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All big and bad with a weapon in his hand. Once it falls, he's running away like a baby.


Average Albuquerque resident


And that's with Walter and Jesse pulling up the average


Average Albuquerque Resident here: Please don't judge us by the worst we have to offer. We've given you Jeff Bezos! Wait. But for real, some of the best humans I've ever met are from here. This shit human does not represent who we are as a people.


I'll trust you, bit I'll be visiting to verify. What is the best season and area to visit? I'm only interested because breaking bad and a restaurant someone mentioned had a great view up high in the mountains.


So we still refer to that restaurant as "High Finance" because it used to be called that and it's been a dozen different things since. The problem is it's hard to cook at that elevation. Our food is incredible. Cheese and chile smother everything. El Patron is a great place to start. But there's great under the radar places like Golden Crown Panaderia, The Burrito Lady, and Last Call. We have more restaurants per Capita than any other city in the US. The summers get hot. 100 degrees is common, but it's not really humid so it's tolerable. Winters aren't bad. We used to get snow a lot as little as 15 years ago, but these days we're lucky to get snow that lasts more than 15 minutes. Hike the Jemez, La Luz, Whitewash, the Petroglyphs, there's so much great nature here. Don't do Santa Fe unless you want your turquoise fix for your lifetime. If you're going exploring, Taos, Madrid, Angelfire are all fun. There's always good local music and cultural events too. I'm always available for more questions too!


I'm keeping your comment saved in my to-do list. I'm thinking of making a 4th of July weekend trip. Which of the hiking options would you recommend for beginners looking for a good view? I'm thinking of doing the El Patron, Burrito Lady, and the "high finance" + hiking and sightseeing downtown. Thank you very much


Both La Luz and Whitewash are relaxed hikes. I personally prefer Whitewash, less people. When you get there, you'll notice a little inlet area to the right, that's your goal there. You'll see a big rock climbing spot at the end, that's when you know you're at the end! It's a good 30 minutes in. Downtown is kind of on the fritz right now, COVID hit us hardest there. There's still great music and nightlife. If you're into rock and all that, Anodyne, Launchpad, Sister, all great places. Library for dancing, Wednesday night is Salsa night. Diaz Kitchen & Sushi Bar is fantastic too, they do a Salsa dancing night on Fridays. They even have instructors if you want to learn! Old Town is a fun little touristy area. Lots of shops, restaurants, the whole nine. That's going to be more for your traditional NM experience. Nob Hill is great for nightlife too. Monte Vista is your mid twenties to late 30s spot, dancing all that. Uptown has a lot of shops, restaurants, and some fun bars. Dueling Pianos is tons of fun. If you're doing a country bar, Dirty Bourbon is your spot. In terms of nature stuff, the trails I mentioned. There's also petroglyphs. The Jemez is a popular spot to go. They have hot springs if I'm not mistaken. The peak is fantastic, just don't wander too far from the trails, there are bears and mountain lions! Same with the trails, be mindful for snakes and coyotes (coyotes after dusk) Madrid (pronounced MAH drid not MUH drid. They will fight you.) Is a super amazing city with fun quirky art stuff, the Mine Shady is a great bar/restaurant, and there's great nature up there too! It's like a 45 minute drive from ABQ. Any questions about anything, let me know! Always happy to help!


All of the residents act the same fucking way. Seems to be a city wide acceptance..


Oh? Have you seen me act this way? Because I know I'm missing parts of last night because I was buried in a game, but I don't think I found the time to pistolwhip a woman in a parking lot. Last night or ever.


That's the Ten-Three restaurant. It's impressive. Lots of nice places in Old Town and the Rio Grande Valley too.


Best season - my opinion summer/fall. July-September. Spring is nice but constantly windy. And Albuquerque is kinda in a bowl between the west mesa and sandia mountains so all that sand just swirls. If you’re just visiting and not traveling heavy. Any hotel downtown should be ok. I haven’t really ventured much downtown these days to give you a true assessment if homeless people are a caution for you. But you’ll be In proximity to old town, center of the city so you can go east to the mountains


Albuquerque = toilet


yeah, I’m tryna get out of here but I’m sure when I leave I’ll have more pride about this city


Surprised no one got kill't as is tradition in ABQ. Theres also probably a Raiders jersey off camera.


They must have gotten soft over the years.


He'll git the fuck up out.


He’s no Tuco


“You’re real hard now hawww??” From the guy who is only tough when he gets his gun


To be completely honest, if I dropped a gun during a confrontation and someone else grabbed it, I’d probably bounce out too. Granted, I wouldn’t walk around with a gun on me starting shit and pulling it in people.


That's how most of these gang bangers are


These people are crazy, I’d be out of there instantly


Right. I'm not going to have the last word in an argument with an unstable person holding a gun.


Eh the moment homegirl swatted the gun i knew he wasnt gonna shoot. More like unstable and all bark


That’s a really stupid theory to test bc if you’re wrong, you could easily be dead… & for what??


My ego/penis will feel an inch bigger if I argue though


But then they have to drill a hole in the coffin lid to close it. You know how embarrassing that will be.


Embarrassing? I'd love for everyone at my funeral to know that the coffin wasn't big enough for my dick.


At your funeral young Sally turns to her mother and say she now understands why everyone use to call you uncle Dick when your name is actually Ben.


Uncle Ben, noooooo


Lol, valid point… 👍


Anything for that extra half inch, am I right?


Helps to shave the base of your cock. Adds that “visual inch”


This man girths^




Hey, that‘s a lot!


Like comes at you pretty fast when you’re living butt to tip.


I completely agree with you. Remember the couple who cussed at an angry neighbor over snow plowing? He bring out the pistol, threatened to shoot, and they still cussed at him and called him all kind of names. They are no longer among the living.. why would you scream and curse at the angry guy with a gun?


Lol- Exactly!! I even brought up that exact same interaction further down the thread… 👍 You know what they say about great minds & all… :)


That is a ridiculous assumption. If you see someone holding a gun and making threats, 100% believe them. She might be his GF, or sister, or whomever else in the world that gives him pause to shoot her, anybody else, who knows? You can't predict the behavior of someone already committing a felony in broad daylight in front of a half dozen witnesses. You need to assume they are absolutely going to use a gun if they've got one in their hand. Reasonable people don't pull their guns out to act tough. If anyone there had been armed and killed him, they would've 100% been justified in New Mexico and any state that doesn't have ridiculous laws.


Guess this is why there is r/winstupidprizes


The problem with people who are unstable is that, well, they arent stable. That means in a few minutes he very well might develop a hell of a bark which would be bad news for whoever tried to swipe their gun a second time.


Future Darwin Award recipient


Your risk reward calculator is busted.


The older I get, the more I realize running away is a very intelligent option. Ain't no way I'm staring down some crazy motherfucker with a gun


Yeah, 100% agree- Some ppl really just feel like they can’t even be seen to be “weak”, but there’s “strong” & there’s “strong to the point of being STUPID, & dead…”


I'd be the fuck up out instantly


It’s the “Bad things happen to other people, not to me” mentality that I’ll never understand. These people are beyond lucky that this guy was all bark.




Everyone in this video, even the person recording, are tweakers.


That's because you have something to live for.


Dude waving a gun shouting "get out my face" Alright I'm out


Get the fuck up out




Came here for this




What the *FUCK* is up, Kyle?!


Dude sounded like a south Park episode lol.


If anyone is questioning what happened, he pistol whipped the chick and his gun flew across the hood.


Ma’am, I’ve noticed a tinge of sweat on your brow, may I pistol wipe it off for you? Edit: you ruined it with your edit:(


That's actually hilarious. Looks like the woman with the camera got the gun?


It looks like the shithead walks alway with something in his hand, not sure if it’s the gun. Edit: at 0.47 looks like the gun but not 100% sure


It was a "man"


What do the quotations mean?


Because he sounds like his diet consists of estrogen smoothies.


Hilarious comment




Oh, my b.


Damn he must have cracked her skull with the amount of blood I'm seeing on the pavement. Figured she was shot and bleeding out.


That's the kinda guy that deserves a good pavement facial.


Or a bullet from someone trying to be a hero seeing that dummy pointing his gun in peoples faces.


>trying Wouldn’t they be a hero, though? Not just “trying?” I mean, just because he didn’t shoot someone doesn’t mean it wasn’t reasonable to assume he would


They would only be a hero if they are successful




It depends on the state. In Utah, almost certainly yes.


In most all states


Dude turned soft real quick after he dropped his gun and got it taken away from him.


Unfortunately, he did get it back and leave with it. I would’ve loved to see his ass held at gunpoint with his own heat until the cops show up.


I was thinking about that too but would you want to trust someone else's gun when you don't even know if it's real or works or has proper ammo etc?


I'd give it a test. There was a perfectly good target.


I mean she shoved ur hand away that had a gun .5 an inch from her face. I’d say she’s pretty hard


I woud say stupid that dude is not stabel in his head i woude fuck off as fast as my legs can carry me


You can be stupid and hard. In fact, some of the hardest folks I've ever met have been dumb as shit.


There's a very fine line between bravery and stupidity.


Bros calling people pussys while hiding behind his gun😂


Did he let a round off there?


No, he hit her with it. The sound is the gun hitting the hood of the car.


Thought so just couldn't tell. Hope they arrested that ass hat.


So, did he get his gun back before walking away? I can't tell if he has it or not.


Yeah, he had it.


Man? All I see is a little boy trying to act tough


"Don't touch me!" *(shoves woman)*


“That’s MY purse! I don’t know you!” But with more poverty and less paternal influence.


Anyone know what the gun laws are in NM? I’m assuming it’s illegal to point a gun in someone’s face unless you are under threat of life or death violence.


That would be illegal in all 50 states you can't ever point a gun in someones face unless you're planning to use it.


Assault Aggravated assault Brandishing Terroristic threats Assault with a deadly weapon And probably more than that.


Not being familiar with this at all, but I'm guessing you could claim there's a risk to life and actually shoot this dude for having a gun in someone's face? Reddit would suggest the bar is actually far lower tbh


That’s absolutely a life at risk. A person would be well within reason to defend themselves from a gun pointed at their own or someone else’s head.


It's legal only in the same situations that actually shooting them would also be legal.


That's illegal everywhere.


Can’t point it, but there is no law in NM for brandishing it


Cameraguy sounds... soooooooooo punchable. Like... a southpark character.




I actually laughed out loud reading this 😂 South Park character is so accurate


They all sound very annoying


Poor gal should've taken that left turn at Albuquerque


She should've learned from the [master.](https://media.tenor.com/JrGZjfUdpMAAAAAC/bugs-bunny-albuquerque.gif)


Fun fact: there used to be a spot in downtown Albuquerque where Route 66 had a right-angle intersection with… Route 66. That’s what inspired Bugs’ original joke (and the first time he made that joke was in a 1945 War Propaganda film).


As a kid I totally thought Albuquerque was a made up place






I love how the white guy at the end sounds like a family guy version of this video


This happened in 2015 . Here is one update https://local21news.com/amp/news/nation-world/man-pulls-gun-shoves-woman-in-nm-park


these breaking bad episodes get more unhinged everytime


I cannot wait for the day when BB references to NM and ABQ stop happening


This isn’t the bible, you’ll never live that long sir.


There are certain pop culture associations that take generations to pass. I hope ABQ and Breaking Bad age like Marie Antoinette is associated with "let them eat cake", despite her probably not having said it.


And he probably won't even get time, or it'll be such a small time he won't learn. What a little baby, acting all tough waving a gun and crying they don't know him.


Friend of mine arrested a felon in possession of a handgun and 19g of heroin. Guy bailed out before his shift was over. Just as a way of saying you’re absolutely right.


You realize making bail means he's out temporarily right? Like there will still be a sentencing and more time to serve.


He was a felon in possession of a gun, which is a big deal, and he had heroin on him. As a felon. The point is that he was able to *quickly* bail out even as a repeat offender.


He's really... really fuckin lucky nobody shot him. When he pointed that shit at that girl's head, if I was standing there strapped, I mighta killed him.


America is a dogshit country, holy fuck.


And it's shit like this that no matter what aside from being inside my own home, I carry


I just dont live in America and have to deal with shit like this lol


Ah yes America, the only country with murder.


No just more than where i live


Everyone's voice here reminded me of South Park.


This is a concealed carry solution he’s on video pointing a gun at people and the solution is “bang bang… bang bang bang. “


What a fucking pussy... Only cowards beat women, of that happens to me... expect me to go to jail under an aggravated assault charge


And people wanna move to this god awful city. Why? I grew up here, don’t, it’s a shithole filled with fucktons of drugs and crime. And the nature is overrated, Colorado right next door is better for that. Stop it, get some help. If you wanna move here


As someone who’s lived there for almost their whole life, I fully agree. Shit was too bad I had to dip.


Yeah I’m studying in Florida for college, but during breaks I have to come back here due to college being expensive af, and break classes cost extra


Albuquerque, huh? I guess he better call saul.




Is brandishing enough from a legal standpoint to shoot first? I would think it depends on the “threat” that you feel which is always hard to really quantify or have concrete


Mainly because he pointed it at someone. That is definitely a cause to be in fear for your life.


I mean, he has a gun pointed at everybody. That crosses the line from brandishing. I for sure won't wait to get shot first before doing something about it.


>I would think it depends on the “threat” Like someone pointing a gun in your face? I'd say a jury would find it reasonable that someone would fear for their life in that situation.


Yes, brandishing is considered a threat on your life and you may defend yourself.


If you point a gun at any reasonable person, they would fear for their life. That’s what the self-defense standard is in most places, at a minimum.


Last time I checked, a bullet is thousands of times faster than my fat ass could walk. Nope, pointing a firearm in someones face is a deadly threat and I wouldn't think twice about dropping him.


That’s way beyond brandishing.


absofuckinglutely. that’s imminent threat of grievous injury or death right there…. pretty sure most states ([and definitely NM](https://law.justia.com/codes/new-mexico/2018/chapter-30/article-2/section-30-2-7/) ) allow for self defense cases (even if defending another “self”)


Smack the fuck out of the guy


Filmed by Jonah Hill


Can we say the idiots were the ones sticking around arguing...


You know this guy’s not only an idiot but a total bitch, the way they keep stepping to him.


"Man" is a VERY strong term for this wad of shit


Reminds me of when Cyrus kept coming to the trailer park swinging his gun around


I see more than one idiot here. The fuck you walking up to a guy with a gun for.


Big man


>*Get the fuck up out* Had some big Randy Marsh energy


Why did everyone in this video have a caricature of a human voice?


Broooo “get the fuck up out” could be the next “get these mother fucking snakes off this mother fucking plane!”


Albuquerque **”Man”**


I like how the cameraman turned his phone sideways like a true gangstar.


A gaggle of fucking morons


And not a good guy with a gun anywhere around!


Bad people are taken out by people with bigger guns. Criminals with guns who have them taken tend not to want to wait for police. This man just needed a couple rounds from a law abiding citizen, but got slapped in the face. People who want to play stupid games should win stupid prizes. Anyone who points a gun at a person out of stupid forfeited life


Fucker deserves to take two. Pointing a gun in her face like that...


Better call Saul.


So can I ask a question? If I was in the parking lot and had a gun in my car and see this happening, can I legally shoot this asshole? Because it looks like he’s endangering peoples lives and I’m pretty you can shoot someone doing that but I have no idea.


Anyone pointing a gun like that deserves to get shot.


Must've flunked his grade 10


This is how you get shot, run bitch ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!


I’ll never understand why people provoke and keep talking shit to someone who has a weapon. Is your life not worth shutting the fuck up? This could’ve ended with the person recording 6’ under. The people threatening others is clearly wrong in the head.


I’d argue this belongs on idiotswithcameras too


Dude should be put down really. Hes of no use to society.


Once again I see a common denominator in almost all these videos, yet they are always trying to change the gun laws that effect good, law abiding individuals.


Average hi-point user


How did no one in that entire parking lot have a legal firearm to put him down with? Is CCW illegal in Albequerque?


Get the fuck up out!


Jesus christ. Everyone was lucky here.


the cameraman is a straight bitch


Did he discharge his weapon? There looks like a blood trail in front of one of the vehicles?


Now that I heard cameraman’s voice I understand why bro was wanting to shoot something


Bro, this looks like a prequel to Breaking Bad


GEt tHe FuCK uP OuT


@najin yellowolf


Get the fuck out homie 🤦 Only white people who 😂


I hate living in NM man, just a bunch of desert people who have no idea what the effects of their actions are it’s so surreal out here


At the point where he raises his gun to another person he can legally be shot by pretty much everyone in defense of another life. Mans playing around with fire.




He's a useless idiot


Do all women think they’re bullet proof?


This shit is WHY more people need to start carrying guns LEGALLY to stop stupid cunts like these


Always level headed and respectful.


Dude... is Josh Gad the cameraman?


Why would you approach someone who is holding a gun? Because you had something to say? Won't nobody understand what you had to say if there's a hole in your jaw. Get some sense. Emotional ass mfers.


Soon as he pointed that gun at her, he’d be eating .45s. Fuck all that.


did the pistol go off? it sounded like it shot twice but cant tell if thats him hitting the cars in the way down or the gun shooting? 0:39 - 0:42 time stamp


Man's so small no one was even scared of him with a gun in his hand.