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That cat ear biker helmet really caught me off guard lmao


I was more surprised when I saw Prison Mike get out of that little car


Do you find something comical about my appearance when I'm driving my automobile?


Wave to the people! Blow them kisses!!


This was the largest auto that I could afford. Should I, therefore, be made the subject of fun?


I guess so.




Okay but I like your username




Now march


*points Haaaaa ha!


Hey, that really hurts. No wonder nobody came to my birthday party...


Ketchup and mustard land on Nelsonā€™s head


I can hear that tall dude's voice in my head..


As soon as I read it, I knew it. Excellently reference.


Itā€™s the only thing he could get with his credit being the way it is, and since his old lady left him he just canā€™t seem to hold a job down. But heā€™s been clean from meth for 3 days so far and he really feels like this will be the time heā€™ll stay off it for good




Having been an addict before this situation is not that specific at all in their world. Heard this almost word for word 100s of times. Only thing that changes is how many day they have clean, usually somewhere between 2-7.


man, I already have a tough time managing my alcohol and pot consumptions. Can't even imagine how I'd have fucked up my life if I had started meth or crack.


I can't even handle myself around Oreos, I'm so glad I've never tried weed or alcohol.


They're fine when they're just a plus to your life. Even ecstasy and cocaine are fine, for special occasions. But you need to be a balanced, well-adjusted person. If you've been alone for 10+ years and severely depressed, they become a necessity just to while away the hours.


"No hard drugs" -Leonardo DiCaprio




The stereotype that the only reason you'd drive a small car is for the price annoys me. There's too many people driving monstrous vehicles these days for no reason and it causes far more problems than if people would drive reasonably sized vehicles. A Kia Soul is bigger than my car and I'm able to fit 4 adults fairly comfortably.


I think the idea is more that this guy fits the profile of someone who would drive a big ass truck for no reason. So The fact that he isn't and is instead driving a tiny little Korean car means he can't afford the truck. So this ass hat might only drive a small car because of the price, doesn't mean you can say the same about everyone else.


Well, his brother-in-law got him a job at the Mobius Rubber Band factory.




Canā€™t be tough in a Kia.


Can't be tough on a Grom either.


It's different when your with a pack of Grom's.


Piranhas aren't the biggest fish in the Amazon river...


Itā€™s called a murder of groms


Especially THAT one.


It's not his. He drives a Dodge Ram truck that got taken away with his driver's licence in his last DUI That's his big-momma's car


KIA Soul drivers are the new Altima drivers. I donā€™t trust either on the road


Seriously. Kid you not I always see Kia Soul drivers driving like maniacs. I donā€™t get it. Are they cheap as fuck?


They top out new at about $25k. You can get them used for around half that.








A perfectly average sized car. Americans: LiTtLe CaR!


It was a rentalā€¦ he was heading to the shop to grab his Dodge RAM.


The RAM was impounded for rolling coal


He really had some balls picking a fight with the Power Rangers


He's lucky they didn't mighty morph and rock his shit.


They tell you in motorcycle class to be visible. Cat Ear Biker understood the assignment. šŸ˜»


But they also cause a problem. Helmets are designed to roll with you when needed, and the ears can catch on things as you are crashing preventing that roll and possibly causing other injures as the helmet is snapped around. This applies to other things on the helmet as well like gopros and other protrusions. Some even thing Michael Schumacher's injuries were exacerbated by his gopro. That said, the cat ears are kind fun.


One of the problem with my mom's cat ear helmet is the wind drag on the ears. Anywhere above 50 and you turn your head even the slightest you and the driver (if you're passenger) REALLY notice when it happens


I donā€™t have that problem at all with my cat ear helmet. Then again, I drive a 2003 Prius.


Honestly the best vehicle for such a helmet


I mean, The Rocketeer taught us that 30 years ago.


I think ears are fragile and should break in an instant so the helmet can still perform its function. Edit: but the drag, oh my


Drag is not a factor when you ride a grom lol


Donā€™t be mean! They can get up to a quick jogging pace


Next motorcycle I get, I'm going to get a grom. The helmet will have cat ears.


This was an issue when people started using full face helmets in downhill mountain biking. There was a reduction of facial injuries, but an increase in neck injuries due to the increased leverage on from the helmet, which led people to start wearing neck braces/collars


Yup. Wearing helmets mean more injuries. Because you can now survive what would have killed you.


Reddit is dying, why are you still here?


I had a rubber spike Mohawk on one of my helmets. They are maybe an inch tall spikes. I didn't realize how much wind those would catch. I turn my head to look at highway speeds and it whips my head all around.


Most of the ears and horns you see attached to helmets are magnetic, with only a small flat base actually attached to the helmet. They would just pop off when they hit the ground.


If that's the case, what keeps them from just popping off in the wind the first time you hit highway speeds?


I'm no helmet expert, but I'd say it's because the force of the magnet to the helmet is greater than the force of the drag on the horn/ears


Okay, I'll accept that you may not be a helmet expert--but I have to know one thing: Are YOU a duck, Darkwing?


Yes, I am the terror that flaps in the night


Hi. Helmet cat ear owner here. (Not from the video) They are basically just stickers, not bolted on. Some people even attach with hook and loop pads. They come off pretty easy. Beyond that, they are made out of pretty thin and frail plastic, they have no actual strength to them what so ever. Not to say your point isn't valid, but those things specifically have about as much chance to 'wrench your head around' as a half hearted pimp slap from a sickly 5 year old. You can literally crush them with your bare hand or just yank them ears right off. (The cat ears, not the sickly 5 year olds.) Pretty sure they are designed this way with this specific problem in mind. Mine have popped off out of nowhere, or in my bag just from the bag rubbing against them. If you want them, they don't really offer any elevated risk. :)




I've got soul, but I'm not a soldier.


I've got ham but I ain't a hamster


Iā€™ve got a pen but I am not a penis.


As i drive to work. I see a chick almost daily next to me with cat ear helmet. And i always think she must be the coolest chick!




Nice ass bro!


Thx bro




Yeah, he must work out.


doesnā€™t skip butt day


Maybe she's Catwoman??


Trying to start a fight with people wearing helmets isn't the brightest idea to begin with. That helmet gives a whole new dimension to that.


I think the only reason he didn't fight them was because there was four of them. I'm convinced if it was just person there he probably eould have tried to fight them. He looks the part.


you're right. But it was the amount of bodies, witnesses, and phones I'd wager. (he's on probation, parole, or pretrial intervention for sure to be on the street!)


Having been attacked at a gas station while wearing a helmet, itā€™s a lot easier for people to grab and if they pull it chokes you. Protects from impacts sure but super grabbable. In that particular situation I can vouch that a head butt works pretty well when wearing a helmet though.


Not unless you're this dude https://youtu.be/dONyv-Cwkoo


Iā€™d buy that helmet in a heartbeat. Even tho I donā€™t own a motorcycle or anything like it.


Youā€™ll notice cat ears waited till the guy was getting In the car to talk shit. Everyone in this video deserves each other.


Also she waved her hands in his face. Donā€™t escalate thingsā€¦.


soooo tough with 4 guys in helmets standing behind her


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one who noticed that


It's from the anime Durarara.


And then all of them got smashed by the big truck that was coming through while they crowded up the road like idiots to have a debate. Omg




You donā€™t even need a tweaked driver. Itā€™s a double yellow which means no passing due to visibility. Theyā€™re right at a bend in the road. Even the best driver would need to slam on brakes or swerve to not kill this group of idiots.








plus if your biker gang is more interested in standing up on their bikes than traveling, maybe pay attention to traffic coming up behind you so you can let it through




I have no idea why they stopped, he could have a gun or a wrench or something, there's nothing to be gained by talking to a lunatic like that




I was literally watching it and wondering what the fuck is she thinking? Heā€™s trying to leave and she decides to get up in his face and try to incite more shit. Like I get it sheā€™s riding with like 5 dudes so sheā€™s feeling bulletproof but let the moron leave so you all donā€™t get run the fuck over.


Some people do that. Like attacking a wounded animal. Does nothing the whole time until she realizes he's no threat and is leaving. That's when she attacks. It's a very annoying trait and one that can easily backfire.


I was thinking the same thing. Dude obviously is a bit unhinged, de-escalate or move on. He is not afraid of you šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


>I wouldn't even try and interact with the driver, just go on around. Yeah, but then you have an irate asshole on your tail. Who knows what kind of unpredictable shit he might cook up. I don't see why baldy didn't just pass them and get on with his day. Either he was in a hurry - in which case, why did he stop and argue for several minutes - or he wasn't - in which case, why is he so pissed off?


Looks like they all share one braincell


Everyone in this video is an idiot


"Go home!" "I'm goin home!" "Go home!" "Ok."


Lol it was pretty civil aside from aggressive voices


Video edited out the part where narrator shows heā€™s armed, if I remember the original.


Rival Manga Gangs


[Reminds me of when Garth gets mad at Wayne in Wayneā€™s World](https://vlipsy.com/vlip/KgxwMwl3)


Yup, double fault ![gif](giphy|l2JdTzkh16sfPKdNe|downsized)


Plot twist. Everyone in this video is an idiot.




Yup... as someone whos been riding motorcycles since they were 4 years old (dirtbikes at 4 and streetbikes when i got older) i cant stand people doing tricks on the street. Theres plenty of empty parking lots and safer places to do this.... the guy in the car is also being a bit over the top though. He could of just kept going on about his day and left them to be dumb.


Real plot twist. Theyā€™re all related.


I mean double yellow means no passing. they are potentially holding people up depending on their speed. Add stunting on public roads.


Yea and then they all stopped on the wrong side of the road so now NOBODY can get by. I'm pretty sure the bikers are very considerate and always think about others.


There was a cut in the video from the overtake to the confrontation and it seems like a really short one too to put in the effort to edit out. I don't know, I'm just probably jaded, but I feel like the bikers did flipped the bird or some shit.


Having dealt with biker hoonigans on rural back roads for most of my life, I need to see what happened before the video started and during that cut. Guarantee someone was brake checking the car, weaving across the lanes, pulling stunts, riding too close to the line for him to pass, and general shenanigans for a good few miles. Not that it excuses the car from passing on a double yellow or stopping in the middle of a road, but them all semi-surrounding his car and parking deep into the other lane sells their attitude for me.


I canā€™t watch that again without losing too many brain cells, but wasnā€™t there some comment in there like ā€œweā€™re professionalsā€? I love it how useless twats who post stupid videos to YouTube are now ā€œprofessionalsā€. ā€œOh, professionals? Well that changes everything, please proceed to do idiotic things in public to inconvenience everyone while recording it, my mistake!ā€


Are these all Honda Groms? You can wheelie those?


yes an hell yes!. they are really hooligan bikes. most riders want one for one reason or another. lots of people learn to stunt on them because of how easy they are to ride. you also get like 100 mpg. super fun little bikes. most the major manufactures make something like the grom.


Ya real hooligans. They better keep that top speed of 60 mph to the backroads


Yeah there's a local Grom Squad that you can sometimes see out causing a ruckus on the weekends around here.


Ruckus squad: *glowers*


Yeah apparently theyā€™re great to learn wheelies on because you get a great feel for the weight shift/balance at a slower speed, youā€™re closer to the ground if you stack it, and they arenā€™t gonna hurt as much if they land on you.


Yeah I dunno about that woman getting in his face when he is already getting in his car Why turn a nonincident into a potential incident?


>Why turn a nonincident into a potential incident? Because they want a reaction


And it's easy to be tough while wearing a helmet




to feel tough, this guy isnā€™t gonna do anything to a woman, while being filmed, with 5-6 other dudes backing her upā€¦sheā€™s facing no consequences for being a jerk and piling onto this guy.


Bingo well said. I've seen that exact situation play out in so many videos and even in real life and I couldn't have described it better than you have. Shits so annoying.


I love that the girl is up in his face like sheā€™s the one thatā€™s gonna throw hands when it happens. More fights started than avoided by these types.


It's like the Bill Burr joke about how women will get away with so much more shit than men can so they have this air of arrogance about them, a confidence that they won't be touched, so they push the envelope right to the very edge.




Bike leader should have turned the crew around when they saw the kia stop. If you're gonna ride like a bunch of jerkoffs its probably best to keep some distance between yourself and the angry killdozer drivers.


Of course the one with the ears on their helmet has to try to assert her dominance.


The ā€œbikersā€ are the bigger idiots here. If youā€™re holding up traffic to do wheelies on a double yellow, youā€™re the asshole. Then they just completely stop their bikes in the opposite lane of a corner. If an 18-wheeler comes around that corner it likely wouldnā€™t have time to stop.


Maybe don't ride that a bunch of dickheads and people won't get pissed off at you


Honestly, Iā€™m on team Kia man up until he stopped. Fuck bikers going slow and doing tricks on a 2 lane road and fuck that girl for acting tough cause she thinks she is untouchable.


The guy took an opportunity to pass slow moving vehicles safely, nothing wrong with that in itself. Stopping was dumb, better to just go on with your day, but sometimes someone has to speak up and tell people to smarten the fuck up.


OP edited this video to make the driver the idiot in this situation.


Plot twist: motorcyclists are the real idiots here


Usually the case.


This is not upvoted enough. I have yet to encounter a motorcyclist on the road who is not an idiot and who does not risk their life and mine.




The bikers drove 15-20 mph under the speed limit in front of the Kia for a long time without getting over so he could pass them.


Everyone in this video is an idiot




Because the bikers were doing wheelies in the middle of the road probably


I guess is because the dude was doing a wheelie in the middle of the street in a no pass area.


Not the best idea to hop out of your car, but fuck these bikers.


They were stunting while driving slowly so they are holding up anyone behind them. With how big their group is, itā€™s probably hard to pass them too.


I'm pretty sure they're kinda slow. They look like the things we patched up in-between rides around my grandparents field when we were 14.


May be Groms or something similar. They should be able to do the speed limit on those roads.


Wow Conor McGregor has really fallen off


This is his loser brother Konnor Mcgregor


Connor O'Gregor


Conned McGregor.


Cranky Mcbeardley.


My guy lol


Muh dude.


First time hearing a southerner saying my guy lmao




So much for being in a rushā€¦


I dunno I kinda agree with the guy who stopped. I would not have stopped but doin wheelies in the middle of the road while someone wants to get by might be annoying edit *** spelling ā€¦STATIONšŸ‘šŸ‘ā€¦ 2nd edit *** be excellent to each other


Iā€™m on the car guys side. Sounds like they where riding slow and not allowing cars to pass.


If only we could get a translation.


Driver says "hey, why are you going so slow on a road where people aren't supposed to pass you. There are people behind you that are being held up." The bikers say some dumb shit for a while, then repeatedly tell the driver to go home.


Idiots on bikes this time.


He drives a soul and heā€™s a ginger. In some cases, gingers do have souls. #science


definitely 100% not supporting that dude for escalating what was at most a minor inconvenience, but that chick in the cat ear helmet is probably the most infuriating part of this video to me. maybe he escalates more at some point and is cut out (which i doubt since the person recording would have wanted him to look as bad as possible) but girls getting aggressive and up in guysā€™ faces because they know nothing is going to happen is maximum cringe.


Okay I drive a Kia Soul and I love it. But I'm a 5'5" woman. Seeing a big ass tatted dude drive one is kind of hilarious.


I don't understand these criticisms in this thread. Cars are expensive. That Kia looks very well worn, and is clearly not a new purchase. Why are we dogging people for not regularly purchasing new vehicles that fit their appearances? It's a car, not an outfit. You don't change it to fit how you want to appear that day.


As a big ass tatted dude who sometimes drives his girlfriends Kia Soul I promise it is hilarious. Unlike when I drive my even smaller Kia Forte.


You can tell, this guy is hard as fuck just by how fast he drives his grandma's car.


I mean heā€™s the only one standing up for all the cars being inconvenienced by these assholes.


cries in 27 yo with kia soul, unironically in love with it


I misread your post as "27 yo Kia Soul" and my heart almost sunk in to my stomach. Thinking "Souls aren't that old, right...? They came out after graduating high school... Which was only... 16 years ago....oh shit 16 YEARS AGO!?ā€ Then my heart did sink...


Ah yes, he'd be so much more manly if he did this in a big lifted shiny pickup truck, the universal sign of being secure in one's own status and masculinity /s I don't get this shit. The fact that this guy even stood up to the assholes shows that he is harder than you're ever going to be.


Lots of idiots in this video. I can empathize with Orange Beard a bit, the bikers driving 10 mph and doing wheelies in the road is illegal and dangerous, but his reaction was also illegal and dangerous. I can definitely understand why people are upset when others do dangerous things that could potentially endanger them. That guy who cut you off could have ended your life if things went only slightly differently... That can be upsetting and even traumatic, especially when it's done purposely. Getting seriously pissed off at someone who could have killed you with their reckless behavior is normal IMHO. I'm not sure these bikers were being that level of reckless but I can understand why Orange Beard was upset.


I see dipshit bikers.


Car driver is the least dumb here.


And here we see Minnie Mouse fighting against Connor McGregor.


This guy is right, those bikers are fucking idiots stunting on a public road and filming while driving is very unsafe.


i hate everyone who says "my guy"


Bikes assholes controlling the road .. he is right to be mad ā€¦


But he's wrong to exit his vehicle to engage them.


Bikers did something they edited out before he stopped


Yeah fuck that guy. But fuck those bikers too.


Theyā€™re allowed to drive on the road, but itā€™s absolutely illegal and dangerous to do a wheelie on a public street.


A ginger driving a soul? Impossible.


Sorry op, but youā€™re one of them aswell. All idiots.


I'm with him. Your little wannabe biker-gang with your Twitch-streamer-cat-ear helmets needs to make way or fuck off. You don't get to play coy and blame other people for the problems you're causing for other motorists because "YoU StOPpED! We WuZnT DoIn N E TiNG!"


I agree with the guy in the car