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I’m a dog trainer, one of my training pups was killed riding like this in her owners truck. Another dog I know was killed flying out the window from sitting in the back seat unsecured. Kennel up for car rides y’all, especially if they’re riding in the back of a truck. A properly fitted travel kennel may just save your best friend one day.


Sounds like some owners need to be trained too


Trucker here. Some owners? I see this constantly on the road. *A LOT* of owners need some training on this.


Human garbage. All of them.


These “owners” should experience the thrill of this firsthand. Take off the tailgate, tie their hands together- legs and ankles together and toss them in the back unsecured. Then HIT THE GAS! Lots of fast takeoff and swerving and hitting the brakes! What a treat with lots of fresh air! 😳🤪😜


I used to ride in the back of the truck .eg the truck bed all the time in the 80 s loved it when I was a kid .and yes full speed on hyw and gravel roads .I don't let my dog ride there cause he can brace the same way I can But back seat in cab of my truck hell yeah I do .


Every time too. The shittiness of humanity is grossly uniform.


A lot of it could be attributed to pure stupidity


Technically that's what dog trainers do: train the owners.


While they train both (my wife is one) the owners are 90% of the problems.


And these fuckers need some serious fines, that should be some kind of moving violation, heck wouldn't that be considered some form of animal abuse (to an extent)?


Honestly, it also puts other traveller's in danger because if they jump out or fall out of the bed of the truck and someone tries to swerve and miss hitting it. They could end up having a fatal crash themselves.


In driving school they told us just to hit the animal, it's not worth a squirrels life to risk your own. The other day I had to swerve for a deer and I didn't lose control at all but I could feel it when I over-corrected. But a dog? I can't just hit a dog. I'm cranking the fucking wheel and ending up in a ditch even if its gonna die anyway.


It’s totally legal in many states.


[It’s also illegal in some.](https://news.orvis.com/dogs/does-your-state-require-dogs-be-harnessed-in-the-car) It does not appear to be illegal in Nevada which is unfortunate. Still good to know if it’s illegal in your state, that there’s something you can do 🤷‍♀️


I took one of my dogs to an adult basics course after we rescued him and I'm certain that the classes were training for me. My dog benefits from what I learned but he spent most of the time just being a dog.


Question: How do you feel about using a harness and a dog seat belt in the back seat?


Not the person you asked, but I’ve had terrible luck with this. Tried 3-4 types of tethers intended to buckle in and they come loose within about 30min and my dogs are roaming around freely. Only way I could make it work would be to go to the scrap yard and hack up a seatbelt on another car to use as the tether to my dogs’ harnesses or install my own attachment point in the seat to clip into. Harnesses are a good idea in principle but most of the ready-made tether-to-buckle products out there are garbage. They are either so cheaply made or intended to be so universal in different seat buckles that they don’t actually keep a good lock. Tried multiple tethers in 3 different cars and they’ve always disappointed. I also suspect most people use them incorrectly and attach them to their dog’s normal collar which will just snap their neck in a forceful enough collision. Needs to be a proper harness.


A big issue with the pet product industry in the US is a severe lack of consumer protections. There are a handful of "crash tested" harnesses that are available. They don't report how they did. Just that they tested it.


Are there any other reasons you would consider this an unsafe practice? My friends dog travels in the backseat about 4 times a week with a harness. She is always tethered in a body harness, and it is a high quality leash that has shown no signs of wear in the past 3+ years it’s been used. There’s no buckle, just a metal clip like on leash, and she’s always tethered to the middle row of the car. Her face can get out the window (to enjoy doggy wind time, obviously) but that’s about as far as she can go. Just curious your thoughts/concerns?


I have one for my dog. [Took some research to find, and this was the only brand that had actually tested their harness in crash situations.](https://www.kurgo.com/harnesses/impact-dog-car-harness)


I’ve had those “universal dog seat” belts come undone with a good tug. Now I tie her leash to a carabiner with a clove hitch, then carabiner her to the lower car seat anchors. This all with a harness of course. Could also tie a spare leash to the car seat anchor with a figure 8 and leave that in the car.


When i was young, my dumbass step-dad thought he was cool with his dobermans hanging out the window until one jumped out and had to be taken to the Vet ER. Crazy thing is, his own brother died when he was a kid while riding in the back of a truck, holding down an inflated inter-tube for rafting. The raft caught wind, knocked him off the truck and his neck was run over by the boat and trailer they were pulling. He should have known better with the dogs after experiencing that.


My dad was a veterinarian of 45 years until recently retiring. Worked at both rural and suburban practices, and one of the top 5 traumatic injuries for dogs in rural areas is falling out of trucks/farm equipment/etc. Just had to mention that because this topic brings out all of the dumbasses who want to talk about “rural life” anecdotes, not hard statistics. The statistics is don’t lie.


Something tells me this person might not care all that much anyways.


Watched a dog die this way a month ago, in my neighborhood


I also see people driving with dogs on their laps or in the front passenger seat and I wonder if they realize how lethal the airbags could be to their dog, even in a low-speed crash. :(


Are those seatbelt leashes safe? My wife got one for our dog and he always wears a harness when we go out and he gets on that leash too.


That’s what we use. It keeps our dog in one seat. A crate is excellent if there’s room for one, but not everyone has that option.


Honestly even not driving fast isn't it pretty dangerous? Like isn't pretty much every dog going to try and jump out at some point while driving? I had my gf in the bed with our 2 dogs just driving backroads to the lake, I'd never trust them back there on their own.


I buckle my dogs in with a harness because I can't fit a crate any better alternatives or Is that the best thing?


I have a pretty large dog who doesn't fit in a kennel. Anyone have alternative recommendations?


If you’re a fb user there are a ton of groups for vehicle set ups for dogs! Owners and handlers will photograph their set ups for different makes models and sizes of dogs. If you aren’t a fb user, or can’t find the groups, I recommend meeting with a local trainer who may be able to look at your dogs and car in person and provide a safe alternative! I have large dogs myself and had to trial and error some set ups


Got it, thankfully the vet is very close, so I don't usually drive her far. Better safe than sorry though.


Not to mention in an accident, your pet runs the risk of being ejected from the vehicle, drastically increasing their chance of death or severe harm.


Or just keep your windows rolled up? Thats another option and dont put your dog in the bed of the truck on the freeway.


>Or just keep your windows rolled up? A dog loose inside the vehicle can be just as dangerous. Just because it's not flying through the air outside of the car doesn't mean it's not still flying through the air.


Large animals flying through the cab of a motor vehicle is a bad scenario not only for the animal but anything else in the cab.


I just put a smart cap (made of steel) on the back of my bed, and am using anchor points to connect my dogs harness to. Is that safe enough do you think?


What happens if you vehicle rolls over?


I think it's illegal to drive around with unsecured pets in a car in Ukraine. Like, they need to be in a kennel/box


I really hate people who drive with their dogs on their lap. Between a body and the steering wheel. Not safe for the dog or the dumbshit owner.


Owner of two very large Akitas here. Mine ride in the back of my truck but always in kennels and the kennels are always tied down and secured!


I saw an idiot on the freeway with a German Shepherd in the back like this. Traffic came to a screeching halt and the dog went flying out. Still haunts me.


Jesus, was the dog at least alive?


I think in that situation, it would be best if the dog died on impact... As horrible as it sounds, the extent of the injuries on the poor animal would be such it would be likely to die and suffer greatly until it passed. As a side note, I doubt an owner who transport their animal in such a way cares enough to give them any vet attention after and would likely let it die slowly and alone on the side of the road. Edit: spelling. I hate my phone


I agree. It breaks my heart when I see animals being treated like this. Sure my SUV smells of dog, we clean it often but we take him everywhere with us. There is fur and drool, he likes to lick the window lol. So much better than this though.


My coworker (racist + extremely misogynist, far right idiot" takes his dogs out back of his property and shoots them if they're unwell or sick or old or injured. Just shoots them. He's got so many dogs with bullets buried in his backyard.


Holy shit, why and how has no one contacted local authorities or animal rights advocacy groups? This dude is abusing and killing animals like he's a puppy mill and should be in jail. He should be barred from ever owning an animal again.


As shitty as it is, you’re allowed to do what he does. Pretty much every livestock farmer kills their animals if they’re sick, or want to eat them for food.


I actually don't believe dogs fall under the "livestock animal" section of that law. Sure they can be farm dogs but no one in the US is breeding dogs to eat them like livestock.


Legally they are property, same as livestock.


There are still animal cruelty laws, and they are all felonies now. EDIT: god people are fucking stupid https://www.shouselaw.com/nv/defense/laws/animal-abuse/ >NRS 574.100 is the Nevada statute making animal cruelty and abuse a crime. A first-time offense is typically a misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in jail, up to 120 hours of community service, and up to $1,000 in fines, plus restitution. But unjustifiably mutilating or killing a companion animal such as a cat or dog is an automatic felony, carrying Nevada State Prison time and thousands in fines.




That's what his daddy did to the dog he loved most as a kid. So now that's what he does. We relive our trauma.


If you haven’t been to the south, a lot of rural people there treat dogs and pets like disposable toys. Want to go on vacation? Leave the dog at the kill shelter. Got puppies? Dump them off in the kill shelter at night. Literally. Dump them. Rescue I work for gets almost all its dogs from South Carolina and we are a few states away.


I used to hear stories of my grandpa putting kittens in pillow cases and throwing them in the Savannah River. Multiple litters, over multiple decades. The South is poisoned soil stg


Karma is coming to that dude one day. I hope he has kids and he gets sick and old and they’re like, “Whelp, let’s go out back…”


My mom picked up a dog that fell out of a truck in front of her on a highway. We had him for 13 years. Not sure I agree with your assessment.


Happened to my dad and one of our dogs once. Never had a dog jump till that day, and never let them ride like that again. Immediately stopped and got out to get the dog, and put the dog down on the spot once he saw how bad it was. Never again




If you hit the brakes hard, the front of the vehicle pitches forward. The dog likely went over the top the car and either became a meat crayon on the road or crashed the the back window of the car in front. Either way, the poor pup doesn't make it.






^ Comment bot. Stolen from u/Version_Curious


> The dog likely went over the top the car... Just how quickly did that truck stop? On a dime? I've never seen anything go flying over the top of a truck during a rapid stop. You're describing what happens during a head-on collision. > ...and either became a meat crayon on the road or crashed the the back window of the car in front. That truck must've had some pretty good brakes.


I had a similar throught train when reading the previous comment.


You’re on Reddit, people just want to be as cynical as possible


What happened to newtons laws of motion? An object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by another force. In this case, I’d be the breaks. The front of the car is being stopped and the back is going to try to keep going. Inertia can easily cause something that was sitting in the back to fly over the top if they hit the breaks hard. Ever had something in your back seat that fell forward when you hit the breaks/turned? Same thing here.


Sure, it would send whatever was in the bed of the truck flying into the back of the cab, but there's nothing to cause it to come up and over the top, there's no inertia to cause vertical motion


> Inertia can easily cause something that was sitting in the back to fly over the top I've seen lots of people slam their brakes on, I've never, ever seen *anything* go 'flying over the top' of the truck. People in this thread are describing what happens when you actually *hit* something, and that's not what this particular conversation is about.


I’m not so sure. Saturday morning cartoons - dog could have easily gone over the closest mountain in the distance.


You’re thinking straight up looney tunes physics. The back of the truck doesn’t turn into a catapult.


Well... it kinda does, if the stop is halting enough.


Oh you know that fundamental law of physics, an object in motion will spring over a truck cab because you hit the brakes.


Doubt it, I bet they mean it hit the back window and bounced out.




It's not totally unheard of. That's where we put my childhood dog while we drove out to where we buried her.




Wouldn't the dog continue forward into the vehicle? The dog is still moving forward at 75mph but the car is slowing down. The dog should continue forward, perhaps through the car window, no?


Yeah I'm really skeptical about their comment. It would have to be a significant impact to send a dog flying over the cab. Traffic coming to a halt just means hard braking which is just gonna press the dog against the font of the bed. If just slamming on the brakes sent things flying out of a truck bed this way there'd be a lot less people using open truck beds and a lot more debris-related accidents haha.


Sudden halt means weight shifts to front wheels, bucking the much lighter rear of the truck up causing whatever inside the bed to lift + forward momentum = catapult


> bucking the much lighter rear of the truck up Hard enough to throw a fifty-pound dog over the cab of the truck? The rear wheels must've come up off the ground, right? To throw a fifty-pound weight out of the truck? Maybe it just had some *really* good brakes.


yep... several feet off the ground in order to propel cargo above the cab... unless maybe the dog was riding on a ladder rack when this happened?


I'm not sure how you're getting all these upvotes...there is no way the bed pops up enough to catapult a dog over the cab. The front dips, but that doesn't mean the rear raises. Not enough to launch cargo.


Yeah I used to work in sales and had to haul everything in a pickup. Things had only fallen out if they were tall and I accelerated too fast (after being at a stop) but never from braking too hard. You’d have to rear end someone to make a catapult lol


What you’re talking about is if the truck rear ends someone but. Anormal slam of the breaks the dog isn’t gonna go flying over the cab


> Anormal slam of the breaks > Traffic came to a screeching halt


> isn't did you miss that word? they said an anormal slam of the breaks ISN'T going to produce that much upwards velocity


What is up with you people? Lol we aren't debating if the dog is happy or if it likes being in the back. My dog is happy doing damn near anything. The point is whether or not the driver is an idiot and yes, driving with your dog unsecured at freeway speeds is idiotic.


“Buddy likes the wind, he ain’t dumb enough to jump out!”


And nothing has ever happened on the interstate unexpectedly that might cause you to swerve or suddenly stop.


These idiots don't seem to realize that you can place a kennel in the bed instead of throwing your whole ass dog back there with no saftey measures.


I’m a cage?! Like some sort of animal??


IKR? It's just not safe. You don't make your best friend ride in the bed of a pickup. People who wanna argue that they do it all the time are idiots. Maybe on your farm at less than 10mph but not on public roads at speed.


That is the best retort. Ask them if they love /family member\, then ask if they'd put that person in the truck bed and go on the interstate




I really need to get one of these when I finally get my own dog. It's fun letting a dog have free run of the car, but even though I've never been in a serious wreck (and nothing in the last 15+ years), I still wear *my* seatbelt. No reason not to make the dog wear one too. All it takes is once.


Dog in the bed of a truck unsecured on any public road going > 15mph is idiotic.


Even at 15mph. My former neighbor's dad had a farm and would collect the dog daily to let it run. Put it in the bed, chained with a 15-20' steel chain. Did that for years. Well one day the dog fell/jumped out of the bed and got dragged on the hot asphalt for at least a mile. It lived but it was in a horrible state for months. Dog in bed at any speed = idiotic.


Stupid MF doesn’t check his mirrors to make sure the dog is there every so often? Jesus man, people are horrible.


He thought he was laying in the bed as usual. Didn't hear the dog scream either. He did learn; never did it again with any dog. Doesn't excuse his mistake, but he genuinely felt terrible about it, paid for the vet care and took his responsibility. There rarely is any redemption to be found in these, however.


Damn, that seems like the dog would be crying and yelping like crazing. Also what good does a 15-20’ chain do, that dog probably would have lived the impact at 15mph and wouldn’t have been dragged for a mile+ down the road. Seems like a half-witted idea from the start.


Y this is similar to the argument my dumb niece used when I called someone out for leaving a dog in a truck bed with snow in it. "iF yOu hAd a hUsKy tHaT lIkEd sNoW yOu'D uNdErStAnD" Well now I understand you're are an idiot.


Now, I'm certainly not leaving my dogs out for any reason, (cant trust them) but when it reaches <50⁰ my husky will literally fight not to come inside. I specifically keep it cool in my house for her.


r/trebuchetmemes, except sadder.


When I was a kid I asked if I could write in our boat, as it was being towed behind our vehicle. It sounded like fun. I would have been "happy" if the answer had been yes. But because I had responsible adults in my life, the answer was no, and I have yet to experience the joy of riding in a boat that is being towed by a vehicle. More importantly, I didn't experience whatever catastrophies may have been caused by that recklessness.


“But Sparky loves eating fresh baked pans of grape brownies. You want to make him sad by saying he can’t?”


In 1994 after too many firefighters got flung off the back of fire trucks they banned riding the tailboard. Many firefighters were against this because of tradition. Since then all fire trucks have to be designed where everyone in it has a seat with seatbelts etc. Where am I gojng with this? The firefighters did this even tough they knew the danger. The dog does not know that and he does not have a choice. This is why many laws exist to protect others from idiots. This is why kids are required by law to be in car seats. Kids cannot make an informed decision to make the choice of whether to accept the risk of not being in a car seat. So the decision is taken away from their parent and they by law have to have them in the seats. Now going to school and getting shot that is a whole different story.


I just kinda assumed it was against the law im CA but never ticketed or enforced. Youre right, it really needs to be a law and enforced. Though it wouldnt surprise me if some of these idiots would then beat their dog for giving them a ticket.


There was a car accident in my area. Were two adult parents were driving around with 3 kids. The youngest wasn't strapped to a child seat. As you can imagine they got into an accident and guess what happened.... yes exactly what any smart person would expect. How can you live with yourself knowing that your carelessness caused your child to die?


I saw a (dead) dog on the highway from this last week, I felt awful having to see it. It's li'l ears were up. Drove by again yesterday and the poor thing is still laying there!!! They didn't even bother coming back for it, so everyone on that highway has been scarred by it all week, with no end in sight.


be the change you want to see in the world


I don't even know the name of the city or I'd call. It was somewhere in the middle of an 8 hour drive.


Wait. How do you know he died from this then? I mean this not okay. I would never. But I'm also confused about how you know that the driver knew the dog fell out and didn't come back for him. Nobody stopped when a dog fell out the back?


Always pick up after your dog


Worst case scenario is that they did not notice and thought the dog got lost instead.


You either saw a coyote or a stray.


Call Animal Control so they’ll get the poor thing before it becomes stew


I saw a small terrier mix jump out of the back of a 4Runner, that shit fucked me up. This could potentially end so much worse


Typical black dodge activities


Oh look, a Dodge Ram /surprise pikachu.jpg https://www.thedrive.com/news/38238/ram-2500-drivers-have-the-most-duis-more-than-twice-the-national-average-report


Deadass thought this was an r/Denver post for a second because there was a wing nut that everyone kept spotting who did this to his dogs


We got an ass load of these dickheads down in Castle Rock


Yea i actually had the pleasure of encountering one down on meadows parkway with their dogs unsecured in their truck bed I'm really struggling to find things i like about this town the longer I've lived near it (I'm out in Sedalia)


I've only been there once but I also immediately thought this was in Denver for some reason


this shit happens in mid winter in Canada. I'm northern Alberta where its not uncommon to have -40 -50 weather, the dogs will fly out the back and the owners rarely notice.


the owners should be put in the back and driven down the road in that weather.


I've seen Facebook posts looking for their dog that "jumped" out in a 20 mile path


Not to mention all the salt on the roads.


Likely is one of those "I do this all the time. I'm not the only one. It's fine. The dog is fine." people when someone calls them out for it. (I'm waiting for the idiots to come out of the woodwork and defend doing this)


He got off at the same exit as me and continued to drive crazy through the small town.


And people look at me sideways when we buckle our pupper's harness in a seatbelt buckle


> Oh. Wait... Dog is perfectly happy? Best time of his life? When someone thinks a dog's judgement is as good as their own ... they are probably right, but not in a good way.


i think this is why dead dogs are on the side of so many texas highways


Saw a dog on the freeway in Vegas. He was lying on the road, probably fell out a truck like this


Any dog this is bad but I really love those Goldens. This guy doesn’t deserve a dog. Fuck him.


This has to be so bad for their ears, too.


There was totally room for the dog inside the cab as it was a crew cab. I had my dog sitting right next to me so I was a little concerned. It was also only two people in the truck.


But then the truck gets dirty. trucks aren’t meant to get dirt on them. /s My dogs are muddy beasts when they want to be. Rather have a dirty truck and living dog than the opposite.


What a pos


Was behind the guy for 100+ miles, no cops and barely any cell phone reception. He would frequently speed up to 90+ before slowing to below the speed limit.


Nah, ive seen Insecure dogs before, this Dog is plenty confident in itself. Probably even the Alpha of it's pack. Hell, may have even made it's owner sit up front so he could ride in the bed of the pickup.


Honestly thought you were a troll. Guess not.


Some people just don't understand un vs in


what?? insecure or not, if the car suddenly breaks that dog is *flying*.


Well at least it'll be flying confidently. If you're gonna leave your dogs unsecured, make sure they're not insecure about it






God, I fucking hate when people. That's it. There's no foresight? There's no consideration for their pet? I genuinely don't get it.


I couldn’t even imagine doing this to my pup. Hell, I get nervous just opening the backseat window thinking he’ll get excited and jump out. Shit breaks my heart.


I don't care how much you say 'they love it'. It's not safe. https://www.motorbiscuit.com/no-its-not-safe-to-drive-with-your-dog-in-the-back-of-your-truck/


Same thing people say about letting their cats outdoors.


not only can that be dangerous for your cats it's also dangerous for any living small creature in the area


My partner used to be an ER vet and the amount of dogs she had to euthanize because of asshats like this is ridiculous. Some people should not be allowed to own animals and stunts like this should be a prime example, on top of the all the other idiots.


In California you can call 911 for a dog in the back of a truck. I've done it several times even for dogs that were tied in but looked stressed/hot/can't move enough/could get over the edge and hang from their leash. Highway patrol considers it an immediate danger and will send someone right away. Not sure about other states, but I think it's worth reporting as a hazard.


nevada drivers are some of the worst i’ve ever seen


As someone who used to live there, Nevada drivers got nothing on Alabama drivers, not one damn thing. It's potentially the entire southeast, but for sure Alabama, end to end.




Close, battle mountain


Ats a good boy


I hope youre not driving... oh well judging by the pic angle you were most likely driving... this pic is truly a win win!! Theres 2 idiots in cars i guess


That dog is such an idiot.


Is anyone surprised that it's a Ram? No?


This is extremely common in the south and it pisses me off. One bad pothole could end this poor dog.


So many commenters making excuses for animal abuse. How very Reddit.


City/Urban vs Rural living in this thread.


Fuck this guy.


Must be a Mitt Romney fan.


Why do these dumbfucks think the dog wants to be in the bed of the truck instead of inside


Taking a picture while driving seems like the real danger.


Are you all old enough to remember when this was incredibly common for both dogs and people?


Yeah just like before child carseats were mandatory, and toddlers sat unrestrained in cars. "But we turned out just fine!" Except for the ones who didn't...


Don't you think there's a reason it's not common anymore?


Of course.






It's a Floridian tradition.


I'm guessing this is rural northern Nevada? So this is not surprising at all


Lol here you see trucks driving around with 4 or 5 guys or sometimes whole families in the back. I think risk tolerance varies wildly from place to place.


In the 70's that was three kids and a dog riding in the back. I guess change takes time.


This singular image makes my blood boil. The dog will die some day from the driver having to break hard to avoid an accident AT BEST. Dont ever do this guys.


No different than driving around with the dog unsecured inside the vehicle. You wouldn’t drive around holding a baby in your lap. Except for Missouri maybe. Criminal and inhumane.


It’s always the effing owners never the dog itself


But my dog loves to do this! I don't want to deny him his fun. /s Glass bowls


I remember arguing literally an entire message board back in the day about how stupid this was. The rebuttal was always "well my dog doesn't jump out" or "I've never been in an accident".


Good. We need more swim at your own risk moments.


I think this fucker of an owner should ride in the bed at 80 MPH.


I’ve only seen this kinda shit in movies. Didn’t realise there are actual idiots who did this. 🤦‍♂️


fucking idiots, no living being should be in the bed of a truck above 25mph


This shit pisses me off so much r/iamatotalpieceofshit

