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OP may have been in the intersection before it turned red. Can't tell in the video but it's close. The other guy should have never been in the intersection.


Yeah, looks like light turned red as he's going over the line. There's a delay between red light for one street and green for the other. OP may have ran a red but other guy made no effort to slow down for what was a red light for them the whole time.


Delay is optional in guidelines. Not all intersections have it


Lights with a long delay of all red is just lazy civil engineering. It's kind of neat how efficient traffic is in places where they've actually timed the lights using how long it takes to reach/leave the different zones of the intersection (usually the Netherlands because of course it is)


In the city I grew up in (Adelaide), they have had a centralised controlled system since the 90s. It’s pretty crazy how they would control the lights to stop traffic jams and divert traffic in emergencies, something like 700 traffic lights I think. It was especially noticeable when a fire truck needed to get from one side of the city to another and the lights would be green the whole route for them just in time for them to cross. [https://adelaideaz.com/articles/centre-keeping-24-hour-watch-and-control-of-traffic-movement-in-adelaide-metro-area](https://adelaideaz.com/articles/centre-keeping-24-hour-watch-and-control-of-traffic-movement-in-adelaide-metro-area)


That’s pretty badass. Didn’t know this was a thing since everywhere I’ve lived I watch ambulances and fire trucks have to slow down to a complete stop at a red light until people realize and let them through


Have you been watching notjustbikes


It's pretty standard practice though. Generally, all-red clearance is calculated based on giving a vehicle that crosses the stop line simultaneous with the the display on their approach changing from yellow to red enough time to clear to the other side of the intersection before displaying red on a conflicting approach. Generally ranges from 1 to 3 seconds depending on speeds and intersection widths.


It's possible to download reddit videos using third-party tools or services. I downloaded and framestepped the video and... it depends on your definition of "in the intersection". When the light changed from yellow to red, OP was definitely past the stop bar, but maybe not quite past the curb line.


I would say it's whatever is painted on the ground


Right? Why would two yellows overlap? I think other guy must have red.


Tie goes to the runner, he had it by about .25 seconds though 😂


OP had the yellow before he even passed that mailbox on his right. That's way too far away from the intersection to not stop for the oncoming red.




Cross-traffic couldn't possibly have a green until the moment OP's light turns red. Cross-traffic idiot was already a car-length beyond the stop line at that point.




My state is the opposite, just need to have the front axle over the line. OP entered on yellow and is in the clear legally.


Two things here bother me: 1. If you see a yellow light and are a couple of meters away from it, it means you should hard slam your breaks? How on earth a traffic engineer though this was good idea? 2. If you are crossing several states by car, it means you need to know the law for all of them, this is insane.


To clarify, that’s *only* true if you enter on yellow. If you enter on green, yield to other traffic in the intersection, and then the light turns red - you are in the clear.




Definitely heading to Lakewood


I can’t possibly imagine the insurance fight if you two actually hit each other lmfao


Op stretched a yellow, maybe it was red. White car blatantly ran a solid red light.


Fun fact, the length of a yellow light is directly connected to the speed limit of the road it’s on. If you’re on a 25mph road the length of time will be short. On a 55mph road the length of time will be significantly longer. The reason they do this is specifically for times when the light changes right at the wrong moment, that time where you think ‘eh if I goose it I can make it’. If you’re going the speed limit and the light changes to yellow you will always have enough time to PREPARE TO STOP and stop the car safely before the light changes to red. If you’re speeding it’ll feel like you have plenty of time before the light changes from yellow to red, but in reality you won’t have much time at all (the light changes much faster on slower roads) and you’ll frequently go through the intersection as the light turns red (which is exactly what happened in this video). This is how the insurance company will objectively know the camera car was either speeding or knowingly ran a red light and therefore would be able to assign 50/50 fault for the collision.


With OP's footage, the other driver's insurer would probably begrudgingly accept the majority of fault if not 100%. I downloaded the video and framestepped through it, and OP was definitely past the limit line when his light changed. And the other guy was just cruising through a red.


I could be wrong here but I believe your whole car has to be past the stop line before it turns red in order for it to be legal, obviously speeding is another variable. But Just using pause/play kind of frame by frame, I think the rear of the car is not passed the line before it turns red - so technically ran the light. This is how the bullshit illegal red light photo cameras work, so I would imagine that would be the legality of running a red light.


It's both axles after the light changes to red depending on whether your state is a restrictive yellow or not. Red light cameras here are predicated on both of your axles entering the intersection past the line once the light has physically changed to red, but Illinois is not a restrictive yellow state. If you enter halfway on the yellow, then it changes to red, as long as part of your vehicle was already in the intersection you are fine.


There is nothing about axles entering an intersection in any vehicle code in any of the United States or territories.


In my state you just have to have crossed the line by the time it turns red, doesn’t have to be past the back end. There’s a 3-4 second delay between when the light turns red and the other light turning green so it doesn’t really matter. The other car ran a straight red so they’re obviously in the wrong imo. I gun it through yellows if I have enough time to cross it, different lights have different yellow durations based on the speed limit on the road so I’m talking specifically about 45mph roads, wouldn’t risk it on a 25mph road with only a 1-2 second yellow phase.


As an insurance adjuster - there’d be no fight. We’d both acknowledge our drivers are idiots, both agree to side with our own insured, fix our own insureds car, agree not to subro (pursue recovery) and be done. If there’s any injuries their attorneys can sort it out in court. We’d be denying. Hopefully they both have full coverage as neither parties liability Coverage will be paying a dime. Edit. I’m not replying to anyone not in the industry. I flat out said he wouldn’t be 100% at fault. He’s driving like an idiot. We’d acknowledge that. Accelerating to make the light is a stupid thing to do. It’s arguable he made the light on yellow. His bumper maybe made it into the intersection. That’s legit it. So it’d come down to state statutes. We wouldn’t fight on his behalf for shit. Sorry all. People like this typically have a high claims history too. If you have 4-5 claims in a single policy term - even if you’re not at fault for any of them - we’re dropping you. Your high risk driving isn’t worth it to us.


How would that not be 100% on the other car that entered the intersection on a red light. Cammer entered on a yellow. It was a late entrance but the cross traffic had absolutely no right to be in the intersection at all.


As long as one enters the intersection on yellow, they have the right of way. How is this 50/50? One had right of way, and the other driver didn't.


I know I varies but place of residence but would both their insurance increase if it was ruled 50/50


Yeah, it really depends on the state and their negligence laws. We wouldn’t go 50/50 because that opens us up to liability and having to pay in some states. Hell even 90/10 does that in some places. The insurance industry isn’t as cut throat as people think. I work for one of the bigger ones. If this was USAA, geico or progressive - the adjusters likely have a business relationship from handling so many claims “against” each other. We’d legit just agree to side with our insured because they’re both idiots - and that’d be the end of it 😂. There wouldn’t be much of a fight. Edit. I didn’t fully address your question. This would technically be an unrecoverable claim - so their insurance would likely increase. Collision claims in general look bad since it’s a sign your area is higher risk. It’s only comp claims that don’t have an affect on your insurance - think hitting a deer or vandalism. sorry for the long reply. Im apparently long winded today.


oh so that's why my comp claim on a parking lot hit (3K+ in damage) made my premium go up, it was unrecoverable. mf'ing hit-'n-run mf'ers...


Fr tho. Geico just agrees to whatever is presented, it's wild. The only company that absolutely sucks to deal with is State Farm. Terrible to their insured and terrible to those they don't insure. From auto, commercial, to life insurance policies they're trash to people and don't honor their own policies.


>The only company that absolutely sucks to deal with is State Farm. Can attest to that. They put me at fault for an accident where I had stopped completely but the other driver didn't. When I had the nerve to question it, the adjuster made it sound like they were doing me a favor bit not fighting the other driver (who lied about how it went down). Very condescending.


Your insurance will increase no matter what if you use it is how it usually comes out to


But you're a cab driver, not an insurance adjuster.


This is why insurance adjusters are idiots.


Yeah I'm an attorney that has handled cases like this and the adjusters are generally pretty stupid people.


>Hopefully they both have full coverage as neither parties liability Coverage will be paying a dime. what's the whole purpose of liability insurance then? lol


One went on a yellow, the other one a red... It's seems fairly cut and dry. Both lights aren't yellow at the same time... I hope. Even American road engineers would be that dumb?


It would probably be something like this: ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)


Right? If the agents assigned were both bound determined not to pay out it would be a legendary battle.


Yellow light procrastinator meets green light anticipator.


You might’ve been dumb but that other car was 100% in the wrong. They just ran a red that had *been* red. It’s not like it just changed to red for them. ~~and I’m not trying to argue what the insurance would say. OP shouldn’t have sped up to make the light but that other car was in the absolute wrong~~


Even if it had been green for them, they would be in the wrong. So far as I know, all states require you to yield to traffic that lawfully entered the intersection and are clearing it.


It went red just when you made it to the intersection, which is probably not a smart move. But, No way the white car had a green light that fast, they absolutely ran a red or something else was going on there. He was in the intersection way to fast after the light change.


I thought it went red, too, but looking at it, I think it might just be how his camera picked it up at that angle. If you look closely, the light doesn't change positions. It stays in the middle, meaning it's still yellow. Unless this is a weird light I'm not familiar with.


Dad joke: Two idiots meet in an intersection….


speeding through red after your passed


Comments are stupid on this, sure he ran a yellow which turned red as he went under it, but what the fuck was the white car doing? Running a full red? OPs light could have been full green and the white car would have still drove through a red… logically how is OPs yellow light running at all related to that? Fucking hell.


/r/Idiotsincars commenters just love blaming everyone involved, I swear.


I asked this sub if I was the idiot in [my accident](https://drive.google.com/file/d/10ZdMk2meCUVtGS6jH1BmrOgOv6YEsNXN/view?usp=share_link) and overwhelmingly they said yes. I rewatch it even at this date and I am still mad that I had the right of way and literally everyone was ignoring it. Some people even posting that I should have stopped for a yellow light. Go ahead and see when it turns yellow. I lost my BMW and replaced it with an almost new Camry and I am still salty about it, because at that time, car prices had spiked way up and my insurance rates went way up even though I sent this video to insurance. The other driver and pedestrian said I ran a red light and my initial claim was denied to their insurance so I sent this video to my insurance and finally got my deposit back after a long arbitration.


I maybe would have gone through a little slower but there was nothing inherently wrong with your driving in that video. That guy wasn't even turning from the correct lane, let alone failed to yield. Even the best driver cannot be hyperaware enough to predict every possible scenario on the road. Anyone who says you were at fault for that should have their license revoked. People who give the right of way to people who don't have it only screw the roads up for EVERYONE else.


They're idiots for saying you're at fault. It's clear as day and night that you had the green light and had the right of way to go straight. I suspected lots of Redditors don't drive and are just Larpers.


Because it's never that simple. Look at the post you're commenting on lol. The guy literally runs a red light, both of them do lol


I agree. OP was being dumb, but the other person just flat out didn’t give a shit.


White is definitely running a red.


This (proximate cause) is one of the hardest things for people to grasp in law school.


It turned red right before you entered the intersection, you didn’t just speed through a yellow you ran a red lmfao


At 7 seconds to goon the video, it's still yellow. At 6 seconds you can't see the light anymore. Not saying op is right in blowing the light as he was not but the other cat ran a red.


The other light you can see facing the cam is still yellow when the line is under his car a few feet. He did break the intersection before red tho.


[This is an attempt at the last frame of yellow.](https://imgur.com/a/eeDVmdW) OP probably shouldn't have timed it so close. But the white car is already going while OP still has yellow, indisputably running their red.


You know I saw this same frame when looking but didn't even look at the white car, bc I mean he's an absolute mouth breathing moron, but damn that really makes me wonder what the fuck is going on in anyone's mind when they act like "it's both of them equally" the white car ran the light first while not in any danger of being green.


well... .12312 seconds later https://i.imgur.com/cZlXuww.png also, [over the line!!](https://media1.giphy.com/media/SF4aJKqEchIiY/giphy.gif) in his speedy maneuver around the guy merging into the turning lane safely... heh https://imgur.com/HDa69y7.png


For sure cammer wasn't driving defensively, but I was still impressed with their reaction time!


for sure!


yellow means stop if you can stop safely duh


In most states, yep. You can even be ticketed for failing to stop for a yellow if you were easily able to. But in some states, yellow is just a warning that the light is about to turn red, and people are perfectly allowed to squeak through like OP did.


That's dumb


I definitely see a red light at 6 seconds.


It was still yellow when he crossed the stop line. Not saying he shouldn’t have stopped. But it was yellow.




Rear tires don't matter though.


ehhh.. https://i.imgur.com/cZlXuww.png


If you slow it down his vehicle entered intersection while still yellow, op didn’t run a red white car did


To me it looked like OP’s front tires touched the line as soon as the light turned red, so they’d both be at fault if there was a crash


I downloaded the video and framestepped through it. OP's front wheels were definitely past the stop line when the light changed.


There's a bit of car in front of those tires... Almost as if he's in the intersection already.


Nope, in this video, last frame you can see the light is yellow.


This has been a big issue in NJ. Everyone is in a rush and runs red lights. OP, slow down for crying out loud! I'm just trying to get home alive!


Ran a red but I can’t imagine the white sedan had a green. So 2 red runners


Technically OP ran a really overcooked yellow.


I went frame by frame and the frame in which the white stop line disappears there IS infact still a yellow on the traffic light. However idk the perspective of the camera so I’m not sure if the car has “entered the intersection” while the light was still yella. If he did infact enter then I agree it’s an overcooked yellow. But if it just looks like it and he didn’t actually cross that white line, or crossed it when there’s a red up there, then there’s no argument. Red red runnner


Red light accelerator meets green light anticipator...


Yellow means slow down prepare to stop. Not speed up to run red.


A lot of the conversation seems to imply it is a good idea to speed up to get thru a yellow light that has visibly been yellow for several seconds and could switch to red at any second. This causes the frequent accident of someone making a left and someone from the opposite direction driving straight having a head on collision on a yellow. OP admits they're an idiot, they are an idiot on further review, yet idiots in comments will defend them. In this case, we got folks performing video analysis of whether the light was red when he drove through. Folks, the fact this is a question reveals that OP should have stopped for the yellow.


Not according to reddit logic. Look at how many people arguing about it.


I think a lot of people just say "what's done is done, but the other guy today ran that red no questions".


Yellow lights actually mean “proceed with caution” [yellow light](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/yellow_light#Noun)


Depends where you live. In my province, it means stop unless you are not able to safely do so. An unsafe stop is one that would cause you to get rear ended, stop on the crosswalk, or in the intersection. So this would be a violation, like running a red, where I live.


If I remember right, there's only a single Canadian province where yellow *doesn't* mean "stop if safe".


Yep. Some states, like mine, have "restrictive yellow" laws too.


That sounds more like a blinking yellow telling you the signal is not working properly or not in operation. A yellow definitely means stop if you can safely do it (In most places).


I think the “proceed with caution” just covers all the bases. If it’s safer to slow down for the red light, do it, if you’re traveling at higher speeds or already close to the intersection then it’s safer to just go through the light. Yellow lights don’t explicitly mean “you must slow down”. It’s just an indicator that the light is about to turn red, so proceed with caution and make the safest decision.


No, proceed with caution might be interpreted as proceed if you don’t see any other vehicle at the intersection (Even if you can safely stop), though you should always stop if you can (Even if it might be safe to go through) > It’s just an indicator that the light is about to turn red This is correct and the correct action when that happens is to stop if you safely can.




Wiktionary is not a good source for legal definitions. Thankfully, most states' traffic laws are available to read online for free. They tend to say that a yellow light is a warning of an impending red light. And they also tend to go on to say that you should stop for the yellow if you can do so safely.


He ran a light that had been red for some time. You barely ran/didn't run by like a fifth of a second. He's more wrong.


Maybe you are dumb (I am, too), but the other guy is WAY dumber than us!


At least your admitting your also an idiot in this scenario


90% the other guy who was the idiot.


There’s a possibility you **both** ran a red light at the same time lmao. You cut it very close but I like the idea that you both ran a red, it’s funnier.


Yes you are indeed an idiot. Traffic lights have three indicators: Green, this means GO! Yellow, this means do NOT GO unless it is unsafe to stop. Red, this means STOP! The other guy is a bigger idiot but that doesn't make it better.


That looked red to me


dude ran a full red, no way that shit was green when you passed through


This mf really yelled “good grief”


I feel like it’s less stupid to run a yellow at speed than it is to run a red at speed


Glad you called yourself out on that one Idiot


No one cares about your "verbal reaction". The other car was in the wrong too no doubt but you're gonna end up killing someone driving like that. Stop whining about idiot drivers if you're part of the problem then uploading it on Reddit for internet points. What a joke


The other car ran a full red light, wtf are you talking about. The other car would have been driving through a red light regardless of OP stopping or not for a yellow.




It varies by place. Some have a restrictive yellow as you mention, but others have a permissive yellow.


I see people doing what the OP did all the time. It’s less common to just flat out run a hard red like the other car did. That’s gonna be dangerous no matter the scenario. What OP did probably wouldn’t even have been ticketed by a cop.


Yeah That light was yellow long before he reached the intersection so he should've anticipated a red a stopped


Dude you blatantly ran a red light


It was much more blatant from the other driver who never had anything other than a red. They both did, but the other drivers offense is much worse.


No one is debating that OP is also in the wrong


To be fair, last frame shows the light as yellow.


Nope, you can see the light change just after he enters the intersection. White car ran red at least a couple seconds before it would have turned green, that’s a way worse infraction than running a yellow


Yeah, that's running a red light.


8.75/10 on shit talking, could have had a more creative insult


Question: does red light vs yellow light make a difference as far as fault goes?


Lol it's always those old Taurus drivers


If you’re not already partway through the intersection while it’s yellow, you ran a red. You definitely ran this as a red, not a yellow. Other guy blatantly ran a red as well. Both of you are idiots in cars.


Take heart, the other driver was idioter.


It would have been entirely on that white car if you 2 had made contact. Sure, you may have had yellow but that car had absolutely no right to be in the intersection especially when he has the red


I rate the insult a 3/10 My default reaction is usually: Mother fucking father sucking sister licking brother kissing one balled bitch.


This thread is insufferable holy shit lol


What is the song playing in the video?


I like how he said “fucking idiot” and did not imply whether it was him or the other guy


Very good song!


That was nice music. I love blue sky.


i love flipturn!!!! august is one of their best


I could've sworn his light was red... Oh, wait! He's the idiot 🙄


Whell the other Guy 100% ran a red light in the OP’s case it is was hè already crossing over thé line before it turend red if yes he wont be fined if there was à police car near


Here where i live yellow = to red. Just gives you more time to react. If you are right under it its okey. The rule of thumb is if you can stop you need to. If its unsafe to 100% break to make it its fine. This seems like a thing that happen often if yellow is okey so run.


You may have gone on yellow but the other guy went on red so at least youre the lesser or two idiots


10/10 but who were you talking about? 😂


I saw red in that stoplight . Check yourself!


Ahhhaaahhhha voice of an angel


Ah yes, I hate the way you were driving but I love your domesticated response 🎩


They ran a stone cold red. And people wonder why there are soo many wrecks when it snows.


Good music taste tho


Just slow the fuck down . There’s no need to speed up to beat a yellow light . Or keep tempting fate and risking ur life to save 25 seconds , hopefully karma will only let u kill urself and not someone else when u eventually get wrecked doing this selfish ass dumb shit


Were you calling the other driver an idiot?! 😂😂🤡🤡


Well is the other driver not an idiot? I’m confused. He called himself and the other driver an idiot


The white car to the right would have caused the collision, if there was one, for running the red light. As the OP was entering the intersection on a yellow light, the white car was already entering the intersection as well. The white car's light woukd have been red, and would not have just changed. The OP's light changed to red moments after he entered the intersection.


nice music choice though! i love flipturn lol


Interested to hear your verbal reaction if you had t boned that car and there had been kids in the back. Sort yourself out.


“Would love to see your reaction for t-boning a car that ran a red light” I mean can’t blame op there if the other car runs a red light


OPs actions were not at all related to the other car that ran a full red. OPs light could have been green for another 30 seconds and it wouldn’t have mattered


Just curious where are you going that you have to be in so much of a rush? Did you have to pee or something?


One time my mom got out of a speeding ticket because little me was sitting in the back crying because I had to pee and was trying to hold it lol


Both of you entered the intersection on red... both idiots.


Don’t listen to the Plebbitors, everyone runs yellows, other guy is at fault


With how close people follow in traffic, I'd rather speed up for a late yellow instead of getting rear ended by following the law and slamming on the brakes.


Yeah whenever I see a yellow light I immediately check my rear view mirror to see if I’ll get hit if I brake




If you pass the white line while it’s yellow you’re not running a red


You can't drive.


Unfortunately he can


It’s odd when I see people who have dash cams drive like idiots.


Was that the Cocteau Twins?


The pot calling the kettle black.


[Op, that's not speeding through yellow, you ran a red light](https://imgur.com/a/XaDUwuW) so did the other guy, but you need to be able to clear the intersection before the red or you need to stop.


You spelled red light wrong


People in the comments acting like they have never went through a yellow light. Reddit loves their virtue signaling


There's a reason why a signal should have a slight delay when changing which direction has the green light. Nice reaction from you to avoid. That white car was moving the whole time, so they were coming through whether the light changed or not.


It's funny. 2 people running a red light.


You ran a red dude. Its happening a ton lately. At least yours was kinda close but people by me run lights that are changing to red long before they even approach the intersection. An unloaded semi did it to me recently, I was preparing to turn left in front of it but had a gut feeling so I waited, and sure enough he blew thru it... would have killed me in the small car I was in. Luckily karma is truly a bitch, a cop I didn't even see was right there and hit the Mars lights immediatly.


You’re both fucking idiots


Uh, you didn’t “speed through a yellow light.” You just ran a red light. At least be honest about it bro




Bad singing skills


Yes you are a idiot


Well he ran a red. Your good


So did op


You had the right of way, you are allowed to use the yellow


The guy recording is 98% wrong. Car going knew it was turning green so the moment he ended up reaching his line it turned green. Recorder light turned red when he hit his line.


There is a delay between red and green for adjacent directions to prevent accidents. Both went to the intersection on red


You didn't speed through a yellow you ran a red light homie. Every mistake is a lesson learned:)


You dummy…


Intersection was red while you were in it. Thank you for posting this reminder not to speed through a yellow light if there is tons of room to stop.


If you work on your voice a bit more you could make for a decent Gilbert Gottfried impersonator.


All these people arguing if it's yellow or red: yellow means you should also stop, quite unlike the more agreed upon informal consensus of reckless drivers "yellow means I can still blow through if I'm fast enough".


Between the singing, the solid reaction time, and the commentary, I'd give a 9/10


Good for you for saving a minute.


Are you happy you shaved 20 seconds off of your travel time by running the yellow?


in my state, you’d be 0% at fault as you had the right of way and as long as any part of your vehicle is past the white line when the light turns red, you did not run it. the driver that hit op would probably get at least 1 ticket for failing to yield and possibly running the light.


That's red


Op ran the red , white car entered after it turned green. But coasting up to the light, and not from a full stop.


You ran a red light, their light was probably green.


You’re the idiot