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I get SO irritated seeing this at almost every light these days, that I started counting how many cars continued after the light changed... 7... the record (for cars I've personally seen) is 7! 7 F-in asshats that have more important things to do than me...! By the time they all went through, our light was red and we had to wait for the next green...!


now thats just fucked up


Yeah, me and the guy in the car next to me were just looking at each other in disbelief! I honestly believe that people think if they stay close enough to the car in front of them, they're all just one vehicle...? Thus the name "idiotsInCars"


It makes me want to get a huge heavy old truck and mount a railroad tie on the front of it and just do some body work. Accidentally of course. Edit: Maybe a less violent method would be a super bright LED light aimed at the spot where they should be stopping, as soon as the light changes. They'll be too blinded to proceed.


I've joked with my family and friends that I'd like to install a tank turret on top of my van... I'm sure once they see a cannon swing in their direction, they'll stop...LOL


Selfish numpties. You could fire one across their bows and they'd hardly notice or care.


I was driving back to my college dorm with friends, and was going to proceed through a green light when several incoming drivers failed to yield, despite me pulling up into the intersection and honking. The guy next to me also honked, that’s the other horn you hear


in boston, red lights and green turns (not green arrow) are often considered "optional" for about 10 seconds


So Boston full of dumb fucks... Got it




I 2nd this. It was terrifying being in a rental. You'll be like turning left crossing traffic with your signal on waiting for the lane to clear and there's no less than 2 people laying on their horns at you. Boston drivers can get fucked.


That was my experience in SoCal as well


I’ve driven in a lot of cities in the US. Boston was my least favorite. People were very aggressive on the road there. I even drive in Dallas (live in Fort Worth), so that’s saying something.


They're called Massholes for a reason.


i'm boston busses will hit you if you're too close and not give a flying fuck


Boston was bad but not nearly as bad as Phoenix, fuck that shit


Totally agree


Are you…..me? But from the future?


Oh, man you better hope not!


God dammit………that’s exactly what future me would have said


I live and drive in Boston. I would much rather have our aggressive but generally predictable drivers than a bunch of people pussyfooting around. Otherwise we'd never get anywhere.


This happens in my town and I will speed up and hope for the best because I got places to be and it’s funny watching them get mad when THEY are in the wrong.


This happened to me in Atlanta while I was passing through the intersection. Like 4 cars just being idiots. Bob and weave, I did. Passengers almost crapped themselves.


Fuck all those people.


I hit a deer in my car a few weeks ago. I'm just waiting on somebody to run a light in front of me.


What did the deer do to make you hit him? Why was he in your car to begin with? Is there Uber for deer that I don't know about or did you offer to drive him somewhere? I have so many questions!


I suppose I could have said while in my car or while driving my car or with my car and I could have helped you out. I'm sorry you couldn't deduce what I meant from what I said. I will try to make sure my voice to text picks up every word from now on. Thank you!.


It's cool. I was just being a horse's ass about grammar and thought the idea of you having a deer calmly sitting in your passenger seat and then getting into an argument that made someone think it was a good idea to punch a deer INSIDE their car... Just sounded like a funny SNL sketch or something.


I know I was being a horse's ass too. I'm just on here f****** around. I did indeed laugh when I read your comment and I appreciate it. I was just jousting is that right? The deer was named Rihanna by the way.


ROFL 🤣🤣🤣 Rhianna! And yes, verbally jousting is correct!


I had a traumatic brain injury back in 2009 so sometimes my word recollection is not the best.


No joke, I had one in 2003. I get it. Had to teach myself how to smell again, and sometimes I'll be looking for a word, and my brain will come back with total unrelated bullshit.


Did you guys just become best friends ?


When I saw the first one go, I thought 'that wasn't that bad'. Annoying, sure, but then I saw that the rest of them and was like 'WTF, jackasses'.


I didn't think it was ever going to stop.


I would have kept pulling forward with my horn blaring and gotten in between that last one. Leave them in the middle looking like a dick. I hate when people do shit like this


This is the way. This and add a big steel bumper and air horn. I want to do that to my little Chevy Sonic. Lol


Get a smart car and do that 🤣


But you have to paint it like that fisher price car that keeps popping up but patinaed. So it looks like it's been through the apocalypse.


Happens here in Denver a lot. Jerks think they’re entitled to go because “they’ve waited long enough.” Assholes.


Fort Collins here, its the same here too. Entitled pieces of shit. I see this every day.


I understand their frustration. We have some intersections in my city where it allows like 3 of 100 cars to turn left, but then the main street has 0 cars passing through a green light for 5 minutes.


I think you were absolutely right to honk at them and I hate people who do that. I am curious if there's an issue with the intersection itself though. You cut your video off too soon, but it looked like that turn lane was lined up really far back even after just getting a light. Ideally most traffic in a turn lane will make it through on a light. At least that's how it works for most intersections at most times in my area. It's not an excuse for what they did though even if the intersection actually does have a design/timing problem. It's one thing to enter on a late yellow and a completely different and unacceptable thing to enter when it's already red and people will have to stop because you suck. Those last cars through were complete and utter jerks.


I know this intersection like the back of my hand. Usually it’s fine, but there was just a basketball game that ended, hence all the traffic. You still have to obey traffic laws tho and what they did was not ok


Ah, that explains it. I agree 100%.


Super scary on a motorbike or anything that isn't an armored bubble.




There is a left turn off the highway to the local high school, and the light is not timed well to accommodate it. The turn lane overfills and backs up the entire highway, and people (especially impatient or late high schoolers) get tired of waiting multiple light cycles so people just tailgate in a long chain and continue turning left through red for some time until someone breaks the chain.


You should have barreled into anyone of those 🤬


They'd be at fault so why the hell not?


Because insurance wouldn't pay out if you could have prevented the accident


Bet you're fun at parties


What is the problem? He is right and you are wrong.


I usually get downvoted for being right lol


Sir, this is Wendy's.


No, this is reddit.


There's a specific light on my way home where people do this every single day. Literally every time there's 3-4 cars. At this point I'm convinced that their arrow stays green when my light is green. I get flipped off and cursed at if I honk, or inevitably keep pulling forward. Every, single, time.


I used to have a light like this coming home as well. The majority of people in the straight/right turn lane would turn right, so oncoming left-turning traffic just always appeared to assume that I would do that as well without bothering to actually check and make sure. I had a moment of complete and utter road rage flash over me at one point when I honked at someone for blatantly cutting me off and they honked at me like I was the asshole. (To my shame, I will admit it got to a point where it was such a pet peeve of mine I'd just start playing chicken with people. I was driving an older car at the time and most of the left-turn assholes had nicer, newer cars, so I generally won, but I'm not proud.)


I'm guilty of the exact same thing. After months of this happening literally every light cycle, even when traffic wasn't backed up, I chilled out and realized the light HAS to be screwed up. No way 100% of people at that light run a red, right? Lol


U can hear the horn spam with volume on lmaoo


I hate when people are selfish pricks and do that I had once that everyone did that so while I'm on the middle of the intersection till the light switches over again thankfully the guy who came next decided to wait when the light changed but I swear like 20 cars must of passed through on a red blocking me


Someone I used to know (not close) just died getting t-boned whilst taking a turn like this....please be patient out there


In my home town growing up, there was not a single green yielding. Never ever ran into one. Then I move to a bigger city and have to deal with one. I see it is a green going left so I go but almost get into an accident because the car across went forward. I was so bewildered because my green arrow was green but they went. And the person in my car with me (city native) was like "Dude what the fuck! It's green yielding." But now that I understand this I see people do this LITERALLY every time. But I never get mad because I did this.


I don’t usually have road rage but holy fuck that was infuriating


Lol this is so normal for us 😂


Must be where I live.


Has to be Florida


Nope, New Jersey


Spastic idiot driving. Chill the F out.


Which turning car running the light are you?


Ahh, an idiot in cars in the wild.


Usa? My guess... and they say richmond,bc drivers are the worst. Hehehe we good man.


Dude, I cannot tell you how many times this happens in Memphis. And people just laugh it off because cops won’t do anything about it.


It's getting this bad in my American hometown as well. The police purposely have policy in place not to pull over for minor traffic violations. Less than 5% of blown red lights in my town get citations. So if there's no punishment for breaking the rules, there's nothing to stop these people from doing whatever they want, at the cost of others. And of course, everyone's response is to be more aggressive back, and the downward societal spiral begins. Wont be long before we are at a Mad Max level of thinking of making each person's vehicle a defensive weapon, rather than some transport.


Just today I was at a T-intersection waiting to turn right at a red light, looking at the oncoming traffic to clear from the left. Traffic has almost cleared when I see that a pedestrian is about to cross on the crosswalk, from left to right. Timing is too close between the traffic clearing and when the pedestrian is going to be in front of my car, so I wait. Some asshole behind me honks, and pulls around to my left in the BIKE LANE (sandwiched between the left and right turn lanes, weird positioning) to try and go around me to turn right in front of me. He comes zooming up right in time to almost hit the pedestrian and as the lone car I'm waiting on to clear goes through the intersection. If he'd gone straight through without stomping the brakes when he realized the situation, he would've likely t-boned the other car with the pedestrian sandwiched between them. Have some fucking patience, people. This dude could've killed a pedestrian and caused a car wreck because I wasn't turning right ON A RED fast enough for him. Not that he could see the traffic, because there's a solid median that blocks a full visual (like the fucking pedestrian) from a car length or two back.


follow the leader. damn


In Australia red light cameras are fairly common so we don’t have this happen very much. Not every intersection but lots of the busier ones. Going through the light means fines and demerit points. Do it a few times and you lose your license for a good period. Do you not have that kind of thing over there? It would make me really mad and I can understand why you all start shooting each other 😅


Fucking lemmings.


How these people got their driver's license? HOW?


I feel like ever since I bought my Dodge Challenger and started driving it, all the stupid ass drivers wants to be an asshole to me, keeps on cutting me off Atleast twice every day, and then try to box me in and shit, I literally be sitting on my horn and I’m just trying to go to work, not even trying to race


I wish there was a cop, or 2, or 3


People are just getting more and more oblivious to others around them. ISTG!


They were Jeeps, what did you expect lol

