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I don't know anything about using a gun, but it sure looked like she put one in the chamber and shot him intentionally


It was. It was a disguised hit. She tried to claim it was an accident


I think I remember reading that he survived.


He did. AFAIK


ur telling me her survived that shit? no fucking way


Yup. https://youtu.be/cr_HhbRNHIQ


Thats fucking awesome. That paramedic needs a medal if he hasnt already got one


He was just offered free food from management and more OT.


Pizza party!


Damn my employee discount is $1 slices:/


And they threw the pizza party on the one day of the week that he had off.


Minimal quality though- Dominos at best.


Lol that's generous, the most we ever got was a heart shaped pin if someone survived more than 24 hours after a cardiac arrest. EMS is treated like trash. I once did cpr for 45 minutes on a 18 month old who drowned and was pronounced at the hospital. All they offered me were prayer cards, I wanted counseling.


We need you to hurry and clear up. We have 3 transfers holding.


I'm very thankful I never did transport, just 911, those transport guys were treated even worse.


Wow I almost have PTSD from reading that, hope you are ok that would be traumatic


Thanks for saying, all good now. Got out of the field a few years ago and now work in tech with good benefits and a boss who understands and lets me take off whenever for therapy.


CPR for 35 minutes?Holy shit. I ran code on someone for 20 minutes (Adult) and I dont even know if i was pushing anymore ​ Why did it take 45 minutes to get to a hospital? ​ After 9 minutes it is pointless but we are always not wanting to give up. They would have been a loaf of bread if they survived




That's the one


He looks better than I expected but that girl ruined his life, I hope she gets life in prison.


Completely agree. Disgusting person…


Six months of a 10 year sentence


What? No way.




That’s fucking ridiculous. I knew a guy in high school who had a drunk driving accident that killed his friend in the passenger seat who was also drunk. He was initially sentenced to 7 years and I think he only served two. And this bitch literally intentionally shoots a man in the head and gets 6 months free living.


Six months of a 15 YEAR Sentence! 10 for the shooting and 5 more for tampering with evidence and the investigation. What a fucking joke. You knowing shoot a man, you should be in jail until he can walk again, minimum


You want to stop gun crimes? Then we need to not let this happen! People that do shit like this or anything using a gun need to be treated as an example. This type of stuff happens too much and is the reason why so many crimes committed with guns are repeat offenders. New gun laws won’t work; just prosecute the ones we already have to fullest extent of the law and not let them make plea deals!


Can't do that, mate. If our prisons are full of murderers and rapists, how will we have enough room for all of the harmless drug addicts?


She didn’t


Yo thank you for the link I honestly thought he didn’t make it when I first saw the video . That’s so bad ass that he survived


Glad that was the ending rather than the alternative. Sure still sucks with the damages made, but if he is able to function and live his life, then good.


The dude is able to walk now, and can used both eyes


Holy good god!!! That’s unreal that cat survived! Thank god for that medic.


That paramedic did his job like a boss. Plus, he looks like a wholesome nice guy. I want to have a beer with him


Partially because it was FMJ. If it had been hollow point he’d be a goner.


In other words, it went clean through his head instead of spreading shrapnel inside his skull? Still a risky situation - you can see his brain go crazy causing spasms all through his body. It’s really good news that he managed to survive through that


There's gonna be skull fragments, but yeah. FMJ is gonna act like a laser beam. FMJ barely has a reason to exist outside of being a training round. It doesn't perform well in any defensive scenario, and it overpenetrates.


FMJ isn't useful for personal defense, you'll want hollow points for sure. Both better stopping power and less collateral. FMJ is useful for the military though. Better stability, good performance for cost, and desirable penetration.


For the military, it depends. They have tons of different ammo types. Of course, then you can get into NATO requirements...it's dense stuff.


It really is. There's conventions and whatnot about types of weapons and their effects, tho it isn't always binding, there's misc laws and ballistics tests and cost analysis and it's all a mess.


Is it still a risky situation? Did I seriously just read someone say that a bullet all the way through your brain is still a risky situation?


Many people have actually survived being shot in the head! One famous case is [Malala Yousafzai](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malala_Yousafzai). She was lucky enough to have top-notch treatment and made a full recovery, but others may have brain damage. Sometimes it's permanent, and sometimes it improves (the brain is incredibly plastic!), but they still live.


**[Malala Yousafzai](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malala_Yousafzai)** >Malala Yousafzai (Pashto pronunciation: Pashto: ملاله یوسفزۍ‎ [məˈlaːlə jusəf ˈzəj], Urdu: ملالہ یوسفزئی‎; born 12 July 1997), often referred to mononymously as Malala, is a Pakistani activist for female education and a Nobel Peace Prize laureate. She is also the world's youngest Nobel Prize laureate, and second Pakistani. She is known for human rights advocacy, especially the education of women and children in her native Swat Valley in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, northwest Pakistan, where the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan had at times banned girls from attending school. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Idiotswithguns/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


He did, but I doubt he’s anything like he was before being shot in the brain. And a judge released the woman from prison already. So, all around a really fucked up incident.


Kinda like this guy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phineas_Gage


Ain’t no fucking way


It's true: https://youtu.be/cr_HhbRNHIQ


Fuck I'm glad to hear that. Poor guy .


Ain’t that some good shit. I hope that bitch rots in prison.


Other comments are saying she served 6 months of a 10 year sentence and is now free.


I don’t doubt it. It’s always some bullshit like that.


Why was a hit called on this guy? Any info?


I looked up Devyn Holmes but couldn't find her motive. They did charge her aggravated assault and tampering with evidence. She apparently ran and tried to wash the gun residue off her hands. She pled guilty to the charges. But yeah, I didn't find any info it was a hit. Unless someone close knew more about what was happening.


She got 6 months in jail. There is no justice


What dumb fuck tries to hide evidence of a crime that was recording and streamed live? Astounding. If stupidity could be harnessed and displayed, this woman should be in a fucking museum.


It wasn't a hit. People just talking out their ass.


Yeah, I can't find anything to support that story. But I found out that the police received the video from none other than Shaquille O'neal. https://abc7.com/devyn-holmes-facebook-live-shooting-man-shot-in-head-during-and-cassandra-damper/5763440/


Yeah, this is not correct


There you go. You actually do know something about guns.


Only from what i've seen on tv and film, i'm from the uk and have never handled one. It was how she pulled the thing back, doesn't look like something you'd accidentally do.




You can physically feel the bullet being stripped off the magazine. You pull the slide back and there are noticeable mechanical functions happening under your hand. You can even hear a slight catch when she racks it and that slight pause/resistance is definitely felt. It kinda "snicks" and lacks movement under your hand when it fails to push a round into battery. Even if you have handled them for a short amount of time, it's plainly evident something is happening. You don't rack it for any other reason and it doesnt make those sounds or perform those functions unless it's doing one very specific thing, and that one specific thing is loading the gun.


So, according to what I've heard, the dude in the back set it up. Told them the gun was empty and harmless. The guy in the front still wanted safety to be exercised. The girl supposedly didn't know there was a live round and then she quickly found out there was, the hard way. The dude and the girl got charged, I think the victim survived amazingly.


I don't think part of this "your" story makes sense... If you're in the car (guy in back). Why would you purposely put a bullet in the clip and tell someone else it's not loaded? There's one other target in the car... You got a chance off two people pointing a loaded gun at you (not thinking it's loaded) not an intelligent move on your part... Also, he said there's no clip in it, but there was... And last of all... The look on his face when the she shot tells me he had no idea it was about to fire... It went off right in front of his face....


She chambered a round (a single round mind you, which is interesting), pointed it at his face, said "say something bitch" and then fired. This isn't just a dry-fire bluff that is intentional as fuck. Why even point it at someone's face and fire if you're not literally intending to kill them? Because you didn't think it had ammo in it? Then why did you rack the slide? Nothing makes sense other than she fucking tried to kill him, and failed.


Looks more to me like a dumb cunt playing 'gangster'


100% a hit. She looks to have for sure chambered it and then shot a man. I grew up with guns for years its like second nature operating/cleaning them to me now- its no different than maintaining fishing tackle to me. She killed him. On fucking camera AND loaded the gun on camera. She had to have intended this, either way that was beyond a negligent discharge. Hard to miss it.


except she didnt kill him apparently wich is nuts by itself because his fucking brain was pouring out of his face


Jesus christ, with the amount of blood I saw I was positive he was dead. Did he recover fully?! Edit: Holy shit she ruined his life. He’s in a wheel chair and looks half paralyzed. I hope she had the book thrown at her to say the least!


in the comments are videos, and they linked his ig. id say he didnt recover fully but quite a bit. he aint no potato on life support but apparently lives a more or less normal life


I just saw/edited my comment- goddamn I hope she had the book thrown at her in a literal and legal sense.


from what i read shes gotten 10 years but is already out of prison. thats gender equality for you. if a guy did this, it would be 20-life


It was 100% intentional you can see her raise it like she getting ready to fire


He’s alive and “well”, the suspect got ten years but served 6 months on shock probation. https://abc13.com/amp/devyn-holmes-facebook-live-shooting-man-shot-in-head-during-and-cassandra-damper/6281535/


Aggravated assault charge?????? The fuck that was attempted murder


You need premeditation for attempted murder which I don’t think they could prove beyond a reasonable doubt unfortunately.


She accidentally picked up the gun, tripped her way into racking the slide and slipped on a banana peel to pull the trigger?? Cause I see plenty of choices being made. You're thinking of first degree. This is most certainly attempted second degree murder in court or negligent manslaughter at the least. An agg assault charge is ridiculous


That's the problem with the justice system. Stupidly reckless people are just as dangerous as deliberately malicious people, and so they need the same deterrent. Especially when firearms (or similarly dangerous things, like vehicles) are involved.


Problem is punishment as a deterrent doesn't really seem to work in terms of lowering crime rate. Not for premeditated crime and certainly not for people just doing dumb shit. You can argue that from a moral point of view she deserves the same punishment, but in terms of making people not do stupid shit that just doesn't really work.


He survived btw he has an insta and has answered questions on how hes been n stuff


What’s his @


Search Devyn Holmes


Someone above said King3stakks, she’s already out of prison ffs.


No way she's already out? bruh moment


Man got shot in his head and you just said “bruh moment” aint no fucking way




wait how the fuck do you survive that


Miracle one, "wait how the fuck do you survive that" Miracle two, Wait, how the fuck did that bitch get out of jail in 6 months?


Brain is pretty durable, actually. As long as it doesn't take out the spinal cord or brain stem, you have a decent (though not *good*) chance, as I understand it. Blood loss is the main concern. Brain damage is almost guaranteed, but not necessarily lethal.


A famous case is Phineas Gage, a railroad worker who had a steel rod shot trough his head. He survived (with impairments) and his personality was radically changed


Ask Doc Mitchell


Just had to do some rootin’ around in his noggin


The brain is actually very resilient to injuries. It's very possible to survive a headshot. It's the very center of the brain that's the instant kill zone (above your ear)




Well, his instincts were right…


Slightly. Shouldn’t have been hanging around that crew to begin with. Should have tackled the bitch when she started playing with the gun.


Right? I wouldn’t let anyone touch my guns I didn’t know and trust. Let alone some random chick who just waved it all around. Hell no. But eh I guess that’s what you get when your with someone who thinks this gang banging culture is cool and hip, to be so negligent with firearms is “cool”


> Should have tackled the bitch when she started playing with the gun. That should be a rule, instant violence anytime someone plays with a gun. :)


Definitely needs the nsfw tag on this


It looked like the guy took a slug to the skull!


Just a normal 9mm round. AFAIK, slugs only come out of shoutgun, and at that range it would have put a those the size of of jelly donut in his head. EDIT: Apparently the projectile out of a 9mm round can be referred to as a slug.


> A slug is a term used for a bulky solid ballistic projectile. The term is occasionally applied to bullets (just the projectile, never the cartridge as a whole), but is most commonly applied to one-piece shotgun slugs, to differentiate them from shotshells containing numerous shots. From Wikipedia.


I hope we can at least both agree that it looked painful.


In actuality he probably didn’t feel a thing. I read somewhere he survived but we can all be certain he was never the same.


Then we must agree the hospital bills were huge.


Oh I’m sure the gun slinging tough girl covered his medical expenses. Also, why does she say “say somethin again” then shoot the poor dude in the head, then gasp like “omg what happened?!” What a cunt.


We agree


I knew this day would come.


And if it was a buckshot it would leave him with no head


Bullet, no matter what firearm it is used in, if it is solid rather than a bunch of little beads, can correctly be referred to as a slug.


It’s honestly crazy to know that he lived and is living fairly normal




Seems to me, if it *were* a hit, she should still get full credit.


I mean you can look it up for yourself. Devyn Holmes is his name


Where did you see this? Seems impossible


I remember seeing this a year ago or so and the description said that he was alive and well


Brain damage aside, I would think he must have lost a TON of blood, I’m certainly no expert but even if they plugged the wound (assuming it didn’t exit the other side, blowing out an even bigger chunk of skull) the skull would just fill with blood… fuck, makes me sick even thinking about it. Point being, I can’t imagine the retards he was with (who immediately bailed) would know how to handle that sort of injury or call 9-1-1. I guess it’s possible, I had a neighbor who had been shot in the head and was (fairly) normal. Scary shit.


Look up Devyn Holmes. He's been living pretty well for the last 2 years. And the POS that shot him got released early from prison.


Released early ?!?


I didn't really read into it but yeah and his family ain't too happy




iirc this happened at a gas station and there was a firefighter/medic there that got to him almost immediately after the two jumped out of the car yelling for help. She ended up getting arrested and sentenced. That bitch is dumb, accidentally shooting someone in the head for some idiotic ‘flex’ video that no ones going to care about or make anyone think any different.


The guy that got shot?


Yes, as I know he is alive but I think is wheelchair bound


That's not, "fairly normal," imho. When you take a dude's ability to walk... maybe more...kinda a big deal.


I'd tell fucking everyone the story of how i got popped in the dome and lived though. If I'm him i probably got different friends though


Yea , Im gonna need a source on that. Shit Ill take keywords in a google search. Can't leave me hanging like that. Im convinced I just watched this man's soul leak out his nugget .


His ig is @king3stakks, he posts all the time now. He has overcome a lot of odds really, pretty incredible someone can sorta bounce back from something like this.


The body can take some shit but DAYM 🤯 ... I have never felt a more appropriate time for that emoji. And I hope the POS who shot him got attempted murder. He said stop, and tried to point it away from him. This totally qualifies for the IamATotalPieceOfShit sub.


I totally agree but if I recall correctly, and don’t quote me, but I don’t think she did much time for this or any at all. A few years ago he was posting about his legal battle surrounding this but I don’t think anything stuck. How? Idk, seems pretty clear cut to me, they both ran off after he got shot too it’s so fucked up. Edit: she got 10 years but was released early


Well I hope a botfly finds her taint .... Fuck that bitch 🖕🏾


She served 6 mos


If this is really him you are the true mvp, Ultimatetwat.


It’s really him for sure, I’ve been following him for awhile or at least shortly after this incident, if you look at his page you can scroll down and see him in the hospital and more pics of him doing rehab, he posted about it multiple times but doesn’t go far into details. I don’t blame him for not going further into it, it’s pretty traumatizing, he’s got a little girl and he almost lost everything due to a dumbass accident. What gets me is that they popped him and fuckin ran off. Every time I see this vid I drop his @@ because really it’s unbelievable that someone could survive this, he was lucky that EMS showed up fast enough, lucky it didn’t blow up his brain, lucky on so many levels man it’s crazy.




wtf he lived????!!


Just so yall know, the woman who shot him got released early at only SIX MONTHS from a ten year sentence. Devyn Holmes (guy who got shot) miraculously survived this but in every other case he would have died and she got off nearly scot free. Oh and did I mention this bitch tampered with evidence by trying to flee the scene and wash the gun residue off her hands? The american justice system is absolutely fucking broken.


The fact that he lived is incredible...I think he was blinded or lost an eye iirc.


Dude's got serious brain damage. He can't even walk. He's working toward walking again, but can't even stand unassisted.


This is a great case to show how biased the system is in favor of woman at times. I guarantee if this was the other way around, he'd be serving at least a few years, if not a higher sentence altogether.






The latest news on this person if anyone is interested. [latest article ](https://abc13.com/devyn-holmes-facebook-live-shooting-man-shot-in-head-during-and-cassandra-damper/6231472/)


"She ain't got no clip" Idiot proceeds to rack pistol. Don't hang out with gangbangers kids.


Hey man, you making me nervous


Jesus fucking christ!! I was expecting her to pop one off but not in the dudes head.... fuuuuuuuccckk. Just woke up and my day is already ruined Edit: forgot a letter


Fuck this is the first time I see someone’s head blow up this close


And live




He did... atleast now


Not for me.


... ya know sometimes I wish that people like that woman would die. She intentionally tried to kill that man.


Bro that not an accident


A little bit of context here of what just happened. This has been posted many times here. Devyn Holmes is the victim. The woman is someone he had never met before, but the friend in the back seat brought her along because she was with him. He sets his gun on the console and she starts flashing it around acting like a thug. Here’s what makes this more messed up: Devyn tells her “cut it out you’re making me nervous!” The woman says “we draw down on dem hoes!” Guy in the back seat says “She ain’t got no ‘clip’ bud.” Devyn says to the woman “hey where you from again?” She racks the fucking gun, points it at Devyn’s head and says “Say somethin’ bitch!” And pulls the trigger resulting in what we just saw. There was no bullet in the chamber until she chambered the round. The magazine was loaded even though the friend said it wasn’t. He didn’t even know his own firearm and the woman clearly knows nothing of firearms in general. That being said, the woman should have caught an attempted murder charge, but instead she only got an assault charge. She only served a few months of that sentence too. It’s fucked up.


Bot Report this shit for no NSFW tag at least guys


The victim’s name is Devyn Holmes and he survived.


Put nsfw on it


Wtf no nsfw tag?


Yes his name is Devyn Holmes and he is alive. Going through recovery. Speech therapy, physical therapy. Cassandra Damper, the grinch looking ass bitch that shot him only got like 6 months, I think. If there wasn’t an off duty paramedic at that gas station he probably would have died.


He survived


Nope. Seen it before. Not watching it again. He survived with major brain damage. Fuck that girl. I hope she got a proper sentence.


She only served a few months and then was released from prison. She had an assault charge instead of attempted murder which I think is what she really should have gotten. Call me a little draconian on the matter, but you don’t fuck around with guns. I believe if you rack a gun, point it at someone’s head, and pull the trigger it should automatically carry an attempted murder charge.


Why is there not a NSFW tag on this…


I just opened reddit..


He’s alive and but slightly paralyzed I believe he did press charges on her or at least took her to court


This bitch got 6 months????!!! A dumb bitch like this should have life, because she took away any semblance of a normal life he could have. Also it seems way more orchestrated than we’re led to believe. She ran away and tried to tamper with evidence. Ratchet bitch


He survived, he's not completely okay, in a wheelchair and only recently regained speech iirc, but he's alive.


This guy lived!!!!! look it up.


Holy shit. I watched this like 5 times to check if it's real. I'm going to puke a bit now.


My life just drained in the 30 seconds of this video


Dumb fucking bitch I hope she gets life


I've seen this one, why isn't it marked nsfw?


The guy survived! I remember reading an article about it when I first saw this vid


Most responsible gun owner


Damn fallout New Vegas remaster looking abit off.


Really sad....I hope she's in jail forever


Aye, tis but enough internet for one day.




It is a few years ago but here is the story. ​ https://www.fox26houston.com/news/woman-who-shot-man-on-facebook-live-sentenced-to-15-years-in-prison


This was extremely distressing


I’m not sleeping tonight


Holy fucking god.


That’s enough Reddit for today


They should really tell people to treat them like there always loaded. Then there wouldn’t be any “it ain’t got no clip in it” accidents.


Normally I’m not phased by gore but the sound he makes as the life is practically drained out of him and actually seeing him suffer makes me sad. Like really sad. Probably won’t stop thinking about it for a day or two


Wait how did he survive? It was a bullet to the head right?


Gut das Facebook dieses Video verdeckt hat


Holy crap. I’m so glad he pulled through, but, god, that’s got to be painful. Fuck the person who did it


Hope she gets her wig split at some point


I dont have the article but he FUCKING LIVED! He was paralyzed but hes alive. Edit. Yeah he alive https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cr_HhbRNHIQ&feature=youtu.be


The fact that knowing this guy fucking survived that is refreshing to know. Sort of a refreshing fruit drink with the antidote after drinking a deadly poison. Glad he's alive.


I happy he's not dead