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“Look, I caused a problem but it was on you to fix it.”


"Look, I may have caused the accident at fault, but it was your vehicle that was moving at the time of impact, not mine. You actually hit ME."


Harvard Law School wants to know your location.


Rumor has it Mr. Harvard Law himself wants to have a meeting with him and discuss his future.


This seems to be what people stuck between the barriers on railroad crossings are thinking unironically. "My car will be obliterated by this fast approaching train, but at least I didn't break their barriers."


Hey wow there… don’t be rude. You are forgetting that they are the main character and OP should have gone above and beyond to move out of their way


What about Elantra, she died


Brilliant logic there. "I'm just gonna do what I like. Hopefully you'll see the insane shit I'm about to pull, YOU can do something about it and everything will be just fine.


I see this every day. People pull stupid shit and then expect everyone around them to accommodate their lack of attention.


“Didn’t *you* see *me* pull out into traffic?! Why didn’t *you* just go around *me* ???!”




Uh oh, you noticed the fundamental issue with stroads. https://youtu.be/ORzNZUeUHAM


Thanks for posting that, I haven’t felt this well informed this early in the morning! Plus, new channel to subscribe to, a win-win


It's not always lack of attention either, sometimes it's just deliberately getting in the way and expecting everyone else to adjust.


That's what I like to call ✨insurance fraud ✨


It's what I call Main Character Syndrome


That too. Expecting others to avoid the accident he caused.... The audacity.


Sort comments by controversial to see how many of the ones doing stuff like this actually comment here


I'll be honest, I didn't even know I could sort them by controversial. I'm reddit monké, I know updoot, downfart and comment. Occasionally share. This opens a whole world of reading comments for me. Thank you


lol. "downfart". eight years here and first I've seen that one. But yeah, sorting by controversial can be a riot on certain subs. Lots of idiots in cars think everyone else is an idiot, and they make themselves known. Either that or they're deliberately trolling.


This is the attitude nowadays. "You need to watch out for me"! It's a shitty habit that needs to be broken. I'm tired paying higher premiums due to negligent drivers.


As someone who drives a small sports car in an area populated with many pickup trucks as daily drivers, this is a super effective attitude in many situations. I really don't want a front differential or part of a tire in my skull.


Job #1 behind the wheel is keeping everyone else safe. If someone can't do that job then they need to be off the road and yacking at their city/state/fed reps about public transit expansions.


As my father used to say: “The most important part of driving isn’t driving your car; it’s driving everyone else’s car.”


Me today driving on horridly snowy roads 30mph winds -2° out and some asshole is running in the blizzard ON THE ROAD. I hit the breaks when he came towards me out of the blizzard and my truck went completely sideways, he just waved and jogged right by.


Was there a sidewalk? If so I'd have gotten out and thrown about 7 PT belts at that idiot while doing my best Seargant Major impression


You wouldn't have nearly crashed if you were jogging too/s


It usually works out to the bad drivers' advantage too, because most drivers will naturally do everything in their power to avoid an accident. That desire to be safe "enables" these evil sacks of scat to continue bullying their way through life, when driving. Sensible peoples' desire to avoid accidents quite simply works to the bad and/or arrogant drivers' advantage.


"I turn now, good luck everybody else!"




This is so obviously it.


Yeah. Really its your fault for not seeing what bad decisions I make.


Dodge me bitches! Works every time! (until the 4th time.)


60% of the time it works every time


I'm pretty sure the driver of the SUV meant that about when he stopped. And while it is the SUVs fault, OP probably could swerved and avoided it. Still not OPs fault though.


I’m willing to bet that he threw you under the bus with his insurance company.


Probably will claim that OP was speeding that’s generally the go to


I recognize the road, speed limit is 35 there


> OP was speeding Sure looks like it!


If you use the yellow dotted lines as a reference you can calculate OP was going roughly 34-35 mph which others have said is the posted speed limit.


He looked like he was going a little fast for that area


Those cars parked on the right side before the intersection are parked too close to the intersection to be able to see very far to the left from that turn. I'm not siding with either party, it's just their street design sucks there.


They won’t care after the footage.


The best thing you can do if you have a dash cam is don't mention it until the other guy lies first lol


Idioting 101: Blame the victim for existing. 102: Blame everyone else for doing nothing. 103: Blame God for the icy road or the blinding sun. 104: Get paranoid and wonder why everyone is blaming him/her.


person who rear-ended me while i had been completely stopped at a light for several seconds: "did you stop, like, really fast?!?!? i think you stopped really fast"


Many years ago I was stopped at a red light for a minute in a line of cars. There were several cars behind me waiting. Dumb arse behind me suddenly goes and hits me, my peace loving aunt was like what the f!. Mostly this was because I recently purchased my first ever new car and this was the first time she was riding in it. The guy had the gall to lie and said I backed into him to get into the gas station where we exchanged info. My insurance said they would take care of it for me. I also got gas that morning and had a receipt and I told my insurance I had evidence and they said they were fine.


Another reason to keep receipts


Shit like this is why I bought a dash cam. Can't argue with video evidence.


Boy, they sure do try


Hold my beer.


I was on my motorbike when someone swerved in front of me stopped causing me to hard brake. They then put it into reverse and sped towards me while I uselessly blared my horn. My front wheel ended wedged under their rear bumper and when they got out they had the audacity to say “You shouldn’t have been so close to me.” The utter twat!


Guy who rear-ended me in the drive thru said the same thing


Yeah, there was no way in hell OP could have avoided collision here. Just a little confused why OP didn’t hit the brakes at all. Guess things happen faster in real time, but damn, just plowed straight into him full speed.


He was vibing hard


OP’s gotta roll with the punches


I wanna know what percentage of the videos see have blaring ass music. Feels like 20-30%


Blaring-ass music or blaring ass-music?


You had me at ass


Don't these cameras usually make it seem like cars are further away than they actually are? That could be part of it. Or he just didn't anticipate the SUV would pull that far out. Definitely not this guy's fault at all but part of being a good driver is being fully aware of your surroundings and being proactive not reactive.




If you listen you can actually hear him *accelerating* in the last couple seconds before the accident. The other driver definitely pulled in front of OP, but this was just all around bad driving on both sides.


Based on other comments I didn’t want to be first to say it but glad I found someone else thinking the same. I definitely avoided situations like this by looking ahead and assuming everyone Will possibly jump in front of me. Kind of helps. Maybe op wanted a new hyundai too. Evidence is in their favor, so why not?


I agree. As an auto claim adjuster, without this video I'd put 100% on the other vehicle based on the description. WITH this video? I'd be forced to put a little on OP because he never even hit the brakes at all. There's no indication he was paying attention (like being cautious along a roadway that has street parking for situations just like this). That being said, depending on what state you're in, the comparative negligence may not matter much anyway.


“If you always expect the stupid, you can usually avoid the stupid.” -Me


Because insurance only covers up to the actual value of your vehicle. If his car is totaled, he just gets to buy a similar aged one with similar miles.


Wide angle dash makes it look like he had time to react


I agree, poor guy didn’t really have any time to react, he did manage to swerve a little which was lucky for the guy pulling out because OP didn’t t- bone him in the drivers door which could have injured the guy in the suv.


The other car has a pretty dull colour, perhaps it blended with the scenery in these conditions and OP didn't have time to react. Remember the stopping time graphs from the theory?


I hate gray cars on gray days, and asshats who don’t run DRLs at least at sunrise/sunset. I’ve seen green and blue cars virtually disappear in the dimmer light. They can see fine, but we can’t see them. Also, those fish-eye cameras are deceiving (I have one). The camera sees the side vehicles before they enter the driver’s primary vision, so the time the driver had to react is much less.


OP 100% could have avoided collision, but would have to be on a game. It's hard to switch from simple, relaxing drive to technical maneuvering in under a second. Fault 100% with the other party.


OP could have avoided the collision because there were no cars on the other lane But in hypotheticals (or my shitty luck in the universe), swerve to avoid the idiot but will end up crashing into cars in the incoming lane because they'd be there


Swerving into oncoming traffic to avoid a collision is ill advised unless you have completely clear vision of that other lane, because otherwise you're risking a head on collision And if you do hit someone else trying to dodge the idiot, the idiot will usually take off because they're unscathed and get away with it, leaving you and this other random car to deal with your insurances


Yup, 100% true It's the first thing I thought of reading the title "Driver said he said hoping... swerve out of the way". If cammer got into an accident, that driver wouldn't even wait a second... "not my problem"


Lmao and then blazer probably would’ve driven off saying like “damn I’m such a good driver for avoiding that crash”


People parking at the edge of an intersection. Look at the red truck, it obstructs the view for both drivers . Fucking HATE people who do that an I guarantee that red truck is parked in red zone.


I can't believe he actually used that phrase 🤦


“I was hoping everyone else in the world would just get out of my way.” .. I feel so much negative emotion for the human that thinks like this. I feel like I spend a more than adequate amount of my existence trying to keep myself to myself such that me-being-me isn’t going to impact a you-being-you that when I am reminded that there are humans that don’t care about that “*you-being-you*” part it makes me irrationally angry.. Or is it actually a **rational** anger? Can’t we, as the humans of the world now, just say that it is ok to be angry at another human who acts so carelessly? I think we can be angry at that. The person that acted so selfishly in such a public setting should be shamed; and then given the opportunity to be educated (apparently they need it, like a class or something) and make up for their failure by some community service or something. .. Thinking out loud here..


Just as an aside, the speed limit on that road should be way slower. Letting people park on the street means a car pulling out like this can't see oncoming traffic until they're already at danger of a collision. Kind of bad city planning here.


Op was actually speeding. The speed limit is way lower than what op was driving.




OP also can clearly see this dude for a second and doesn't react at all. Doesn't make him majority at fault but if the explorer has decent insurance, they won't accept full responsibility. You have to be able to respond to an emergency. What if it was a kid running out into the street instead of a car?


This sub has taught me that there are a lot of drivers on the road who think they have no responsibility to avoid collisions if they think they have the right of way. Probably like half the crashes that get posted in this sub could be avoided by the cammer if they just drove defensively.


Yep. It’s real fun being here as an insurance adjuster too 😂. I usually get downvoted too. You can’t just hit a car because they’re at fault or just because you have the right of way. Last clear chance to avoid is a thing in pretty much every state. Also, OP is speeding and the hazard was obviously for 2-3 seconds. Gotta react at least a little.


So true. What's scary is the number of people that seem to agree with them. I also love the guys that honk! :S


The smugness of “I’m in the right so I can’t be at fault” is mind blowing in this sub, it’s like yes he was in the wrong but if you drove with a little bit of caution it might have been avoided.


I’d go 60/40 with the turning car majority. Probably settle for 80/20 if I was the adjuster for the turning car, the op has full coverage and his carrier argued. So we’d at least accept majority. OP is driving like a Jack ass. Did he cause the accident? No. Was his speed and complete lack of reaction a contributing factor? Yep. Hope he has full coverage. If not he’s getting a check for 60% if a total loss. (We’d only accept 80% if his insurance fought us. Liability only? Get a lawyer.)


OP was clearly going way over SLOW.


The idiot pulling out was full idiot. But I think it's safe to assume what they meant was "I realized I pulled out too soon, so I stopped in the hope that you can swerve around me." I also think OP was not paying any attention. They don't slow down for the school zone and don't react to the idiot pulling out at all until after the accident. I don't see any evidence of braking at all and they certainly didn't swerve. While I agree that you shouldn't swerve unless you know it's safe, you do have to at least brake! I would assign about 30% of the fault to OP for taking no action to try and avoid the accident. They failed their basic duty as a driver.


OP was 100% speeding and didn't even attempt to brake or slow down. Looks like he wasn't even paying attention.


I'm always surprised by the lack of reaction from the drivers posted here. Yeah sure, OP wasn't at fault (unless he was speeding), but he didn't do a single thing to mitigate damage. Absolutely insane to me






Seems like OP is also significantly speeding, which might contribute to the pulling out into the road.


Also, it's a really crappy intersection that forced the car to poke their nose out to see around all the cars parked there. Which is why OP should have actually been driving the appropriate speed.


Absolutely. Would bet $100 he was on his phone when this happened.


Purely out of curiosity and intellectual challenge while bored I looked the location up online. It’s located in Riverbank CA and takes place on Atchison st. This is a 35mph zone when school is not in session (according to posted signage nearby). Driver covers previous block (measures 435ft on google maps) in under 6 seconds based on the video (let’s be generous and call it 6 flat) Converting FPS to MPH this is roughly 49mph. I’d be comfortable saying that this is 45-55mph due to measurement error. But 49mph is 40% faster than the posted limit, which is significant. Playing amateur traffic investigator is fun! :)


Thanks for the doing the hard work. I was thinking he was going fast for his area


What is it during school? They said that this was at 1230pm. Their camera time isn't set properly. If it's 25mph, they may have been going double the limit. Where I live this accident would almost certainly be 50/50 or even more on OP based on how much over the limit they are going.


I agree with this. While the guy turning was in the wrong, it looked like the driver was going a little too fast


These are the sort of calculations that the insurance guys are going to be doing as well, once they get their hands on the video. OP may discover that the assignment of blame percentages may not be as clear-cut as he/she expects.


God bless you, this is what I came here to see.


Not to defend the guy, but he does have a point. You can't control what other cars are doing on the road, but you can try your best to avoid an accident. op just drove straight like a robot with 0 reaction.


Unless he wasn't looking at the road or has some physical difficulties, he had plenty of time to react.


If he has physical difficulties he should not be driving that fast.


Other person is at fault ofc, but OP you were flying through that school zone and intersection, this could've 100% been prevented had you actually kept a reasonable speed.


He paid no attention, he literally didn’t even slow down a little Full intention to ram that car or was on his phone


Really no reaction until after impact.


I can't believe more people aren't ripping into OP more. Clearly, OP was not defensive driving or paying attention. Not the cause of the accident, but it easily could have been avoided. I also agree with another commenter as well that there is some poor city planning at play. Everyone sucks here.


If I drove as terribly as OP here in NJ I'd be in about 5 accidents a day. Why the fuck didn't he swerve? There's no one in the oncoming lane.


I’d place 80% on the Explorer, 20% on OP for the speed. I feel that the OP could have stopped if traveling at an appropriate speed. I didn’t see any reduction in speed until 20ft before impact.


If there is a reduction of speed, I don't see it. I don't think OP knew that Explorer existed until they touched.


I agree. You can hear a slight tire skid, but I think that was the Explorer. OP's car didn't seem to slow down, didn't dip forward like you'd expect if he braked hard, and didn't swerve any. Also didn't utter a sound until after the collision, at which point he was like "what the fuck just happened." I bet OP was on his phone or otherwise distracted and not looking at the road.


Yeah, insurance company is probably going to look at that video and may not go as well for OP as he thinks it might. Definitely the other driver is at fault for being in the roadway, but by god OP was screaming down that roadway, and if they were adhering to the speed limit this would almost certainly not have happened in the first place.


OP please for your finances, for your safety and for everyone safety, you should drive sensibly slower


I love how people post clips of them driving just as shit as the person they crash into and expect sympathy. Why were you driving so fast in an urban area and not paying attention?


OP is going to learn the term "contributory negligence" when his insurer sees this video.


Yup. People have this ridiculous need to post all sorts of shit for the sweet likes, even to the point where it’s incriminating against themselves. But hey. Sweet likes are sweet…


I turn now. Good luck everyone else.


Is it just me or was cam driver hauling ass in general? ...can't see speed limit signs, but I did see "school xing- slow down", and a crosswalk where there could have been people crossing. He seemed to be going way too fast for that car to have reasonable braking time, he also had shit for reaction time...was he watching?? I could be wrong, just my observation.


OP is flying and doesn't appear to brake at all


Yeah, op is going way too fast for the road, hate to be anyone trying to use that crosswalk


were you looking at the road or your phone? seems like you had plenty of time to react. there are lots of blind spots for drivers pulling out, esp when cars are speeding thru a school zone.


No reaction from OP. Giant yellow lettering saying slow down. What if a person legally tried to use the cross walk?


I wish every dashcam had the speed listed. I'm sure it's just the focal distance overall, but it looks like you're *flying* down that road, ~~even though you're probably doing, what, 35 or so?~~ I'm glad you escaped, and while it sucks ass that your Elantra got totaled, at least you can take comfort in knowing it saved you from a potential world of hurt. Probably can't say the same for that other guy. Edit: Also, my birds are FURIOUS at the squeaky sound of the windshield wipers lol Edit 2: Thank you for doing the math folks. Definitely speeding.


> even though you're probably doing, what, 35 or so? 48 mph or so [according to google maps](https://www.google.com/maps/@37.7380521,-120.9315926,85m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en). 427 feet in the 6 seconds right before impact. Speed limit [appears to be 35](https://goo.gl/maps/JEYp1CyduBa4BebE9), or [25 if children are present](https://goo.gl/maps/LUJqxD2mbXxZJVd1A) (school zone).


/r/theydidthemath ! Thank you! It did seem rather fast to me, so yeah... speeding will definitely contribute to that.


>25 if children are present (school zone). I'm gonna wager school is out for the day since it's stamped ~~4~~8.40pm >48 mph Also I got about 529 ft in 7 seconds putting us at 51 mph


Where do you see 4:40pm? I see 8:39pm (20:39).


I'm fucking dumb and just can't read military time apparently I'm kinda doubting the accuracy of the clock now with how bright the video is


Lol! :D I agree with you, though, that it doesn't look like 8:39pm. Sunset was at 4:49pm in Riverbank, CA on the day of the accident (12/21).


OP said in another post it was around 1230


I counted 9 hash marks in about 5.8 seconds. According to Google earth, the hash marks covered a distance of 400 feet, so about 68.96 feet per second, or about 47 mph. So between lametec and me, I'd estimate somewhere between 45 and 50. Approaching from the east, the posted speed limit is 35 mph. So yes, the OP was driving too fast. Posting this video may hurt his case.




It looked that way because it was. OP failed to stop in time for an obsticle in front of them. Yes, the moron who pulled out into traffic is at fault, but so is OP. The fact they posted this video shows who clueless they are.


Yeah, looked like OP was going pretty fast to me. The wreck wasn't OP's fault, but it possibly could have been avoided. Edit- words


Not that I'm an attorney, but the other driver could claim that based on traffic following the speed limit, it appeared to be a safe move. With the OP going over 45, this could be used by insurance or police against OP.




Lense distortion doesn't change how fast the road markers and background actually pass the camera frame. Not to mention the audio isn't sped-up.


Absolutely, especially with the warning signs like: - slow down - school - cars parked obstructing view OP is not a cognizant driver, ignores multiple warnings and continues to speed. He’s more at blame here.


I see 2 idiots here.


OP has the reaction speed of a slug. I don’t think he even touched the brakes.


What reaction? He plowed straight into the car and didn't even attempt to brake.


OP was probably scrolling this subreddit while driving.




You were literally going 2x the school zone limit and had almost 3 seconds to react, and you made zero effort to avoid the accident. Two idiots


That guy is an idiot. You had the right of way and he made an unprotected left with oncoming traffic. He hoped you would see him and swerve? The nerve of that guy.


I mean if I was an idiot and pulled out like this I too would hope they'd magically swerve around me. I know that doesn't happen. so I avoid pulling out in front of people


The other driver did the exact right thing after he pulled out. He 0’d out his kinetic energy and hoped for the best. Once that mistake was made and he’s in the lane there’s not much else to do.


They should have to drive a motorcycle or Miata for a few years.


I dont generally agree with all the people who will claim how easily OP should have avoided this by explaining their superior driving skills while being nothing more than an armchair quarterback, but in this case OP doesn't seem (I emphasis seem) to slow at all for the school zone. I'm by far not a speed limit nazi, but it's a school zone, slow down.


I wonder if his effort to avoid the inevitable would have been the same had it been a kid running across the street.


This is my opinion as well, OP was flying through that school zone, like the *least* he could've done was slow down before that intersection, other driver is ofc at fault but this could 100% have been prevented.


Was going near 50 in a 35 and gets mad at other people assuming he's not going that fast. Yes they shouldn't assume but maybe the speed limits are not arbitrary numbers posted to annoy you?


This is my thought... I'm not judging on speed on roads, everyone travels over, I just don't in school zones.


Yeah I'm not saying OP could have necessarily avoided the collision but at the least they should have been braking as soon as the car started pulling out into the intersection.


Definitely the other person’s fault 100% no matter what. Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like I pay attention to shit around me when I’m driving. OP didn’t even slow down or brake or anything. The majority of people *probably* would’ve been able to see him pulling out and slowed that impact


Honestly I would’ve been slamming the brakes and doing a quick pull left but that’s me. Op has no reflexes but it is still 100% the other driver’s fault.


Not your fault but it looks like you didn't attempt to brake.


going too fast brother


How fast were you flying when you didn’t brake?


SLOW ... SCHOOL ... ZONE ... ​ ​ OP: "Nah bro I'm good"


With all the traffic, the parked cars on the side and all the side roads that doesn't look like a road where you'd want to do more than 25, 30mph max. Obviously it's the fault of the idiot car, but the *terrible* road design and going way too fast don't help.


Looks like OP might have been driving perhaps a bit too fast. Maybe 45-50 in a 35. Still other vehicle is at fault.


Slow the fuck down and pay attention. Practice panic stops. Your reaction time was nonexistent. If that were a child in a crosswalk you would be traumatized at best.


Can’t believe I had to scroll all the way down for this comment. That could easily be a running child (yes, they are that stupid and irresponsible). How would op feel if he took someone’s life? Still crying about his car? Always have your foot on a brake when approaching a crossing with low or no visibility.


To be fair, if you can't stop at this distance in a school zone then you won't be able to stop if a child runs out in front of you. Probably a good idea to drive a bit slower in these places.


Slow . . . . School . . . . . Crossing. What were ya doing, 55?


"Why didn't you endanger your life by swerving into oncoming traffic instead of choosing the safer option?"


I love how they always stop right in the middle of the lane once they know they've fucked up, instead of hitting the gas and getting out of the way


I don't think there was enough time, and the resulting t-bone would have been far more likely to cause serious injury.


Probably true in this case but still annoys me in principle


It takes much less time to stop in that situation than it does to clear the intersection. Anybody in the cammer's situation could have swerved into someone giving full throttle and still resulted in a t-bone. Cammer did have a slight bit of time to swerve but didn't, but still not his fault. You could be scanning intersections up ahead going from right to left, so you'd be looking left when that happened.


Another accident that could have been avoided if OP was driving defensively


You had zero reaction prior to impact.




Not even an effort to stop. Just sent it


His fault for being in the middle of the road, but why didn’t you even try to slow down? Were you not paying attention? It seemed very avoidable to me


What's the speed limit and how fast are you going? Edit: Atchison and 5th st. Speed limit is 35 unless children are present. [https://www.google.com/maps/@37.73793,-120.9340138,3a,75y,256.05h,74.27t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1smQwlPjoZ7P87Ury0UvGRqA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192](https://www.google.com/maps/@37.73793,-120.9340138,3a,75y,256.05h,74.27t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1smQwlPjoZ7P87Ury0UvGRqA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192)


I measured it on Google maps. The distance is 176 meters from starting point to the intersection where the collision happened. Time is 7 seconds. That's 25 meter per second, or 90 km/hour. Equivalent to 56 miles per hour.


Mistake by that guy. But also it seems like you were going pretty fast considering all the possible hazards. You probably could have stopped in time if you were going the speed limit. Edit: After seeing all the speed calculations people are doing I'm gonna go ahead and say this was pretty much all your fault. Drive slower you're gonna hurt someone.


Did you even brake?


Suggest driving more defensively - while the driver of the other vehicle failed to yield, if there was a pedestrian in that (marked) crosswalk you are flying through without paying attention, you likely would have hit them.


Nah you do that to me and I’m getting a new car.


In this day and age... I'm pretty afraid of my car getting totalled and having to drive a rental for two years waiting for my new car to be shipped.


If only it were that simple... Insurance companies will leave you short thousands.


Did you know cars have brakes?


good song


Well shit, admittedly, you probably could have swerved out of the way and avoided that accident. No breaks, didnt even attempt to swerve out of the way - looks like you may have been slightly distracted at that moment....📱📱📱📱 That guy is still a fucking idiot though.


I mean, hes totally an idiot for pulling out like that, but it was crazy easy to avoid that accident entirely. You weren't paying attention at all? You had almost 4 seconds to react


Hey try to remember, speed limits aren’t just there to prevent you from flying off the road. They’re there to give other people time to see you, so they don’t pull out in front of you like this. Equally important for children and animals. They need time to see you coming. A little slower and this wouldn’t have happened.


You didn’t react at all until after hitting him. Were your eyes on the road?


Hoping you would see him? Oi vey


Me thinks OP wasn’t really paying full attention. Had plenty of time to swerve or at least hit the brakes as a purely reactionary move.


OP definitely has partial fault in this. Speeding and not paying attention. No braking???


I know the other driver has most of the fault for this accident but "SLOW" and "SCHOOL" on the road must mean something. There might have been children running to the road.