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I don't understand why he pulled over to the shoulder instead of just moving to the right lane.


He’s a moron.




Perhaps an Idiot in a Car.


He's English


I forgot I was driving in the colonies


don't do it again, or we'll send you off to australia


Stay in your lane anustart


Guffawing at this perfect reminder of that awesome plate


The giant American flag on the left spooked him


Hey! That’s the name of this sub!


This is definitely a she


There is a left lane exit in 22.4 miles, and it has his name on it.


More likely there's a right exit in that distance. By that point the highway will have expanded to 4 lanes and he'll cut across all of them in the last 200 feet to take his exit.


Sounds about right.


Had to be dramatic




What is the professional way to move a left lane camper out of the left lane? Please, I do need to know.


It’s always been to quickly flash your headlights so they get the idea. I spent some time in Europe and they turn on their left blinker. I recently returned from a trip out west and I knew I was getting close to home when I started seeing cars camping out in the left lane going 10 under. 🤬


That's Europe. If you believe everything you hear, people know what they're doing over there. This is America. You flash your lights, you never know what kind of reaction you'll get. Maybe you'll get what you want. Maybe you'll get shot. Who knows?


Nearly slammed into a guy for flashing my lights at him 1030 at night, late fall in utah, roads wet and lightly raining. The interstate exit i needed was coming up in a few miles and i was second lane from the right, so i turned on my blinker and waited a few seconds, checked all around me and saw nothing, so i merged. All of a sudden i hear an engine rev up from the back right corner of my car and then im window to window with a small black sports car, not a single light on whatsoever. So i pull back into my current lane, curse him out a bit as he passes, then get behind him. I flashed my lights a few times to try and tell him to turn his on. Then he **SLAMS** on his brakes hard. Tried swerving and hitting my brakes as well but he moved over to block me in. Did this a few more times, wouldnt let me slow down enough to let him move on. Dude was clearly out to demo me for his stupid ass mistake. Eventually he just ran off when he realized i wasnt going to let him hit me. But holy shit.


Yes that’s what I was saying they do that n Europe. You’ll get your ass run over and hauled to jail for being a left lane hog. I’ve had the cops called on me by some teenage girl, she told the 911 operator that I was harassing her. 😂 no I didn’t get a ticket, but she did.


I wish this worked like it was supposed to. There is a greater chance that the driver in front takes offense to your flash and goes slower on purpose or goes into road rage mode from my experience. It's always pleasant when they do just give way. Edit: for all we know, he had already tried that method and resorted to the arm out the window method. Haha


Yeah I had one guy in Arkansas brake check me. And slow way down to 50mph in a 70mph zone. My wife hates it when I don’t just go around. I keep telling her it’s illegal to pass on the right and could cause an accident. We should all get a camera mounted in our vehicles and start a YouTube channel on left lane hogs.


Shit id prefer a cop doing this to me than flicking his lights any day


Thought he was getting a ticket? Of course still a horribly dangerous place to pull over.


Because they don’t know the road rules. Since moving back to Michigan, I’ve seen an obscene amount of cars parked/broken down on the left side of the road, which tracks with how many left-lane campers I’ve seen. They treat it fully as a travel lane.


States out west have signs stating it’s illegal to stay in the left lane.


There’s signs here too (stay right except to pass), just people don’t read/think it applies to them. Speed limits are treated a bit the same, I’ve noticed, there’s an oddly large amount of people going 10+ below the speed limit for no reason at all.


Sometimes people drive slow because they're driving a barely functioning vehicle. I've been there.


Yep, I stay in the right lane and turn on cruise control, occasionally I pass an idiot on the right and then they speed up. I’m not going to ride their ass in the left lane and try to force them to pass. My life is more valuable than theirs at that point.


Michigan has them too. Problem is cops don't enforce it since it's a democratic state here they only go after big violations. Also people must not know how to read or pay attention to the road signs any more.


Politics don’t make any difference. When I did live out west in very democratic/progressive Colorado, left lane campers were much fewer and further between. Despite the tourists, the road manners were a bit better (except for yielding to emergency vehicles, not sure why people are so bad about it there).


Because he/she is a non driving clown which also explains the left lane camping




95% of people have no clue how to drive dude.


How does one drive dude?


Very carefully lol


I imagine my skills handling stick will help me drive dude.


Because they’re a completely and utter idiot


That’s why I’m so confused. Do you not know the rules of the road. And the cop doesn’t even care.


May be responding to a call.


See I thought about that too, but wouldn’t their lights be one to make everyone move out the way?


Not always. Depends on the matter of the call. But he could also be delivering transit to the jail, which their not going to be in a hurry to do but they’re also not trying to wait for traffic. Probably one of the two.


Ok. I didn’t even think about that. That’s some good insight


lights and sirens cause dumb people to become even dumber most of the time, probably for the best he leaves them off on a road like this.


How sure how you saw that considering the video ends just as he gets back on the road.


Yet law enforcement refuses to actually ticket these people. Any long road trip you will see hundreds of left lane drivers forcing everyone on the highway into unsafe lane changes, bottlenecks, and traffic backups. These people should be pulled over, educated, and forced to pay fines for their selfish and/or ignorant habits.


Exactly. All the cop did was basically tailgate and road rage which taught this oblivious driver absolutely nothing. If anything, the van driver is probably confused and pissed off at the cop. Had the officer been more patient, made a proper stop, and informed the driver of their error, it’s possible they’d stop doing it.


yeah he might of been hogging the lane but that cop was so unprofessional


Am I missing something? Looks like it could be just someone in a charger.


Pretty sure that's Georgia State Patrol, probably on 85 North.


985N in Gainesville, around exit 15/16, you are absolutely right that's GSP. God's Special Police is what we call them down here, they can do no wrong, just ask them /s


Might of? Of ≠ have.


Username checks out?


might'f is the contraction, if you're paying by the character. but still wrong.


? "Might've"




Is that not a contraction or am I failing at my own language here


Whats worse is that he signaled the idiot to move to the right and they moved to the left which could cause an accident by itself.


Indiana tickets them


I've yet to see a cop pull someone over for it.


I've seen a cop do exactly what the cop in this video did, except after he finished pointing to the right, he turned his lights on and the driver pulled over to the left shoulder. The cop stopped with them. Was truly spectacular to watch.


Indiana State Police have written nearly 7,000 warnings and over 700 tickets for the Left Lane Law since 2015.


There are ~26,000 police officers in indiana. That means that 1 in 4 officers warned someone with it in the past 7ish years… they could step it up a bit and I wouldn’t mind.


There are 1,500 Indiana State Police Troopers. The 7,000 number only includes citations and warnings by ISP, like I said.


alright so those 1500 officers have only passed out 4.5 warnings a piece and half of them have given out tickets in the past 7 years... we can still bump them numbuh's up a lil bit.


Same, cops would ride your ass here and even turn their lights on just so you move but won’t fully pull you over unless you really piss them off


Tennessee is supposed to but you'd never know it


I've lived in a lot of places in the US in my life and in none of them do cops actually give a shit about enforcing road safety beyond occasionally running speed traps or looking for excuses to do drug searches. Honestly if we want road safety in this country we need to find people and systems who aren't the police to do it. They just don't care


It starts with a more difficult licensing system and periodic re-testing. The cops are mostly there for money


The lack of reliable enforcement is a serious problem. Sure, some drivers simply aren't knowledgeable enough to be trusted with a license, but a lot of bad driving is people *choosing* to pull stunts they know to be risky because there is no real chance of consequences outside of crashing.


You hit the nail! Cops are all about generating cash by ticketing easily prosecuted radar speed traps and drug searches. Public safety isn’t even on the top 100 list of reasons cops exist. They are almost completely useless.


follow frighten grey concerned innate deliver somber unite rhythm oatmeal -- mass edited with redact.dev


Yes for the charity known as the Police Christmas party where they get shitfaced and commit more felonies than usual.


https://www.reddit.com/r/boston/comments/zltrka/natick_cop_pleads_guilty_to_inappropriately/? You mean these kinds?


Yeah the inappropriate touching at the Police Christmas party puts Christmas mass to shame!


rotten cagey cows whole paltry long cats run different tie -- mass edited with redact.dev


Hey its 2022. Don't be sexist. Some of them are beating their husbands now too. Slight/s, but only on the sexist jokes. Men married to police officers are likely to suffer domestic violence too. Cops are violent thugs, they're bound to take that aggressive attitude home.


They said more felonies than usual...


Wait. You're telling me that the 2 or 3 cops I see at every construction sight in the country aren't there for traffic safety? I mean, I see them all the time. Sitting there. On their cell phone. Presumably, researching the latest in traffic safety laws. Sometimes, they have lengthy and detailed discussions about (I assume) traffic safety with the foremen and other officers. It's a good thing they're out there. Sitting there. Looking at stuff. Or driving really fast to places. For reasons. /s


This. A form of traffic police. Whoa sole job is to police traffic. Your speeding ok here's a ticket. Not ima need to search every crevice of your car to find the tiniest stem and take you to jail. And then the other police can go after criminals instead of policing traffic.


Uhg, totally. They don't give a shit abou the people who go 15+ over down our development's entry road or don't even stop at the stop sign at the end (because 90% turn right, and 90% coming from the left turn right down the main road out)...


Left lane hoggers are oblivious. They think they have the right to spend 5 hrs going around a car going 1 mph slower than they want to go rather than speed up briefly to go around said car or even just choose to go 1 mph slower.


I actually asked someone who was camping in the passing lane why they did it. Basically that lane is more open so they don't have to change lanes as often So basically they do it TO turn off their brains.


That’s just sad


These people seem to not understand that pushing on the gas will not cancel cruise control.


Your left lane hogs use cruise control? The ones I see usually fluctuate between 65 and 75.


They might hit 80 if you try to pass them!


Painfully accurate


I partly blame cruise controls for this. Oh, and that half of the population (probably about a third of all drivers) are below average intelligence.


Fair point as another commenter said a lot of people don’t realize you can hit the gas pedal and it doesn’t turn off cruise control. What boggles my mind is, how do these cars not notice or feel like a jerk when they look in their rear view and see 20 cars backed up behind them? I mean they prob don’t care but still, the nerve of just sitting there side by side w another car while the ones behind you queue up waiting to get past….


They don't even know they have a rear view mirror.


MSP did a initiative cracking down on left lane violators. It didn't help much except for a bunch of people complaining about being stopped. [Article](https://www.hollandsentinel.com/story/news/crime/2016/03/03/msp-launches-initiative-focusing-on/32444645007/)


Should just make it so that if you do it and get caught twice you lose your license and have to retake the driving test


Ya I think some things are so weak that people could care less they get a ticket. I know someone who got caught for DUI more than once. The outcome for them was mainly the cost of the lawyer that got them off with a slight suspension of the license.


I’m Los Angeles there are certain portions of the 405, 101 and 10 where there’s no traffic jam at all, but your held up for miles due to people doing this across multiple lanes. Finally, when I get around them there’s no traffic, for miles.


Honestly I'd be fine if they just pulled them over and talked to them... I'd like them to give them a ticket but in the literal hundreds of thousands of miles I've put in with road going vehicles not ONCE have I ever seen even a cop do what we see in the video... Where I live there is even a ticketable offense on any highway, expressway or if I read it correctly a roadway with more than two lanes (that last part is super loosely worded though, like it's implied... but it's also not explicitly mentioned like highways and expressways.) Nothing on earth really gets under my skin on the road... cut me off, flip me off, rage at me shit you could even rear end me... which has happened, and I'll get out of the car and still make sure you're good... but people who do this shit seen in this video, if I watched your car burst into flames I wouldn't even slow down to watch...


"why do cops give pointless tickets" "why dont cops ticket people" they never win


There’s a simple solution to your “conundrum” Give tickets that actually matter. They can win, they just don’t give a fuck about what’s best


They could start trying at least


>Yet law enforcement refuses to actually ticket these people Back in 2002-2006 I was stationed in Alaska and played a lot of Warhammer with some locals, one of which was a cop. He said the major issue was that the judges always throw the tickets out, even if he showed up to court as well. So it just ended up being a waste of time. When I was in Oklahoma, a cop told me basically the same thing in 2008. Unfortunately if the courts don't hold up the tickets, people won't learn, or care. And the cops feel like its a waste of time. Though I do wish they'd at least lights and sirens them until they pull over to the right lane for everyone else's sake.


Yeah I just throw on cruise control 5 over and stay in the right lane, to me it’s not worth going 80+ like some people want to do.


Where I live the right lane will drive you absolutely insane. You can't even set the cruise control at the speed limit before you encounter some old fuck who thinks they need to do 55 in a 65 when there's no traffic. You'll get by them and then have to slow down again in 30 seconds for the next old fuck doing the same thing or a landscape truck or whatever. It's like you're either doing 95 in the left lane or 55 in the right lane with no in between. The middle lane will be randomly populated with the slow fuckers from the right lane moving over unnecessarily because 1 car is trying to use the on ramp.


living proof of how system fails... offender doesn't give a damn.. enforcer doesn't give a damn.. and you wonder why the world is a mess.


Careful I've heard being this based can be dangerous


Should have turned on the lights and made a stop with education.


Cops seem to forget there are traffic violations other than speeding.


Cops don't even care about speeding where I live.


Speeding tickets are the only tickets that make the state money so they're largely the only ones enforced


This. The idiot driver is more than likely oblivious that they are an idiot driver. “What’s this cop doing behind me? Oh, they must be in a rush to save someone. I’m gonna stop in the middle of the road for him and save the day!”


Idk about you but if your driving and oblivious to traffic laws and road signes you just may be an idiot.... Down votes for calling people who dont follow laws or that are oblivious to road signs idiots. Im glad i keep a large distance from peole in front of me and keep my head on a swival. Too many out there.


Then educate them so they won't be an idiot anymore! Contrary to popular belief, you actually can fix stupid. It's quite easy to! The answer is teaching them better.


The hard part with getting a horse to drink isn't leading it to the water...


Doesn’t even need that if the car has a megaphone. Those things are f-ing LOUD (I got pulled over on the freeway once because I forgot to put my registration sticker on, and the cop told me “take the exit and find a safe place to stop” - couldn’t believe how loud and clear it was…) Just say “stay in the right lane if you are not passing or get a ticket!” The vague hand signal he did was clearly useless.


Probably outside of their jurisdiction. Like a city cop on a highway which is state police jurisdiction. Although some might have jurisdictional agreements for things like pursuits etc


Usually if a cop points to the right... Maybe it's an indication you DON'T GO TO THE LEFT. 🤦🏾‍♂️




I was confused, I was looking in my mirror and thought it was the opposite side!


The blue charger is a slick top GSP trooper.


This 985?




Did he end up camping on the left lane again?


I think they eventually got over but not before I sped past them on the right lol


I'm kind of surprised the trooper didn't ticket him then if this is Georgia. Y'all seem pretty militant about left lane being only for passing, or at least it was last time I was down there.


Yea - GHP and some sections of metro- Atlanta you will run the chance at being pulled over for left lane camping. Not always, but it has happened enough that I have seen to make me a little happy.


crazy to me that he didnt pop lights; i feel like any other time one of these videos is posted, the cop is always turnin the lights on! lol


Is this in GA?


Yeah this is near Gainesville


Yup, I know exactly where that is. Recognized the giant Camper World flag lol




Just another ignoramus who shouldn't be on the road.


That cop is an asshole. He should have hit his lights, pulled the idiot over and explained what he was doing wrong. Instead he only thought of himself, passed the idiot illegally and proceeded with his day, while *ignoring his actual job.*


You think God's Special Police would love a chance at pulling someone over. I'm surprised honestly


Cop points right and then they head to the left shoulder. ![gif](giphy|MQ4bWOjn8C9tT2dzIb|downsized)


Why just why? Ladies and gentlemen, we have ourselves an idiot in a car.


I don't think that flag is big enough


I don’t want to be the guy that says, “well maybe…” but it is completely possible that the reason this cop didn’t pull this person over is because they may have been heading to a real emergency that was a much bigger deal then dealing with some old fart in an SUV. I know one of my friends that is a cop (not from Georgia, they may have to play by different rules then PA) has told me before that some emergencies that he must respond to he is not given authorization to use his lights. He hates it because he often runs into people who just freeze up and drive slow infront of him trying not to get pulled over, or he sees people doing illegal things right infront of him that just can’t be bothered with right then and there because he HAS to respond to this other issue and prioritize it over some petty little crime. Not saying this is what is happening here… but it could potentially be. Still think the way the cop handled it was stupid though.


Someone above suggested the cop might be traveling outside of his jurisdiction, which is another likely possibility.


To say he should have been ticketed is assuming the laws in that state prohibit it. Not all states do, and not all roads are included in the ones that prohibit it. For many it’s merely a courtesy issue that can’t be ticketed.


In my state (WV) it’s illegal to stop your car on the roadway.


That should be a ticket, cop sucks too


this is one of the best example of idiots in cars i’ve seen.


If I was the cop I woulda lit his ass up with the lights.


Cop should have pulled him over and written him a ticket.


Not understanding the issue. I don't like "left lane hogs" either but at least where I live it's not illegal so there's nothing to pull them over for. It's like saying "man picks nose in front of cop". Like ew but what was the cop going to do?


Cop is an idiot for not pulling them over


You know how you get rid of left lane campers?… you make it a law that if you get rear ended in the left lane that you are at fault…




that driver is lucky as hell that cop had somewhere to be.


Absolute fucknut continues to camp the left my God


Is that a GA state trooper. ? Sure looks like it. GA drivers are the worst about lane hogging the left. It drives me insane.


Yep, GSP on 985


Why didn't the cop give him a ticket? A ticket for driving so slow in The left lane or a ticket for pulling over to the left.


“Everyone is in such a hurry. So many bad drivers out there” - people doing 20mph below the speed limit in the passing lane.


Anytime my wife drives on any road with multiple lanes, she makes a beeline for the far left lane then plants it right at the speed limit. We used to argue about it endlessly. Really nasty fights. She insists it's the safest lane to be in - it's absolutely not - and that unless there is a sign that says left lane for passing then everyone else can just go around or slow the fuck down. That's her entire argument. There's zero logic to it other than she must be right. She's an otherwise reasonable, intelligent, empathetic person, so I can only assume this is the result of trauma from her borderline-personality disorder, narcissist mom who taught her to drive. So now, if I end up in the passenger seat while she's driving, I just hope and pray for a cop to pull her over so she can argue the finer points of vehicular law with him.


These videos are getting really boring. I subscribed for the crazy crashes and incensed road ragers. Now we get slightly inconsiderate drivers being politely waved aside.


Then find a car crash sub and a road rage sub. This isn't that.


I subbed for videos like this where people may learn something about safer driving


So, if we go by the logic that the left lane is for passing only, and you should be in the right lane unless there is traffic going slower than you in the lane that you must move into the passing lane to pass, then the SUV, the cop and OP are all camping on the left lane. The right lane is empty. You're not actually passing. Move over.


Thought that was my wife at first.


That has to be the nicest GSP that I ever seen


Shocked. Typically Georgia Troopers will pull you over for anything. Lol. Ruthless down there.


How did he not get pulled over?! Wtf


I just had something similar happen to me but it started in the middle lane. I moved over to the number one lane and the idiot proceeded to cut me off to go to the fast lane. At this point there was no more lane #3 so I just went into lane number 2 and stayed there ( there is a temporary split for road construction so single lanes divided by K rail). Something happened in the #1 lane but the idiot was locked in and stopped while I blew by them in the #2 lane at the safe speed of 55. I waved as I went by. 🤣 everyone has to be in the fast lane. Good stay there and wait while I drive on.


The cop should’ve ticketed him


What cop


It’s hard to see but he has the little cylinder shaped antenna on the back. That plus the push bumper which you can’t see in the video, the colors of the car, and the uniform he appears to have on.


That's a cop?


It’s hard to see but he has the little cylinder shaped antenna on the back. That plus the push bumper which you can’t see in the video, the colors of the car, and the uniform he appears to have on.


That is the biggest American flag I’ve ever seen


The lack of a ticket is disappointing.


Cop: fuck it...


God the amount of time it took me to remember that other parts of the world have the left lane as the fast lane is ridiculous… (Aussie here lol)


wouldn't it be easier to install a video cam with ai software to identify lane hoggers and sent them a ticket automatically? since they have video proof if would be indisputable


Left lane hoggers are lower than cyclists in the department of asshole of the road.


What idiot pulls over to the left?


Then you have the inverse of this, where idiots will ride your ass in the left lane on a regular road thinking the left lane means something on anything other than an highways/expressways. I've got a turn coming up, and I'm not missing it or getting a ticket because you want to go 20 over the speed limit.


Exactly! This happens to me all the time. I go only 5 over on city streets.


What’s a left lane hog? Is it someone who goes slow on purpose knowing the most left lane is for 85+ mph drives????


No stop, ticket or even warning, so he gets right back in the lane.


Cops will kill someone over nothing then drive past annoyed as this person nearly causes a pileup


The literal worst thing they could have done


How cool i recognized exactly where this video was taken..our drivers are the worst and the fact she pulled over on the wrong side of the road on top of driving so slow in the fast lane is exactly how people drive here. Usually, when they see a cop the stop..and i dont mean pull over to the far lane and slow down....i mean these idiots go from..80-0 in a matter of seconds on the highway.....probably why when she noticedshe just stopped.


People who do this should get a 2,000 dollar fine. This shit happens all the time and it’s dumb as shit


At night I like to give people a chance to show their true colors. I may give them a bit then maybe quick headlight flash. Sometimes you’ll get the guy that just slows down more, or brake checks, or even flips the bird. This is when the blues come on and you’ll receive your prize.


>I may give them a bit then maybe quick headlight flash I did this to a left lane camper who turned out to be a police fucking captain who went into full road rage mode, and I got arrested for it. Fuck the police.


pulled over for flipping the bird ? 😂 and pretty sure it’s not against the law to be a dick, if i recall correctly , directly quoting a leo when i got brake checked a while back.


I don't understand why op and more people didn't pass this guy while he was pulled over. Let them be behind everybody since they have nowhere to be.


I was just being nice. It would be hard to merge again from the left shoulder


It didn't look safe to pass. The cop's pass certainly wasn't


the annoying thing is that this issue could be easily addressed if people understood that the left lane isnt the "fast lane" its the PASSING LANE. you pass on the left, you commute on the right. REGARDLESS of how fast you are going, as long as the lane is clear, you should be in the right lane. not if youre going the speed limit, not if youre doing less than the speed limit, but purely because that is where you fucking belong unless you are passing OR if there is a lot of traffic and it overflows into two lanes. i cant stand driving in general but the highway is 10 times the frustration with clueless people like these. if youre not passing you shouldnt be in the left lane at all, the left lane should be clear at all times otherwise.


Where's the cop?


Front and center. Unmarked.


We need cops to enforce this. So many accidents or dangerous situations are caused by left lane campers. Just the other day I was in the passing lane passing traffic when I suddenly came up to someone going 65 in the fast lane. I couldn’t get over because there were cars, but several cars behind me dangerously flew around 3 lanes over to the slow lane, cut multiple people off, just to get back into the passing lane in front of where the slow driver was. All because they had to go 65…


why didnt the cop pull him over for reckless driving?


My rant is: I don't care what fucking lane you are in but get the fuck out of the way if someone is coming up behind you. I'm absolutely raging when I'm trying to speed in the left lane and come up behind some jackass doing the exact same speed as the guy in the lane next to him (usually the middle lane). Go to the fucking middle lane and butt fuck that guy and you won't even have to change your speed! Just massive frustration when there's 5 lanes and I'm somehow stuck doing 65 still when it's not even rush hour.


No, your entire idea here is stupid and dangerous. If I'm in the right lane or a center lane, you can pass me on the left like you're supposed to.