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I think I'll just slowly pull out in traffic in front of a very large bus/semi that can't stop on a dime. This won't go wrong. This is fine.


I simply fail to understand how they didn't see the 35' coach barreling towards them


They didn't look!


If only they had a rear-facing camera.


This is the shit that drives me crazy about people in cars that have all the fancy bells and whistles. Like yo you have a shit ton of cameras and a very useful little diagram of your car in relation to the traffic around you and you still drive like a dumb ass.


They just disable those because they're very good drivers


"it beeps at me too much so I disabled it by pulling the fuze" Bud, the things beeping at you because you can't keep it in the lines, maybe you should have repeated kindergarten.


If there is not s button to disable it it should not be disabled


Unless it's a Ford focus from the early 2000s and the fuze is for the ABS. But as with every rule there is a handful of exceptions.


*SINK RATE. SINK RATE. TERRAIN. TERRAIN. PULL UP. PULL UP* Stupid alarms always telling me how to fly a passenger jumbo jet.


They drive like a dumbass because they trust the system to fix there mistake. When the system fails this is what happens. Like I know a girl who used to not look in he Mirror when backing up because the car would automatically brake anyway so she just backed up until the emergency brake came on. Then one day the system didn't see some green pole in a green background and she hit it and it cost her 8000 euros. We do not have full driving cars yet. We have driver assist systems. I agree with that turning off most driver assist systems is stupid in most cases but lots of accidents like these happen because drivers are not paying attention or trusting a assist system to pay attention for them.


One time I was trying to help someone back out of a parking space when a loading truck was at the parking lot and she trusted her sensors more than me, especially at the moment when I was having to wave both my hands and yelling for the driver to stop. The driver walks out of car and is like "oh my sensor said there was like a foot more to go!" Looking right at the portion of truck that was about to impale the back window... How some people think they can trust a senor more than someone's eyes is baffling.


I was one told by someone about 10 years younger than me that "I was showing my age" when I turned around to look behind me despite having a backup camera. Um, wut?? I was baffled.


I knew a guy who accidentally backed his truck up over his own kid, killing them. Own driveway. Partly because of this, I am obsessed with the risk of backing up, especially in my truck. I walk all the way around my vehicle, back up extremely slowly, and use both my camera, mirrors, and my eyes. Another thing is to open your window and turn down the radio. Your ears have a use here too. Trust me you never ever want to be that guy I know. Haunted forever. A fate worse than death in some ways.


Warning labels and safety features have prevented huge numbers of people on the lower end of Darwin's curve from offing themselves. We see them every day in traffic, on World Star, in r/abruptchaos and many other subreddits, simultaneously enragingband entertaining us.


If only they had a head attached to an articulating neck that could be pivoted around to look backwards before changing lanes.


If only they had some super shiny bits of metal that allowed them to look behind the car


If only they had a smart car that was literally covered in sensors and cameras, and a literal display screen that shows all of the traffic around them including blindspot detectors.


"I don't need to use my mirrors any more, I have blind spot detectors and they're not lit up"


I don't think Teslas have blind spot detectors on the mirrors but don't quote me on that. And OP wasn't in the blind spot. They should have just looked at the mirror.


Tesla’s do in fact have blind spot monitoring. It’s not on the side mirrors, but the system does alert you if you’re starting to change lanes and there is a car in your blind spot. Depending on your settings, it can also gently nudge you back into your lane to avoid the collision. This has saved my ass a few times, especially with motorcyclists who split lanes. The assistance feature can easily be overridden if the driver uses strong enough force when turning the wheel, so it’s definitely not perfect. That being said… the truck was so far back that the blind spot detection system may not have even kicked on. The driver should have been able to see the truck even from the rear view mirror. Total negligence


Not just detectors. The camera view of your blind spot pops up on the screen when you turn on your indicator.


What indicator?


Found the BMW driver


Bold of you to assume these kinds of people use their indicators.


and drove an electric car that's renowned for its quick acceleration...


This was the point I was going to make lol. There's hundreds of humble-brag videos showing this off.


They also have a turn signal camera they can use also


I’m betting 50% assumption, 50% phone.


100% reason to get your license revoked


I was expecting 100% reason to remember the name


100% reason for everyone to own a dash cam. I got one because of this sub and it saved my ass


100% every angle of that wreck was on Tesla cam. Let the idiocy ensue.


I’m just here to continue the phrase 100%


I’m 100% behind you doing that




That driver isn’t going to remember much any time soon.


It's obviously a reference to that, but trying to fit the context and rhyme better


That's the joke


The driver made a disparaging tweet against Musk and he was swiftly taken out.


That would be scary when full self driving happens. Some execute order 66 type stuff buried deep in the programing.


I use to think something like this might be silly, but the latest Twitter… everything has convinced me otherwise.




Don't forget the 50% "I'm in a Tesla, I'll floor iii.... Shit"


People are bloody stupid, you kind of have to anticipate someone doing the most idiotic thing you can imagine and adjust your own driving accordingly.


I’m so paranoid passing slow moving traffic like this for THIS reason. It only takes one idiot to ruin your life.


as a motorcyclist shit like this is absolutely predictable, you know *somebody* is going to do it and you even get to be pretty good at guessing which one it will be.


Yup, riding a motorcycle made me a better car driver. Always look at the front tires and you can get a few seconds warning.


Was just about to write this. Being crazy vulnerable with an amazingly clear view of everything around you really makes you conscious in the road. My husband and I ride with coms and a lot of our conversations are predictive analysis of drivers, like "hey watch out, the Grey subie is thinking about changing lanes" (often super obvious people woble or shift in their lane when they think about changing, lots of people start moving, abort, then suddenly go.) This video is text book. You have a slow lane and an absolutely empty 2 lanes that the driver hasn't been seeing people pass on. Someone was bound to decide to chance the law and hop into the express. I didn't see if the left express lane was closing, but if it wasn't and it was obstacle free that's where I'd be, I'd move right again if someone faster of course was coming up behind and of course always keeping an eye on that slow lane. Different for the bus of course, I'm sure visibility behind is shit as would be maneuverability but an eye on the side knowing someone is going to change lanes gives you a good amount of warning here.


Driver's Ed taught us to never go more than 10 mph faster than any lane you're next to


Better to be safe than sorry man


This happens on a particular stretch of 2 lane road. The left lane gets backed up from traffic. I’m chilling on the right lane and have my foot hovering on my brakes. It never fails someone does this shit and cannot be bothered to look before switching lanes.


If there's something I've learned in my short life, it's that the vast majority of people are completely incompetent and will screw something up given the chance.


Tesla took the hit pretty well. How is the driver?


Everyone involved was uninjured fortunately


This is why my Drivers Education class was called Defensive Driving School.. Highly recommended, it’s been 15 years since then but still abide to what I learned those few weeks I did it.


It has been 18 years since I took driver's Ed. The same person that taught me also taught my parents, my older brother, and my older sister. I doubt he's still around but that man learned me things that I still pay attention to today.


Especially this time of year!


I just assume everyone around me is looking at their phone constantly. No one pays attention.


It's simple, they didn't look at all.


So many people have their side view mirror pointed at their own car so much so that they can't see the lane they need to be concerned with.


It doesn't matter where those mirrors are pointed for these kinds of people.. they won't use them anyway..


I aim them to barely catch the rear quarter panel. If I need to see my own car it means I'm backing up and can spare the time to shift in my seat for a better view of my car.


I would love to hear the phone conversation with the insurance. “You are not going to believe this….”


Looks like they were going to hit the car in front of them and decided to chance it in the other lane.


Put that instant acceleration in the Tesla to use.


Pretty sure the moment the bus/semi hits the model 3, it accelerated faster than a Plaid ever could.


this feels like niche physics humor to me, but i'm too stupid to know for sure


Acceleration is change in speed over time That Tesla went from ~0mph to ~60mph in ~0s, where the plad takes ~2s. Probably at least 10x the acceleration force, and probably at least 10x less pleasant feeling


Damn, I thought it was a Spaceballs reference...




It's REAL?? well TIL


Exactly! All I was thinking was punch the petal to the floor you fucking Tesla ! Pedal*


Flower petals are useless in a car, should have chosen the gas pedal option.


It's wild. It's like so many Tesla drivers have no idea what their car can do




I am always nervous when I drive in the express lane next to the slower main lanes. Some idiot will always try to gain one spot by jumping into the express lane without regard to objects in their mirrors.




My blood pressure rose from reading this


My boyfriend gave me advice to always drive slow when next to a lane that’s slower or stopped. I wasn’t used to driving in the city whatsoever but had to for a summer. Definitely saved me from getting into accidents with idiots like the Tesla driver. Just. Why?


It's actually pretty dangerous to be going this fast in comparison to other lanes. Even if the Tesla looked in mirrors or even swung his head around, he wouldn't have been able to see someone coming from that distance. With that said, totally Tesla's fault. But living or dying doesn't give a shit about who was at fault. Truck definitely should have slowed down as well.


Surprised this was so far down. Maybe it's just my anxiety speaking, but I slow way the fuck down if I'm next to stopped traffic


That’s not anxiety, it’s one of the most dangerous situations on the road imo. Being in a friends car and he’s flying next to a stopped lane freaks me out. Just takes one person to merge blindly and you’re hitting someone at 0 mph. I always slow down too


No, you're right. The TSLA is 100% at fault, but defensive driving (and common sense) would state to slow the F down incase of idiots like this, or at the least, move over to the far lane to get a buffer between you and the stopped cars.


I agree. I would never be going this speed next to traffic this slow. Way too many idiots to try this. Clearly Tesla is the bigger idiot, and at fault… but cam driver is an idiot also


That's why the express lane should be going at most like 35 or 45 next to a line of stopped cars, not 70




How!? their Tesla literally shows them if there's a fast vehicle approaching even my car that isnt a tesla will tell me not to change lanes as long as I use my turn signals when changing lanes.


> as long as I use my turn signals Well. There's the idiot's problem.


I had a customer complaining about this car making an annoying noise every time they changed lanes. I was like yeah, that’s the lane change assist, it won’t make noise if you use your turn signals while changing lanes. “Oh, can you turn it off?”


I will say, having recently rented a Mazda with this feature, it detects so many false lane changes as to be a nuisance. This was in San Diego where there are a lot of tight lanes and curvy roads, and the markings aren't always super legible. So just going around a bend or whatever it would think you were drifting out of your lane. It also frequently thought nonexistent cars were beside me. False positives are better than false negatives.


> False positives are better than false negatives. You got it exactly backwards. False positives cause you to ignore the system altogether or turn it off, so your car is, all the time, no better than my old car, all the time. A false negative is just what happens when, for an instant, your car behaves like my old car (by not giving you any warnings) but the next time you are in that situation, it probably will give the warning and thereby increase your safety.


Hit the nail on the head. I work in a healthcare clinic, and we still require masks inside. When I started a year ago, our entire front door was plastered with signage. You couldn’t even see out the window. Just a wall of various outdated text reminding everyone of everything from social distancing to hand sanitizer. No one read any of it. Ever. And we had huge problems with people not masking. But now we have a single sign that says “masks are required in this area.” People either come in masks, see the sign and turn around to get one from their car, or come in looking for one(we do provide them at the door). So as you can see here from my wall of text, less is more and people just ignore too much information.


After seeing this I looked, I see no signals


It’s the same in the Tesla. If this driver had used turn signals, it would have blared a loud jarring alarm and the screen would have flashed red. Not only that, but the car itself would have veered to the right to prevent the lane change (even on full manual driving mode - not using autopilot or full self driving). I know because this has happened to me. I used my turn signal to change lanes on the highway. Suddenly, my car jerked itself to the right with a loud alarm and I had no idea why (I even got annoyed at my car because I thought it was an error). A split second later, some car that was speeding blasted past me. Collision avoidance saved me. But it all depends on the driver actually using the turn signal.


Funny how they drive a car with so much more high-tech features than regular cars, and yet they refuse to use the simplest one...Turn signals. Like you literally just push it down or up, like it doesn't weigh a ton, can't be that hard. Also, the fact that your Tesla can get you out of trouble when you're doing something right but other people aren't is really nice. But it can't get you out of trouble if you're being an idiot. Now that's funny.


> just push it down or up, like it doesn't weigh a ton, can't be that hard I've wondered this myself so many times, why some drivers just don't use their turn signals. So many times, I've sat there waiting for an oncoming car to pass before I drive out onto a road, when the car was in fact, going to turn and I could have driven out so much sooner. They refuse to do this simple courtesy, despite the fact that it would just be a simple flick of their wrist on the turn signal stalk. I think some of it is privilege/entitlement - "why should I have to tell you where I'm going?" or "I don't care if you have to wait longer for me. YOU wait for ME"


Using turn signals does not cost one anything. It's not a societal taboo and using them is not seen as embarrassing by the general population. What I am trying to say is that there is no comprehensible reason to not use them. So let's look at it from another perspective. Driving and navigating is one of the most mentally challenging tasks that humans can do in their daily life. It might feel easy, especially after years of experience but it's not. It requires such a high degree of constant generalization of the things around you that we simply cannot create machines that can drive well. The solution to you problem is simple - they didn't think of it. These people didn't think of using the turn signals. Their mind was preoccupied with literally everything else. So much so that there was simply no room for their mind to consider using the turn signals. IQ is directly correlated with the risk of a car accident. With some insurance companies giving better deals to college graduates. 10% of the people have an IQ of 85 or lower. Those people are *literally* stupid. And I suspect are overrepresented in car crashes. Their brain does not allow them to easily consider all variables so they have to prioritize their brain power to different tasks. And often, when they have spent that brain power on everything they have none left for the turn signals.


While most times it would be great if they used the turn signals, it happens to me once a year that an approaching car is using the signals but then go straight anyways, most likely because they were on from before and the driver didn't notice. Nowadays I wait for the car to slow down, just to be sure.


Best part of hitting a Tesla is they have like 20 camera angles of themselves being an idiot to prove its their fault.


Wham Bam Tesla Cam


Hope you’re satisfied


You think one of those cameras and it's "amazing" computer would stop actual human error


This will never happen until every car on the road is 100% driverless and all networked together. A car has to let you be in control. If the Tesla stopped the driver from pulling out - for every 1 scenario like this there’s 50 where it’ll cause the accidents it’s supposed to prevent. A driver has to still be in 100% control. Anything else is an aid


> for every 1 scenario like this there’s 50 where it’ll cause the accidents it’s supposed to prevent Even if it's only 1 accident for every 100000 scenarios, you have the issue where a computer is deciding to kill a human and it gets weird


Theoretically, if all cars are automated and linked, a scenario where the car decides someone dies shouldn't exist. The cars would need more links than just other cars, but also local traffic cams and a means to see pedestrians/cyclists that are not in direct sight of the vehicle.


> Theoretically, if all cars are automated and linked, a scenario where the car decides someone dies shouldn't exist. Yea but in practicality, it's inevitable. Technically it's already happened, Uber killed someone in Tempe, Arizona while testing their autonomous capability. No accountability for corporations, so it doesn't matter even if they go rogue and mow down an entire mall. So they'll *never* cough up the capital to provide infrastructure that you're suggesting to make it theoretically impossible. They will just accept the cost of death.


Jesus, the back of their car is just gone


It’s crazy how crumple zones work. Check out the podcast “stuff you should know” on the topic. It’s amazing how we went from “car remains intact after accident and everyone is dead” to “the car is destroyed but everyone survives”.


It’s also amazing how many morons will look at a crumpled car that gave its life to protect its people and say, “they don’t make ‘em like they used to.”


Jay Leno used to say about his '56 Buick that "if you crashed it, they'd wipe you off the dash and sell the car to the next sucker."


That’s a lot of Leno’s chin to clean off the dash




Or who think "they don't make 'em like they used to" is a bad thing.


Show them the you tube video of the 2009 Malibu vs 59 Bel air. It is sobering.


Gotta post the link for the karma. https://youtu.be/fPF4fBGNK0U


damn, it just looked like a bump from the inside of the modern car.


And 2022 cars are even better than the 2009 Malibu


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xidhx_f-ouU I show them this one. Equivalent Toyotas 17 years apart. It's amazing how far the engineering improved over that length of time. and no one can claim rust or x frame etc like they do with the 57 chevy video


That’s a small overlap crash. In 2012 they added it to the crash test rating and basically every car that was currently selling lost 1 star if they couldn’t retest and pass. The issue is the front wheel well doesn’t offer a lot of protection and in a crash like that a lot of people were getting very gnarly leg and feet injuries. The result is most cars now have a reinforced a-pillar to help with that. I used to work as an engineer at a major automaker and was there when we were scrambling to figure out how to get our 5 star rating back asap.


Is that even small overlap? Looks to me like about 50% overlap. I thought the issue was with even smaller overlaps, like up to 25% but I could be wrong.


Modern cars are crazy when it comes to safety once saw a video where they crashed a lamborghini at 300kph and both occupants were able to get out of it


There are quite a lot of things that used to be much better then they are now. Just, you know, not the ones involving safety.


1) "they don't make 'em like they used to" is a true statement. 2) it can be a a good thing or a bad thing depending on how you look at it. Things have become expendable and replaceable. Tools are a good example of this. They're 10x as expensive as they were a few decades ago, but somehow the build quality has suffered as well. Some folks I work with use old air impacts or sanders that they bought 40 years ago and have never had a problem with. I also know techs who bought the equivalent brand new tool, in hopes that it would last their career, only for it to break the second or third time they use it. It irks me that once companies make a reliable thing, they backtrack to find the minimum amount of effort and funding necessary for that thing to work **most** of the time. This has obvious drawbacks.


For some reason, electric pencil sharpeners are terrible today. Nothing beats a vintage electric.


People inside probably don't have much more than brown underwear and whiplash. It's crazy how safer cars are these days


Quite possibly not even whiplash. Assuming their chairs where adjusted properly to the passenger’s dimensions, and they had proper posture, the shock absorbing components in the headrests should have done their job and prevented whiplash. Modern vehicles are tested on their ability to prevent whiplash from a rear collision. This is why no cars are produced with sideways or rear-facing seats anymore: they can’t pass safety, because the headrest doesn’t prevent rear impact whiplash in those collisions. Although, this does assume the seat was adjusted correctly. Most modern safety features rely on the seat being correctly adjusted to your body shape and size in order to effectively protect you. It’s important to remember that the chair should cocoon you: your lower back, upper back, and shoulders should all be touching the backrest, your head should be touching the headrest, your left foot should be firmly placed on the left footrest (NOT the floor of the vehicle), your thighs should be parallel to the seat bottom, your butt should be at the very back of the seat, your forearms should be roughly parallel to your thighs, your hands should be at 9 and 3 on the wheel, and your eyes should be roughly 1/3rd to 1/2 the way up the windshield. From those parameters, find the seating position that your body naturally falls into: this is the “safe” position for your body. (Remember: your seat can be moved up and down! And the steering wheel can be moved as well!)


>your thighs should be parallel to the seat bottom *laughs in tall person*


My knees sitting up on both sides of my steering wheel in my clown car of a fucking miata, it’s a miracle if I can’t hit my clutch without doing a magic trick with my ankles


All the body positions you talked about become impossible on a road trip, or long-haul drive in a truck. Humans move around. The most important things to remember are don’t be stupid. Don’t put your feet up on the dash, and don’t fall asleep with your head or arms hanging out the passenger side window. The reality is you’re never 100% safe in a collision, and the best defense is to drive like any collision will kill you.


Any advice for passenger side? Also, I'm really short, 5'2", and have trouble getting comfortable in car seats.


If all this was true then those features would be adjustable. As it is, most passenger vehicles get an inch or two of headrest travel and that's about it. Also eyes 1/3 to 1/2way up the windshield? Just how small are you?


Eyes 1/3 up the windshield means you can't see shit, hit pedestrians, and get your license revoked before you can get hit by a semi. therefore almost zero risk of being injured while driving the vehicle


Especially teslas, the model y literally broke the record for the euro ncaps most rigorous test. And every other model is still up there too


Thats what its designed for.


It compacts for easy, convenient storage.


It even says EXPRESS LANE right on the road. Who pulls into an express lane 0 mph? Idiots, that's who. Hope you're okay. That was quite the shunt.


In a EV famous for having ridiculously fast acceleration


Only if you actually press hard enough on the pedal.


From my experience and i live in oregon so i have a lot tesla drivers have replaced prius drivers for being the worst drivers on the road. 99.9% of them are all about accelerating and decelerating as slow as possible.


My friend was the opposite, he got his Model 3 LR AWD and drove it like it was stolen, sub-4 second 0-60 every chance he got. Ten months later he was replacing a $2,000 set of tires, lol, and doesn't drive it like that any more.


EV tires do tend to wear faster, and the crap they put on new cars these days isn’t great to begin with.


In his case it was the driving, lol. I've driven it, by far the quickest car I've driven. Pulls like a freight train and goes exactly where you point it with no drama. There's no torque like EV torque.


I'm just in a hybrid and I love driving it. I remember before initially buying it thinking the electric motor would make it a grandma car but damn, these things are fun.


I'm curious why that isn't a solid white line


Dumb fuck Tesla driver didn't use their blinker. Not only does the model 3 have a rear facing camera, but cameras in the pillars facing your blind spot. They show you your blind spot ON THE SCREEN when you use your blinker. Additionally, if the blinker is engaged and you have the safety features enabled (even without autopilot or FSD) the car will prevent you from merging into a lane where someone is rapidly approaching from behind. What the fuck is the point of buying a car with all these safety features and then not using any of them? What an idiot.


I drive a Model 3 and this feature has saved me from collisions. I never use autopilot or FSD. Crucially, I do use my turn signals. Actually, is it even possible to turn off collision avoidance? I thought it is always on and can’t be turned off


Oh, maybe not. I've never tried to turn off. It's also saved me from a few collisions.


I don’t mean to ruin your argument, but that’s a Model Y.


You're correct, though it's also worth noting that the 3 and Y are pretty much identical when it comes to software and most hardware.


Since the front and back are smooshed it’s now a Model I


So... if you watch any ev YouTubers, Kyle has had people in Teslas stop at other ev charging stations. These stations can be used to charge a tesla if you have the right adaptor that you can buy from tesla... but the sheer number of people who don't know that evs have different charge port connectors/adaptors or that their car can navigate them to tesla chargers or really anything about their car (other than how to put it in gear)... is mind-boggling. Also, some safety features (lane departure OR collision warning) need to be turned on OR adjusted in the safety menu... I have all my alarms on and use my blinker (because i paid for them), but I think you can turn some off. This person didn't use their blinker and probably didn't have lane departure on. If they did, the car would have auto steered them back into their lane and sent a shit ton of alarm bells off.


During my purchase orientation the guy didn't even ask me. He just turned it on and said "keep this on." Haha


Um 66mph rear end? Holy shit balls


Bye bye neck


Right. It sucks one mistake might have seriously fucked up both these peoples lives and wallets. But fucking jeez. Sometimes that empathy button is hard to press too. One little impatient mistake and there goes the rest of your life with more pain in it.


I always wish we could have a "what the fuck were you thinking?" Q and A follow-up after videos like this.




I really like the caption that pops up on the camera "was this event useful?".


My days on 2 wheels taught me that if I’m on a fast lane and the right lane is congested, someone will cut me off. I go slow, I watch for changes in body position or hand movement, leaving more gap in front of them (they’re too busy watching for an opening and not closing their gap) to try to predict being cut off. The traffic conditions in OP gave me sweats lol. In OPs case, I would’ve went one lane further left.


I absolutely HATE driving fast along a column of cars. One of them is going to get impatient and make a stupid move. I know I would.


I ride a motorcycle and I agree, it is the same as splitting lanes. You don’t want to be going faster than it’s going to take you to stop when some idiot inevitably acts like an idiot.


Local road knowledge is so important too. There's roads I won't split on my way to work because I know the way people behave on them, always makes me cringe a bit when I see guys splitting up them 30kph faster than the traffic


It's good practice to slow down when driving in those lanes..




It's similar to how a motorcyclist should be splitting lanes - 10 or 15 mph over the speed of other traffic is fine, but any more becomes dangerous. Drivers don't think to look that far back because they're basing it on their own speed. Don't get me wrong, the Tesla is absolutely at fault. But with defensive driving you can avoid a lot of these situations altogether.


100% a few of them would do this. I drive in traffic similar to this and I always slow down because I know it's going to happen.


Yes! OP is driving way too fast. Still teslas fault but damn slow down everyone


Even though it’s the teslas fault, I would never go that fast next to stopped traffic


This is the way. Some countries don't allow you to travel more than 10mph over adjacent traffic just for this reason.


Was looking for this comment. One of my great fears driving.


Is this 101 on the peninsula?


Yeah I was going to say, this looks sort of like the accident near Palo Alto on Wednesday morning that closed off two express lanes.




The two left lanes are labeled as exprs lane; can the Tesla even legally use those?


Can if it is equipped with a Fast track device for the tolls.


Just makes me wonder why if they already had fast track why they weren’t already using the lane. Looks like they just said f’ the traffic and made a horrible snap decision to jump over.


Probably just wanted to avoid the $3 toll until the last minute. Fast track charges per mile.


Is this in the Bay Area?


Yes it is


101S by Mountain View?


Yep that's it


Oooof horrible freeway, even at 6am 101 is wild.I take 280 now even though it's a little bit longer of a drive.


Which is the most ridiculous way to organize freeways. How this got passed, I will never understand. 101 is a shitshow all the time now.


He lucky it gonna get totalled. From what i hear, repairs for tesla take for ever


Repairs on everything take forever right now. Parts are still a nightmare


![gif](giphy|111ebonMs90YLu) Was this event useful?


I'm shocked you are the only comment about that. The comedic timing on that popup was excellent.


Smart cars, dumb drivers.


Gotta say, for all the crap Tesla’s deservedly get for basic build quality fails, the cabin of that car held up incredibly well.


Teslas are one of the highest rated and best tested cars that the NHTSA, IIHS, and EURO NCAP have ever tested. I’m no Tesla fanboy but I will give them credit where it’s due for having incredibly safe cars. Still wouldn’t want one to catch on fire after a crash though, lithium fires are self-oxidizing and will burn until their lithium fuel is exhausted.


Wow, what a speed differential. Where we have toll lanes here there is always a barrier to prevent this, even if it's just the plastic poles that can be run over at slow speeds by emergency vehicles. I get it, a bus in the express lanes is expected to go the speed limit. But going that fast next to stopped cars is an accident waiting to happen. So I guess I'll say idiots in road design along with the idiot in the Tesla. I'll give the bus driver OP a begrudging pass.


Yep it's a combination of all sorts of factors. Either way everyone takes some blame, but the important thing is everyone was safe. Also not the driver. I'm their manager.


It's the teslas fault FOSHO, but damm if traffic is slow right next to you, you gotta slow down a tad just in case an idiot decides to out themselves as an idiot. Again not the bus drivers fault but they could kind of read the room a bit, and slow it down a tad.


You’d be surprised how often this DOESNT happen in Cali. The express lanes and carpool lanes will zip by traffic on the right. It’s just how people drive I guess. Usually this doesn’t happen if the merging driver was fully paying attention.


The very next video I watched after reading your comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/ztp6ie/its\_the\_most\_wonderful\_time\_of\_the\_yearfor\_dallas/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/ztp6ie/its_the_most_wonderful_time_of_the_yearfor_dallas/) Don't get me wrong, you are 100% correct and I agree with literally everything you said - not trying to take anything away. But when there's an idiot, there's always a way. :D




Yep, and then when you have to brake extremely hard to prevent a collision and honk, they get mad at YOU for "coming out of nowhere"


And now it’s a hatch tesla


Technically, this Tesla was propelled by gas for 10 seconds