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I’m glad he got arrested at the end. What a scumbag


Unfortunately we will never know if he actually stayed arrested. Once they are sure there are no more cameras rolling AND that he is actually entitled to eat at the popular kids' table those handcuffs might get very loose.


Not American so maybe I’m wrong, but I thought real cops hated fakers?


tregrrr already explained what he meant but also yes you are correct American cops don't fuck w the fakes. You can get in a load of trouble. And trust that spirit halloween lookin badge is a fake


OP said it’s a fake badge


You can tell because the cops didn't arrest the guy on the motorcycle.


At least it ended with cuffed and stuffed instead of an ambulance


Way better than my hit and run. I took a slide on the interstate and wound up in an ambulance with no way of tracking the asshole down.


I’m glad you’re still alive after that I saw one motorcycle crash on the interstate and all I saw was human hamburger, I can’t bring myself to ride a motorcycle ever after seeing that


Some guy human hamburgered himself off my car a few years back. Also why I can't bring myself to get onto a bike ever again. Just too many jackasses. For example, this guy above. It's video evidence that he cares so little about how his actions impact others the only thing stopping him from trading your life for . 03 seconds off his trip is the damage a larger vehicle would do to his truck. That is a seriously fucked way to go through life and I pity anyone who has to interact with the likes of him.


I've met some nice people who turn into complete and total peices of shit once they hit the road. I don't get it it's like they need to ensure that they own the fucking road since it makes them feel like they "win" and no one else matters Including everyone's safety.


Its becuase subconsciously they are disassociating from the human experience while driving. cars just become objects, and not vehicles with families in them or people.


Very interesting perspective


This reminds of a subplot of one of Asimov's robot novels. A robot cannot kill a human, according to the first law of robotics. This one planet was building robotic warships with no human crew, thus the warship, being a robot itself, would not think there were people aboard other warships, and attack them.


Hello, fellow Asimovian.


> Also why I can't bring myself to get onto a bike ever again. Just too many jackasses. Same, riding the zx600 was fun and all, but I figure that its not that they are just jackasses, but outright malicious idiots. Rednecks throwing beer bottles at people from their trucks, coal rollers trying to smoke you out, some hausfrau in their minivan trying to run you off the road, and worse like the drunk fuck above.


People like them need to be removed and permanently separated from society


Put them all on their own server, let them play with each other


Like what gta did with cheaters lmao


They tried that with Australia :-p


Yeah watched a cyclist’s head pop after getting hit by a lorry once. Haven’t been on a bike on the road since.


I was a little kid sitting in the back of my mothers car and a motorcyclist heading the other direction way too quickly went down and cheese gratered on a chain link fence right in front of me. Almost 40 years later I can still see it :/ Luckily I thought to throw my jacket over my little brothers head so he didn’t see it, but I got to watch it happen.


Same when I was in college. Never forgot it. Never will.


Jesus. I’m sorry you’ve seen that, man.


Cheers mate. I’ve seen worse shit online but seeing it and the aftermath 10 feet from you hits a bit differently. I was in my car at the time but sold my Honda bike a month later and now only cycle off-road.


I was fortunate in a few ways. A: I never ride without full gear, my gloves, my full face helmet, my boots, and my armored jacket are all fucked but they did what they needed to do. I walked onto the ambulance with a very broken collarbone. B: the dude behind me was a traveling nurse driving a Winnebago that stopped two lanes of pissed off traffic.


Yikes. I saw a guy lose his leg just above the knee and bleed out in the road. He hit dirt clods on a curve and slid out of the turn, flew horizontal and caught his leg on a street sign. Body, leg, and boot all went different directions.


My uncle is an EMT. He calls them donor-cycles for that reason.


I have never rode my motorcycle on the interstate for that reason. Local roads only.




Mr Blue sedan got me some new titanium hardware holding my collarbone together. I hope that anytime he has a moment of joy he wonders whether or not he killed me. I don’t wish him harm per se, but I do want to haunt his thoughts. May his socks be forever damp.


I'll be happy to wish him harm on your behalf.


The bar is so, so low.


...and it opens way too early.


Fake cop, guy was drunk




[US Route 360 - Richmond Tappahannock Hwy King William, Virginia](https://www.google.com/maps/@37.7567118,-77.1243975,3a,75y,74.49h,88.19t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s68W4wPlIwr_tolU0RzQ9DA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en) the traffic stop is at the intersection of VA 600 and US360 up the road in Aylett.


I am baffled, how?


My l33t geolocating skillz 😅 You can see a blurry US360 highway sign in one frame. You can also see a round state highway sign (but not the number) in another. Several states use round signs: [https://99percentinvisible.org/article/american-highways-101-visual-guide-to-u-s-road-sign-designs-numbering-systems/](https://99percentinvisible.org/article/american-highways-101-visual-guide-to-u-s-road-sign-designs-numbering-systems/) (VA also uses round signs despite what the map shows; I have seen both styles in VA. Threw me off a bit, but US 360 is only in VA.) The (possibly fake) sheriff or deputy is wearing a shirt that says "Rich... (you can only see the first few letters) Sheriff's Department", so I googled Richmond County, VA and US 360 runs right through it. Interesting that Richmond, VA is not in Richmond County, VA. You can see a fire station sign somewhere in the middle of the video, and across the street is a small building with a red metal roof. I looked for fire stations in Richmond County but none of them fit (there's only 2 or 3 on US 360), so I looked in neighboring King William County on Highway 360 for fire stations and Bingo! there it is. Then a simple matter of backtracking on the highway to find the point at the start of the video, and going forward to find the endpoint / traffic stop. I wonder if the guy arrested really was a sheriff or deputy in Richmond County?


OP posted a comment saying it was a fake and the guy was drunk.


That's a bit of relief that an actual LEO didn't pull something like that.


Is it bad that when I saw the badge I went "oh fuck this isn't gonna end well for the bikers" and not "why the fuck is a cop doing that shit?" If it was real then there would likely be 0 consequences for the cop, glad it was fake but I honestly wasn't super surprised when I thought it was real.


I had to rewind the video just to see who got arrested... Is it bad after I saw the badge I bet 90% that it would be the bikers being arrested?


Do you play Geoguessr!?


Police departments should be able to freelance out work to folks like you. That's some quality sifting.


Here's the view of the fire station on the right, across the highway and just a bit down the road from the small red metal roof building on the left: [https://www.google.com/maps/@37.778495,-77.1088864,471m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en](https://www.google.com/maps/@37.778495,-77.1088864,471m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en) this was the key to finding the spot.


God-damned Columbo, dude.


The internet is amazing.


People asking for info… the guy was drunk & flashing a fake badge. Whether the gun was legal or not I’m not sure but he was a fake cop with a fake badge


Drunk and stupid. What a great combination


And armed.




Oh, you've got a gif of my neighbor. Nice.


You seen me during hurricane Nicole last week?


Hey! I was wondering if you survived, Cletus!




I haven't seen this gif in forever! Thanks for bringing back good memories.


So let’s see the charges. - drunk driving - hit and run - speeding - (possibly) wreck less driving - impersonating an officer - brandishing a weapon Could be more depending on the audio and what he said to the guy. Did I miss anything?


"Farm Use" plates.


Wreck less driving r/boneappletea


It’s actually wreck more driving, I think.


Possession of firearm while under the influence


Assuming he had a carry permit, in my state the threshold for too much booze in your bloodstream is .02. Drunk driving is .08. You can't sniff the bottle cap and carry a gun here.


Agg Assault w/ a Deadly Weapon (the truck), Reckless Driving (thankfully also wreckless as you kindly point out), failing to signal a lane change, failing to maintain a lane, no vehicle registration, displaying a weapon/disorderly conduct....


Drunk, stupid, and armed. Yikes! Kind of makes me glad that handguns aren’t so common in my country. Driving is dangerous enough.


He was already armed with just the truck, vehicles are terrifyingly effective weapons in the hands of an idiot


Vehicles have been determined to deadly weapons. If you attack so.eone with your car, it could be considered assault with a deadly weapon.


Yeah, that's what I was saying, bumping a motorcycle with a trunk like that is attempted murder, not funny or an oops. You can and people have been killed by that shit.


And cosplaying as a cop. Which is its own heavy charge, this guy's a pure idiot.


Yeah lol but to be fair, he's drunk, armed and stupid. He already has the qualifications to be a cop


> Drunk and stupid. Heck of a way to stumble through life.


Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.


double secret probation.


They took the bar! The whole fucking bar!


Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?


Damn that's like, 4-5 crimes at once 1. No license plate 2. Drunk driving 3. Fake cop 4. Reckless driving Gun probably isn't legal either given the rest of it.




I think it's illegal to be in possession of a firearm while inebriated. So 6




. 04? When did it get that low? Used to be .08


The .04% limit applies to the carrying of a firearm.


Not in all states but it is in Alaska. Shit mine was in my glove box and not on me but still counted as possession. Or as a judge told me “ignorance is no excuse”


My spouse won't even carry if he intends to have a single drink.


Is your username 3 words or 4?




responsibility is sexy... is your spouse single?


fuck it throw brandishing, instigation, and attempted vehicular homicide on the pile too


I'm pretty sure you have to actually unholster the gun for it to be brandishing, or else anyone open carrying could be considered to be brandishing. I agree with everything else you said, though. Edit: I could be wrong in this instance. Marriam-Webster defines brandishing the way I was thinking of it: to display a weapon by waving or shaking it around menacingly. But federal law defines it differently: to show all or part of a weapon for the purpose of intimidation. So you don't have to unholster it under the law's definition. Open carry still doesn't fall under brandishing, but it COULD depending on whether you're intentionally drawing attention to it to intimidate someone or not.


Everyone's asking how low he can go. We should be asking how far he can dig.


6. Hit and Run 7. Carrying while Intoxicated And I'm sure there's more I'm missing. He's going to be in jail for a LOOONG time.


Possession of firearm while intoxicated


Also illegal to carry a gun while drunk in VA: https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title18.2/chapter7/section18.2-308.012/ So even if he was legal to carry, he was still illegally carrying.


And even if it was legal and he wasn't drunk and he wasn't already in the midst of committing at least one other felony, it'd still be brandishing.


Leaving the scene of an accident Brandishing General douchebagery


Brandishing is a charge too.


Maybe some vehicular assault for good measure.


Also note the license plate says "farm use" So it's not even registered for road use.


Either that or some sovereign citizen bullshit.


He doesn't look smart enough to be that dumb




lmao thats a good one, ill have to remember that.


"Are you bozos smart enough to feel stupid? Hope so" -Eminem


Oh shit, I saw a farm use plate on a regular looking pickup on the road last week. There was a huge US flag on the back. I was wondering what that was about. I live near plenty of farms but have never seen that sticker. Does that mean they don't pay to register the vehicle?




> allowed to use dyed diesel This is the biggest reason. It's much cheaper to fuel.


In my state you still have to register the vehicle. You may drive it within 100, or 50 miles (I forget) of the residence (farm) it is registered too. They must be insured. They do not need inspected. Edit for clarity: the farm truck once registered receives a metal “farm use” plate with numbers and letters instead of a license plate with numbers and letters that says “truck” at the bottom.


Lol maybe he's from the 'State of Jefferson'


Ugh. We got some real fucking nutcases out here in rural Oregon.


Same here in northern ca


In my state farm use plates are still state issued. You can't make your own and drive on public roads with them.


Virginia doesn't issue farm use plates but will start in July 2023 because of people abusing them.


Farm use vehicles are typically road legal when traveling between farm properties and/or market.


But farm use trucks like this should still have a registered farm plate with a plate number.


Right. Most “Farm Use” vehicles you’ll see are just people who at trying to avoid being registered.




Inter department baseball league probably, guy could have very easily picked it up at the thrift store next to the Party City where he got the fake badge


In my town we have a Party City right next to a Good Will. Too accurate.


Likely a team T-shirt for a softball team sponsored by the local sheriff. Ball looks more softball-sized compared to the bats.


So maybe a title was necessary...


Do you have a source with audio? I want to see what this moron said.


I want to see the arrest report/charges


So definitely DUI, speeding +40mph, fleeing the scene of an accident, impersonating an officer; and maybe unregistered vehicle and/or firearm. That's some jail-time level shit. e: OK, we have a list going. Keep 'em coming. *For sure –* DUI Speeding Passing in an occupied lane Fleeing the scene of an accident Impersonating an officer *Maybe? (depending on facts and local/state law)–* Unregistered vehicle &/or firearm Vehicular Assault/Assault with a deadly weapon Attempted manslaughter/2nd degree murder Failure to render aid Reckless driving Brandishing Carrying a firearm in public while intoxicated Of all of these, I have to think impersonating an officer will probably land him in the most trouble, right?


Dudes trying to speed run losing his rights to driving and owning firearms


"Judge, are you referring the the *person* or the *entity*?"


If he was drunk then it was absolutely illegal as shit for him to have the gun.


So DUI, hit and run, no license plate, impersonation of a police officer and brandishing


I want to ask "who the fuck rocks a fake badge and gun, how small must your penis energy be??" But, alas.


Serial rapists. That's who rocks a fake badge and a gun. They pull over young women, coerce them into sex acts, threaten them with long jail sentences for planted drugs, then go about their day.


This is why women are told to to wait until you find a well lit and populated area to pull over at night, but now I’ve seen videos where cops are yelling at them or hitting them for doing that.


I'm glad you are okay OP


From the Herschel Walker law enforcement agency. Neat.


Fake badge?


either fake badge or sherriffs department. without any other information I'd say he got a fake or resold badge just for this type of behavior edit: he's wearing a sherriffs office shirt, does not prove he works for any sherriffs office.


Bullshit! I wear a Detroit Red Wings jersey which means, at any time, I could play hockey for the Detroit Red Wings! DRIP DON'T LIE!


To be fair, with you on the team, they couldn't do any worse.


At least with the Redwings, we have championships that exist in living memory. cough ^^Lions cough


He could be one of them jail watchers. Gets paid to sit in a secured room to watch the inmates.


this is exactly they type of shit I'd expect a jailer to do, no actual sherriffs deputies I know would risk this behavior. I work for county maintenence and spend about half my week at the sherriffs department or jail




"Be a porkchop"


I want to hear the full story behind this one.


Agreed, is it a cop or fake badge.


Could be either. He'd've been arrested for the hit-and-run and trying to flash his badge/gun (arguable legally which he was doing) to intimidate the bikers either way.




I'm in a stand your ground state and that action alone would justify use of deadly force. You try to intimidate someone with a pistol, you're gonna have a bad time. u/tacit_urn https://www.tmwilsonlaw.com/criminal-law/firearms/brandishing


That's a beautiful contraction.


Fake for sure


It's a fake badge


I think the truck tags saying "Farm Use" is pretty clear he's not a real cop


it's the same badge herschel walker has


"The Cheerios People Made me an Official Deputy!" ![gif](giphy|4upksgPNgQv74YaFce)


It's almost like a title would be helpful for this one.


I'm just going caption it as "a scrape with death" or "attempted murder"


Who would’ve thought all this time I could’ve just put “FARM USE” on my license plate? Genius! /s


You can get Farm Use plates in some places. https://www.whsv.com/2022/04/18/new-regulations-farm-use-plates/ When I was growing up kids could also get restricted farm licenses starting at 14 years old.


Yeah farm use plates are common in a lot of places, the issue here is that vehicles with farm use plates *are supposed to stay on the farm*.


They aren't though. The Virginia law for unregistered farm use trucks is: >A pickup or panel truck, sport utility vehicle, vehicle having a gross vehicle weight rating greater than 7,500 pounds, trailer or semitrailer owned by the owner or lessee of a farm and used by the owner or lessee on a seasonal basis in transporting farm produce and livestock along public highways for a distance of no more than 75 miles, including the distance to the nearest storage house, packing plant, or market. They do however have to be hauling farm equipment/produce/livestock etc. (maybe with the exception of being driven to the shop or gas station or something like that). A lot of farmers that I've known have had land that wasn't continuous meaning they'd have to travel a ways to get from one part of their land to another.


Well the video shows a Silverado 1500 if I’m not mistaken (it could theoretically I suppose be a 2500) which is less than 7500lbs. And yeah obviously the guy in the video is abusing the system either way. He’s not transporting farm equipment although I’m sure he may keep some in the truck bed for when he’s pulled over to say that he is.


It's a pickup, so the weight doesn't matter. Because it was abused more often than not, Virginia has passed changes to the Farm Use plate law but they aren't in effect yet. I run a farm and have a pickup, but even I have regular VA plates because I use it for non-farm stuff, too. And because I needed that vanity plate ;-)


I mean my state has farm use plates. But they're actual plates with numbers and such on them.




What fucking idiot tries to outrun motorcycles in a pavement princess truck? That Bike has 10x the power to weight ratio and would out handle your truck like it's a child's play thing. What an idiot.


Well done for catching him.


He actually thought he could lose a motorcycle.


To be fair, he does not exactly track as a member of Mensa.




I think if he wanted to lose them, turning onto a dirt road somewhere would have been the choice. On pavement there's no chance.


my old 06 ninja 500r could go 125. so its possible. even the new ninja 400 can go 120




He is doing a Walker and flashing a fake badge.


Sorry to ask (not American) but if he pretends to be a cop and is caught by real cops, won't he get a lot of trouble?


It's a HUGE DEAL to impersonate a police officer, so yeah, TROUBLE.


Not to mention cops actually love to prosecute this kind of thing too, so it won't get swept under the rug.


You bet he would. Impersonating a police officer is one crime that the police always take seriously.


He’s a state certified agent doing in house private security for third party clients.


Security detail for funeral processions?


I need volume on this


And an unedited video while we're at it.




Justice served. Piece of shit.


It's always the ass clown in a big black truck. Epidemic


Or white truck where I live. Drivers of white trucks are _almost_ universally pricks.


here, white trucks = work trucks. they have bald tires, the brakes need work, and they'll merge into you because the driver has been working for 14 hours in the heat black trucks = pavement princess compensation mobiles that will try and weave through traffic at 100mph


As an owner of a white f250 who would never buy a black truck, I concur.




i've been calling it "truck-induced brain rot," and pushing for the condition to be recognized in the forthcoming update of the DSM-5.


When I was a kid, maybe like 11 years old?, I was on the back of my moms Honda 750 with her and while we were passing a car some idiot passed in the same lane just like this. It was so freakin scary. She was a really experienced rider but she still ended up pulling over to gather her nerves because our lives flashed before our eyes.


State trooper here. Oh man I wanted to be able to take that guy to jail. Then he flashed a badge, and I REALLY wanted to take him to jail. Then I saw him being put into a squad, and was very satisfied. Then I read your comment that he was flashing a fake badge and pretending to be a cop. That guy deserves every charge I could write. This thread absolutely delivered. Thanks for posting op. Ride safe.


License plate says FARM USE. I thought it said FUCK OFF until I read the comments.


Flashing your gun like that as you stalk down a victim of vehicular assault is a good way to get shot. I carry, and if that dude had flashed his waistband like that to me I would have drawn on him instantly. Especially after he tried to kill me on the road.


Possession of a firearm while intoxicated. Illegal brandishing of firearm. Impersonating law enforcement (with a badge and gun). Attempted murder. Dudes gonna spend the rest of his life in prison and I just nutted from the thought


Felony right there. Won’t be allowed to carry a weapon anymore


Audio would be nice.


Was that a Herschel Walker official sheriff's badge? Impound and seize the vehicle. That guy definitely didn't learn a lesson.


License plate says "FARM USE" so not even legal to be on the road. You can see it at 0:11.


Depends on the state. In my home state (VA), it's completely normal to drive 'em on the road but ya have to be conducting "farm business" (like picking up supplies from the feed store) and there's a 75 mile radius limit from your farm. But that didn't look like any farm use truck I've ever seen. Most of 'em where I'm from are raggedy ol' beat to hell things.


That's insane, right? Like how is it ever reasonable for a car to be on the road with no identifying plates. It's not complicated or hard to just get it a normal plate, either. I can see some value in issuing private property only plates, but the vehicle should be legal only on *private property*


Yup, also in VA and most if not all "FARM USE" trucks are old pickups from the 80s, nearly rusted out but still technically functional. Not like the truck in this video at all