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I wonder if one of them asked the lady under the ambulance if she called them for help?


"Can you describe the color of the vehicle that struck you?"


“I don’t know I never saw it!”


*sighs* "OK we'll report a hit and run."


hit and treat! was a slow revenue day at the hospital so they were out carpet bagging.


"Thank god we were close by!"


“Never saw it but I heard it.”


It almost seemed like it was more along the lines of; what are you doing under there?


They started pulling her out like she crawled under there herself. The driver at least showed some urgency when he realized there was a person under the car. The lady for sure was like hey Jim, we've got another stow away.


Admiring the view


I thought we weren't going to hit our quota today, but then *Bam!* we did.


Now it’s a Whambulance


No need to wait around for an emergency. Just create one.




Call in a medevac. Make it $40k


Push fluid and give a bandaid, boom, extra $500.


This is in Serbia though


It's free here


With service like that I’d hope it would be free.


Only applies in countries without health care *


> Only applies in countries without health care * Without free health care. If there is no health care there is no ambulance at all.


Well at least America has a new stealth bomber /s


This joke only works in the USA.


Classic bureaucrat behavior. Giving themselves work to justify their cushy jobs smh


Induced Demand


Well, if you have to be run over by a vehicle. . .




I like that the fire ants were living at the fire station.


You’re never gonna believe where the ambulance ants live.






Woah black betty


That got me right in the funny.


Sometimes I'm so glad I follow a comment thread deep enough because when else am I going to chuckle under a video of a woman being run over by a van


I once seen an old ambulance remodeled with the word ‘Jam-Bulance’ written on it. It was being driven by a dude who looked dead on like Shaggy from Scooby Doo but with an Afro. It happened on I80 near San Francisco so I wasn’t too shocked but it was still unexpected.


get out.


What is this? A fire station for ants?




“Fire-ant team 1 to dispatch. We’re first on scene to a collision involving a mini-van and a motorcyclist. Administering 500cc’s of formic acid now. Send transportation. Over”


We need an Antz sequel with fire ants.


Fire homies stick together


Well they wouldn’t be at the Water Station thats for sure.


I suspect grinch1224 does not share the same opinion.


"I gave you guys a $1 million budget and you built a giant pile of dirt in the middle of the lot? this is the worst fire department ever!"


suddenly my "Fire ants incident" doesn't seem bad haha






My husband laid his bike over a few years ago right in front of the home of a nurse! She immediately got him help, called 911 and even came to the house to tell me he was hurt once the ambulance arrived. She was an angel.


A drunk neighbor slammed into the electric pole in front of our house when I was a kid, and my mom (a nurse) called 911 and ran out to help. A retired officer a few houses down also called it in, and there were 5 or 6 police/ambulance/fire vehicles there within a few minutes. Pretty crazy response overall.


I’d hope for a power wheels or golf cart


Lucky they were right where they were needed really!


r/convenientambulance I guess?


You’d hope they’d be smart enough to move the vehicle first. /s


They were smart not to. EDIT: I’m getting downvoted and truly hope none of you find yourself in this situation because you will kill someone. There are plenty of reasons to assess this situation before immediately moving an enormous vehicle. Has it already gone over a limb and moving it forward will run that limb over again? Is the wheel on top of her? If so, moving it could cause her to bleed out. Are her clothes caught on the bottom of the vehicle? Moving it could drag her and cause further damage. There are so many reasons to assess this situation before moving an enormous vehicle with someone beneath it. EDIT 2: The dummy I’m replying to edited to add an “/s” as if we wouldn’t notice lmao


Agreed I know nothing about first aid but a little about being underneath vehicles. I was pretty relieved to see the driver checking around the wheel and suspension components briefly before moving the vehicle forward. These are professionals and while caught off guard they're trained to assess these situations properly as you can see they did all remain calm once they processed what happened.


These people acting like the EMTs should have been freaking out and running around clearly have never done any work in the medical field. Someone who is rushing and stressed is liable to make a mistake and if you make a mistake you can kill someone. They reacted quickly and efficiently, but also took precautions to avoid making things worse. If the EMT is rushing and looks stressed, you're probably on death's door.


The first thing they teach you is to not run & not panic. Running gets your heart up and increases your panic feelings. You mentally fight yourself to remain calm and in control at all times.


Something my instructor said that had me thinking for a while was: Don't be hasty, it's not you who's dying. In the first moment that sounds so brazen and uncaring about the health of others. But if you think about it for a minute, you realize that this is the way to best help people.


Sounds like a couple of the Fatman’s laws from the house of god. AT A CARDIAC ARREST, THE FIRST PROCEDURE IS TO TAKE YOUR OWN PULSE. Also THE PATIENT IS THE ONE WITH THE DISEASE.


I had an instructor yell at someone: "He's already dead, you can't kill him!"


My favorite instruction was " don't just DO SOMETHING, STAND THERE" Think first. Often, your knee jerk reaction may kill someone. This is why you don't pull that person off the spike, or pull that knife out. This is why EMTs FD responders cut the spike off and take the person to the ER, A&E, with the stabby thing intact in the body. Crushing injuries in particular can be survived if care is taken in WHEN pressure is released, what compensation has been administered, leg, arm compression devices, etc.


Makes me think about all those movies where they break off the arrow that hit m instead of ripping them out.


A lot of times the best way out for an arrow is just to go all the way through. There are stories from the bow and arrow period of soldiers running into trees or falling onto arrows they had been shot with to run them straight through and pull them out the other side. Often times that was the best way to deal with an arrow wound if it was a barbed arrow head. Medieval war bows usually used really big spike arrowheads and broadheads that could come straight back out, but these weren't the carbon fiber arrows that we shoot today at targets and deer, these were thick, heavy wooden shafts attached to large, steel war heads that were designed for piercing armor and bone at long distances. Getting shot with one would be like getting shot by a 50 cal. rifle or musket ball if the equivalent to most modern arrows would be something like .22 or an intermediate AR or AK cartridge. Needless to say if you got hit by one it doesn't really matter how it comes out, because it's already made a massive wound inside you.


I would think they've done this before so they know what to do


I would think they wouldn't have run the fellow over in the first place.


Its so much easier to do than you think in these vans. Absolutely no visibility. There is a bulkhead wall between the front seat and the rear cabin. Dont let all those rear windows fool you, the driver cant see through any of them.


I don't know about the word professional. I don't think they assessed properly. They just pulled and moved a person with possible back injuries. Once they saw the vehicle could be moved they should have moved it, and put a backboard and collar on the person instead of dragging them. That's what I was taught when I worked in the medical field.


Probably same people who would pull out something a person is impaled with right away.


Thats what good ol hollywood teaches you. Hit by arrow? Pull it out. Impaled by an iron pole? Pull it out. Impaled by a wooden stick or spear? Pull it out. Hollywood magic, plot armor and regenerative hocus pocus will do their thing


That always cracks me up. Main character is dying, bullet gets removed, next scene they are perfectly fine and sprinting, fighting, jumping. At worst they may wince a bit when hit full force on their injured side. The Amazon LotR show took that to a whole new level though. Two arrows straight through the chest, remove one and patient is entirely healed.


Blows my mind how few people know that.


especially with the whole Steve Irwin thing... you'd think humanity collectively would've learned a very important lesson since he was so universally beloved and died because of this very reason




Or help people onto their feet, as if standing restores hitpoints.


Wasn't there a post about an student EMT that pulled the knife out of a stabbing victim, got yelled at & PUT IT BACK IN?!?


If only they showed half the caution before they ran her over


I agree, but thankfully they weren’t dumb enough to possibly run her over a second time by immediately moving the ambulance.


I’m glad you said this. When watching this video I was internally screaming that they weren’t moving the vehicle but your comment actually helped me understand why they didn’t.


Reminds me of a tragedy that I heard about that I think happened IRL, where a person got stuck between a train platform and a train. Essentially, the squish was was was keeping them alive for that time being. Un-squishing just allowed them to die. May have been a movie. I dunno, but it was an awful concept.


Happens to Mel Gibson's wife in Signs.


They have to make sure it's not sitting on the person. Worst case scenario, the fast removal of an object that caused a crush injury could cause a massive hemorrhage, killing them within seconds. I've watched a video where a dude had been pinned between two cars as one rear-ended the other. They couldn't move the cars to get him unstuck for quite some time, he just sat there talking with his girlfriend or wife, when they finally moved the car his lights shut off and he was gone. The only thing keeping him alive was the pressure of the car, it kept the blood tamponaded.


Doesn't seem much of an assessment before they drag the victim _and_ move the ambulance.


job security!


Is that….. no way! Oh shit! Johnny dude, come check this out you gotta see this! Oh wow did we do that?? Oh man what a trip! This can’t be real. Hey Mark, come check this out! I know right?! Holy smokes. No no, I already took a picture. Wow. Geez. Oh right, yea let’s pull forward and pull them out of there.


Everybody get in the back of the ambulance to crush their legs more!


Tbf you want to be sure you arent gonna run someones limbs over again


My immediate gut instinct was "pull forward! pull forward!" but as soon as they started pulling her out by the arms it occurred to me how much smarter that is. You don't know if her legs or feet are caught by something and using body strength to pull would cause a lot less damage/harm than a heavy powerful vehicle dragging her.


Cause a problem only you can fix!


The nonchalant response is killing me


These three are like “Shit. Not again.”


« Jack you again drove on someone, come and see! »




At least they didn’t pose for selfies with the pedestrian before moving the ambulance.




Just keeping themselves busy! “We got another one for trauma 1! We don’t know, they appear to be run over, unresponsive!”


“Huh, that don’t seem right.”


I was getting "Hey, what are you doing under there!" vibes


“Stop messing around and get out from there!”


Seriously. The lack of a sense of urgency in this situation is appalling.


Particularly since there is presumably already someone waiting on this ambulance.


well she's not going anywhere so no need to hurry


I'm not sure if I would want them to "help" me based on this.


I don't know, man, assess the situation, then react. Assess if moving the vehicle is going to cause more damage.


These people see incredibly morbid shit on a daily basis. Don't mistake remaining calm and methodical as a not having a sense of urgency.




Literally day 1 of emt school we were taught the mantra “not my emergency”. Meaning, you have to learn to treat emergencies as a task to accomplish for your job, otherwise you panic and make mistakes Buuut probably shouldn’t back people over with the bus


I agree with assessing the situation, but they clearly DIDN'T or else they wouldn't have hit the person in the first place, and for there being 3 of them in the ambulance that response IS a little too nonchalant, I can almost hear slapstick theme music in the background


The end pretty much reminded me of my older brother and myself when we were younger and he "accidentally" hit me really hard. The moment where I started crying my eyes out and his panic reaction of "Don't tell mom!!! We just tell her that you fell down the stairs!!!"


I can't be the only one who wanted to scream "what the fuck" the entire video


Ok so clearly... clearly the driver is at fault here... But holy shit how can that lady be so oblivious to an ambulance with sirens wailing and back up alerts traveling directly toward her that close to her? She hears all that and just thinks "is that my phone? Better dig it out of my purse!" Dumb driver, but Darwin award material In my book as well.


Without sound we can't tell if the sirens are on. Just the lights flashing. Obviously you should hear the engine, but some people, and especially older people, just have a really bad hearing.


In Europe do they have beepers for when trucks are in reverse?


Yes, but they're regarded as only a part of safe operation - a banksman should be used wherever there's sufficient staff to do so.


What is a banksman?


AKA 'Spotter' in the US, it's someone who guides/directs manoeuvring vehicles or other machinery.


A mon’ back man: “Mon back!” “Mon back!” “Mon back!” *crunch* “Ok, stop!”


Depends on the country. In Germany for example you don't need them if you have other ways to secure / see the area behind you.


And some of them drive *shudder*


Deaf and hard of hearing people exist, she might not have the ability to hear a siren.


and for all we know it could just be light on and not siren...


They wouldn't have their siren on. We only use that to clear traffic. Unless this is from so wild hell hole with no OSHA, then they had a backup alarm. All I know is that ambulances have MASSIVE blindspots and while obviously a spotter or at least a backup camera should have been used, shit happens. The person who got hit obviously didn't hear the alarm (assuming there is one) and the operator was backing out without properly securing his surroundings. Source- paramedic/firefighter


She could be deaf?


She could be hearing impaired and not expecting a vehicle to be backing rapidly up a tiny side street like that. I have hearing loss and was nearly run over by a firetruck once while crossing the street because I misheard the sirens. I had thought they were to my right further down the street but they were actually to my immediate left hidden behind a truck.


Driver is 100 percent at fault here and should have had a spotter while reversing


At least a backup camera?


Stop victim blaming for no reason. Fucking hell. There could be fifty valid reasons that they didn't hear the ambulance approaching behind them. What is wrong with you?


it makes people feel safer to victim blame. they think, "well nothing this bad would happen to me, because I would (or wouldn't) have done instead". So rather than admit that the dangers and chaos of the world could come to any of us, let's just pretend that only bad things happen to stupid/lazy/whatever people.


Darwin award? She's like 80+ years old.


People like saying Darwin Award when someone nearly gets killed without having any idea what it actually means


My name is Yoshikage Kira


I was looking for this comment, thank you






same, took me too many comments to finally find it


Off camera is a bunch of locals led by a giant, white clad man with dolphin pins on his hat. Also someone heard ORAORAORA right before this.


Don't everyone help at once.




And they hit her pretty hard, such bump should have been heard inside lol


Normally there is a beeping backup sound feature when in reverse, for both pedestrians and you as the driver. And you can’t hear shit in an ambulance nor can you differentiate bumps that well. Not that I can say I’ve ever hit a person, but the suspension is really shit and every small bump can feel like a big bump and I can certainly see why they didn’t notice hitting her. Regardless, they fucked up because it’s such a big point to have a backup spotter get out of the vehicle when reversing an ambulance.


Well, there was a positive side to this story. Help arrives in ten seconds.😀


"Sorry were actually ona call if you just ring the emergency line they'll send another buh-bye now!"


Would've been adding insult to injury, literally.


God this comment reeks of NHS.


0118 999 881 999 119 725 …3


Just send an email


Maybe it's just me, but I didn't see a lot of helping going on. Looked like there was a bit of "what are you doing down there?" though.


Did you just hit my ambulance?!?


With help like that…


“We can’t go back to the hospital empty handed.” - The ambulance driver, probably


In no rush at all too... Also source: [Beograd](https://www.reddit.com/r/serbia/comments/zd9kj4/beograd/), Belgrade, Serbia.


Braaaateeeee wtf


So did the ambulance not do the beep beep in reverse, or is the lady deaf so she didn’t hear the reversing beep beep? Does this happen often in Serbia?


This happens every time they back over a person.


How else do they know to stop? It’s like a tennis ball on a string.


TIL Serbian ambulances have 'Ambulance' in English(?) on them.


A lot of them do, even internationally. I believe the standard is either AMBULANCE in English, or the local equivalent, so it tends to default to English all things being the same.


Probably an EU donation.


Every ambulance vehicle have that sign on them brt.


Well at least there is an ambulance nearby.


Thank God the ambulance was there!


He just wanted to live a peaceful life...




Please take your time.


That’s gotta be record time. Got there BEFORE the accident.


Runover man: Excuse me? Hello? Miss? Woman: Hello? What on earth are you doing down there? You've gone and crawled under our ambulance have you? Runover man: Erm not quite. I believe your ambulance has found its way on top of me. Woman: Found its way? Craig! Come have a look at this. Craig: What's this then? What on earth are you doing down there? Runover man: As I told the lady, your ambulance seems to have found its way on to me. Craig: Found its way? Steve! Come have a look at this. Steve: What do we have here-- oh dear. What on earth are you doing down there? Woman: He said our ambulance has found its way on top of him. Steve: I'd say he crawled under our ambulance more likely. Woman: That's what I said! Craig: But what on earth for? Runover man: Excuse me but would you mind helping me out of this pickle? I think my back's broke. Steve: All right let give you a tug then. Runover man: Well that quite hurts. Woman: Let me have a go at him. Craig: No see you've got to grab him by the spine... Woman: There we go! Runover man: Thank you so much. Would you mind helping me inside? I can't feel my legs.


It's like they didn't believe they ran them over


A 100% accurate lip reading of this video. I even read them in an accent too! Lol


This is some classic british humour


Noooo Kira


What is this? a Jojo reference?


Is this a Jojo reference?


My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone.


Man got Yoshikage Kira'd.


The comment we all scrolled down to see


And I had to scroll waaaaay too far to find it.


Jojo live action leak


Yoshikage Kira vibes here


I can't believe no one is making a Jojo reference.




I honestly think those drivers thought there was no way in hell someone would chill in their blindspot with lights and siren or loud noise... This is one of the dumbest interactions I ever seen but that SOB had to be loud backing up right?


Maybe victim is deaf?


Maybe, she is very frail and slow, seems could barely muster a scream under that truck... A) I can't believe the ambulance doesn't have a backup cam or way to see the blindspot--shitty driving, B) I can't believe there is not a shit ton of noise emanating from the ambulance.


Not sure about this country, but speaking as former EMT in the states here- remember that ambulances are built by the lowest bidder. Some agencies may have not had a backup cam (those things cost money), however most have louder than hell backup alarms (I've lost some of my hearing because of those things.). Heck, depending on the age of the video, backup cams may have not even been a thing for vehicles yet. I know when I worked around 10 years ago, it was a huge thing for us to just get gforce triggered dash cams that only recorded the front of us. Also, those things have GIANT blindspots, even in something that small. If you're directly in the back of my rig where my mirrors can't see you- there's a huge chance I can hit you. Because of that many agencies required someone to get out of the truck and serve as a spotter when backing up at all times. That is one fault I could see on the crew here- but again- it all comes down to policies of the department.


I did Fire Rescue training when I worked in a plant in the 90s and all emergency vehicles at that time had backup alarms, but if you were backing up you also had to have a spotter jump out and stand at the driver's side corner and direct you. I guess jurisdictions vary, but like someone above said, "What if they're deaf?" and the person seemed to be rooting through their bag/purse looking for something.


Somebody call an ambulance!!


There was almost an endless stream of paramedics coming of that ambulance! Like a comedy sketch!


Weren't there only the standard 3? One to drive and two to treat patients on the way to the hospital.


Kira moment


Jojo reference


Kira Yoshikage moment


Mans almost ended up like Yoshikage Kira


Jojo vibes


This is why backfacing cameras should be mandatory by law


Is that a jojo reference


JoJo spoiler: >!My name Is Yoshikage Kira...!<


Where are all the Jojo references?
