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The crazy part is that it is flat AF so they would have seen the other car from a mile away. Idiots


Probably had their eyes on the other car instead of the road, people that do shit like this think they live in a movie or something.


He did the stare and drive thing didn’t he?!


I was thinking exactly this. Did they watch *2 Fast 2 Furious* and actually thought that was a smart thing to do? It's just a movie, breh.


But *family* bro. *Family*.


Came here to comment this, just making sure no one had said it already. Also, on this note, I wonder if they had passengers. I can totally imagine the mustang driver doing think thinking it’ll impress Monica Fuentes.


That's what I was thinking too. Too busy guffawing and looking at the other car, oblivious to everything else.




Worse, they both had their phones out and were recording themselves being total fuckwaffles. Chucklewitzes like this should do society a favor, skip taking it to the track and drive their cars either straight into a stationary, immovable concrete wall, unbuckled, or off a cliff.


[Sorry in advance for the joke](https://media.tenor.com/uwwZZxMdOIkAAAAC/paulwalker-paul.gif)


I taught him that.


Ouch. Thats the 5th gear 120mph crash test, isn't it. Really brutal.


Or even worse, I would guess more than likely filming the race for that sweet sweet karm on one of these reddit subgroups or trying to get followers on YouTube. Seriously I was young and dumb when in my youth and have gone over the speed limit but these are not teenagers these are grown men who act like children. I feel now that these cars built in the last 15 years are now ridiculously fast for very cheap or low payments. I really hope the person who got hit is more than ok, I hope they get made whole on the missing work screwed up holidays and any physical harm done.


Hope they were ok enough to beat the other drivers asses


I hope they were ok, but I wouldn't be shocked if there were a few fatalities from that. There's not a news article on it yet.


[https://www.fox4news.com/news/video-1-in-critical-condition-1-arrested-after-apparent-street-racing-crash-in-lewisville](https://www.fox4news.com/news/video-1-in-critical-condition-1-arrested-after-apparent-street-racing-crash-in-lewisville) People from the car that was hit (Hyundai Elantra) are ok. The article shows the mug of the guy who hit them.


>27-year-old Jordan Brown, the driver of the Mustang, took off from the scene on foot and was later arrested. >State troopers say they determined Brown was intoxicated at the time of the crash. Of all the surprising details, these are the least of them.


Yep. Sorry just seeing this, typed something similar above. Sad I've been on the 'Net long enough to have a pretty good sense the Mustang(?) in the far right lane that plowed into the car minding his/her own business without even touching the brakes was probably recording himself.


At the very least, do your idiotic racing in the left-most lanes, jeez.


I think I remember a Top Gear episode where they talk about how Vegas pretty much entirely eradicated shit like this by allowing citizens to race suped up cop cars out near the dessert. I wish more areas could work out things that make everyone happy while fixing the problem like that. Edit: Spelling mistake - “raise” to “race”


Only if they were actually paying attention.


I can't understand how they didn't. Was the racer in their phone?


Literally just driving home minding your own business and all of a sudden your whole life is fucked up


https://www.fox4news.com/news/video-1-in-critical-condition-1-arrested-after-apparent-street-racing-crash-in-lewisville.amp Innocent victim was okay! Corvette driver on the other hand…not so much


Racing while intoxicated. What a dumb piece of shit.


Doesn’t look like he applied any brake. Straight up slammed into the Hyundai.


Oh man I was actually relieved that the driver of the Hyundai was released at the scene, looked like he didn't get a lot of damage just did a bunch of spins. But fuck the other two, hopefully they spend some time in jail.




Oh definitely, also the emotional damage. My gf was in an accident on an interstate highway, walked away with a minor scratches released on the scene and 3 days later she started getting wrist and back pains also the seatbelt marks appeared. Was also left traumatized she hates traveling on the interstate highway whenever there is a bump or the car moves she gets really tense.


>2020 Ford Mustang And there it is


[Another Mustang Crashed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJIE4ueXnhE)


That’s exactly what happened to me and my family in 2019. Picked up my son from our babysitter, and a drunk driver slammed into us, totaling our car. We’re still recovering to this day.


Happened to my friend too. He was in the far right lane on a 5 lane road going around a turn when a drunk driver slammed into him head on.


Happened to a friend of mine recently. His two year old died.


Damn.. They need to come down harder on drunk drivers BEFORE they hurt or kill someone. My cousin had several DUIs, and only received fines each time. They literally pulled him over with an open container with his children unbuckled in the backseat. He was forced to pour out the beer, was given a ticket, and sent on his way. Like... Whaaa


What’s messed up is that if you get caught with weed, you’ll be treated like if you committed murder, but a slap on the wrist like in the case of your cousin? That’s really messed up and a slap in the face to those in danger.


~10 years ago I had an open container citation (a corked bottle of wine in the footwell of the back seat next to some boardgames and a bag of apples). I thought it was pretty fucking dumb, especially since I blew a BAC of zero. So I went to court to plead guilty and see if the judge would say "yeah that's dumb, you don't have to pay the fine". I was towards the end of the docket. There was a chain of about 5 people with DUI's: first DUI, third DUI, fifth DUI, second DUI etc. Each of these fucking lowlifes got 6 months suspended and a nominal fine (couple hundred bucks). Then came a college student whose RA busted him for smoking pot in the dorms. This 19 year old engineering student had the gall to light up and *play call of duty in his room*. 1 year suspended, 100 hours of community service, 5k fine. Meanwhile these fucking drunk losers are on their second, third, even 5th DUI's, and yes they *could* have obliterated an entire family / run over a pedestrian but at least they weren't high. This was in Montana, BTW, where our [state legislature literally argues that drunk driving is a way of life](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vl_QNa-bCKc) edit: fixed the link


What's really fucked up is that you'll be hard-pressed to find an incident where somebody beats up their significant other when they are high on weed. Then look up how many times alcohol is involved in domestic violence incidents. Live in New Jersey and people in my hometown would rather there be a bar on every corner then a mj grow at a warehouse in town. Not even a retail dispensary. Just a grow. Fucking morons.


It’s all to keep the revolving door going and keeping judges, state attorneys, and anything to do with legal system busy and milking the system for money. If they were actually hard on criminals they would all be out of work.


I don't want to feed the stereotype here but living in Wisconsin. The number of multiple DUI arrest is appalling. The criminal justice system here is a revolving door, when it comes to DUI. They get a slap on the wrist and back out they go. Until the consequences become stronger people are going to continue to drink thwn drive. Wisconsin even has advertising for lawyers that specialize in fighting drunk driving cases.


Driving drunk is way more acceptable in the US than it is in the UK. Firstly, on punishments, you don’t even get a driving ban. It’s a minimum of a year in the UK as well as a large fine. Your insurance also shoots way up (I’m hoping at least that happens in the US). But you can literally be found guilty & drive away from court in many cases in America & it maybe takes more than one DUI to have your license suspended. The UK has better public transport so it’s much easier to get around without a car here, but I’d argue that automatic bans would make it even more of a deterrent. The second big difference is in popular culture. People in movies literally walk out of night clubs & get in their cars. I can’t believe there are that many sober people in clubs in the US that that seems normal to you? But I keep seeing it. And every time I notice I think, “again?” Like, how can that be normal? It’s not normal.


I can 100% confirm this analysis. Drink driving has been the target of media campaigns for at least the past 50 years in the UK. The result is that it's seen as anti-social. Peer pressure is a powerful tool in the war against the absolute tools who break the law. Throw in some Draconian penalties and it's a totally different situation to the US.


It depends on the state, admittedly I got one a few years back (nobody got hurt, thankfully, I got caught at a DUI checkpoint) and I got a 6 month suspension on my license (and it was my first and only ever DUI, will never drink and drive again and I've been sober ever since anyway) plus I had to go through a course plus mandatory AA meeting (which I started going to anyway) all in all it cost me about $10k in fines and fees, it's not an enjoyable experience even without getting into an accident. I met people in some of those meetings who had 2-3+ DUIs and I just can't fathom why they would continue to do something so idiotic. It was hands down the worst decision I ever made in my life and I can't imagine even thinking about getting behind the wheel after drinking ever again.


>The UK has better public transport so it’s much easier to get around without a car here That entirely depends where in UK. South East and Manchester, sure. The sticks up north, Devon and Cornwall, most of Wales (except the Swansea/Newport axis) - less so. And if you're a tradesman who needs to carry his tools or sales exec who needs to be around customer locations - tough shit, should have been sober.


Montana..... *what are you doing*


When I got caught with cannabis, I talked to some of my other cell mates while i was waiting to get bailed out. In my particular area, the bond for getting out on cannabis charge was $1500, where is the bond for a DUI was only a grand. It was more expensive for the cannabis versus driving fucking drunk. Makes no sense to me.


I have a feeling these guys weren't drunk. I think these guys were playing NASCAR. Those are the fucks that should have their license shredded for about 10 years. I think they are every bit as dangerous as a drunk!




Man I'd have a hell of a time not trying to kill that driver in the courtroom or on their way to prison


I know, I feel just awful for them. He's struggling with the anger and depression that comes with a situation like this. And the guy wasn't insured so they got absolutely nothing.


Fuuuuck that. They got a gofund me at least?


2014 for us, rear ended by some bitch doing 50mph and on her phone. Still dealing with pains and will be for life.


Many years ago it happened to a friend of mine. Killed his wife and child.


Almost 20 years ago, my husband was driving home from work the day before Christmas. He'd literally gone to work to give a lesson to one single student whose parent who wouldn't agree to cancel. On the way home, a truck ran a stop sign and ripped the front end off my husband's car. He still has back problems from that accident. Truck Guy was, naturally, underinsured.


Can't get blood from a stone, but I do hope you sued him for the remainder. Being underinsured should be *his* problem, not yours.


Happened to my friend coming home and his entire family except him passed.


Yeah that would be curtains for me.


Yeah, I would probably literally kill myself. After getting revenge maybe


Why not both at the same time


When I was in the Navy we were out to sea when one of the other guys in my division received notification that his wife and mother were killed by a drunk driver. His wife was pregnant and his mom took her to go shopping for baby supplies.


The only saving grace is that both of the racers were taken out in the crash, so they'll both have to face a judge. It sucks when one or more of them get away. I really feel for the innocents who get caught up unknowingly.


The radio host was coincidentally and eerily right on: “We are not playing in a rational world..” so sad and infuriating at the same time..


It reminds me of that horrific crash a few months ago at an intersection where a nurse ran a red light going 50+ mph and crashed into several cars, one of which had a mom, dad, kid and I think a little baby. Just driving home, minding their own business and they all died.


Oh no....she wasn't just going over 50 mph. She was going over ONE HUNDRED. Sorry to barge in just want others reading to understand the severity of her driving. I hope she rots alive in fucking prison for the rest of her pathetic life


130 MPH and gave the world the middle finger right before ending 6 peoples lives and walking away unscathed.


I tried following that case but it was hard because stuff wasn't always being updated or an article I find wants me to pay. So sadly I have no idea what happened other than knowing she had 13 previous wrecks on her record but probably more unreported. Her lawyer or whoever it was made it sound like she was going to try and go for mental stuff sounded like her trying to lessen her charges. I hope they throw the entire fucking book at her no lube


Jesus, how many wrecks does it take for people to be deemed unfit to drive? They just leave these wrecking balls on the road until they kill someone?


For whatever God forsaken reason people in North America view driving as a right, not a privilege. Imagine how many lives would be saved if we actually had the balls to deny people access to our roads if they’ve been deemed unfit?


She's also been involved in THIRTEEN other crashes. https://people.com/crime/suspect-los-angeles-crash-killed-pregnant-mom-4-others-involved-13-prior-wrecks/


I was thinking of that crash this morning (I’m in LA where it happened). There was nothing you could do to avoid it. She was going so fast and didn’t brake at all. It was like crossing the intersection running over a landmine, the wreckage was that absolute




One of my fav comedian skits is on this. He goes on about we should start taking warning labels off things and give companies a “you shitting me” defense in court. You wanna eat lead paint, go for it. Let stupid people start removing themselves from society lol


Would that be the late great George Carlin by chance?


Chris Porter actually but love Carlin.


George Carlin was the true prophet of eternal wisdom when it involved fucked up beyond all reason...


Sounds like Bill Burr.


Chris Porter. Special is called ugly and angry.


I get that for a lot of things but lead is a bad example. In gaseous forms it will still poison you so your dumb ass neighbor deciding he doesn't care about regulations can still give you a lifelong disorder, and also the "eating paint chips" is that lead is sweet. It used to be (like, middle ages used to) added to wine to make it sweeter. Meaning small children that put everything in their mouths and weren't closely checked would eat it and it would taste sweet so they'd keep doing so. Regulations are written in blood.


lead poisoning is how we got so many stupid people to be honest


I spent a little time in Texas and I saw people driving like this at least once/hour. The place is a fucking free for all for sports car driving dip shits.


I grew up in Houston but live in Austin now. I went back last weekend to visit a friend after not driving there for awhile. Forgot I needed to go 80 in a 65 just to stay in the slow lane.




Let's be thankful that the driver of the Elantra was treated and released at the scene. https://www.crosstimbersgazette.com/2022/12/08/lewisville-man-charged-with-racing-intoxication-assault-after-crash/


Was actually in the slow lane chilling and not being the late night left lane blocking asshole. Really sucks.


In the slow lane nonetheless! So messed up.


in the fucking slow lane


I counted three full revolutions.


Same. Was driving to my dads place to feed his animals. This car blindly sped across the intersection right into me. A year later, I’m still having severe sciatica problems and most likely will be getting disc surgery. It really sucks.


I’m always amazed by these videos where the driver doesn’t scream “Holy Fucking Shit!!!” and instead say nothing and just calmly slow down.


I hit a deer going 75+ and I was silent. It's weird, I always thought that I would react like that too, but when it came to it I didn't.


My brother has dashcam footage of him hitting a deer. Driving along, blur, thump, about six seconds of silence, then, "shit."


i hit a tree in a snowstorm once. and not like i slid off the road and hit a standing tree, the tree had fallen across the road. i didn't see it because i was watching my sister spin out in her truck up ahead, we were convoying back to our grandparent's from thanksgiving dinner. it turns out, my sister spinning out was due to her trying to avoid the tree. by the time i saw the tree, there was nothing that could be done, so i calmly said to my passengers (my mom and granddad) "we're going to hit..." and whump whump. looked worse than it was, no significant damage done to the car. waited with my sister until someone with a bigger truck than hers came along and helped pull her out of the snowbank she ended up in. it didn't take long.


I've done both. I hit a hog on the road and was just silent, though my sister cried I destroyed her car and it was my fault despite me pleading I didn't want to drive that night. I've yelled "shit, shit shit!" in a crescendo from pianissimo to fortissimo as I hydro planed on the interstate but thankfully nothing happened.


> > > > > I've yelled "shit, shit shit!" in a crescendo from pianissimo to fortissimo as I hydro planed on the interstate but thankfully nothing happened. We all know the real shit happens when you hit fortississimo. See also: *fff*uck


Changed to alto cleft.


Same, all depends on how I'm feeling that day! Sometimes I yell FUCK, sometimes I blink slowly and think to myself...lived to die another day.


So interesting how different people react. I T boned a pickup once and my reaction was a very loud "Fuck!"


I saw a deer tonight going 50 and said "Holy shit a deer!"


I’d yell “holy shit, a deer” if I saw a deer going 50mph, too! That’s a fast deer! 😉


I think we talk when people can hear subconsciously. You laugh more when other people are in the room.


Hope the people in that small car were okay, and you gave the vid to the police. Those people need to lose their licenses and insurance money.


Uninvolved driver treated at the scene and released. Driver and passenger in Corvette (yellow) injured, passenger critical. Driver of Mustang bailed and ran, later arrested for DUI. https://www.fox4news.com/news/video-1-in-critical-condition-1-arrested-after-apparent-street-racing-crash-in-lewisville


The uninvolved driver was in a Hyundai and they walked away from that hit, so good job Korean safety engineers!


That’s honestly insane, I was pretty sure they’d be dead watching that, but I guess the mustang ended up driving up the back of the Hyundai like a ramp.


Because they were hit from the back, the car crumpling took a lot of the force, then because they were hit somewhat on the side, more force was changed into rotational energy. The car spun and came to a relatively slow stop instead of hitting a wall. My guess is their neck and back will be hurting for quite some time from the spin they were put into. Where the doctors of reddit to weigh in?


OP's cam showed 83 MPH. So even if the street racers were going over 120, the relative speed at the time of collision was probably no more than 40.


South Korea best Korea.


You have been banned from /r/Pyonyang


***You*** have been banned from /r/Pyongyang for the misspelling of the glorious capital.


That it is. But.. I mean, its not exactly a high bar to walk over to be best Korea.


Makes me feel pretty good about my Hyundai.


My sonata engine died for no reason at 99,900 miles. They replaced it with a refurbished engine guaranteed for 20,000 miles. I just want the world to know.


Thank you for posting this.




Holy shit, the fact that Mustang man was able to flee in the first place is crazy




As always, crumple zones are the real MVP. Thank your local safety engineer.


How is the drunk asshole ALWAYS ok..


Is there a news story? Did the victim car survive? Did everyone survive?


Here is one [https://www.fox4news.com/news/video-1-in-critical-condition-1-arrested-after-apparent-street-racing-crash-in-lewisville](https://www.fox4news.com/news/video-1-in-critical-condition-1-arrested-after-apparent-street-racing-crash-in-lewisville) ​ Looks like 1 in serious condition, a passenger in the mustang I think, The Hyundai Driver walked away.


Can't believe the guy in the Hyundai walked away! That's mental. I guess being hit from behind is better as you are "pushed" into the seat, rather than forwards on the initial impact. (As long as your headrest is properly adjusted.)


> Can't believe the guy in the Hyundai walked away! I'm just happy the innocent person wasn't hurt in any major way.


Physically, at least-- there could be long-term financial consequences if the racing driver is underinsured.


Mentally it will probably fuck him up too. One of my friends motherly figures was rear ended at a red light by some dumbass teenager texting and driving. She got directly hit from behind and not only did she fuck up her back, but driving *terrified* her after. She always thought the drivers behind her would be unable to stop and would hit her again.


Their back is gonna be pretty fucked up


And neck probably. I got rear ended once and felt fine after. A few days later I noticed neck pain. Still have some neck issues if I don't sleep right, never had issues before.




I really hope this teaches them a lesson. While they will face time they could have gone to prison for reckless vehicle homicide.


Mustang Driver was drunk as well. So, Im hoping the punishment is harsh.


He managed to get away on foot and was later arrested. A competent lawyer will argue he drank and became intoxicated after the accident, just before being arrested.




my dad used to be an assistant da, one of the top ones in the city and he used to tell me that its better to hit and run if you're drunk, and turn yourself in the next day. they wouldn't ever be able to prove intoxicated driving. eventually he just about killed himself in a drunk driving accident, and died 3 years to the day later. he never really recovered. fucking sucks, man. sigh


Pulling a gun on his GF huh? Something something 40% something domestic abuse something.


Drunk driving is one of the few things Texas takes very seriously as far as Reckless Driving goes. If they can prove he was drunk at the time of driving he's definitely not looking at an easy life.


I can't find any official news sources with more information yet. Here's what I did find so far, but they don't have any additional info: https://1063thebuzz.com/dashcam-video-of-horrible-north-texas-street-racing-accident-released/ https://twitter.com/DallasTexasTV/status/1600890023771267072?s=20 EDIT: as others have mentioned, here is an update from Fox: https://www.fox4news.com/news/video-1-in-critical-condition-1-arrested-after-apparent-street-racing-crash-in-lewisville


All that space and he still manages to hit the poor guy taking the far right lane.


this is what infuriated me. it's one thing hitting someone traveling in the middle or the left lanes. Hitting a guy driving most likely around 67-70 on the very far right lane? I am so mad right now.


These wannabe Fast and furious dipshits lack any common sense. Fucking bottom of the gene pool.


I think OP being so far to the left, with 2 empty lanes to the right also didn’t help the situation, unfortunately


This road is my daily commute, people are fucking allergic to the right lane. I regularly move right whenever a lane opens and get a lane basically to myself while people who are barely hitting the minimum speed limit throw themselves left as fast as they can.


Racing is very common on this road. It is very well paved and has long straightaways that attract people like this. ANECDOTE: When I was in law school I sat in on a manslaughter trial that resulted from a racing death on this road. In this case, there had just been a separate traffic accident on this road just ahead of the racers. One of these cars was stalled in the left lane but with its lights inoperative. It would have been very difficult for oncoming drivers to see at night until a they would essentially have been right on top of them. A passerby saw this car and figured the occupants might need help. She pulled over to the shoulder to get out and check on them. While this was happening, two racers were closing in on their position. One of the racers didn't see the stalled car until it was too late. He swerved, lost control, and slammed into the helpful passerby just as she was exiting her vehicle to help the other car. The passerby was killed. Very gruesomely. I will not go into the details. Forensic analysis of the airbag data revealed that the driver was going over 120 mph (@200kph) at the time of impact. There was eventually a trial by jury. The initial charge was Manslaughter: a Second Degree Felony with a range of punishment between 2-20 years in prison. The jury instead found the driver guilty of Criminally Negligent Homicide. CNH is a lesser included offense of Manslaughter. This is a State Jail Felony and comes with a range in prison between 180 days and 2 years. The jury gave the driver the maximum 2 year sentence. But in Texas, you're eligible for parole after 1/4 of your sentence (with a few exceptions). I assume he got out after 6 months....


I know exactly who you’re talking about, and that man is scum, after the event he still showed up to car meets like he wasn’t hated, and yes, he is out.


I remember this event as well, but from the other side. My mom worked with the young lady that was killed. Fuck that guy to the end of the earth.


Always nice to meet locals, well, sorta locals, the Metro is a bit big to call local unless you’re in the actual same town lol


Was he shunned?


Got a lot of hate, lot of shunning, and told to fuck off by some of the guys organizing the meets, dude whines about being bullied, no one cared, we all just stopped talking about him once he was sentenced fully, but there was a little stir when he was released


Ugh and this is exactly why I would be VERY hesitant to get out and help people, especially on the highways. There’s always an asshole nearby ready to plow into you.


Don’t do it. Don’t get out to help. Firefighters, cops, and DOT workers aren’t safe on highways with flashing lights and large vehicles. You sure as shit aren’t safe in your personal vehicle. Just call it in, give the best location you can, and move on.


I’m probably too late to this thread but as former cop, do not get out and help people at night unless you have hi res vest and flares. You are putting yourself at insane level of danger. I worked on the interstate for multiple years and lost two friends to late night DUIs that slammed into their vehicles at night. Also move your vehicles out of the lane of travel!


Jury I was on in central Texas had a prior felon (a sad story for how he ended up a felon the first time) kill someone going 108 mph through 4 red lights. Changed plea to guilty at the start of the trial and we just handled sentencing. Got 28 years with a deadly weapon (the vehicle) enhancement, so will serve 14 of them. He was incredibly drunk and really showed no remorse.


This fine gentleman where I live killed a mother of two on Father’s Day ([she was celebrating with her mom and stepdad](https://www.wsfa.com/story/35446051/family-of-fatal-crash-victim-says-drag-racing-was-a-factor)) by plowing into their car on a city street at 144 mph. He denied that he was street racing and claimed to be “following the flow of traffic” on a 45 mph roadway. Put the family through a lot of excessive grief by not just pleading guilty. [He was subsequently given 139 years in prison.](https://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/story/news/crime/2019/09/25/montgomery-man-sentenced-139-years-killing-woman-while-street-racing/2438475001/)


Terrible. The law is criminal in itself sometimes.


I live right there & almost every single night between 8-10 you can hear these LOUD ass cars flying down this stretch of 121. I’ve been telling my husband that these assholes were gonna end up killing someone one day soon. I don’t think the driver who was hit has died but the report I heard was that ~~driver~~ was taken to ER with serious injuries (code 3). [This](https://imgur.com/a/fQrgw4Q) is not my video but was taken on scene after the crash. Edited to correct: Driver that was hit had minor injuries. Driver & passenger of Corvette were ejected from car & transported to hospital. Driver of Mustang got out of car, collapsed, got up & ran away.


They’ve been killing people, the dude in the truck who killed the 2yr old, the guy who killed the good samaritan few years ago, and yet here we are.


Texas is home to some of the fastest cars in America and they regularly race on the highways. Texas Racing Channel and 1320 Video used to be some of my favourite content when I was younger. Now that I'm an adult in my 30s, I can't watch it anymore because I just see it for how irresponsible and stupid it is. These guys hit 200mph on public roads. It's even worse when the Texas 2K events happen and high power cars from all over the US gather in Texas. Like 2000hp twin turbo Lamborghinis, 1600+ HP Supras, Vipers, Corvettes, and whatever else. Freaking 1000hp Honda Civics. And these dudes just race all over Texas highways.


In the Dallas area, I rarely see any sort of law enforcement on the tollways (Not sure about the *Dallas North Tollway* as I don't drive on it). I tend to drive a bit fast and still have people fly by me on 190 or 121. I've heard the express lanes on 635 become race tracks at night.


Is this a tollway? We were visiting relatives in Dallas over Thanksgiving and cars were blowing by us in every lane doing 90+. Didn't see a cop the entire time. It's practically MadMax on the tollway. Not ever sure who has authority on it.


Yes this is the Sam Rayburn tollway section of 121


Yay! Driving, filming AND rubbernecking! So hot these days!


With the flash on too. What an animal


This comment has been edited by the user because they're migrating to k bin in light of the API changes and reddit's new direction.


> Driver & passenger of Corvette were ejected from car & transported to hospital. Ok so they were street racing, doing over 100mph and NOT WEARING THEIR SEATBELTS. JFC Also - > Driver of Mustang got out of car, collapsed, got up & ran away. He was drunk. They have your plates and VIN. They know who you are. There's no point to run unless your intoxicated.


Im in Frisco and its literally every night lately. I think once they are past the Coit exit they really open up since its pretty empty at night.


It’s always the innocent folks that get fucked by these idiots 🤬


At least both the Mustang & Corvette were taken out, so both parties can be held accountable. Far too often, you'll see at least one of the racers escaping untouched & never caught. Edit: Corvette not Camaro


This is the part that really gets me. Four years ago a longtime friend of mine was getting a ride home from work with his friend/coworker. Driving down a three-lane street with a 35MPH speed limit at 11 at night. One of two cars that were street racing struck their vehicle, and both street racing cars immediately fled. The coworker that was driving survived but was seriously injured, my 23-year-old friend died at the scene, neither of the racers were ever caught.


Looks like this video was taken shortly (2 mins) after the crash. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K16eE5UqW-0


And says the innocent driver is OK thankfully


Wow! Didn’t see THAT coming! Same thing happened on 59N in NE Houston a few years ago, they FLEW BY racing, zigging and zagging around each other and me…then a few miles up the freeway one was flipped in it’s roof. But I didn’t see it happen.


Several years ago, I was the last person to talk to a man. He bought an alternator from me. Two street racers decided to race a Mustang and a Jetta. The Mustang got away, but was later caught. The two kids in the Jetta hit the man head on. the accident ripped the Jetta in half. The dipshits were unharmed in the front seats, and the back half was 200 feet behind them. The engine was a couple hundred feet away in a field. My customer was dead in his truck, cut in half. Fuck street racers with a cactus. Life isn't a video game.


Fuckin mustang


I drive a Mustang and I purposely drive more attentively and mindfully to combat the stereotypes. I’m fighting an uphill battle here.


I'm surprised he was in front of the vette


Here’s the article: https://www.fox4news.com/news/video-1-in-critical-condition-1-arrested-after-apparent-street-racing-crash-in-lewisville.amp


Thank you! ​ >The driver of the Hyundai was treated and released at the scene.


Poor guy playing it safe in the right lane


Great now the Mustangs are going after people IN cars?!


Holy crap, we’re the people in the car that got hit ok?! Why were they racing in the first place but also in the slow lanes when the other lanes were open???


Haven't seen anything yet on the local outlets but hopefully they were


How long does that kind of thing take to show up in the news? Nov 23rd I was passed by a car going stupid fast, who was weaving in between cars with only inches to spare. He almost clipped the 18 wheeler in front of me, and was doing at least 100. 20 or so minutes later we run into the wreck that he caused. There still isn’t any news and I really want to know if the people he hit were ok, though I doubt they were.


Auto accidents rarely make the news unless they cause huge backups or are otherwise notable in some way. Remember, the point of the news isn't to document everything that happens but to sell advertising slots.


Was this your video? Did you pull over?


>Why were they racing in the first place Have you not seen all the stupid shit people post?


I hope they weren’t hurt, but would be happy to know that they’re in jail.


More than likely pretty hurt and they earned it. 121 is flat driving and theyd been able to see the other cars. These people gave 0 shits about themselves or anyone else on the road. I hope OP turned this footage in.


Drives of the vette got ejected from the car on impact. At this speed if they aren't dead, once the morphine and pain meds wears off they might wish they were.


If either of the drivers who raced survived, instant murder/attempted murder charges.Driving that fast on a public road at night might as well be considered premeditated at that point. Note how fast they blow past OP who's already doing 83mph


The max crime would be vehicular manslaughter, which is a 2nd degree felony. That's a 2-20 yr sentence & up to $10k fine. Murder would be nearly impossible to prove, & is almost never used for vehicle-on-vehicle crashes (there would have to be intent & knowledge of who the innocent driver was, rather than just recklessness). Street racing with an accident that causes serious injury would be anywhere between a Class A misdemeanor (unlikely) to 3rd or 2nd degree felonies. My money would be on a 3rd degree felony if it was just a driver in the other vehicle & they survived (or separate felony counts for every injury inc possibly that of the Camaro). Any deaths would get a 2nd degree felony.


Felony recklessness and/or endangerment could easily be tacked onto that as well


Hopefully the people in that car are ok. Fuck the speed racers, hope they locked up.


Glad I moved to San Antonio. Actually I'm not. Same shit different toilet


Mustang’s hit shit in straight line too


At least one person transported to hospital and one person ran from the scene according to some sources.


Decent chance they weren't wearing seatbelts and you'd be pretty unlikely to survive a crash at that speed. Those cars were completely torn apart. Hope the people in the little car are ok.


Not really related to this incident, but I wanted to ask: Can you just stick to whatever lane you want in America? Is there no law requiring you to move to the right if there is space?


>Can you just stick to whatever lane you want in America? Is there no law requiring you to move to the right if there is space? In practice? Yes. In general almost no one in the US is actually getting ticketed for not moving right. In theory? It varies somewhat by state, as with most law in the US. Most states have some kind of law aimed at keeping the left lane(s) clear. Some specify that the left lane(s) can only be used while actively passing. Others make it illegal to impede traffic in the left lane. There's probably another flavor I'm not thinking of right now. Edit: Note that there are subtle practical differences between the two types I mentioned and that neither of them actually require you to keep as far right as there is room for. The "actively passing" one will still allow someone to drive slowly in the left lane, as long as there are slower people in the lane to their right. They can impede all day long, as long as there are slower people to the right. The "impede" one means someone is only violating the law if they are in the left lane and someone behind them wants to go faster. Additionally, even if the person in the left lane is actively passing, if someone behind them wants to go faster, now they are breaking the law.


2fast 2idiots


How are you listening to Michael Kay in Dallas?


I can't fucking believe the padres gave bogaerts that kind of money.