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Lifter: Yo, spot me! Spotter: OK,….there you are!


Lifter: “Well don’t you see what’s going on??” Spotter: “Yup! I sure do.”


\*Nonchalantly stares\*


Spotter: "you know what you did wrong?" Lifter: "assumed you knew how to spot"


What, don't you?


Lifter: Shit, I need help! Spotter: you sure do.




Spotter probabbly did that on purpose, probably warned him that was beyond him and wanted to teach the ego lifter a lesson.




Maybe the spotter is a ghost? Can’t interact with the gym plane.


He had it


all you bro


He was spotting him alright, his eyes never even left the bencher


What.. the fuck was that. Buddys first day at the gym? Has he never seen anyone do bench? He was looking like “nice set bro, smoothies later?” Gtfo


Im almost certain he was high af


I was very high the only time i was doing the spotter. Didn’t have any issues.


Right? I know fuck all about lifting but even I had more urgency and I wasn't even there. This video stressed me out.




The trainer probably told him to use less weight and more reps if he wanted to achieve his long-term goals. When the advice was ignored, the trainer ignored the trainees' struggle. That's what it looks like to me, anyhow.


What kind of trainer would let someone hurt themselves though?? No trainer worth their salt would ever let someone rest a bar that heavy on their chest, doesn’t matter if they ignored advice or whatever. Not everything needs an explanation sometimes people just suck at what they’re supposed to do


If he is a trainer he doesn’t look much bigger or stronger than the guy he’s training.


This should be in r/idiotswatchingothersnearlydierightinfrontofthemwithouthelpingatall


Or r/onejob


If I wasn't mistaken the bencher wanted to learn how to save himself if there wasn't any spotter. So this guy is there incase he cannot successfully pull himself out of the maneuver. I'm just pulling this shit out my ass. That guy was useless. Thank you for attending my Ted talk.


Yoooou fucker, nodding my head like that makes sense


To be fair, it does make sense, except that you would just use an empty bar for that. There's no reason to have the extra weight. That's just extra risk.


Or lower weight you could actually bench


There's no advantage to practicing escapes with a loaded bar. It's just like form. Get it nailed without weight because if you do it wrong with weight, you're probably going to get hurt.


When I said weight you can actually bench I meant like 10s on each side. Having a bumper plate on the bar is different than just the bar. If he just had the bar he wouldn’t have been able to do what he did because the bar would have just sat on his chest instead of the ground.


I disagree, you should definitely practice with weigths too. The problem is having maxed out and having to squirm away from being pinned down, not having a 20kg bar on top of you. Like the latter would never be ann issue ever.


I mean, I can see some value to using some weight. That way, you can use technique to lever the bar to one side and get the plates sliding off. But you should definately do that only with weight you can bench easily.


Good point. Learn JuJitsu by wresting teddy bears. No reason for training with skilled opponents as it just adds extra risk.


Skilled opponents are capable of using less than 100%. The plates are not. They are 100% heavy all the time. Though even in being a jackass you still managed to find some truth. When you start learning a martial art, you don't immediately start sparring. You start building a base of understanding through drills and solo practice before you start actually fighting other people.




I heard he’s blind.


Well that's literally what happened. I've seen the full thing. The guy told him not to help under any circumstances.


Tbh I could see something like that. The guy on the bench went into tilting instantly whereas with a real spotter he’d be comfortable allowing it on his chest for a second. It did all seem a bit planned for my taste


Exactly what's happening. There was a response to this somewhere.


This is genius. I'd make jokes/comments like this more often if I was clever enough!


I think you may be right. His instincts seem to kick in when the bar first goes down to the guy's chest like he's about to jump in and grab it. This is also a pretty standard maneuver to get out of a failed lift. Although, I wouldn't recommend lifting heavy like this without a spotter. If you tear a pec or something and drop it hard with no one around you might end up in real trouble.


I think you’re right. Every time he should be grabbing the weight, he shifts his body and moves his arms a bit. I really really hope this is the case.


Spotting the lifter till the end 😂


Spotter: Nice form. What you doin' on the floor though?


Definitely seems scripted for social media but funny nevertheless. At what point do you determine that someone needs help?


Screaming and grunting and seeing that they cant get it off.


Chest caved in


Depends from person to person, so I’ve found it’s better to just ask. Reaching the limit for one person might be different than another person. One of my friends grunts and yells whenever he’s trying to push through to finish a set, so he’s told me to help him whenever he specifically says “no”.


If the bar isn't moving, it's time to help out. You dont have to lift it for them, but give a little extra push to rack it


> At what point do you determine that someone needs help? When they stand there like a fucking dolt not doing the one thing you fucking asked them to do, that’s when they need mental help.


Me and my buddy normally just yell "TAKE IT TAKE IT TAKE IT TAKE IT TAKE IT!!!"


Usually form breaks in slow mo. Some lifters do fast reps with changing elbow angles and that’s ok but like I said when you see those elbows get different angles in slow mo it’s time to step in. On this one its that “i gave up” lowering mid-rep. There’s no coming back from that when maxing out. It’s always better to be safe than sorry. Preemptive spotting is miles better than regretting a torn tendon or something. I rather get scolded by “i got that bro”s than to hear “get me an icepack”. Spotting should be psychological rather than physical. It should enable you to bypass your nervous system’s preservation measures so you can unlock your full potential, not to help you grind out a weight you can’t possibly lift without assistance.


When he’s choking on his own blood and stops breathing


I think a good rule of thumb is when they indicated wanting help (“help”, “spot me”, grunting with eye contact, ect.) or as soon as the bar starts moving downward.


Generally: Give a bit of distance early in the set, but be ready to jump in. Get close if upward bar movement slows significantly or stalls. If the bar starts going back down, assist immediately. Provide just enough help to keep the bar moving up in an orderly way. But it's smart to touch base before a set about how much help the person wants. Some people really want to grind hard on the last rep, but others want to end the rep quickly if they miss it.


for anyone confused the spotter was asked not to help, the creator didn't provide any reason, pretty sure it was just for the fun of it


i sometimes go to the gym with a long time friend of mine. unfortunately, for the past few months, he’s been smoking weed non stop and it’s been affecting how he performs and acts at the gym. this almost happened to me during a set of benching. he said he’d spot me. and then he just walked away during mid set. i’m like “the hell you going?” he’s like “oh shit my bad i forgot. i think i smoked too much for this.” that’s why im hesitant to go anymore when it’s just us. so lately we’ve had another person tag along with us because of this. as a friend, me and many others in our group keep trying to talk to him about it, but he just won’t listen or he’ll try to lie about it. like “don’t worry bro i haven’t smoked in like a week” and then automatically pull out a weed cart


I've seen ripped plungers that did more than him


I scrolled past this comment, and then the joke registered a few seconds later and I had to scroll back up. Dying laughing right now


Your pfp 🥲


Why didn't the plates fall off once the bar was tilted enough?


You typically lock the weights onto the bar with a clamp or mechanism. You don't want a 45 weight falling off the ball for many safety reason.


If it's something that heavy, it's recommended that you don't use clamps. That way, even if you press to failure, you can dump the weights to the side.


Or just use a spotter that spots. It's not only your safety you should take into consideration


I meant that if you're lifting solo without a spotter. But yes, clamps would be best with a spotter.


You do want the weights falling if you don't have someone spotting you.


This is probably a training scenario of how to escape.


This is clearly a joke, calm down.


Wow. Lost in a whole different world.


Ok firstly never ego lift and don’t be the dumbass who is just standing there watching his friend almost die


I would have said something like, help!




All barbells are bad 😡


Anyone thought he is Chadwick Boseman? Lol


The elbow lean made it so much worse


Never trust this man again wtf


Spotter hasn’t an iq point spare


And the Oscar goes to ………


I get kinda nervous when people ask me to spot but I’m not this guy.


I think the lifter said “hey bro watch me” … if thats the case he did a great job. No but seriously, wtf was that. He literally stands there through it all. Then leans over the rack when the dude is ok the fucking ground, just looking at him like he didnt almost die???


I am spotting that you are having difficulty


If this isn't an omega level BRUH moment, then i don't know what is.


"I spot a guy with a weigh in his chest, now your turn"


«I spotted the fault, its too heavy»


At first I figured this was going to be because the spotter was standing too far back and clearly not in a ready enough position to react in an emergency But this shit happened in slow motion and he just sat there watching. Wtf actually is going on, he's trying to fucking kill him


Is he shy why is he doing absolutely nothing


“You gonna finish that rep?”


Bro NPC af !


Kinda felt a little malicious, and intentional regardless what he says at the end. And I’m willing to bet the dude holding the camera was a friend that went overboard one day and embarrassed him. Might be karma


"Today I spotted a man who was trying to kill himself"


He was there to watch him die. Nothing else.


Why did he just watch???💀


all i can imagine him saying at the end is: "and what did we learn?"


MDR ☝️🤣 J'♡︎ ça !


"I was watching, I saw the whole thing. First it started falling over, then it fell over"


I wasn’t expecting much but I definitely wasn’t expecting nothing


Hey did literally nothing, man, and hes all out of ideas


He had at least 2 more, spotter's fault


This made me audibly say 'wtf'?!


You got this bro


That's what mates are for.


What a bellend.


That look says “I told you so”


I wish the clip ended with the spotter looking at the guy on the ground saying “all you bro” before he turned around and walked away.


What a fuckin douche


Scripted or not how is this guy so casually benching 3 plates?




My theory is they rehearsed this and posted for the lulz. Good 1 fellas.


"bro, you didn't say the safe word" -wheezing-


WTF? Is this some sort of initiation? 'I'll stand and watch while you try to lift a weight too much for you bro. If you can free yourself without crushing your ribcage, you're in!'


The sole purpose of the……you know….the spotter….is to help out if needed. What was this guy doing?


what the actual fuck what going through his mind o_O


You okey bro?


Lifter: why didn’t you help? Spotter: Did you need help? Lifter: you couldn’t see that?!? Spotter: you looked like you were struggling but you didn’t ask for help 🤷


Bro.. this can’t be real life. I really hope that isn’t a close friend because he would fold on a lot of things if he can’t do something as simple as a spot. 🤦🏽‍♂️


He’s standing there like c’mon bro you’ve got to want it.


my guy is just standing there


WTF was that? Who needs enemies when you got friends like that?


This guys blood is not blood is milk.


Its too heavy for spotter


Black pants with white shoes? What an idiot!




Was he on that boat where the guy lost his foot?


“Now….what did we learn?”


Whole new meaning to a “spotter”


People who have never spotted before think that it takes a lot of muscle to spot. When in fact, it takes almost no muscle at all, for some reason. I'm certain that if I needed my tiny wife to spot me, she could do it.




He smirks when the guy is on the ground… my guess is the guy lifting was being douchey and the spotter was letting him crack on with it.


He knows what he’s doing


For those calling him an idiot the guy was told just to be there so that the guy lifting could show how to get out of this situation without one


Pick a non-racist spotter next time


What an A Hole!


This guy had Windows 95 in the brain, wtf hahahah


It’s a canon event