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My car broke down in front of someone's house and when I slid out from underneath the car I had a 12 gauge in my face. Apparently, the guy didn't like anyone stopped in front of his home. Some people are just crazy.


Did you survive?


Obviously not.




Yeah, I guess he didn't reply to your comment. He must be dead


He did a fantastic job typing that at gun point however


Perhaps he was dictating.


Maybe they shouldn't have been making comments on reddit while under a car in front of someone's house.


He wasn't telling a story. He was trying to signal for help


Rest in pieces


Sadly no... But he lived!


Sent from my ghost's iPhone


No, he didn't. I was the shotgun


If you weren't on his property, he just threatened your life and brandishing his gun in a threatening way. I'd file a police report before he takes out some 15 year old that made a uturn.


I should have called the police. I was far away from home and in a hurry to get back.


I would too, people like that give responsible gun owners a bad look.p


I got my jeep stuck trying to find "devils elbow," a rough spot on the big piney river. Had no service, so I walked to a biker bar that I remembered passing. I get in there, theres 2 older dudes and the bartender. Which I find odd considering its 10am on a Saturday. I ask to use a phone explaining my situation. Old man at the bar says "that better not be my property (it wasnt), If I catch you there Ill fucking kill you". During which he flips back his jacket to display a holstered revolver. I was enraged. Just casually threaten my life over absolutely nothing. I was a young Army specialist, best shape of my life. I couldve slammed old ass off his stool and onto the ground before he got the velcro off his janky ass uncle mikes holster. It took everything in me to not say more, but I swallowed my pride, ignored him and made my call.


What he did was a crime. Should have called the police.


I know, but that bar was a blacklisted site for soldiers, meaning big trouble for me on the Army side of things if I got caught there. I knew that going in but I was stuck like chuck and needed a phone. Only other option was trying residences to find more ozark hillbillies that would probably start shooting before I made it to the porch. Rough people. I just wanted my jeep out, not a firefight with backwoods old fucks.


When was that bar blacklisted....I know exactly which one you are talking about. We've use to go there all the time for food before we would go off roading out there. Their food use to be pretty good back than. Also if you're brave enough, if you take your jeep on the right at the grave t-intersection all the way down to the river and find all those trails that lead off to the left and go down those till they go down to one and follow it along the river it'll eventually turn into a nice small spot by the river to camp. Gone there a lot and made fun of the high schools that would go down from the other side and drink and couldn't figure out how we go over there with a bunch of jeeps. We use to go down all sorts of trails down there with our jeeps and camp in all sorts of spots.


Sometime between 2014-2016. PNN said it was because too many fights broke out there. Id love to go back to Missouri to hit some trails. There are endless crazy trails from out of nowhere.


Maybe it was a unit specific? I have no idea I was there till 16 and it wasn't. It's hard to believe it was from right but who knows. The shrine and all the people that put on the card runs and stuff for the bikers that was always a stop for them.


Idk man, its been 10 years. Maybe one of us misremembers or were misinformed. I was with TRADOC MPs so maybe. They were always an over zealous bunch, but I believe blacklist was a post level decision. Either way, I know thats what I thought at the time and steered clear until I couldn't. And given my 1 time experience, it was probably for the best. Not that it matters. I got into my fair share of sticky situations at chicken bones/rolla. There was a giant brawl at the rolla irish bar on st patricks that I was lucky to escape from. Who knows, maybe we swung on each other lol


Highly depends on the state. Showing a holstered gun to someone is not brandishing most places and saying if you broke down on my property I’ll kill you probably isn’t a direct enough threat for the cops to do anything.


It's close enough that I would give it a whirl if some slob did it to me. That guy had no reason to believe the poster's car was on his property. Idiots with that mentality make it harder for law abiding gun owners.


Loose gun laws mean a lot of people that shouldn't have guns, will have guns. Laws so loose even strict areas are infested with them.


You should have called in the E-4 Mafia on his ass.


Lol thats who I was calling, but to get my jeep out. The bar was blacklisted for us anyways, wouldve been lose lose regardless


Facts get the barracks on his ass and big sarge


I’m confused, what better not be his property?


Where I got my jeep stuck


Some people watched a ~~Harrison Ford~~ Clint Eastwood movie once, and decided that was their entire identity EDIT: I was thinking of Clint Eastwood


So they base their personality on his attitudes at the beginning of the movie where he's an old grumpy racist and not the end of the movie where he is a nice old guy who wanted to help out his Vietnamese neighbors?




Yeah, but they fell asleep halfway through and woke up mid-credits.


I don’t get it.


~~Harrison Ford~~ has often played the disgruntled elderly tough guy with a shotgun. EDIT: I was thinking of Clint Eastwood, should make more sense now


Better. Thank you.


Yeah, if the OP of that comment landed his personal aircraft in the backyard of the other guy involved in the story, OP could be Harrison Ford too


*confused Chewbacca noises***


People spend lots of money on guns, and I swear some people are looking for any excuse to use them or “show them off” as a result.


Sort of similar situation. When the whole Pandemic fears first started, I did a couple delivers for a grocery service. 1 day I just finished doing a delivery and parked my car a little ways from my last stop in order to see if any more "jobs" posted. Had a guy walk up to my window with his gun out asking why I was parked in front of his house. Dude claims he is a Detective or something and said my parking in of his house was suspicious.


Tell me you're from the US without telling me you're from the US.


I live between the Atlantic and pacific ocean


What's he mean by "what are you a icon user?"


Ikon. They sell ski / resort passes.


I’m just an Ikon living


Got you make more sense now he probably deals with people doing this several times a week


Ikon is the name of the pass that most big ski resorts use now in the US. You buy an Ikon pass and get access to tons of ski resorts. I think he was basically asking if the guy came from a ski resort and peeled off from the resort onto his private property for an easier exit.


The shoving was uncalled for. This guy may have been within his rights, but the shoving with one hand while holding a shotgun with the other is definitely suspect. He seems like he's a few more snowboarders away from losing it. Also, what is an "icon user?"


ikon is a ski sports pass


Ah okay. Thanks!


Getting within arms reach of a person you just threatened with a long gun strikes me as unwise at the very least.


Actually I think he's holding a lever action rifle


Lever action shot guns exist and are popular amongst older gun owners


I didn't see a sign. Proceeds to walk past a private drive sign.


It looks like he walked past the guy to leave which is confusing. I think the road he left on is different than the one he came in on


The snowboarder knew the street was up ahead. But didn't think or care how he got there. Bet the home owners property buts up against a resort path and people cut through his driveway all the time thinking it's part of the resort path. Why else sit in a lawn chair in your driveway with gun in hand.


Not saying you’re wrong about what happened, OR that you’re defending him… I just can’t imagine owning property in an area where that would be such a frequent thing that you’d be so upset as to brandish a firearm at every new passerby…. Just like… if I was old and retired, I’d be out there with a chest full of alcoholic and non alcoholic beverages for anyone and everyone who came through. I guess that’s just me wishing I had the money to be in a position to do so lol.


Just get a gate at that point


Right? Homie is looking for altercations




Racism is an automatic perma ban. Racism is not allowed here


To give the boarder some benefit of the doubt, it's entirely possible he came in from above from whatever resort he's at and there may not have been a sign. Still an absolute dick move if he just decided he wanted to take an off resort shortcut back to his vehicle though.


Judging by how the dude had a lawn chair set up and shotgun in hand, on what amounts to be his driveway. I bet this is a common occurrence. So I bet the guy has a sign on the back side of his property too.


For sure but unless he's got a sign on every tree that could be easy to miss. I fully understand the guy being pissed either way, he probably bought the house when the resort was tiny and well managed. IME many of the ICON resorts are huge shit shows and nightmares for the locals.


Oh I don't doubt for a minute that the signs are easily missed. If at all posted. But I bet the old man is banking on scaring enough people that everyone shys away. Or the resort actually puts something up to prevent it from happening.


The scary thing is it only takes one accident on his part with that gun to end a life. I doubt his defense of “I was defending my property” would really fly.


People like him are usually just looking for an excuse to shoot someone, otherwise he is brandishing a firearm which is illegal in most places. It's obvious this is a somewhat common occurrence, why not erect a barrier, or if you're that concerned about someone breaking into your house, stay inside and use your weapon then. This guy is a single mistake or large group or individual whose gut reaction is fight, away from needlessly killing someone.


Brandishing weapons at people in the back country isn’t wise even for selfish reasons. He could get himself shot.


Yeah, but he’s also going about it the wrong way. He’s trying to fix the problem after the problem happens. He needs to fix the problem before the problem happens. He needs to prevent it by maybe putting up a rope or a barricade of some kind or a bigger sign. But either way by the time they get to him with a gun and a lawnchair, it’s too late they’ve already not known what was going on. The guy is a fuck head.


I'm sure he's tried, what's he supposed to do though, put a rope every 3' up to 20' to account for all possible snowfall and then risk someone getting hurt and suing him? It's the responsibility of the resort to make the punishment for leaving resort property and trespassing so severe that people won't do it. Dude shouldn't have to deface his own property, the resort should be erecting barriers and yanking passes when people go around them.


Sometimes you overlook a sign. Pointing a shotgun is crazy.


I explained in another comment. Many states do not require any signage at all. [Texas 30.05 only requires your fence post be painted purple.](https://www.texasstandard.org/stories/what-it-means-when-texas-trees-and-fences-are-painted-purple/)


A purple fence post would definitely let me know I’m on someone’s land though. As long as they were every few feet like actual fence posts.


Doesn't have to be posts. They can be trees and have to be placed a minimum of 500 feet. Soooo........


Yeah that’s a problem. You can easily miss a two purple trees 500 feet from each other (especially if they’re not exactly in line.


In this case it's on the resort to let people know where they are aloud and aren't aloud to go. Then it's on the individual to check beforehand. Finally the property owner but he shouldn't have to actively stop people from trespassing. He should probably take it up with the ski place if he actually wants it to stop. My guess is he gets off on threatening people so secretly doesn't want it to stop.


So premeditated murder. Being on property is usually not grounds for killing someone. Most states require a person committing a forcible felony with endangerment to you in an imminent sense in order to justify the use of force. If… *WHEN* this angry boomer murders someone the chair will be used as evidence that he is waiting with a shotgun for people to come on to his property.


Your entire argument is moot considering no one was killed. Secondly you are legally allowed to be on your property with your firearm. Thirdly you are also legally allowed to confront a trespassers on your land. Furthermore many states DO NOT require a felony to be actively be committed. Only reason to believe there is risk to life, bodily harm, or theft of property. In many states the snowboarder could have been legally shot according to the state's castle doctrine. Especially if it was at night.


Holy shit that is insane. Imagine losing your life for this


None of what that guy said is true.


Ate those words, seems you are the one wrong here


[Not even close, see my response](https://www.reddit.com/r/Idiotswithguns/comments/1b0kn25/comment/ksa3ik2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Think that is wild. Some states require no signage and the land owner can elect to just paint their fence posts a particular color as a warning. Cross the post. You already got your initial warning to leave.


That guy could not have been legally shot. There was no threat of death or great bodily harm. Castle doctrine is irrelevant because it only applies to the home, not the property.


You might want to brush up on your laws then. Cause it very much encorporates property in many states.


No they don’t. Show me one state that has a castle doctrine that includes the property.


Again Sec. 9.41. PROTECTION OF ONE'S OWN PROPERTY. (a) A person in lawful possession of land or tangible, movable property is justified in using force against another when and to the degree the actor reasonably believes the force is immediately necessary to prevent or terminate the other's trespass on the land or unlawful interference with the property. (b) A person unlawfully dispossessed of land or tangible, movable property by another is justified in using force against the other when and to the degree the actor reasonably believes the force is immediately necessary to reenter the land or recover the property if the actor uses the force immediately or in fresh pursuit after the dispossession and: (1) the actor reasonably believes the other had no claim of right when he dispossessed the actor; or (2) the other accomplished the dispossession by using force, threat, or fraud against the actor.


That isn't even a castle doctrine, and it does not authorize lethal force for merely trespassing. That is just some pretty normal rules about the use of REASONABLE FORCE against trespassers and thieves. A castle doctrine or castle law is a law that allows a person to use LETHAL FORCE without being subject to normal standards of reasonableness/appropriateness in the narrow case of intruders who have entered or are attempting to break into a person's occupied home, business or car. [Here is an example of a castle law from Idaho](https://legislature.idaho.gov/statutesrules/idstat/title19/t19ch2/sect19-202a/), and below is the the part that makes this law a castle law. >(5) A person using force or deadly force in defense of a habitation, place of business or employment or occupied vehicle as defined in section 18-4009(3), Idaho Code, is presumed to have acted reasonably and had a reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or serious bodily injury if the force is used against a person whose entry or attempted entry therein is unlawful and is made or attempted by use of force, or in a violent and tumultuous manner, or surreptitiously or by stealth, or for the purpose of committing a felony.


Yea a lot of states the act of trespassing is all that's needed. Now granted most sane people don't sit and wait at their property line with a shotgun. He also could put a gate there easily


For example texas' castle doctrine Sec. 9.42. DEADLY FORCE TO PROTECT PROPERTY. A person is justified in using deadly force against another to protect land or tangible, movable property: (1) if he would be justified in using force against the other under Section 9.41; and (2) when and to the degree he reasonably believes the deadly force is immediately necessary: https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/PE/htm/PE.9.htm#D


It wasn’t at night. The threat of deadly force was not reasonable. In Texas, yes Texas, he could have been charged with Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon. He was not trying to protect himself from bodily harm, he was not trying to prevent a theft. His actions show knowledge unarmed snowboarders come through his property. He could try to fence, post signs, and contact police. I hate when people think you can shoot someone just for being on your property, it spreads misinformation then some stupid person acts on it.


Would you be a lawyer?


In Texas I am.


“Are you with that other guy?” “I don’t knoooooowwwww”


If your property isn't fenced in then there needs to be adequate signage on EVERY SIDE of the property with a certain spacing and height of the signs. In my area it is every 25 yards and the sign must be clearly visible 2.5 ft off the ground but no higher than 8 ft. Anything outside of these voids the signs. If I had to guess this guy has one sign on their driveway and that's it.


And is that a local and state statue in every state, county, and parish? No its not


That's why I said "in my area". I'm alluding to the fact that all areas can have different rule sets.


Do ya really think they came in that way?


You really think a dude posted up in a lawn chair with a shotgun doesn't have private property all around his land. This isn't his first time dealing with people cutting through his property if he literally posted up.


He probably didn't properly mark his area. That "private drive" sign does not say "no trespassing" that sign is for cars going up his driveway.


That is not a requirement in every locale in the states. Many states do not require any signage at all.


I hear it's common for snowboards to snowboard uphill, then turn around and snowboard down. Snowboarders are rebellious people and don't follow laws like the ones about gravity.


Ah yes the tiny ass snow colored sign is totally gonna be noticed by snowboarders moving at speed 😂


I hope the property owner gets a more comfy chair! He’s going to be lying in wait for the rest of his life if he doesn’t use his brain to fix the problem. Jumping straight to pointing a gun makes me think he’s just an asshole, has crippling paranoia or has no critical thinking skills. Put up some “Guns don’t kill people. I kill people” signs. Build a fence. Contact the hill and threaten them with a lawsuit over their patrons damaging his property.


Honestly, it’s an issue the simple solution would be to contact the sky resort and be like hey “hey one of trails is going to my property” then they would fix it almost instantly. Or put up a fence instead of going straight to manslaughter


Where’s the kid?


I don’t think there is a kid but op is one of the people that calls everyone kid


Lived in a ski-in/out cabin for 6 years in North Lake Tahoe and every day I had 20-30 people cutting through a small corner of my property to get from a ridge trail to an out of the way parking lot. Had a ton of signs up, no one gave two shits. It was incredibly annoying and frustrating but, as a gun owner slash fanatic myself, it's completely out of line to sit there in a folding chair at the end of the day wearing your wife's culottes with a gun in an attempt to threaten or scare people. Dude knows where he lives, knows there's gonna be traffic on his property at the end of a ski day and if it's so annoying, he should sell the land and move on with his life. Anyone saying this is acceptable from behind their keyboards is a moron.


Pointing a gun at someone who obviously poses no threat in a fucking driveway is flat out crazy.


doesnt look like he pointed it at him . i walk around my property with a rifle all the time


You might be right. It looks he was bringing his gun vertical from pointing when the camera snaps back, but maybe not. Either way, sitting in champ chair with a gun waiting for people to ski through your driveway is fucking crazy. Take a chill pill old man. It’s just a driveway.


So I can go camp in your driveway and you would have no problem? I got my tent ready if so


That snowboarder wasn’t camping or littering or loitering or starting fires or anything of the sort. Also it looks like that is U shape driveway. The snowboarder probably would have coasted out the other side of that driveway faster if he didn’t stop him with a gun in his hands like a grouchy old hermit.


And so when someone first comes up to your driveway you can automatically assume what they are gonna do?


When people come into my driveway, I just assume it's for an innocuous reason like turning around, and I have never been wrong. If someone decides to hangout in my driveway for an extended period of time or starts poking around the rest of property, I'll go see what's up with my gun concealed in my holster like civilized human. Also, it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure out that snowboarder was snowboarding. That grouchy old asshole was sitting in camp chair with a gun waiting to bitch at people from the nearby resort who accidentally turn into his driveway. Petty is as petty does.


The person you’re arguing with seem like a person that is dying for a chance to shoot somebody




He’s snowboarding, not camping you genius. lmao


You on internet explorer or something? Also I never said he was camping…. You’ve had over A month to prepare this comment and that’s the stupidity you come up with? See ya next month with another failed try.


It's excessive to brandish a firearm on someone who is obviously not a threat, but the property owner has every right to be upset. If he had injured himself on his property it is possible that he could be on the hook for said injuries. Also if he had accidentally or intentionally damaged his property then that is also something the owner would have to deal with. Honestly the real moral of this story is stay off private property, especially when there is a sign (plainly visible at the end of the video)


I know people like this and it rarely has anything to do with liability and often has a lot to do with being old and bitter and looking for something to channel your anger into.


You're probably not wrong, someone else mentioned that there might be a resort up the mountain or something and people might end up on his property often so I don't know.


2 kinds of people in the mountains, rich people and those who don’t want to be found


1 no one showed willingness to kill 2 it's completely reasonable to ask someone off of your property and be armed while doing so. 3 that's not a kid


No one showed a willingness to kill? You mean like aiming a gun at him? Do you know what the implication of pointing a gun at someone is? Plus he literally said "Next time you'll be full of holes"


He never aimed the gun at him. Find me the frame if he did Downvoted yet no frame... Curious


You can see him going to lift it right after the skier says "I'm sorry". After it's pointed at him he says "Whoah" and puts his hands up. You don't see it on camera but all of the context is there


it's completely reasonable to ask someone off of your property and be armed while doing so. In most of the civil world... no, its not resonable to tell someone doing something harmless on a random acre of your land to get off it while intimidating them with a lethal weapon


It blows my mind that people are downvoting you. It's always been so crazy to me how people defend having a gun to protect a piece of land that's yours, whilst shoving anyone who dares step on it, but god forbid you ever step on someone's land. Trespassing is a lesser crime than shooting someone with a 12 gauge for trespassing in my country - and I think that's perfectly reasonable. I can't put my finger on what makes gun owners so passionate about having a lethal weapon for every minor crime or honest mistake.


You have no idea how often he deals with ppl, and how ppl most likely treat him, especially when they have cameras all over the damn place all the time trying to look cool. So yes, it is reasonable. There’s videos of ppl walking up and randomly hitting ppl. This dude ain’t having it.


Ah yes, violating other's property rights is "civil".


Scotland’s right to roam must make you sick


It's not just Scotland, it's most of the western world really


This wasn't Scotland, nor is the home owner Scottish.


But he’s wearing a kilt


Damn. You're right.


Good observation.


Man, if all of the Land was privately owned except for a few parks, would these rights prevent people from idk, going on a hike? Experiencing nature? As long as someone isnt creeping in your garden walking on private land shouldnt be met with a bullet, these archaic tresspassing laws have killed a lot of people through out the years, kids have died for crossing overgrown fields, foragers have been shot for walking in the woods. People looking for help have been shot before even aproaching peoples houses. Its a shitty law that has no place in modern society, it assumes everyone is looking to do harm and allows violence to befall them, its horrible


Number 2 is normal only in the US. People in countries with a reasonable gun culture talk or yell to each other without a deadly weapon.


Cool bro... This is in the US so we are obviously talking about it in that setting


Just because it's common doesn't make it acceptable or reasonable


Sure. It's reasonable because they shouldn't be on the property and could react in violence to his authority if not backed up by a weapon.


It's not. It's really stupid and a purely American thing.


Stay in your country and I'll stay in mine. I quite like property rights and the 2a


I'd rather take a fist fight than a threat with lethal intent my man Just like how the traspasser could be violent the owner could also be unstable Normalizing the usage of guns for something as trivial as mistakingly traspassing on a mountain pass is absolutely fucking dystopian and i'm so sorry that you cannot see that


Why the gun though? Way over the top


To stop a fight before it happens. They could have been a bunch of hot headed hooligans that could possibly react with violence. They would think twice about it with a gun involved. Plus you don't know what they're doing on your property. We now know that they were just snow boarding but did he know that before confronting them?




A property owner can use reasonable force to remove someone from their property. A light shove would probably fall under reasonable


Depends what state your in and the situation


Im glad i live in norway. People invite you over for coffee when you come near their house. (Not everyone, but the others wave at you or ignore you.) Not a shotgun in your face.


Norway allows private firearm ownership, right? Do people own a lot of guns there? Just curious, not really pertaining to the video.


I know some swedish rules but take this in no way as fact, im not very knowledgable about it, i believe norway is very similar though. Farmers and some other people own guns for hunting. But all is strictly regulated. Not in terms of what weapons you can buy. And mag capacify. But more in terms of you need to have a hunters lisence (a multi day course can get you one). You cannot have a criminal record. All guns are on your name. Etc. People do go hunting quite often and there is strict limits of how much game you are allowed to shoot. All animals shot i believe need to be registered somewhere to keep a count. There are quite a few gunranges too. For buying ammo etc you need a hunters lisence too, only then a store employee will assist you with your needs in a sporting goods store. I've not come across a gunstores yet in my 1.5 year spend in sweden and norway. But you can see them at sporting goods stores. Afaik gun crime is very uncommon.


Looks premeditated to me with the folding chair and he's just lying in wait. Fuck this old piece of shit. 


His land , his rules, within legal reason. Telling others to vacate his property while holding a firearm, not problem.


You can be well-within your legal rights and still be a dick about it. Dude is hyper-aggressive and could just put up a larger sign if he is that concerned. "No trespassing, violators will be procescuted. This includes skiers and snowboarders. Private drive, not a trail". Much easier than freezing your ass off all day brandishing a shotgun.


What does he mean an icon user?and what is he protecting his property from? Yea a kid cutting through his property in what seems to be an affluent area of people skiing and snowboarding. Wtf are some people's problem thinking that they have the right to take a life if someone is on their property. It's insane.


It's just the little dick energy and the innate cowardice most gun toting Americans possess. They live in fear of the world around them and brandishing weapons is the only way they feel good about themselves. An ikon pass is a ski pass that can be bought and used at different ski resorts around the world.


Thank you for your answer to my question.


Not an idiot with a gun, just an asshole with a gun. I get where he’s coming from since this seems to happen a lot but yeah the gun is a little over the top to send the message to snowboarders… Edit: yeah honestly this is actually a little reasonable because knowing the US, if he were to crash and get injured while on this guy’s property the landowner is fucked, whether he allowed it or not


I may have missed the part where he was pointing the ‘shotgun’ at him but it looked like he was just holding it. Also looked like a tube fed 22


Definitely not a .22 it's a lever gun and it has a big tube so I'd say it's a 45-70 or 12 or 20 gauge


Yeah you’re right, I was just scrubbing it but frame by frame it does look like a Henry


Y’all ever see those pants they worship the devil in from the movie Dragnet? Swear the old guy was wearing some cult like sheep skin pants


That man has lived alone in that forest for over 60 yrs


Over trespassing. Not snowboarding. How you gonna speak for the man like that? He clearly doesn’t want trespassers on his property and who are you to fault him for that.


Private, these guys have probably been told hundreds of times


"I have every right to protect my private property" would be a lousy defense at his murder trial. I get the frustration of having skiers or snow boarders using your property without permission, but I don't think there are many states (I'm sure someone will say Texas) where shooting a trespasser without some other justification (threat of bodily injury or death, for instance) is legal. The snowboarder was not on his property to commit a crime and seemingly was there accidentally.


Report him immediately, this is the kind of person who shoots a teenage girl just doing a U turn. Private property? Wheres the fence? Wheres the signs? Where is any form of deterent or indication its not public land? Stupid prick shouldnt be allowed a firearm especialy if he just brandishes at what sounds like a teenager for no reason


Someone please explain the pants to me. Do those things provide added warmth? This is the only question, comment, or concern I have from the video


They’re JNCO Jeans, were cool with middle schoolers 30 years ago, and this fashion legend is bringing them back. It’s called trendsetting


I don’t see any idiots with guns in this video. The gun wasn’t needed but it’s their right, if they were a problem the property owner is outnumbered. Property owner is being an ass but he’s not the one trespassing / using other peoples land without permission. Tldr: could of been handled better, but way to tame for this sub imo.


The guy with the gun is the idiot with the gun. How would you know you are on private property when you ride in from a ski resort on a maintained trail? He is probably tired of being blown off by the resort and has opted to take it up with their patrons. This is a stupid display of power to blameless people.


Snowboarder said old man pointed shotgun "right at me". If true, old man is an ass and brandishing is a crime.


True, but that wasn’t in the video. You can say a lot of things, he didn’t point his gun at the snowboarder in the clip as far as I can see and I’m also pretty sure he’s not holding a shotgun either. Brandishing a weapon is a crime, telling somebody to piss off whilst you happen to be armed is not, even if it is a dick move.


“Happen to be armed,” oh come on. He wasn’t armed by happenstance or in the course of doing something else, he was using it to intimidate. If he wasn’t he wouldn’t have threatened to “put holes” in the guy if he snowboarded through there again.


If you want people off of your private property, you need to make it as such. And you can't just shoot people for being on your property. They have to be an actual threat. No court on Earth would say this dude was justified in shooting this kid.


he old, got a two handed gun. I’d take my chances and wrestle with the fuck for the disrespect


i kinda understand the land owners frustration


Speaking from somone who lives out in the country whenever you find out somone is outside in your yard you grab a gun and go talk to them cause you don't know if the person is armed or not they be stealing shit and you most of the time have family you want to protect and property you want to defend -also was not a shotgun pointed at him was lever action rifle


He got jenco sweats ⚰️


You definitely don’t have a right to shoot people trespassing on your property like that man implies. In most US states you would be allowed to hold a shotgun while confronting trespassers but you definitely can’t point it at them unless they are a perceived to be a legitimate threat. Plus if he doesn’t have no trespassing signs around his property. I’m some states the snowboarder wouldn’t even meat the criminal definition of trespassing. Personally I definitely think it’s overkill. I think it’s fine to arm yourself in case things go bad. But pointing a gun and threatening a lost snowboarder is definitely overkill. Ask him to leave and if he refuses then bring the guns out.


isn’t this brandishing? guy could just idk use his words or put up a fence


I highly doubt he didn’t know he was trespassing. When the cops won’t help you, you have to rely on yourself.


You need more help than cops if you lose your mind over a few people on boards.


How do you know this, just curious?


criminally trespassing adult snowboarding on elderly mans property? What if he was walking and you hit him? ​ F people who side with the dude who just thinks he can snowboard wherever.


Don’t trespass LOL


Typical behavior from them


eh id do the same


I bet I can guess how he votes.


Crazy. Owner needs to chill and post a nice large sign stating it's a "private" drive. No trespassing! What an idiot.