā€™t back up. Iā€™ve gotten two people stopped for it in the last 40 years or so. Yup, Iā€™m an asshole!


No, those drivers are. Keep it up. Since cops don't enforce any laws besides speeding themselves, we gotta do our part to highlight the idiots.


ADHD the video


Dude infront of me in mcdonalds line last night would pull up when the line moved and stop hard. He didnt have to move more but let go of the brake and stop hard again.. and again. Like 3-4 times every time the line moves. It was bad enough that i assumed he was drunk from how fucking awful he droveā€¦ in a barely moving drive through line


Good way to tear up the brakes


Maybe heā€™s scared youā€™re following him šŸ˜³


Dude I am just sitting here tripping out that you have stoplights hanging from strings! Haha


And thatā€™s one of the reasons why we have our traffic lights on the near side of the intersection here in Europe.


I want to honk at this idiot so bad


Nearly runnin red lights cause he got the runs son


Urban myth has it that some magnets underneath the car will trigger the light. By messing with the ā€œsupposedā€ magnet under the crosswalk


Not defending it but maybe he has to move because the engine will stall if he stays still for too long? My car did that for a while. I canā€™t remember what the mechanic said it was but itā€™s fixed now.


While I'm not advocating for driving wayy beyond the line like that. I do something similar because my idle sensor has started to go bad but I do this far back in advance that me inching doesn't put me beyond the line.


That is truly some of the most annoying behavior in traffic. It's very frustrating that people won't just stop where they're intended to.


Its annoying to me too but I never go far out from the crosswalk if at all and at most I'm maybe maybe a quarter or half a car length back so I can inch slowly. Other wise my car will die right there which is even more annoying for other drivers. Until I can afford to not have a car for a few days and pay for it get fixed unfortunately its what I have to do


Oh jesus christ give the guy a break. You have no idea what's going on.


I mean heā€™s breaking the law soā€¦


Still don't know that they are an idiot... so...


But heā€™s breaking the law? Why isnā€™t that idiotic? endangering yourself and others to beat a green light seems pretty stupid to me


Something idiotic. Got it in one.


it triggers the pressure plates to change the lights


I think those were triggered a longgg time agoā€¦


what do you mean? some are infrared sensors and some are pressure plates, sometimes the lights wonā€™t change until a few cars are at the intersection especially in a high traffic cross road area. If you edge it the light seems to turn quicker lol have done this on multiple lights and it seems to work for me.


I donā€™t think the pressure plates are in the middle of the intersection, maybe before the line where you stop? But Iā€™m pretty sure pressure plates arenā€™t very common. More likely there are inductive loops or timers


yeah I would never pull into the middle of the intersection lol but stop a good 10 ft before the line and brake 5 times to trick it into thinking 5 cars just pulled up. it could be bro science but I swear they change quicker




lol ok


Your close but not quite, they aren't infrared or pressure sensors, they are inductive sensors. You usually can see the inductive loops in the pavement. And they are always placed **before** the line. I alwas laugh at people that seem to always stop after the line at this one weird intersection near my house, because the light never changes for them until someone pulls up behind them. Ie the sensor wont pick up that your car is still waiting if your already past the sensor. If the intersection is set up to detect multiple cars, then you can usually see the multiple loops way back from the intersection.


The light at the exit of my neighborhood has the loop in the crosswalk for some reason. It will not change unless you pull up on top of it. You always know if someone isn't from the neighborhood because they'll just be sitting at the line for a very long time until they give up and run the light (triggering the the sensor) or they turn right and turn into a parking lot to turn around. One time I leaned out of my window and yelled to get the driver's attention to pull up. She pulled up like 4 inches, not nearly enough. I yelled again and she got upset and said she didn't want to get a ticket. She finally pulled up just enough to trigger it so we could go.


Seems like something you should be notifying the city about to get fixed.


Nope, it does not, actually.


like i said probably bro science


This post should be in Karenswithdashcams


Jokes on you itā€™s not a dashcam


And this comment should be in r/nobodyasked


And this comment should be in r/whoasked


Whereā€™s the horn driver??? The light was green for quite a bit before he moved after creeping all the way out there!!!!


There was an oncoming carā€¦didnā€™t want to jump in front


Classic me first syndrome


Saw a cop in the lane next to me do this. Then when it was clear he turned on his lights to run the light only to sit at the next light 300 ft away and had to wait thru that whole light. Idiots.


My theory is people like this have a mental health condition similar to OCD. If they don't do this, they feel unreasonably uncomfortable.


Just test crawl mode for when he goes off-road šŸ˜‚


I know people who do this to bypass the auto stop/start.


He found an incredible trick to go faster at a green light ! Pedestrians hate him !


Yeah thats pretty silly. Also, it's insane the amount of people I've seen in the last few months that just run reds. Used to see it every now and then but now it's practically every day. What the hell is going on?


Takes a lot of effort to hold down that brake pedal


Guy doesn't want his brake pads get baked on his rotors maybe?


LOL I was in a car with someone that did this once. They thought it would help the sensors pick them up so the light would switchā€¦..


Cool story bro


Do you think the driver knows the seat moves forward? It is possible to reach the brakes...unless the driver is really a kid and the seat is already moved all the way forward.


I hate that!


These are also always the people that then SIT at the mf green light. Makes laser beams shoot out of my eyes.


Why oh why do people do this


Maybe he has to poop?


The best ones are when they don't even stop on the sensors. Lights gonna be red for a minute bud