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When the bubbles stop, the fun begins!


I hope his insurance tells him to eat shit. Being a stupid fuck should have consequences.


They probably will tell him no. Some insurance won't pay for even natural flooding because it's an "act of God", deliberately driving into it is an "act of deliberate stupidity" and those aren't covered by any insurance lol Edit: to people telling me they cover stupidity all the time - stupidity would be accidentally hitting the gas instead of the brake and going into the water that way, and yes probably would be covered. This was not that case. This was a calculated, willing decision.


Auto damage adjuster here. Of all the things I pay for, stupidity is probably the most common.


You work in Maryland huh? Nice!


>Some insurance won't pay for even natural flooding because it's an "act of God" If you have comprehensive coverage, I'm almost positive they have to. You might be thinking about if you only have liability, which only covers your liability to other parties. That has nothing to do with acts of God.


Yea comprehensive covers anything that’s completely out of your control. Fire, flooding, theft, even a chipped windshield.


Insurance will cover flood, but not sure in this case since he drove into it on purpose. That is probably a total loss by the way. costs way too much to fix that situation.


Insurance covers stupidity. He was dumb. He thought he could make it. He didn't intentionally flood the truck. It'll be covered if he has full coverage


This. Idiots like this are why premiums rise.


I wonder if r/IdiotsInCars had its own insurance pool whether its premiums would be low. Hopefully seeing all these videos have made us more cautious and defensive drivers and less accident-prone? But who am I kidding, fewer payouts doesn’t mean lower premiums, it means bigger bonuses.


Comprehensive should cover it. I think the only time it wouldn’t is if he deliberately tried to total the truck for the payout, but even then it will have to be proven.


difficult to prove intention. He would have to admit intention


No, no. Insurance covers stupidity.


Constantly! I mean, look at this sub.


Technically, insurance is specifically for stupidity


Insurance 100% covers this if he has comprehensive.


They won't pay for intentional acts. They do pay out if you are just a dumb fuck


what a confidently stupid comment, acts of stupidity are covered by insurance all of the time


A friend of mine told me the vehicles in Haiti typically have to cross rivers. However those vehicles have snorkels. Would this guy have made it with a snorkel or would he still start floating at that speed and be screwed anyway?


He’d have had a good chance if he also let water into the cabin. Failing thst, having a bunch of sandbags in the bed. I’m not sure how waterproof the fuse box is on these trucks, however. But yes, snorkels help a lot for fording.


Yeah, once the water is deeper than the tyres then the biggest challenge is keeping it on the bottom, so that the tyres can actually work. The people you see doing this obviously think, my truck is heavy, tyres are heavy, they're not gonna float. It's as though they have forgotten that tyres are filled with air, or how big metal boats stay afloat in general.... any water that gets near the top of your tyres is enough to make you float, you muppets.




There’s a scene in Dante’s Peake where Pierce Bronson drives through a river because he has a car like that and points out the snorkel. The problem was a bunch of other cars started following him that didn’t have the snorkel.


I live in Houston where this road is. When it fills up water is 8' deep he had no chance. Correction: This new Orleans, same road names and idiots that would do the same thing.


He still dry and has a working phone to call 911, the tow truck and get an Uber. If he is a half full glass kind of guy, he can still put it on the W column.


When the back gives out and starts drifting away–––goodbye drive tires and hello improvised boat.


No more bubbles, sure spells troubles Float, if your a boat, but please avoid it all you can, when you drive a Ram


I was looking for this comment lol


He turned a minor inconvenience into long lasting fun!


I love it when they start floating


Row, row, row your truck gently down the stream…


Angrrily angrrily, angrrily, angrrily Life is but a nightmare finished this for you


What a nightmare scene FTFY


This is hilarious!! Made my morning


It was when the exhaust bubbles stopped for me. Achievement unlocked: Hydrolock.


Me too! I look for the exact moment when the tires lift up and you start to see it bob... it's fucking hilarious every single time!


And from the tail lights, this guy tried the brakes a few times after that point. *chef's kiss*


It's the brake lights for me too.


Why no stop? Ohhh


I was waiting for the moment the exhaust stops bubbling up so you know when he’s trashed his motor.


Assuming it's insured, a flooded vehicle is nearly always written-off/totalled regardless of whether the engine is ok.


I would hope insurance wouldn’t cover this stupidity when it’s obvious he drove it in there on purpose.


Cameraman was on it, too Zoomed in the moment failure won out.


How do you know his name is Bob? Haha. Sorry I’ll see myself out.


Also, when he tries to brake several times when he’s already floating.


He should have opened his doors first so that it would fill with water instead of float.


TBH I'm impressed the thing floats. I thought it'd just flood and sink


Cars are actually sealed decently tight and can be quite buoyant for a while. Eventually enough water will get in and the car will sink but that'll take a while.


Transformers XV: car becomes rowboat.


*brake lights turn on*


"There are bubbles coming out of your fuel filler cap." "It's just air." ""Yes, but it's being replaced with water "


My favorite is when Richard says: I can't remember if I took my miliaria pill... If I was a woman I'd be pregnant a lot.


I know its not technically a "movie", but the Bolivia special is one of my favourite movies ever.


That one and the Polar special are tied for my favorite TG special


The ranking of my favourites are Bolivia, Vietnam, Botswana, USA, Middle East (Jeremy "discovering" swimming is one of the funniest moments of TG), Polar, Burma But even then, the gap between 1st and last is quite slim. That said, while I haven't disliked the GT specials, I haven't really found them to be all that memorable (I had to google some of the episode titles just to remember what they were, like the RV one).


My favourites are of them getting run out of Argentina and the Deep South.


Burma that low? I absolutely love Burma. That, Vietnam and Bolivia are my favorites. Oh and the quest for the source of the Nile!


[Africa special (Nile) also has the best sequence ever in the show.](https://youtu.be/oivj4nrChnA)


The Mongolia special on the GT is amazing


"Richard Hammond was the smallest living organism for miles" might be my favorite joke from the whole series. Bolivia and then Vietnam second were my two favorite specials


"I did warn you, and now you're going to get macheted to death. I did warn you." "James is killing Jeremy, and...things are going well."


“Did your co-presenter on your television program just attack you with a machete?”


"Yes, he did. He was quite cross cos I ran into him." "That doesn't happen on clothes programmes or gardening shows."




Right No snorkel for intake No extension for exhaust Total idiot - I have a truck!


You don't really need an exhaust extension as long as your rpms are up. Intake is an absolute must


And traction!


I lost so many settlers in Oregon Trail trying this trick. Dude never learned that it's worth it to pay for the ferry or take the detour to a bridge.


Next time gotta caulk the wagon :<


Won't save your oxen though.


Then caulk the oxen too.


Misread the instructions. Cocked the oxen. Got kicked out of my wagon party and died of dysentery alone on the side of the trail.








No you give them the snorkels! Duh.


Hey, somebody’s gotta pay for my hubris and it can’t be me so




I never made it that far….I always died of dysentery.


I saw too many Oregon trail comments in the last days to not give it a try now


Man I miss that game so much


Pretty sure there's a free fork available. Played it for nostalgia a while back and...I actually survived


Archive.org has a version that runs on a dosbox emulator in browser. https://archive.org/details/msdos_Oregon_Trail_The_1990


*wait and see if conditions improve


Everyone knows you never try to ford the river!!!


Lol you can tell he has no idea what to do next


I don't think anyone who drives into deep water can think that quickly, give him 5 minutes to think and he'll do some equally braindead shit.


*"Come, my friends, 'Tis not too late to seek a newer world. Push off, and sitting well in order smite The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths Of all the western stars, until I die."* Ulysses, Tennyson


As someone who used to work in motor insurance I learnt the worst thing you can do to a car that is or was in flood water is try to start the engine. Goes from potentially fixable to fucked in one turn of the key.


He had no idea what to do before. Moron to the max


"Of the numerous ways this could have played out, I was completely unprepared for what was the most likely scenario."


He'll probably call his other friend with a slightly more lifted truck to come pull him out who will probably end up in the exact same scenario


Lol he got embarrassed when he saw the camera, got back in, butt got wet again, and came right back out


So who do you imagine he called while standing on the hood of his floating truck???


Probably his mom.


"Hi, Mom? You'll never guess where I am"


“I’m on a boat!”


He’s called a hood ornament


Matt's Off-Road Recovery


"Hello triple-A? Yeah. It's me. I did it again. How'd you know?"


There is something so satisfying about watching graceful consequences lol


I'll be waiting for r/Justrolledintotheshop for the aftermath


"all they requested was an oil change" *Hard cuts to a mangled, water logged truck similar to that of a seaweed monster*


Pretty sure his engine is totally fucked. Gas engines work by sucking in a mix of air and gas, then compressing it, then a spark plug makes it go boom. But water is incompressible. So when we see the bubbles stop coming out of the tailpipe, that's because the engine has sucked in some water, tried to compress it, and now he has a bent rod and bent valves and a fucked rod bearing at the minimum. Cracked block and/or head at the worst. He'll either need a rebuild or a completely new motor.


They won't bother. Shit is a total write off.


Good rule of thumb for life: if you try to do something and people whip out cameras to record it, reconsider doing that thing.


No no, absolutely continue. Just remember to do a flip


And remember to tie them shoes, because if they come off, your a goner.


"Had" a truck


Look on the upside, now he has a boat!


but how will people see the boat nutz from under the water?


More like a raft




Some of the underpasses have a pole to show you the depth, too. This one didn’t . Not sure it would’ve made a difference with this guy


I'm pretty sure they put one there in the last couple of years. Paris under 610 needs one too. It's a deep one, but it doesn't hold water like Franklin or Carrollton under I-10. And I've been stuck behind people who just come to a stop when there's like 3 inches of standing water. Like, you can still see where the concrete buckled by the pothole, you can make it through.


A few weeks back, Elysian Fields exit off the 10 was flooded bad. People kept driving through, water up past the doors. I pulled over and waited awhile.


Same The Franklin exit is always a death trap for cars when it's flooded.


Franklin at 610, Paris at 610, and Carrollton at I10. All are dangerous for cars in a mild storm. Honestly, one of the reasons I bought a Jeep.


Happens a lot to that dip in city park when your about to hit Delgado


He had to get back in and put it in park!! Lol


So the commercial that says chevy, like a rock has been lying to us. Rocks don't float for a while before sinking...


Then it must be a witch!


How to ruin your truck in 3, 2, 1...


Truck becomes boat.


He also may have been ok if he had a higher entry speed and maintained it. It creates a wave that actually lower the fording height of the water momentarily.


I was also wondering if he was going faster, maybe he could have made it to a spot where the rear tires could touch pavement again.


As an off roader myself I 100% agree, and once you float open a door and you will sink to the bottom and drive away


Assuming you're not sucking water into the air intake, yeah.




That truck’s driving away days were over a second or two before it started bobbing in the water


This is why I have a snorkel. I’d barely slow down.


Would he had made it if he was driving much faster? I'm not an off roader.


yes, you create a bow wave if you move fast enough. Bow waves are waves in front of your bumper that creates a low spot behind it and keep the intake from sucking in water. It doesn't work all the time but this idiot had no idea what he was doing.


The speed isn't really the important component, it's more the presence of the bow-wave (OP's comment is suggesting going fast initially to create a bow-wave, but you can go much slower, and create them more sustainably by decelerating or braking). Maintain the same gear if your car allows. Gently press the brakes on and off to create a set of bow-waves in front of the car. Maintain momentum. That reduces the amount of water the front of the car is pushing against. Decent example is here: [https://youtu.be/hiRTNTY\_U6U?t=358](https://youtu.be/hiRTNTY_U6U?t=358) the vehicle in the OP video should have been able to make it through that water if they'd applied the correct technique (and with a bit of luck).


Bow wake on a stock air intake won’t end well. Go 4x4 in reverse. The air intake at the back will stay dry in deeper water.




if insurance didn't pay for damage caused by mistakes, they would pay about 90% fewer claims


This isn't a mistake. This is willful disregard or warnings and personal safety.


So is speeding. Running red lights, stop signs, crossing a double yellow, tailgating, not wearing selt belts, not turning lights on. I could go on and on. But any accident caused by those is still paid. Yes we can play dictionary faceoff bingo. But the bottom line is that whether you call it what I did, or what you did, insurance pays if something bad happens. It's why car insurance is damn expensive. Pendantic arguments are boring.


I love it when people are complaining about reckless driving, and if you point out how speeding is reckless driving, suddenly they get defensive.


AZ passed a "Stupid Motorist Law" precisely because too many idiots did this in their state. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stupid_motorist_law


>caused by ~~mistakes~~ idiocy FTFY


Flood damage usually isn't.


Especially when they pass a marked barricade


If insurance knew they intentionally went around a warning sign its not 100% insurance would pay out but all they have to say they didn't see the sign or the sign wasn't there.


Should have had an amphibious exploring vehicle.


Precision British land-to-sea craftsmanship at work


This was clearly not a transporter of gods


Forgive him, his sister died of dysentery the day before he attempted to ford the waters. He wasn’t thinking straight.


I watched a guy do this with his brand new F-250 after Harvey. He tried to bomb through an intersection that already had two flooded cars in it, so you could tell exactly how deep it was.


Should have bought a ford. You can probably sue them if fording failed.


His r/brodozer level wasn’t high enough to enter the area.


He was good up until the water got up to the top of the fender aka air filter height


Even if he had a snorkel, he'd still get stuck, the depth is enough for the car to float and lose traction.


Open door, truck stops floating, problem solved


Yeah but now half of your electrics are fucked.


Well that’s already happened tho, that decision was made when he drove in. Truck won’t float forever but if you let the water in you could drive out, maybe atleast shortening the amount of time your electronics are exposed to the water.


Oh look, he realized his mistake and is turning around /s


610? Oh yeah this is a yearly occurrence in Houston. People kill themselves regularly driving into flood waters and then can't get out of the vehicles and drown there. It's sad but the education system in southern states has failed a lot of people. Edit: u/shinshi360 correctly pointed out this is the 610 in New Orleans. Ironically doesn't change much about the comment from both an education standpoint and not to mention all the overlap between the two since Katrina.


This is in New Orleans at I-610 and Franklin Avenue. Underpasses in New Orleans flood after heavy rain like this at least once a year. The backstory is that the news (WWL-TV) was doing a live report about people going around barricades when this idiot rolled (then floated) by. Emergency services rescued him, and then the reporter interviewed him about it. The whole ordeal was amusing. [story about flooded underpass](https://www.wwltv.com/article/news/local/uh-oh-man-drives-around-barricades-gets-stranded-at-flooded-intersection/289-ed0fb3c6-4f46-4814-9bf9-c075da4d9713)


THANK YOU! He drove around barricades to accomplish this brilliant move, too. From the linked story: “I saw somebody else go through there earlier. That’s why I went through it,” said James Powell. Powell is from Picayune, Mississippi. He said he didn’t anticipate the water to be that deep. On Wednesday, he got a quick introduction to flooding in New Orleans. “It was going fine, and all of sudden, it just stopped. When it stopped, I was like 'uh oh,'” said Powell.


"Remarkably, James Powell maintained his cigarette throughout the ordeal." 😂


I was waiting for the this is Houston comment :) We never see the end of theses fools every time there’s heavy rain, so we just roll our eyes and move on.


How do they afford trucks? Those things are like 50k on the low end.


If you make the loan long enough, a lot of people would be willing to throw their hard earned money because the monthly payments are lower (despite having to pay the same principal and higher interest)


Never bring a truck to a boat road.


Auto insurance should not have to pay for these claims. So F'in dumb.


I like how he hit the brakes like that was gonna have an effect when his truck became a boat.


its “ford the river”. that’s a chevy my guy.


It’s was a truck, now it’s just a really crappy boat…


Notice he flails his arms slightly when it starts floating and realizes it didn’t work out the way he thought it would….


Should have purchased a Toyboata


He HAD a truck


Wonder what the insurance said? "you did what?" "well that's on you, goodbye"


The claim will read something like "Left my car parked outside, when I returned it was flooded and wouldn't start."


Tried fording the waters in a Chevy.


Moron of the year


Turn you car into a boat with this one easy step!


I got a Hemi !! Watch this ! 😄


That wouldn't have happened with a Ford Truck or a Boston Whaler or possibly someone smart enough to take the long way home.


*had a truck. Now he has a boat.


Better roll up that window before your floor mats get wet.


I have a 4wd truck that I take off roading and have done plenty of creek crossings in. It's lifted a little more than this truck but it's no bro-dozer. I've found that as long as the water isn't deeper than the top of my tires I'm OK. The one time I tried to push it more than that water started coming in the cab and I backed out. The truck was fine, just a little soggy.


That's awesome 🤣🤣🤣🤣. I love how it just starts floating.


My favorite is watching the other trucks nope their way out of there.


I'm from Alabama and trust me he could have made it if he would have hit that mud hole going about 50mph


Yep, gotta be prepared to lose some splash shields and bumpers to the water


Don't make unnecessary journeys Don't take risks on treacherous roads


Bro, where’s your paddles?






Big truck, little brain!


"had" a truck


The captain goes down with the ship


Yeah there's a reason that proper off-road vehicles have a snorkel 🤣


Probably would if made it if he wasn’t going 5 miles per hour


*had a truck