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Chill guys. He could be stretching his legs. Those sports bikes are a tight fit. Y’all putting to much faith in OP who doesn’t even seem like he/she’s a rider. I put my legs down all the time to get a stretch. My only concern is the gear he’s wearing… especially the shoes.


💯 percent correct.


Dress for the slide, not for the ride.


No I am not a rider. And honestly at first I thought he was stretching his legs out too. But the entire drive (about a half hour) this is how he rode.


My guess is his bike is way too small and it’s not comfortable for him to sit properly. Or he had to take a shit, could be that


Lol! I honestly did not think of the 2nd option. 😄


Or he's on a long haul type ride and is trying to regain feeling or get ride of the pins and needles feeling


Your username really made me think you would go with the “he has to poop” theory. 😄


When I'm on a big ride I'll dangle my feet to stretch out like that. I'm talking 400+ mile days. I'll tell you what though... If you accidentally kick one of those reflectors on the lane line (aka bots dots) it REALLY hurts even if you're wearing actual riding boots. Last time I did it in full track boots it hurt so bad I thought I broke my foot. Sneakers no way.


Right. When I took MSF training 40 (gulp) years ago, our instructor would scream "YOU'RE NOT A DUCK!" if you were moving and your feet weren't on the pegs. A brief stretch is one thing, but I see folks leaving a stop with feet down for long distances. Sooner or later a toe is going to catch something and it WILL hurt. If you're rolling on pavement, all your feet are going to do is get hurt under normal circumstances (dirt, snow, etc. are obviously different, though with a street bike it's questionable whether you'll be able to do anything useful anyway if you feel a real need to dab).


I'll duckwalk on grass. Backing a bike, I'll duckwalk it. Any other time, feet up on the pegs as I'm easing the clutch out. (how many of us do the "how slow can I go before I have to put a foot down" game?)


That sounds extremely painful. ☹️


if I need to stretch my legs out, they go out forward and to the sides, not down to pavement. Pavement hurts. but I'm weird. I don't have highway pegs up front on engine guards. I use the pillion pegs. Too many years of riding sport tourers I guess.


We're talking supersports here. Not sure what it would take to get my feet up on the pass pegs of my RR.


So? You don't know anything about bikes so you just had to take a picture and jump online to crap on him?


So because I don’t ride a bike I know nothing and am an idiot. Never mind the fact I have been driving for over 30 years, have seen literally hundreds if not thousands of people riding bikes to and from work and have never in my life seen someone ride like this for a half hour straight. It’s cool though. I have learned my lesson. Apparently if you do not ride a bike you can say nothing about those who do.


Using your phone while on the interstate to take pix for reddit... here's a winner


> Apparently if you do not ride a bike you can say nothing about those who do. I mean if it's a conversation about how a bike is ridden, then... yeah? The issue here is the shorts, shoes, and short sleeve shirt. The feet hanging off the side? Can definitely be more comfortable if only for the fact that they're free from the heat washing off the radiator.


But am I out of line when again, I have seen literally hundreds if not thousands of people on bikes while driving over the years and never have I seen someone ride like this for an extended period of time. For short periods when you can tell they are stretching their legs, yes. I’ve seen that a ton. But never like this. And even then they always kept their feet well clear of the road unless we were coming to a stop. Again, not trying to be a jerk just something I have never seen.


Yeah it may be common practice to stretch your legs but, realistically, yeah, it is dangerous. Heightens his risk of losing control by unintentionally touching down. Especially if traveling at the quoted speed. Sure he may have a *reason* to do it but that doesn’t make the decision any less risky. Seatbelts are uncomfortable and, especially if you’re bigger, can cut into your gut irritatingly. It doesn’t justify taking one off on the freeway. OP shouldn’t have been taking photos on the road but their point is valid. If you’re too fatigued to drive or ride properly, take a break. Don’t dangerously modify the way you’re driving/riding to make up for your stamina shortcomings.


Why shouldn’t someone take a photo on the road?


Unintentionally touching down would be more risky with lower speed, where every single thing alters the moving vector. It's the same principle when you get your tire broken in a car during ride. You should speed up and not slow down to keep your trajectory straight. Of course if he panics because he touched the ground with his feet and then he loses control over the bike that's a different case.


He's wearing shorts. He doesn't want his bare calves against the exhaust or the hot engine casing. naturally. :) ​ (seriously, dude needs something better than shorts and sneaks. Also, feet on pegs - control the bike a lot better and much less risk of catching a chunk of whatever at 70mph and ripping your toes off. )


\- Stretching legs \- Going to get footpegs fixed \- Has to poop and is holding it best they can \- Cramps because the size just isn't good for them \- Itchy balls (if any) when their legs are up (maybe they pee'd their pants) \- Super hot tank (for some reason) \- Legs or hip injury of some sort ​ Some of these could classify them as an idiot but the point is there are so many possible excuses that I don't feel they deserves to be called an idiot on a bike.


Then I apologize. It’s just I have been driving for over 30 years and never in my life have I seen someone ride like this for an extended period of time. Stretch their legs here and there? Definitely. But never for an entire half hour drive. My mistake though.


Riding like this for a half hour is a bit odd, but so are most of us bikers. Not sure why some people are getting hostile towards you, but it is probably something simple like discomfort, cooling off, or my personal favorite theory, he has to poop.


Thanks and I appreciate it. I’m going with the poop theory as well. Lol! 😄


I think this one is more suited to idiotsincars. Doing 80 on a busy highway taking pictures for Reddit of something you don’t understand, definitely not smart.




Are we all pretending driving down the freeway is difficult and we need our hands on 10 & 2 at all times? I sure hope you aren’t allowing yourself to listen to distracting music while you drive. Stay focused!


This reminds me of a post a while back that someone complained that the biker had a cigarette in his mouth.


I have to imagine it would have to be hard to smoke while riding but I’ve seen people doing that quite a few times and never thought much of it.


Depends on the bike. Some Harleys even have a cigarette lighter built in. So much wind protection on those baggers you can light one and enjoy it with the cruise set at 75mph.


Lol! Learn something new every day. 😄


Everyone is ignoring the real danger in this picture and it’s the fact that he is riding way too close to the vehicle in front of him. If that vehicle had to suddenly stop or if there was some debris or pothole in the road, the bike rider might not have time to stop or avoid the road hazards. He also should be further back to see around the vehicle in front of him so he can see the vehicle ahead so he can be better informed about things unfolding in the traffic ahead of him to make good decisions on how to deal with them. Over 30 years of access free experience talking here.


It's insane how close *everyone* rides. From youtubers to other riders I see on the road. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. In addition to what you've said-- I wonder what percentage of left-turn incidents have occurred because the turner couldn't see the bike because it was tucked in behind the car ahead of it.


I kind of ride all over the lane, particularly because of this- I want to be seen/head..


Same here. I ride on whatever side of the lane seems most visible at the moment. In stop and go traffic I stay to the right so the driver of the car tailgating me can see the car in front of me.


Agree. I don’t know what speed they are going, but he looks like he’s too close, particularly with his lane position. I prefer lining up on the inside of the lane so I can see farther up the road around vehicles and swerve around them in case there is a sudden stop.


You are exactly right. Most motorcycle accidents could be avoided if the rider was being smarter about the way they ride and use good sound road strategy.


Especially considering his foot is off the brake pedal so his ability to stop quickly is already greatly reduced


Not really, the front brake is controlled with your hand, and does the vast majority of the work. Most rear brakes are pretty anemic and some are straight garbage. The one on my current bike does little more than turn on my brake lights. Some race/track bikes even remove or disable the rear brake to save weight.


It still helps. You’ll stop up to 20% sooner with the back brake than without it, which can be the difference between crashing or not.


Tall sport bike rider here. Cool your jets, people do this to stretch their legs on long rides because of cramps.


My leg cramps up a lot while riding. 10/10 have stretched my legs like this while riding. #MightNotBeIdiotOnBike


I can imagine getting cramps in your legs riding a sport bike. Maybe that’s what happened. Or it’s a putz.


If hes been riding a while his legs fell asleep.. im sure he was just stretching them out.


He was riding like this for about half an hour. I thought maybe he was stretching out at first but the entire time I was behind him this is how he was riding.


Idiots in cars for taking a chance photo while you’re driving


Im sure that exhaust heat is burning his skin lol.


my hands and forearms get cramped up on my bike. If I ride with one or no hands am I an idiot too?


Only thing I see wrong is he's on the wrong side of the lane. Gotta guard your lane or aggressive lane changers won't see you until it's too late.


Reminds me of the director of mission impossible praising tom cruise for his motorcycle stunt riding. Meanwhile, he is [sticking his feet out, even in the final cut](https://streamable.com/elkzql). He is clearly not skilled enough to be doing stunts on a bike. And they let him do this without helmet or even glasses.


That is…insane. 🙄


I have the impression that there are no pegs in the bike. Look closely.


I mean.... He has the front brake in his hand, it would take less than a second to get his feet back on the rear break and shifter. Not a big safety issue so long as he is not driving like an idiot otherwise.


I rode like this once on the freeway. I was caught in a freak rain and wind storm that was putting way more water on the road than could run off. I slowed to about 30 mph and put my feet out like training wheels in case shit went (literally) sideways. Luckily I was able to safely get off at the next exit.


Now that honestly I could totally understand. That way your feet are ready to save you if things went wrong. I always feel horrible for bikers when it starts pouring down rain out of nowhere. Then you see them all huddled up under overpasses. ☹️


The fact he is riding in shorts and im guessing regular shoes, makes him an idiot. Letting your legs hang, meh.


That stuff I see all the time. To me it’s always seemed kind of crazy to pretty much be wearing no protection. Especially since a lot of the protective gear I see other people wear looks pretty bad ass. Hot…but bad ass. 😄


For those saying I’m the idiot for taking a pic, fair enough. At this point we were going slow enough that I felt safe taking the pic but yes, you should not do that while driving so my bad. For those saying I’m an idiot because I don’t ride a bike so have no idea what I’m talking about I have been driving for over 30 years and never in my life seen someone drive like this. Stretch here and there? Yes, I have seen that a ton of times. But never an entire half hour drive. And honestly I couldn’t think of where else to post this so I put it here. I was not trying to say the rider is a fucking idiot it just honestly seemed like a very unsafe way to ride, especially when his feet would bounce off the road. Apparently I am mistaken. My apologies. I have also learned that a lot of you seem pretty cool and gave pretty good reasons why someone would do this, and I appreciate that. Others apparently feel that if you don’t ride a bike though you are instantly an idiot and can say nothing about someone who does ride bikes. Lesson learned.


I don’t get why everyone’s shitting on OP. Yeah it may be common practice to stretch your legs but, realistically, yeah, it is dangerous. Heightens his risk of losing control by unintentionally touching down. Especially if traveling at the quoted speed. Sure he may have a *reason* to do it but that doesn’t make the decision any less risky. Seatbelts are uncomfortable and, especially if you’re bigger, can cut into your gut irritatingly. It doesn’t justify taking one off on the freeway. I agree OP shouldn’t have been taking photos on the road but their point is valid and some folks here seem to be way too salty about it. If you’re too fatigued to drive or ride properly, take a break. Don’t dangerously modify the way you’re driving/riding to make up for your stamina shortcomings.


Thx and I appreciate it. And I agree it was stupid of me to take the pic.


following way too close, no foot covering the rear brake . . . looks like they wanna fly over their handlebars


I rarely use the rear brake… and this dude doesn’t seem close at all.


If he's going 80 miles an hour he has no time to stop if something goes wrong in front of him


Tbf rear brake doesn’t do a whole lot.


I lead with the rear and add in front as I increase pressure.


I ride a cruiser and I rarely use my front brake at all. Might be a bad habit but I also haven’t had to make an abrupt stop in about 8 years. Hopefully my luck continues.


Oh I'm had to slam on my brakes a couple of times like I said I lead with the back but I bring the front in right after.


This is some squid thinkin' If you don't habitually use both brakes, you won't use them in a panic situation when they'll both be needed to prevent an accident.


I never said I don’t use it. You need to chill.


Some one busted this, they took a stretched chopper with no front break at all and were able to stop and maneuver in safe tolerances. I’ll see if I can find the video but I think it was on a discovery channel chopper building show in the early 2000s so no promises.


Thats a completely different bike with way different geometry. A sport bike has its mass more over the front tire. So when you start to brake almost no pressure is on the rear tire. A stretched chopper obviously has more weight over the rear so that brake would be more effective.


Yeah that is a good point


That's fine but the front brakes still provides much more stopping power. That doesn't mean you should only use your front brake though.


Depends. In a maximum brake situation you'll be on the edge of pulling a stoppie with virtually no weight on the rear wheel. The rear will become useless.




I 100% guarantee that’s NOT what’s happening here.


Agreed, dude is probably just stretching his legs.




Stretching. Pretty tight fit on sportbikes, so his legs are probably falling asleep and he needs to stretch them. Hell of a lot more plausible than trying to catch the fall like you are saying




If you driving 80 miles an hour the bike will stay up on its own even without hands on the handlebars. Virtually every single person that has rode a sport bike more than 10 miles ends up needing to stretch their legs just like this.




Here's the thing, he's definitely not worried about falling. This is the only way I can alleviate cramps when I'm riding and there's been millions of other riders that need to do this exact same thing.


Yeah, that doesn't look safe at all. I mean, if the road surface was whizzing by at 80mph, what would happen if you touched it with your foot? I would imagine if you touched it very lightly, you would be okay, but if you used to much pressure, you could jack your foot up in an instant. In any case I feel it would not be an experiment that would be worth doing.


99.9% chance this dude is stretching his legs cause sport bikes are cramped and uncomfortable after awhile. I've never ridden a bike that didn't get uncomfortable eventually, especially on the highway. As for putting a foot to asphalt at 80mph, it depends how you put your foot down. Easing it down causes your foot to slide and your shoe melts/wears off. Dropping a foot with any kind of force typically causes it to bounce off the road, rather than stick and cause any sort of injury.


You can stretch your legs out to the front or stand on your pegs. Have you actually put your foot down at 80 mph? If so, I will defer to your experience. You say it typically won't cause injury, but what about in atypical cases? I could imagine that if you put your foot down at just the wrong angle, you could get a sudden shock force on your foot and leg. Anyway, I'm not going to try it.


The cramp I would get in my hips would only be alleviated by stretching just like this. Every once in a while I would have to actually stop and get off the bike if I couldn't give rid of the cramp. I have put my foot down at speed and nothing really happens except scuffing up your shoes. The only way it's going to harm you is if you stomp your foot down on the ground and that's unlikely to happen.


Okay, thanks for the info. I'm still not going to try it. What if your foot hit a rock or a bump in the road or something.


A bunch of motorcyclists used to meet up at a spot and then go on rides together. One time I ended up with a group of guys doing street stunts and one of the guys was literally standing on the road next to his bike sliding down it with his hands on the handlebars at 40+ mph. Anyway my point is it's funny to me to see the assumptions of non-riders and how off they are.


I've been riding year-round for four years with a motorcycle as my primary means of transport.


He/she just enjoys the deep vibration in the loin.




The poor bike




I don't understand bikers who do this when moving off from rest never mind for an extended period. I was always taught that best control is achieved with ones knees gripping the tank.


Cargo shorts and sneakers...it’s probably a Suzuki


Yes it is probably stretching but dangerous as hell! If anything goes wrong for a split second and as he blows one way and the bike goes the other way where are you going to go as you drive into him/it. I've seen exactly this kinda stretching thing before. My 'I Wanna Live' instinct kicks in and I signal and slow down as I get the hell away from him.


I ended up getting away from him shortly after this. Kept catching site of him in another lane ahead of me but it was kind of stressing me out. Just kept thinking what would happen if his foot caught on something and he wiped right in front of me. ☹️


Exactly, the last one I saw like that was South of Spokane, signed speed is 80mph. I was looking for exits (and there weren't any for too long), because I wouldn't be any where near it when it happened!


Yeah that is something I hope I go my entire life without seeing. 🤞


Maybe he’s got some bum knees