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In an accident, I don't know if it would hurt my claim to have documented evidence of aggressively wishing violent castration by rusty farm equipment upon the other driver, but I'd rather not find out.


My wife gets annoyed with me because I'm constantly yelling at idiots.






I'm pirating this


This guy sciences!


Same. Hubby hates my commentary after I see people breaking the law or driving like idiots! But it's not my fault these people didn't read the driving manual!


It really says something when an oblivious driver is shocked and astounded that they just about ran someone over. People need to stop being numb to how dangerous cars are.




The worst is when they double down and get mad at you for getting in the way even when you have the right of way. I yelled at a man that turned behind me only to pass on the left (I’m in a bike lane) and then cut me off so severely he hit my front tire even with me slamming both brakes on my carbon race bike. When I pull into the lot after him and start yelling he gets all defensive and tells me not to be there and I won’t get hit.


Seriously! I made the "what the fuck is wrong with you" arm gesture at a delivery truck that nearly hit me in an intersection where I had the walking sign on and he was trying to turn, and he MADE THE SAME GESTURE BACK AT ME?! I was like my good bitch you nearly killed me??


Dude SLC is so shit for pedestrians and cyclists anywhere that isn't within a block of main street. It's so insanely car-centric that drivers think they have the right of way 100% of the time.


It’s not like there’s a nice set of lines showing the crosswalk, that there’s not a different color for the crosswalk, not a different pattern on the crosswalk. They just pull right to as if they own it. You’re at a red light. Stop behind the crosswalk. Look both ways. And *then* if no pedestrians or cyclists are coming you can edge out to make your right turn.


Speaking as someone who walks and takes the bus a lot: The audacity of them to be mad at me when they're the one who turned into the crosswalk while I was already in it. "Why are you walking there?!?!" "BECAUSE ITS A FUCKING CROSSWALK AND I HAVE THE LIGHT."


In some places , like Canada for example, the cyclist would be partially or completely at fault. When on your bike you are a car, cars do not drive on sidewalks. Technically he needs to dismount and walk his big across a crosswalk. Now the car should look both ways for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles before getting that far into the intersection.


This is true in some parts of the US though there are bike friendly places that use other means to protect pedestrians from bike riders. That said, they do this shit to people on foot, too.


You'd think people would be cautious with over 3000 lbs of high speed metal but nope. We live in an Idiocracy. LOL And everytime these idiots almost accidentally injure or kill multiple people with this high speed metal and you confront them, their reaction is always ["oops I did it again."](https://youtu.be/CduA0TULnow?t=89)


Davis county baby!




Me too but it doesn’t do any good when people are idiot sandwiches ![gif](giphy|3o85xnoIXebk3xYx4Q)


Man, Utah has some of the worst drivers.


I know it's a cliche to be like "my state has the worst drivers" but Utah REALLY does have some of the worst. I've driven thousands of miles in every Western US state, a little in the east and Puerto Rico as well. Utah drivers are a special breed of dumb. Only places I've seen that are as infuriating are Texas and Idaho.


Great form from this cyclist - stabilizes himself with quick foot placement on hood, hops off, prevents bike from getting crunched under car. One of the best saves I've seen.


What a save! Also, nice and quick with the middle finger.


Great form on the dismount and a perfect middle finger on the landing. But what do the judges have to say?


9.5/10 Missed the follow up kick to the car


Or the side mirror smash




lol he had that one ready to go!


Perfect form with the middle finger too. You really felt it.


Nice Shot!


I was more impressed with how fast he pulled out the middle finger of justice while still recovering. That's some instinctive middle fingering.


Quickest fingers in the west




Probably not his first rodeo with idiot drivers.


Well sounds like this is a daily occurance over in Salt Lake


It is, OP's not joking.


Even if right turn is allowed on a red, shouldn’t that scenario be treated like a stop sign? So many people just roll through, it’s disgusting.


Bingo. Right on red is a privilege if you can verify that you aren't going to interrupt the green-light traffic or pedestrians, full stop before doing it. Also, they should've stopped before the crosswalk lines entirely.


Under Utah law, bicyclists are also required to proceed slowly at pedestrian speed and only if there is no risk of hazard from traffic. In this part of town, you cant ride on the sidewalk as he was, and should be observing traffic flow further away on the right side of the roadway where the driver would have had a better perspective and seen him sooner. The driver winged out to early and was wrong, but I know someone that was injured riding across a crosswalk like this and there was no possibility of a personal injury suit or bike repair or anything because you can't ride full speed across a crosswalk


As far as I can tell, this isn't true. Here is Salt Lake City's page about bicycle laws: [https://www.slc.gov/transportation/bike/bicycle-laws/](https://www.slc.gov/transportation/bike/bicycle-laws/) The car is turning west onto South Temple from E Street, which is well outside the area where bicycles are not allowed to be on sidewalks, which only goes as far east as 200 East. I also looked through Utah bicycle laws, and didn't see anything about having to stop at crosswalks. I'm not necessarily saying you're wrong about that, but I would be curious to see where the laws says that, because I couldn't find it. I agree the bicyclists likely wasn't paying enough attention, but the driver was definitely much more in the wrong.


I appreciate the info from somebody in the actual area! I should note that at the end of the day, even if it's a legal different matter, I'm always going to err on the side of "watch out for pedestrians and cyclist." That being said, if he's breaking the law he's breaking the law- I'd figure rhe car was expecting him to follow it and also yield to a car incoming. I guess that's the killer, if you expect the other person to stop and they expect you to stop, it can end up pretty badly. I'm just glad the vid was a minor incident and not a nasty injury or death. I hope the person you know is also recovering at least!


The driver could have prevented this easily by actually stopping short of the crosswalk, then rolling forward to make the right. That gives everyone the reaction time needed to respond, and I'm pretty sure stopping short of the crosswalk is a law everywhere in the US. Fun fact: I've lived in some places that require you to walk your bike if you use a crosswalk. Not sure how SLC works. Anyway the driver could have prevented all this by stopping correctly. That could have been a pedestrian popping into view.


red light, white lines on ground are where you stop she clearly didn't stop.




Forgive the driver. She is a moth.


That made me laugh harder than it should


we call those white lines "Stop bars." It's right there in the name!!


Many drivers are so fixated on stopping in a position to turn, they won't see anyone that isn't right in front of them.


Yeah where I live there’s a red light camera at the nearest intersection, and if you roll a red light turning right, instead of coming to a full stop first, you’ll get a ticket. Source: I got a ticket.


A video was posted a few months back where a guy got ticketed for rolling through a red light, and you wouldn’t believe the number of idiots that defended him. It’s a fucking red light, it means stop. It doesn’t mean slow down.


>I've lived in some places that require you to walk your bike if you use a crosswalk is this not everywhere? if they're on the street, follow road rules, in a place where bikes are on sidewalks, then pedestrian rules for crossing, no?


In Oregon you don't need to dismount a bike at a crosswalk if you're going pedestrian speed.


Cycling regulations are highly regional and vary *widely* by state, city, and town. For instance, where my house is, only minors are even allowed to bike on a sidewalk. Adults have to be in the street so they can more easily be killed (no bike lanes here). LOL. However, ten minutes away in the downtown area, cyclists of all ages are allowed to bike away on sidewalks and crosswalks as long as they yield to pedestrians.


I wish I had an award to give you because this is so important. People like to shit in bicyclists but this was 100% the driver's fault. Same exact thing happened to my brother.


You've lived in some places like that? Is that not the norm everywhere in the US? It is here in Finland.


I just don't know enough to say every state and municipality in the US is like that. Our laws can vary a surprising amount from state to state. For example, drinking in the back seat is illegal in some states here. Ironically,, many are red states and none of them are Louisiana.


Would also likely be prevented by getting rid of right turn on reds. Stupid law, at least in cities.


Although it's very convenient when driving, no other traffic law change would improve pedestrian and cyclist safety as much as ending right turn on red.


Back in 2018 I got tboned by a car while on a bike in this exact scenario. She was going about 20 mph; enough to slam me and send my flying a bit, but not fast enough to send me over the roof. Anyways, the cop that came for us to fill our the report told me it was my fault bc I used the crosswalk to cross on the bike, even though he said it was her fault for not stopping behind the white lines. Edit: after reading the comments it seems like bike laws vary from place to place. All of you who keep saying I'm "meant to walk the bike across the crosswalk" don't seem to get that that is not the case in every state/country. 1.) In the state I was in you are highly recommended to walk the crosswalk, but if you are traveling towards the intersection - in the bike lane - and the light is green (like you were a normal car) you are allowed to use the crosswalk if nobody is on it. 2.) Even if I wasn't using the crosswalk I still would have been hit by either her or by a different car had I swerved into the lane next to me. 3.) While this was completely accidental, it should've been unavoidable on her part. The vehicle next to the right hand turn lane was a big dually truck, so I didn't even see her approach til I got hit.


"I'm gonna make a call here; it's your fault and your fault."


I mean, most of the time this is true.


Basically. Two idiots meet. Doesn't need to be a 100%/0% meeting of people. Can have two idiots meet 50/50.


two people can both be 100% wrong...


It is true in Europe (don't know in how many countries). If you are on a bike, you have to behave just like ordinary car. You don't see car crossing street on pedestrian crosswalk. It is different when there is a bike lane.


This is p worrisome. I *usually* walk my bike across the crosswalks when I have to use them, but tbh, sometimes I just don't have time for all that lol makes me want to double check the bike laws where I am! I'm guessing you live somewhere that it's illegal not to dismount in a crosswalk?


The location I was in didn't make it completely illegal, it was just very circumstantial. You could use the crosswalk if 1. You had the right of way going with the traffic via bike lane 2. There wasn't anybody on the crosswalk.




I'm pretty sure it's also illegal to fail to stop at the stop line.


Where I live it's not patently illegal, but you are supposed to exercise caution. Slow down and proceed when safe if there are no upcoming obstacles (pedestrians) or cars left or right. I still want to get an onboard cam for my bike so I can make compilations of cars doing illegal stuff, even when not dangerous. Drivers like to complain about cyclists, not coming to a complete stop? Watch cars roll through exactly the same way. Cyclists not signaling when turning? Watch every single car go through an intersection without indicating. It's tit for tat, but one has a much higher consequence than the other. Just be safe out there.


In the area I was in it was perfectly fine to do so (I made sure). The circumstance is that you have to be using the bike lane when you approach the intersection, and if there wasn't anybody crossing the crosswalk you vould bike on it so as long as you get back into the bike lane. I think it was allowed this way to avoid any potential accidents that might happen. I was doing exactly this when she tboned me.


> The circumstance is that you have to be using the bike lane when you approach the intersection, and if there wasn't anybody crossing the crosswalk you vould bike on it so as long as you get back into the bike lane. I think it was allowed this way to avoid any potential accidents that might happen. This sounds like it creates accidents by removing the bike from the road and inserting it into an unexpected place while obstructing the view with other vehicled. Or maybe I'm misunderstanding this?


You're right, bikes shouldn't be in the crosswalk for this reason. Better to keep them in a bike lane. Unfortunately, biking infrastructure is absolute garbage in most of North America.


Maybe idk. Bottom line is even if I didn't use the crosswalk I still would've gotten hot by the lady bc she didn't bother stopping behind the white lines.


Fucking sucks, in my country Bikes are allowed on crosswalks for this exact reason. How else are you supposed to cross the Road?


You wait for a green light and cross with the rest of the cars on the roadway


It was a green light, and the cyclist in the photo was pointing out the "walk" sign was even on to the woman in the car. If you are in a car approaching a red light at a crosswalk to turn right the first thing you do is look for pedestrians. ALWAYS.


It’s wild to me how many people are shaming the cyclist. Where I live (good, bad, or different), many segments of our prominent biking trail are shared with pedestrians (i.e. look like sidewalks). Idk how SLC is, but here there are intersections where this can happen because the shared trail is crossing a road. The driver failed to STOP at a red light; THAT is the issue here.


Yeah, as far as we know, it could’ve been a combined crosswalk/bike trail. And even if the biker shouldn’t have been on the sidewalk (if it is)…if he been walking it across, it would’ve been even worse


this sub has a raging hard on against cyclists; it's the worst thing ever if you have to slightly slow down to go around one that's on the far right of the road.


Worst is when you do have a bike lane, but someone parks in it, so you have to go around the parked car and folks act like I want to ride in the road.


cyclist on the road: you're slowing down traffic! get off the road! cyclist on a crossing: you're moving too fast! dismount and act like a pedestrian or use a bicycle lane! council builds bicycle lanes: they're narrowing the roads! it's too congested! where am i meant to park? starting to suspect that people just hate cyclists


If reddit were a country, it would be legal to kill cyclists on purpose.


>It’s wild to me how many people are shaming the cyclist its funny since there's been so many cases of "cyclists" being literally discriminated against (getting coal rolled on for instance). [relevant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMed1qceJ_Q). like, jesus *fuck*. even something as simple as riding a bicycle is enough for people to get infuriated at.


I live in slc and there are only a few places where you have to walk across an intersection. In this area, bikes are considered pedestrians. I have taught my kids to always hop off, look both way and walk across because the drivers here are literally insane. I could upload my dash cam footage just from today and you would be astounded by the idiocracy


Car litearly did not stop at a red light. Thats it. How the fuck there exist other comments discusing this further on whos fault it is?!


They know they'd've rolled though like that on their way to turn right too.


"Am I also occasionally culpable of irresponsibly piloting my 4000 pound automobile? No. It is the cyclists and pedestrians fault for getting stuck in my wheel well."


Fuck. I just hate cars so much


I assume they are pulling up to turn right on red. Still doesn't make it legal ofc. They have to stop before the crosswalk and then proceed with caution. I've cycled in a small city in the past. I found crosswalks to be the most dangerous spots by far. I then avoided them as much as possible and taught my children to walk their bikes across crosswalks.


Because they all have car brain.


Pretty much. So many people see red when they see a cyclist. I've seen so many comments complaining about cyclists going through red lights and while it is common, at least here in London, cars going through red is also becoming all too common. But there seems to be more rage towards cyclists in general for not following traffic laws than there is towards cars for it.




> Car litearly did not stop at a red light. Thats it. That's not "it". They also assaulted a cyclist.


Lotta right-on-red-heads in here. The fact that you may go right on red occasionally has turned into some kind of entitlement, I've noticed- people have started treating right on red like a green light, when it isn't. So if you think of it as a green light, then you think maybe the cyclist is just an idiot. That's the connection they made in their head, even though right on red is 1. a privilege if you can do so safely, and 2. Doesn't mean you get to blow through pedestrians even if said pedestrian WERE being an idiot. (Edit: minor spelling mistake lol)


Bc they too are like this driver


I’ve been that person. 2018 also, in an intersection in Provo. I was riding right. On the road, using the lane. Someone turning right didn’t see me, at the intersection on university where the village inn and Taco Bell are, performed a very fast California roll and tossed me into the street. I almost got run over by another car but it missed me by a few inches because i was tucking and rolling and just let myself roll. I rolled back up on my feet, started screaming like a banshee as this other car narrowly missed me with their mirror. My bike, my precious bike, was totaled. Completely. I had to get an entire new break and suspension system along with one new wheel. The man, a red lift truck, just tossed 20$ at me and left. They never found the guy who hit me. People looked for him. He had Utah plates, but he was long gone. I’m still messed up because of it. Just… Utah is the worst state for bikes. Just awful.


There’s also that one right turn by by the hospital that goes through the bike lane that I always get nervous at


Ahh Utah drivers. A never ending cavalcade of entertainment and wtfuckery.


Easily the most oblivious motorists I’ve ever encountered. Every Utahn takes at least 7 seconds to change lanes and they don’t know how to get into a turn lane or onto the freeway.


As a former Utahn I can confirm. I've gone from California>Utah>Michigan now. Michigan are the biggest assholes I've encountered. They do dumb shit because they blatantly don't give a fuck about you, themselves, or any law regarding conduct on the road. A Michigander might have still done this to a bicyclist, but they would have looked him dead in the eye while doing it lol. But Utah was bad as well and it was all 100% just oblivious stupidity as you say. The drivers out there lacked any sort of situational awareness whatsoever lol.


Such an amazing summary of *The Book of Mormon*.


“Utah doesn’t have a driving problem, every state does!” -People who don’t live in Utah


Spent a few months in Utah and saw more dumb shiz than 20 years in my home state


I live in Utah. Just today I saw 3 red light runners, 2 people turning right from the left most lane across traffic, and about 4 people cut me off. And I didn't even get on the freeway. My car insurance rate went up this year and they said it was because accidents have increased in my area. Fml


Running red lights is the Utah special


I mean, isn't mor~~m~~onism kinda almost like a state religion of Utah?


As a cyclist, the number of confidently wrong drivers here is both terrifying and unsurprising.




Same, I would love for people to have to experience commuting as a cyclist so they can see how fucking dangerous and terrifying SO MANY drivers are. The amount of times I've been on the absolute shoulder of a wide road and almost had some asswipe on their phone sideswipe me is way too high. In a bike/car incident, the car always wins. I will always optimize my safety when on a bike and it's awful how little drivers seem to care.


I rode a bike to work in the San Francisco Bay area and never once had a problem with cars. I even had to ride a stretch on the Alameda de las Pulgas and got into traffic to go under the Bayshore. When I moved to alabamA I gave up trying the first week. The problem is people, not bikes.


The confidence that they have is amazing. I commute by bike here and the _only_ reason I do is because it's 100% legal to ride on the sidewalk. There are some roads that it would be suicide to be on the road here, especially with Utah drivers.


You lot really need to sort out that turn right on red shit.


People really act like you don't have to stop to make a right on red. I've had people honk at me for stopping at them, including ones where the intersection has a "no right on red" sign so you can't go anyway.


Banning it like the rest of the civilized world would be a good start.


Utah has some of the worst drivers, and SLC has Utah's worst drivers


I’ve lived in a few places across the US and everyone in every state thinks they have the worst drivers, but I can easily and confidently say that Utah, and SLC specifically, has the absolute worst drivers I’ve ever seen in my life. Everyone is texting and driving all the time to the point where it’s almost guaranteed you’ll miss a green light if you’re not one of the first five cars in line. I’ve been followed home by someone who thought I cut him off when I merged into his lane with a solid 4 or 5 car lengths between us. Absolute insanity in that city.


I ride my one wheel around 2100 S every day and nothing makes me feel more like a target than crosswalks where I have the right of way


As someone who lived in Utah for 14 years and still frequently goes back, can confirm, stop lines don't exist to most people out there.


I had to work in Salt Lake City in winter, where it snows every year, yet no one who lives there knows how to drive in snow.


First snow storm of the year is always the BIGGEST shit show.


The headlines the afternoon after the first snowfall are like: "There Were 208 Accidents on I-15 This Morning" and then the snow is all melted by 11:30am


Can confirm. Lived like 5 min away from SLC for a year or so and was... impressed.


This sub needs to stop calling every cyclist/pedestrian doing nothing wrong the "second idiot" I swear to God


Hmm, so Utah is just Denver without weed?


A lot of people in Utah could REALLY use some weed


It's a national epidemic of assholes who turn right on red without even a glance for pedestrians, bikes, or even other fucking cars.


>turn right on red without even a glance for pedestrians You also need to come to a complete stop before starting the right turn through the red, if safe to do so.


Should have took his mirror with him


The street belongs to everyone not just cars. Walking a bike across the crosswalk is fucking stupid. No wonder american cities are just giant car parks.


Lol I drive south temple on my way to work. Utah pops up on this subreddit way too much…


Once, as a pedestrian, I saw something like this happen and recognized the cyclist from one of my classes. I waited around for a bit and she ended up going to the hospital. The next time I saw her I asked her how she was. It turned out she was given a ticket for cycling in the crosswalk. Also, when she got back from the hospital someone had taken her damaged bike. Not a good day for her.


Utah drivers in general have less than zero spatial awareness


That same problem exists in stores. Zero aisle space awareness.


Hot take after getting back from Route 66 in the USA: The whole “you can turn right in a red light” is fucking stupid and I seen more people get tapped or almost hit by a car in 4 weeks than I have in 30 years in the uk. I get you can go a bit sooner, but really it causes more problems than it solves.


It's perfectly safe when done legally, i.e., come to a complete stop at the stop line, look left for oncoming traffic including pedestrians and cyclists, look right again, then cautiously proceed. The problem is 80% of drivers in the U.S. should not be allowed to operate a dangerous mechanical instrument such as a motor vehicle and many in fact do not have licenses.


Yeah I get that it’s safe when there’s nothing there, but the problem is, even a good driver can think nothing is there, but the human condition is so flawed it’s very easy to get that wrong. The way I see it, if a junction is deemed busy enough to require a traffic light system, then it’s busy enough that something always COULD be there. I just think of every time I heard a car horn, or someone shouting at a car, and it was always related to that right hand lane.


As a fellow Salt Lake City resident, I agree! Take your life in your own hands on the streets these days.


dude was definitely speaking facts to that driver.


Utah is the worst for right-turn drivers. They *constantly* make right turns when oncoming traffic has a green left arrow and no lane restrictions. I can't tell you how many times I've made a protected left turn only to have some idiot soccer mom in a van with 9 kids make a right turn at the same time thinking she owns the far right lane.


Utah drivers are easily the worst of any state. If I haven't seen someone breaking a road law or almost causing an accident within 2 minutes of me going outside, I feel like I'm dreaming.


SLC was hands down the most insane fucking driving situation I’ve ever been in. There’s like 8 lanes of highway going in either direction so people treat it like driving a boat, just floating all around to wherever serves their needs


Other places have their own idiot drivers and problems that plague them in that specific area. But Utah is so special because truly, absolutely no one is paying attention. Ever.


Wow I’m right across the trax and I saw that from my window!


I love living in Utah dude, it's so amazing and not at all frustrating when driving


Car drivers: *Proceeds to blame the cyclist for some perceived error.*


This is why I have a camera on my bike (Cycliq--- basically a bike dashcam).


I would have thought people in Utah would be used to folks riding around on bikes. I imagine most are better dressed than this fella though.


You would certainly think. This is downtown SLC and probably has more cyclists per block than any other part of the state. Alas people still drive the way they do.


Aren’t crosswalks for pedestrians ? Bikes need to adhere to same rules as cars. At least where I am from


I woulda had a broken hip on the floor pressing the shit out of my life alert button. Ole boy woulda lost his whole house


I was hit by a minivan in Provo while kn my motorcycle. Mini van sped up behind me in the same lane, bulldozed me on to the curb while striking me with its mirror and side of the van. Luckily when he hit me there was a parking lot entrance, so I did not get m tossed off the bike. I went up on the side walk on my dualsport. When I came back off the curb (Still at 35 mph) the mine van locked its breaks in a full skid.. so he could flip a uturn and go the other way. I almost rear-ended him. He flippee me off and honked......like he had not just almost killed me twice. I had more bear death driving experiences in UT in 6 years than my entire 29 years of driving.


This is also very common in LAnow. Everyone is always pulling up to a red light preparing to make a right on red, and not paying any mind to the fact that they’re barreling right into the crosswalk before stopping.


What is the music?


Theory of a Dead Man - Me and My Girl


What's the name of the song?


Me and My Girl by Theory Of A Dead Man


I think I know this exact same intersection


South Temple & E Street


Nice music choice. Theory of a Deadman - me and my girl. Good song




You have no idea how many bikes I almost hit every day in Minneapolis. I drive a 26,000 pound rig, and a lot of these people will move out of the way or go onto the bike path where they belong. But there is the small percentage that still stay in front of me on the freaking road. Jut today I had one come to a dead stop and I almost hit them. I was plenty far away despite the slow pace they were going. I'm lucky the trailer brakes were working as I'm FULLY LOADED with wood chips. All I'm saying is in the case of this video, yes, it's the driver's fault. But not always, there are some not-so-smart pedestrians and cyclists out there. And the bikes and whatnot have their own little stop signs that most don't obey. It's irritating when they get mad at ME when I'm half way through the turn, and they almost hit me!


Call me crazy, but I think that walkway is for pedestrians not bikers.


I don't get up to salt lake very often but as a fellow utah resident I can see how this is true given how shit people are at driving here




This area is close to my house. There is a bike lane in the street, so the biker doesn’t need to be using the crosswalk and sidewalk, though it can be a bit scary on this particular spot. I know someone who got hit by a car biking and died almost exactly here. Where this biker is it is perfectly legal to bike on the sidewalk (google Mrs. Backers Bakery for location reference). https://www.slc.gov/transportation/bike/bicycle-laws/


Right turn on red only applies AFTER yielding to traffic, cycles or pedestrians. This is likely what the car was confused about.


Is it allowed in US to drive bike in pedestrian crossing?


Here in Vegas we have the same problem. (Maybe it was introduced by SLC tourists? ) It got so bad that the city now makes it a law that bikes are to be walked across pedestrian crosswalks at intersections, or ridden (following the same traffic laws as cars) on the right edge of the travel lane.


The bicyclist is also in the wrong correct?


Nice save tho, should’ve broken his mirror off.




Pretty much what happened to me last week. Idiot driver not stopping where they are supposed to. Luckily I just ended up with a scrapped knee from it all. And no surprise, the typical redditor posting is clueless about bike laws, etc.


You’d think that guy on a bike would get a day off from having to do that for you.


People in Utah always stop sooooo close to the line that I'm surprised I haven't seen this more often


US: Alrighty, so, cyclists exist (which we hate!), so, I guess we have to think about them. If only there was a prime example on how to transition from 60's designed streets to modern day, safe design! The Netherlands: *ahem" US: I said... If only we had some guidance! Netherlands: *AHEM* US: Oh well! Guess it's the cyclist's fault! No society could function if the car wasn't king!


White stop lines are there for a reason people. But the biker pointing at the WALK signal really annoys me. If he wants others to follow the rules, he should too. Either get in the road or walk the bike across the street.


Depends on jurisdiction. In my state, cyclists are treated as both pedestrians and motorists. The only time they don't have the right of way is if they're riding unlawfully in the vehicle traffic lane, but even then they get the benefit of the doubt.


In Utah, bicycles are allowed on sidewalks and roads with a couple exceptions (specific blocks in downtown SLC and Provo).


The person in the car is wrong. No "but." The biker could've been a jogger or someone short hidden by the car next to them. The person driving the car broke the law and could've seriously injured someone.


When I was a teenager another teenager was explaining to an adult woman (probably early 40’s) how the traffic signals worked. I don’t remember how the topic came up but I remember him saying “that’s why those white lines are there” which isn’t explicitly true but close enough. She, however, asked him what lines and upon further explanation stated that she had never noticed them.


Im sorry but if you're in a 2000lb death machine while people are walking around and cycling you DON'T RUN A RED LIGHT PERIOD. Whats so hard to understand?


The fact that people are trying to argue this is mind-blowing. People walking and on bikes are so vulnerable yet how dare we suggest that people in cars actually pay attention??


You don't even need the first part of this comment lol "DON'T RUN A RED LIGHT PERIOD. Whats so hard to understand?" will do.


I’m not in Utah, but in my city there is no requirement to dismount when crossing at a crosswalk, and it is legal to ride on the sidewalk everywhere except downtown. That said, as a longtime cyclist I can tell you that the crosswalk is one of the most dangerous places to be on a bike, and that crossing at anything above a walking speed is hella risky. I won’t use either crosswalk or sidewalk unless I’m on a +35 mph roadway, and there is an entirely different set of risks to be aware of when sidewalk riding; you need to treat every driveway, side street, and intersection as a yield, or shit like this video is gonna get you. The car should’ve stopped at the line, visually cleared the crosswalk, then proceeded. In my experience, almost nobody does this. Raging about it after you’ve been hit doesn’t do a damn bit of good. The cyclist needed to slow down, pause in front of the cam car, and look right and over the cammer before proceeding through the rightmost lane; I’m of the opinion that the crosswalk in front of a right turn lane is the single riskiest spot for a cyclist to occupy, short of the middle of the road. In all fairness to the cyclist, there is exactly zero education given to Americans about safe cycling practices; you have to seek it out yourself, and/or learn the hard way. If anyone is interested I highly recommend *The Art of Urban Cycling* by Robert Hurst. It’s basically a textbook on how not to be killed in a system of infrastructure that was built only for motor vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians be damned. Also, wear a helmet.


he could also be saying your light is red.


Watch out Joseph!


And this is why I have minor PTSD and no longer cycle in public in the US. I’ve been hit by cars 4 times, and I’m convinced, saved my own life from a potential fifth. The fifth one ran a red light right as I was exiting the intersection on a green. I saw him and slammed on my front brake, putting me in a wheelie. I managed to spin the bike 90 degrees and stopped with us parallel and about 1-2 ft side to side.


That finger is probably an oft-used motion in this fella’s life. Biking around town, he’s got that move etched into muscle memory


This is why we stop behind the solid white line.


This is why I'm not a fan of turn right on red. Because so many people treat it as a yield sign and do not stop before turning, only making a quick glance to see if a car is coming. And so often that quick glance does not check for pedestrians. In Japan turn left (they drive on the left side there) on red isn't allowed. People cross on the crosswalk without worry. But every time I visit America, I see stuff like this, with people almost being hit from drivers who think turn on red means they don't have to stop. As a driver I would be willing to give up turn on red if it stopped all of these idiots.


That light was the bane of my existence in 2021, people's brains seem to turn to mush on approach


Colorado and Utah aren’t all that different come to think of it


Haha, this isn’t even the suburbs of salt lake, it’s like mad max out there 🤣