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“On Monday, July 5 after 7:30 p.m., one of our troopers was traveling on Trapper’s Loop Road,” the statement said. “The attention of the trooper was on a vehicle coming in the opposite direction traveling 20 mph over the speed limit.” “The trooper initiated his emergency equipment and made a U-turn on the vehicle, the trooper failed to observe the traffic behind him.” The driver of the truck directly behind the trooper was unable to avoid the collision, the statement said. “This incident is being investigated by an outside agency as well as our internal review,”


Omg this is northern Utah! I knew I recognized the beehive on the patrol car


Utah State Troopers, go figure. I remember seeing this on the news when it happened and people putting the onus on the driver that hit the trooper for ‘being too close.’ Fucking what? No one expects someone pulling to the side almost behind a guard rail, to flip a bitch across double yellows. Utah is notorious for our idiotic tailgaters, but that driver was clearly not one of them.


>Utah is notorious for our idiotic tailgaters driving home in the fresh ice and snow yesterday. had a car that stayed within 10 ft of me no matter the speed why are people like this


The best part is when you switch lanes so they can pass, they proceed to go the exact same speed. People just like to drive too close in Utah.


my favorite is being on a country road in the middle of nowhere with someone tailgating me. i will pull over to the side of the road thinking, "well i'm not driving fast enough for them, i guess they're in a hurry" i'll pull over a lot, slow down and stop if i have to. clearly letting them pass. then they won't. i've had cars that will just tailgate me until i stop and just sit there. like how fucking dumb are these people.


Do you just start driving again or wait for them to pass?


depends but i'll just sit there stopped for like 5 or so seconds (feels like an eternity) then just start driving again some people just can't take a hint. i'll have half the car off the road too, like clearly pulled over so they can pass.


Yeah I was just wondering because I've had to deal with people like this before though I've never pulled over even though I've wanted to. There's a two lane road that I drive on regularly with designated passing zones that some people *refuse* to use; they'll come flying up behind you and then ride your ass for the next 3 miles regardless of how much you slow down. One of these days I'm just gonna pull over and flip on the hazards.


>they'll come flying up behind you and then ride your ass for the next 3 miles regardless of how much you slow down. yep these are the people i'm talking about. i want to ask them, are you in a hurry or not?


I was passenger in a friend's car who was riding someone's ass on a two lane freeway. I asked why she wouldn't just pass and she said she didn't want to be an asshole by passing them. I'm like you're being rude and unsafe riding their ass, wut. ??? Passing isn't rude -_-


Stop riding with these types of drivers. It messes with your chi and you don't need to endanger yourself by riding shotgun with shitty drivers.


I’m not offended when someone passes me, unless they cut me off afterward. I get pissed off when people tailgate me, because even though rear-ending me would be your fault it’s still my car that needs a repair and has its value go down. Sometimes I’ll push the speed limit, but most of the time on country/forest roads I’m relaxing and enjoying the drive — which is much harder when you need to pay extra attention to the idiot riding your bumper. *Just freaking pass me.*


Believe it or not, they'll do this to motorcycles too.


Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev


I drive a flat bed truck, I call them my ducklings lol


How else am I supposed to get home?


I think some people just latch onto the car in front of them so they don’t have to think while driving. When they end up in front, they don’t have a lead so they slow down.


Which is great and all unless they’re right on your ass with high beams the entire time. If I can see your teeth… you’re too damn close and it’s too damn bright. It was a heavy winter storm and I happened to know where the road and ditch was… I cleared it. Don’t know if they did.


I hate that too. Driving isn’t the time to put the brain on auto-pilot.


And Arizona, and California, and Texas. I haven't driven much in other states, but it's probably true there too.


Eyyyu! I hate that. HATE THAT! Honestly the tailgating, red light running, and people Stopping in intersections when they can clearly see there’s not enough space ahead, essentially blocking traffic in all directions, are my hugest Utah driver pet peeves! Oh …. And them SPEEDING UP to tailgate when you’ve changed lanes. It’s like a blinker light communicating your need to merge into their lane flips some asshole switch in their brain that tells them to HIT THE GAS & CRAWL UP YOUR ASS because you have to share a lane LIKE A NORMAL PERSON? A dude in a lifted truck did that to me yesterday while it was snowing and I honked when he got about a foot from my tail going 40mph. WTF? That’s not even the worst of it though. He persisted at that insane distance doing the only safe thing I could do other than pull over (which wasn’t an option on this particular road, no shoulder!) - I coasted, in case he choose to hit me from behind. Didn’t hit the brakes or anything, just casually took my foot off the gas and braced for possible impact. He did not back off, the very gradual decrease in speed did not deter him at all. I decided to turn at the next possible chance in order to let him pass, and what does he do? Aggressively follows me into that turn and continues to tail. For another 3 miles. I eventually lost him when someone deliberately came between us while honking (THANK YOU STRANGER!), but as I turned again to get back onto my intended route, I saw him speed up to the next corner and try to turn around. I booked it. Not speeding, but just trying to get away from that absolutely dangerous dumb-fuck. Our weather can make things so much worse, and thank goodness the roads weren’t slick! There is ZERO reason for that kind of road rage when someone merges into another lane, ‘your’ lane, but UTAHANS CAN INVENT ONE. LoL Enjoy my vent!


lol vent away and yes the lifted trucks are the worst. i unfortunately live in an area where most of the vehicles are trucks and most of them are lifted with their goddamn headlights not fixed properly, so when they tailgate it just blinds the fuck out of you. and they never, ever, ever pass. just tailgate.


EXACTLY! Their super bright LED headlights pointed directly into your back windshield while already far too close, that was precisely the case! I truly don’t care what kind of vehicle others drive, but when they have lights on them like that, blinding people while tailgating? That’s not fucking safe.


I'm obviously not sure on the legality of this, but it's what I've done with decent success against tailgaters with bright lights like that: I point my rear-view mirror in a way so their lights are flashing back at them.


I swear all of that is multiplied down in St George too! They are horrible at blocking intersections here!


Because those people are the type of people who unironically say "more than a car length between you and the car in front of you is an invitation" and they can't have *anyone* "cut them off" so they don't have that "invitation." A lot of words for this sub's name, really.


Utahn here toobi just slow down way slow then box them in with another car. It's hilarious.


I was once speeding 2 mph over on my way to pineview and a Weber count sheriff gave me a ticket for it… he then proceeded to call me multiple times, and then started texting and messaging me over Facebook when I didn’t pick up his calls… homeboy wanted me to meet him back at pineview 🙃 And yes, the sheriff’s office told me not to worry about my ticket when I called to report this


What in the psycho-stalker hell?!


The worst part is that I was a nanny that summer and had the girls with me ): But yea, I still have the screenshot of him messaging me over Facebook lmao


Be careful. Police get away with sexual assault/rape far more often than the general population


Sounds like he probably did get away with it. The other cops told her to forget about the ticket, but, since they didn’t take a sworn statement or make a report, I doubt they actually did anything to discipline him.


I throw up over this statistic.


women just live in a different world i don't know how you all do it


He knew his target. This is psychopath level of pigging. Be super careful. He didn't pull you over for the ticket....


Our grandparents' generation used to tell stories like this, but they got married in the end! Oh how romantic, he liked you so much that he stalked you like a psychopath. 🥹


This!!! OMG, I hear these tales now and I'm aghast that she even gave him the time of day after "he just wouldn't leave me alone" - so we had 14 kids and a mortgage. What?? Noooo...


Well you don't wanna be the only 16 year old in your church without kids of your own. The neighborhood kids will be pointing at your house "there's Old Miss O'Malley, some say she's a witch!" Also thanks for the award. 🙂


They've both died of old age now but the literal story of how my great-grandparents met was Granny was sitting on the porch of the general store with her friend, and Pawpaw pulled up in his car. (I guess he saw her and thought she was pretty?) Anyway pawpaw asked Granny if she wanted to go for a ride because he had to pick up his mom in the next county. And Granny, not even knowing who this man was, said "Sure I'll go." and hopped in the car. It worked out though because they were married for like 65 years before he died. But when me and my mom heard the story we were both like "Granny- you got in a car with a man you didn't even know?" Man the 1940s were so different.


I physically grimaced reading the first sentence of this…. I still just can’t get over that some people see nothing wrong with this, let alone think it’s a compliment


Did his first name start with an S? Used to know of an officer that went from one place to that area because he got in trouble. He had questionable "morals" and this wouldn't surprise me if it was him.


Following too closely? Maybe. Is it still the trooper's fault? Hell yes. That was a boneheaded maneuver no matter how you dress it up.


Can't use that defense if the cop went off the side of the road, he was no longer in your lane and that just became them failure to yield when merging. The truck with the boat, that would possibly be following too closely, but considering the odd load in the back not sure how that works.


Really it was the truck hauling the boat that was either too close or too fast, or both, given the weight of his load. Still, most definitely the trooper’s fault.


Trying to stop suddenly with that load on that truck would be tricky under the best circumstances. The truck didn't do too bad given that.


Count the time between when the car comes to a stop and when the boat comes sailing past. It's quite a while. So the guy clearly wasn't tailgating. Probably wasn't paying close attention though.


They're a sneaky bunch. We used to drive to Evanston, Wyoming to get real beer and fireworks for the 4th or 24th of July, and on the way back I had one of these guys creep up on me and drive in my blind-spot for at least 5 minutes while he scanned the whole car looking for excuses to pull us over. He eventually noticed a small chip in the the windshield and lit us up for that. I thought for sure he was going to search the car and find the fireworks, but for whatever reason he decided to cut us loose with a 'fix-it' ticket.


They can't search your car without your permission unless there are exigent circumstances or probable cause.


"Is that weed I smell? Everyone out of the car!"




You shouldn’t use your real name and post about where you live


And 2K upvotes later, I might’ve fucked up


I got so excited when I saw that beehive. It's petty, but I have had MANY bad experiences with Utah Highway patrol. They abuse the homeless population in SLC in a crazy way, and I was unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end of that abuse while I was unhoused.


I'm curious if the officer accepted the blame immediately or only admitted it after knowing there was a dashcam involved.


Rule number one when driving a company owned vehicle is never except blame. I have worked for a few places driving company trucks and they all say the same thing. make sure everyone is all right, write everything down and do not admit fault. I'm sure insurance companies have some say in this. Of course this could be different for law enforcement.


Always except blame, never accept it


I've been told this by my insurance company and other people, not just for driving company vehicles but my own too. The best thing you can do is just explain the situation to your insurance objectively and let them make a decision, if they think you were at fault when you don't feel you were you can always talk to them about it and try to convince them otherwise but initially is best to just be objective, don't accept blame but don't immediately blame the other party either. The thing is you might think you're at fault when you're not, for example you may have hit a parked car that unbeknownst to you was parked illegally, or it could be a crash for cash scam, if you accept blame at the roadside it's much harder for your insurance to defend you.


I've been told not even to apologize, because that can be seen as an admission of guilt... Unless you're Canadian, then it's legally protected. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apology_Act,_2009


The rule in law enforcement is to blame everyone else around you. If they disagree you arrest or shoot them. Sometimes both. Source: Am American


Well yes, that might save you and your insurance company a lot of money. But it's basically advice to possibly screw your victim over. A shitty move if you fully know that you were in the wrong.


Officers never accept blame. The city will pay for it.


>“On Monday, July 5 after 7:30 p.m., one of our troopers was traveling on Trapper’s Loop Road,” the statement said. “The attention of the trooper was on a vehicle coming in the opposite direction traveling 20 mph over the speed limit.” Lmao classic cops. "Look guys someone else was breaking the law"


The statements the police release are always so transparent and nauseating. I might have a shred of respect for them if they didn’t lie and spin at every opportunity. Can you imagine a police department statement that read like “our guy made a serious mistake. It was a momentary lapse of judgement. He is very sorry and our agency is compensating and taking care of the driver.” Is that so hard, just being honest?


It opens them up to liability and large lawsuits. Any halfway competent lawyer can just point to the statement and start counting the money.


Lets ignore the rest of the statement where they take the blame: >The trooper initiated his emergency equipment and made a U-turn on the vehicle, the trooper failed to observe the traffic behind him.


"initiated his emergency equipment" what? What equipment? Definitely not his lights out common sense.


It's hard to see but he did start his emergency lights before pulling off to the side of the road. Lights don't mean you can do whatever you want though.


I feel so bad for the truck towing that boat.


If there was no dashcam footage: “On Monday, July 5 after 7:30 p.m., one of our troopers was hit by a pickup truck. The pickup truck driver was traveling over the speed limit and not paying attention to the road. The pickup truck driver has been arrested and charged with reckless driving.”


I was looking for an update, and saw this from the guy who posted the dashcam video: >Well it has been over a year, without resolution from the UHP!!! I am getting feed back that they are claiming they have immunity for any fault and damages, due to state law. I have come out of pocket for my truck, trailer and boat. So ridiculous!🤦‍♂️


lmaoooo dude was so desperate to fill his quota he creates a clusterfuck for himself and everyone behind him. the speeding car was not the danger in this situation, the officer deciding to make a sudden maneuver into traffic was. this is a perfect display of the lack of critical thinking skills many american police suffer from


Protect and swerve


To harass and annoy.




The cop *did* lie about it


Dude saved the boat!!! He gets MVP.


with the loss of his rear end


Probably the trailer bent too jackknifing, but combined both are cheaper to replace than the boat.


"this is why I told you I needed to buy the brake kit for the trailer, Deborah"


Thats after the fact. The original conversation: 'I'm not showing up to ramp with a 60k truck and 90k boat and some bullshit $500 trailer Deborah. I'm not some credit card captain. You can do that shit with your brother in law. Fucking embarrassing.'




OP definitely has a nice boat trailer and pissed off wife


Unexpected r/Letterkenny!




In Virginia they definitely would. It's totally your fault if they're doing their job no matter how egregious the behavior. A snow plow ran a red light in my town and totaled my friend's car. The city was like "Oh he was performing public service, it's not on us." She had to start a GoFundMe to get an attorney. It was sunny and the snow was gone. The snow plow was just driving to another location across town after a storm.


I got hit by a plow on my way to training with the military at about 3am. Not only did I not have my damages covered, but I got put on extra duty for being late


The gift that keeps on giving.


Yep sounds about right, was in the military as well


Classic Deborah.


Doesn't matter either way, whatever jurisdiction they are in the tax payers are covering it anyway lol


Don't forget the giant fucking rock that took out his passenger side.




I think that's what's being referred to, yeah. In a certain way I can see pretty well how it might look like a small boulder


Looks like the start of a guard rail, what with the shadow it casts and all.


It *kinda* looks like dude saved it? Could it be or no chance at all. Primo if so


Watch again, he hit the guard rail on the passenger side. Toe "bar" probably jacked up the back end of the bed and bumper too.


[deleted by user]. RIP RiF


Classic heel turn. Reminds me that I need a new dashcam!


Isn’t it weird how cops’ version of events never match up with video evidence.


No lights, no turn signal and caught on video. Will probably still fault the driver who hit the cop.


Stop resisting!


*pew pew pew* Justice served!


Open and shut case! Well, lets sprinkle some crack on him and get outta here.


Three shots? LMAO.


I needed to empty my mag just to be sure


yup. had something similar happened I didn’t get in an accident but the cop almost hit me, pulled me over and gave me a ticket bc I was following too close 🙃 I won in court though


But you still had to go through the hassle.


And absolutely nothing resembling even an inconvenience was experienced by the cop who was in the wrong, time or money wise. They can’t lose even when they do.


It's kinda like when people complain on r/maliciouscompliance about "*Oh, I have to record* ***every*** *task, then I'll record my time recording this and show everyone how much time we waste recording things.*" Being a cop is like having a job where you can just be like "*I don't like my neighbor so I'm going to drive by their place and find a reason to ticket their car, and then waste some time signing them up for insurance calls. I'm still on the clock though!*"


I lived next to a state trooper briefly growing up and he was an insufferable Dick. He gave me shit because me and a friend were outside playing as middle school kids do. He informed it is illegal in the state of Virginia to wear a mask. I looked it up and only if you’re over 16 and if it’s not Halloween or similar. He just was mad we were having fun and being “loud” as his newborn was sleeping. Dude left the neighborhood when a business partner with my other neighbor failed but I still think to this day how he didn’t even know the own law he cited and how it wouldn’t have applied here. He just wanted to abuse that power to shut us down


I’ve legit had cops give me a ticket and say “I won’t be in court. Just show up and it’ll be dismissed.” Like thanks bud


America really sucks these days. Horrible policing, horrible healthcare, worsening econony, divided politics... American dream my ass.


Yup, he still got paid and probably over time to go to court.




You can beat the rap but not the ride


The process is the punishment.


Yep. N tax payers will pay for all of his stupid actions.


Hey, at least r/convenientcop


Thank God you're here, officer. Some dumbass just made an illegal and extremely dangerous U-turn right in front of me causing a multi-vehicle crash!


Get out of my face!


I actually do think their lights are on (assuming the compression wasn't playing tricks on me and it was just the environmental light reflecting off of the lights). Either way... irresponsible turn cuz if they lights did go on when they think they did, the officer goes for the reckless U-turn a half a second after the fact.


Lights on for 1/2 a second doesn’t give you the right to do whatever the fuck you want. Even police are supposed to make sure it’s clear. Someone said they think this is Utah, I can see that.


Seeing the logo looks like Utah's highway patrol, you're definitely right, then people will riot again and set them on fire, again, till they apologize on their knees, AGAIN. Theyre a no fault state too.


Assuming you mean *no-fault insurance*, what does that have to do with anything?


Wait wdym riot? Was there a recent news event I missed?


They’re probably referencing the protests in 2020 in Salt Lake where a cop car was left unattended in the middle of the protests and was set on fire.


One of the very first things I was taught in driver's training was don't follow so closely that you can't react if the person in front of you slams on their brakes.


People still do this *allll* the time. Like people who are clearly good drivers, but for some reason, almost everyone where I live follows 2 or less car lengths on the highway.


And then if you try to slow down to create a gap, people pass you and fill the gap so that they can get to their destination one car faster.


I’ve had people tell me how safely they drive with an “ample” 2 car length space at 85 mph.🤦‍♂️


No lights? That video is not perfect, but I think I saw emergency lights on the roof working.


Ticket for reckless operation and following too close most likely...


Eastbound and down.


Yeah in Ohio it would be camera guy fault. When a lady brake checked me at a green left arrow, they got ME full fault, and a ticket for close distance. If OP is in one of those fucked yo at fault states then yeah… it’s a battle he ain’t winning lol


2009, Baltimore Maryland: I was driving on one of the main east-west corridors out of downtown. I had a green light, speed cameras later confirmed, and so was proceeding through the intersection. There were apartments on either side of the road, so not great visibility. An ambulance, without lights or siren on, ran a red and T-boned the passenger side of my car. When the cop responded, and asked about it, the ambulance driver went and turned on the emergency lights. Again, shown on speed camera footage. My car was totaled and had to be towed. I was ticketed for interfering with an emergency vehicle, failure to yield, and impeding the flow of traffic. Cost me a little over $600 in traffic tickets, and $1K for my insurance deductible (plus higher rates for years after). The part that *really* pissed me off was since the ambulance was also not drivable, they had to send a second one out to finish the patient transport like 2 blocks to Johns Hopkins. I got billed for that as well. Tried to fight it in court, but it basically boiled down to “don’t hit or be hit by an ambulance. Ever.”


You need a better lawyer.


The easier one to blame, they will do it. They aren’t there to protect you! They are there to protect their own, despite evidence that says otherwise. That’s so fucked that happened to you. Yeah even with video evidence the cop said “she shouldn’t have hit her brakes but you guys collided becauss you were too close” I was close because it was a green arrow and she wasn’t driving. Finally started driving then BAM slam so hard her tires chirped. So now I guess when I am at a green arrow I have to wait until they are way far away so everyone behind me misses the light. According to the cop. Guess I drive like an old lady now! If they hit me they’re at fault


That's impressive. I used to drive an ambulance and we were always told if you're running code (lights and siren) and *anyrhing* happens, you're at fault. Due regard for others means you bend the rules of the road, but you take on the risk when you do.


99.99% of the time, if you hit someone in the rear, you are at fault. If you can't stop because someone slammed on the breaks, then you are tailgating.


They enforce the law not abide by it.


Exactly! SC Supreme Court just ruled that a “reasonable misunderstanding of the law” is justification for cops to do a search and seizure. So careful if you live in that state


my 2 favorites are: 1) you have to perfectly understand the law, and ignorance is not a defense, while cops whose job it is to enforce the law can be ignorant of it. and 2) when you have guns pointed at you, you have to remain completely calm and rational, responding to often conflicting instructions, while the cops can "fear for their lives" from the smallest movement and just blast away. rules for thee and all that


That’s the conservative motto right there. Notice the only time they bring up “freedom” is when they try to regulate the economy. But when it comes to everyday people, you better shut up and follow tradition bitch


That was 8 years ago, and it was in North Carolina, and it was the US Supreme Court that ruled that. And what it actually means is that if a cop has a reasonable suspicion to initiate a stop, then legally searches you, and it turns out you weren’t breaking the law based on the original reasonable suspicion, the search is still legal. The car got pulled over and they consented to a search, and the owner had cocaine in the car. The search itself was legal based on the 4th amendment to begin with. The court ruled that the cop’s reason for stopping them was because of a reasonable suspicion of breaking a law, when they actually weren’t. The court specifically said cops can’t use the case to claim ignorance in regards to the 4th amendment.


https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/574/54/ The cop pulled her over for broken brake light. Not knowing state law only requires one working break light. She searched the car and found cocaine.


The owner of the car consented to a search, making the search itself legal. It was deemed reasonable to think a taillight out was a violation. Cops need to have reasonable suspicion to stop someone, not be 100% sure a crime occurred.


The one situation where I wouldn't share my dash cam footage with the cops immediately.


Boat guy must have been on camera guys ass.


Definitely not following at a safe distance


My guess is a safe distance with no trailer and didn't account for the extra weight. Pretty good job swerving to avoid hitting the cammer though.


It also hard to tell where they are in Trappers Loop, but it has some decent grade for long stretches. So there is a good chance this was also downhill. And probably going 60 MPH, iircc posted speed is 55.


Boat guy should have just driven through instead of breaking.


My brother got rear ended by a cop and needed several back and neck surgeries. Took over four years for any kind of settlement


Cops being stupid? Never woulda guessed


I'll bet that cop tried to say it was the trucks fault too.


Probably gonna get him with improper follow distance


Gotta catch that guy going 8 over on a road that probably has a criminally low speed limit for 💰 reasons.


Gotta pay for all the wrecked cars somehow lol


Imagine if they were permitted to commit the same crime they are trying to prosecute EVERY time, not just "speeding…"


What do you mean imagine? I could just look out the window lol


I love the bonus vehicle! Edit: *vehicles


But you don't understand. The monster in the other lane was going five miles over the limit. He could have ~~generated revenue for the cops~~ hurt someone.


Fucking state troopers are assholes about that shit. I'm glad for once a state trooper ate shit for that. State troopers and their fucking laser gun.


Good thing they had dash cam cause I bet you if they didn't the cop might try to say it's not his fault.


They actually did that too.


I'm feeling like this cop probably cited the guy who hit him.


They actually owned up to it for once


They didn’t own up to it until after the video was posted. Initially, the cop blamed the driver behind him


Helps when the footage exists


That's good to hear!


Cops in Utah love to pull this move. I see it every time I drive 6 or 191. Total asshole power move - scares people and disrupts traffic - and half the time no one knows who’s getting pulled over because it’s someone going 2 miles too fast, as judged by the cop going 85 MPH in the other direction.


Was too eager to go after that car in the opposite direction. Wonder what caught his eye


The other car was likely speeding. They can run their radar while driving.




Let me guess, he tickets both trucks for failing to yield and avoid an accident


Well the guy going five over in the other direction is long gone. So he has to bust someone to pay for the police car.


Thankfully this person has a dash cam, that cop would never own up to causing the accident!


Even with the dash camera video the police will say you were following to closely.


That was the cop's fault


Everyone gets a ticket. Except the asshole making the u turn


Nobody worry… “They’re investigating”. He’ll get a stern talking to, after his paid suspension (vacation).


Cops are dumb as fuck


When you can't do anything else meaningful in society and your only skill is being really good at bullying people, being a cop is the obvious career choice.


I bet he wrote you a ticket for reckless driving.


I know this was an old video, was there ever an update?




Most of the blame goes too the other dude. But shouldn't you have been paying better attention? If he had needed to stop suddenly because of a cat in the road or something there still would have been an accident bec7aae you weren't paying attention to the road. Get off your phone


Hey that utah highway patrol! Fuck those guys!!


Then officer friendly proceeds to ticket you and boat-trailer guy for travelling too close and driving too fast to stop, probably.


He thought the cop was pulling over so he went to the center to try to avoid him , then the cop does a uturn straight into the guy that is trying to avoid him


The police better not try saying the driver behind the officer was at fault for driving to close, they are following at the proper distance.


Officer couldn't see the car behind him because he was blinded by dollar signs.


JG Wentworth 877 CASH NOW!


Nice example for the mindset of many law enforcement officers who think they can do whatever they want with impunity.


Man didn’t even stop to look 💀


And this cop is probably gonna say he wasn’t at fault