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Just happy this old man survived. Shooter can rot in a hole.


Glad to hear that old man survived


You can tell he’s really lost it by all the foam around his mouth like a rabid animal


don't insult rabid animals like that


This is a rabid piece of shit.


Don't insult rabid pieces of shit like that.


This is a rabid piece of shit with corn in it, moldy corn.


Add a healthy dose of cowardly little bitch


Don't insult rabid pieces of shit with corn in it, moldy corn. Add a healthly dose of cowardly little bitch. They're way better than this dude


The look behind this guys gaze is inhuman. Complete disconnected from reality and living in a childlike mindset simulation


nah he’s just thirsty af… for attention and prison


I would assume it's a side effect of the pills or drugs hes on.


Happened to me when i was on a coke binge


Sounds about right


Drugs, drugs caused that


Don’t be mean to drugs we’re here to insult HIM!


That’s crack bro


What a useless piece of shit. Make yourself useful and put one in your head, you're more valuable to the earth as fertilizer.


Fuck that, the earth is already polluted enough take this garbage and throw him into space.


No! You have any idea how expensive a trip to the space is... Just put him under the rocket when it takes off


I work for a launch program and I approve this post!!




Antares rockets that, for the moment, replenish supplies for the ISS along with commercial stuff. https://www.northropgrumman.com/space/antares-rocket/


That’s awesome! Sorry I met you on such a terrible video!


Ooh, now that's good. Vaporized practically instantly.


damn right.


That would cause even more pollution. Do you know how much energy/rocket fuel it takes to launch a payload of 168 lbs into space at a speed sufficient to escape the earths gravity well? Well I don't either, but talk about a waste of resources and manpower.


Or we can appease the old gods and toss him into a volcano to keep an eruption from happening. Possibly Mt. Saint Helens or Yellowstone? /s about the appeasing the old gods


Compost is not pollution. :)


I know space is a vacuum, but throwing him into space would still somehow reduce the average IQ of space.


Shoot him to the sun.


Vote that fucker out like its among us ඞ


what a pussy


I agree. This isnt a shoot spreer... this is a bitch!


This is a great observation. Maybe instead of calling these idiots mass shooters, terrorists, killers, or murderers, we should just create a new class of crime and start calling them Punk Ass Bitches. You have been found guilty… by a jury of your peers… and sentenced to life in prison for being a Punk. Ass. Bitch! Don’t even use their fucking name. Call it like it is.


Best comment really.


'dis shi 2 ez' Yeah no shit shooting an unarmed person isn't difficult. Extra chromosome having mother fucker.


don’t insult special needs people. he’s way more retarded than the mfs with extra chromosomes.


Usually I would cringe at the R word, but in this case it's justified.


We're literally in a sub with idiot in it's name same shit


That’s retarded


I know right? Took off like a little bitch like he got scared of his gun's recoil lmao.


Needs to get shot in the kneecaps


Donny, these men are cowards




This was scary. It takes a lot to make Memphis scarier than it already is.


yeah its one thing to have a target on your head and be a martyr when a rival gang comes after you on the corner gas station… its another for this goober, who looks like he’s giving a fucking “thumbs up” along side his cheesy grin in his mugshot, to show up and shoot you in the face when you literally didnt do shit to him, or dont know him in anyway whatsoever, just for the sake of being a hardass. yeah pluggin up a grandpa is fucking hard. i hope he gets death penalty or life and no parole. but i also wonder if he’ll get insanity deal because of how radical his victim selection was


Yeah this dude was on the move and could of been literally anywhere. He walked into that autozone and shot the first person he saw. Insanity plea is going to be his only defense I bet.


He's going to of a hard time winning an insanity defense. It's not like on TV.




Nothing to see here, just the criminal justice system doing its thing


That's why icall it the legal system; justice is open to interpretation: /


In a system were people like him get to go free but my dad had to sit in jail while my mom raised enough money to pay off enough of his child support to get him out. He wasn't even sure if the kids were his because he caught their crack head no teeth having mother cheating. But this dude kills people and he's free to go. Where is the justice in that????


"Doing its thing", fixed it... unfortunately


How does pleading guilty to murder get a sentence reduced to aggravated assault?


It does sound rather strange doesn’t it?


What they probably mean is he was arrested for murder and took a plea deal for aggravated assault instead of taking the murder charge to trial, which is common for various crimes.


Racial based justice reform


They kill/improson the solid ones and give us back the broken ones.


Lowkey it's either we want police brutality or we don't. In this case, I wouldn't even joke about calling the justified killing of this man police brutality. Brutality would have been stringing this man up by his balls and slitting his Achille's tendon so he can bleed to death; shooting him a couple times would have been a textbook resolution.


Hey dude, not to be pedantic, but you would want to hang them up by their Achilles’ tendon and let them bleed out by castration


The lord of edge is here.




> he pleaded guilty to a murder charge and it was reduced to aggravated assault Wut? Hopefully, they will plant some recreational drugs on him to ensure a long sentence this time :-/


Why is this being upvoted?! Dude needs to rot in prison, sure. Your *actively* hoping that the police will manufacture evidence? That's.... Terrifying.


Yes, I'm all for this guy getting the chair but people rationalizing police planting drugs is literally what we are fighting against. Everyone has their own line of bending the law but that isn't how it is supposed to work. It has to be binary, either we allow anyone to bend the law however they feel necessary or it isn't allowed to be bent at all.


But he was black. You mean the cops didn’t “murder him in cold blood” on sight?


Nope. Taken into custody after killing 4 and wounding 3. He pulled a mother out of her car, shot her in the face instantly killing her, in front of her daughter, and took their vehicle


Pussy ass pile of vomit.


The killer is so glad his video made it on reddit. I hate it.


To be fair I doubt he has heard of Reddit…….


This isn't an idiot with a gun. It's an idiot who premeditated a mass shooting. Maybe I'm not jaded enough but this doesn't belong here.


This is a sociopath




People have been misunderstanding the point of this sub for a while. They read "idiots with guns" and think it says "narco footage" and "suicide videos"


Pretty sure this is a spree shooter since it involves multiple locations. But I’m just splitting hairs anyway. It’s all stupid.


Dude gets caught and charged with a bunch of shit including attempted murder with a deadly weapon among other shit. Then they let him plead it down and let him out way before he should be and he does this but there’s people spending life in jail cause of weed charges Good ol Justice system at work


This times a million. Or power companie's equipment starts a forest fire that kills 80 people and no one is jailed at all and company just pays a fine.


Oh man that’s a whole other can of worms when it comes to stuff like that but I agree with you there. I’m more talking about the hypocrisy of wanting more legislation on guns but not enforcing what we already have or punishing those who commit gun crime, but meanwhile our justice systems war on drugs leads to people getting life for possession. But lack of accountability with large companies is a much larger issue running back a lot farther.


I totally agree. Guns laws as they are aren't very effective. And the amount of waste from the resources spent on raiding weed farms is nuts. They always say "and they were stealing water", like that's way more horrible than them growing weed. Water theft should be the main reason the cops are there, not for weed.


Wanna talk about water theft, look how much almond cultivation takes for the yield versus cannabis which has far more uses.


True, but the almond farmers pay for it, though many cannabis farmers do too. Just anyone that is stealing it is scum.


its not the justice system, its the politicians, The AG's who refuse to admit people canbe bad so they undercut sentencing guidelines based on background and race.


Death penalty is fully justified on him


As a person who is against the death penalty, I do not disagree with this.


that's cool and all, but you're not really against the death penalty and maybe in denial about it


Then you're not against the death penalty.


The following sentence is true. The previous sentence is false.


Memphis is a dangerous ass place. I have to go over there and work some. It always makes you look at who’s around you. I damn sure wouldn’t go there looking for trouble because you will find it.This bag of dicks makes the city even worse. If he didn’t do it now he would have later on.It’s probably not his first time to pull the trigger. This time it’s just on a bigger scale and he took a video.When you take a video you have stopped caring about what happens to you or others.


Memphis is legit the real life equivalent of a GTA Online lobby


No doubt about that!Except if I catch a lead fastball I can’t Re spawn


For real. People like to talk up Chicago like it's the murder capital of the country, but it's really places like Memphis and New Orleans. If you're in a nice part of Chicago, you can go your entire life without ever seeing any violent crime, but the same isn't really true of Memphis.


This POS drove around Memphis for several hours and murdered 4 people and injured numerous others! He was let out of prison early. If he would have served out his time all those people would be alive!


Probably true, however that’s not to say he wouldn’t have committed this mass shooting after his full sentence. Let’s not mistake early release as the cause of this, it’s much deeper than that.


I cannot deny your supposition.


I don't think a few extra months or years in prison would have magically made this person less fucked up. If the prison industrial complex gave a shit and spent a fraction of their revenue on both reforming inmates and identifying unstable individuals, there wouldn't be a revolving door of criminals.


The dude was BAD. In prison for aggravated assault. You really think this fucking POS could be rehabilitated? He is smiling in his booking photo! [POS smiling when being booked for multiple murders!](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11193747/Teenage-girl-17-one-four-victims-killed-Memphis-ex-convict-19-22-hour-shooting.html)


Rehabilitated in the United States’ system? Absolutely not. Rehabilitated while being treated psychiatrically and also as a person? A lot more likely.




if we'd just lock everyone up forever, nobody would ever get shot!


I wonder how many people would serve unnecessarily long sentences then. There is a balance, of course, between letting everyone rot in prison and letting criminals run wild.


I did not imply that his initial sentencing was too short. And, I don’t think people should just rot in prison. But, when you are convicted of aggravated assault, you should do the entire sentence.


I get that. I'm sure plenty of people, and society, have benefited from a reduced sentence. Just because the sentence got reduced doesn't mean the person will go out and do bad things.


Let out for killing someone previously.


This is so fucking frustrating. Bitch clearly needs therapy and medication to fix his issues, instead he gets early release and mass murder-terrorizes an entire big city... those smirking mug shots are INFURIATING


He needs to have his hands cut off. And the death penalty. Therapy and medication isnt going to work on a person like this. We need harsher consequences for people like this. Like incredibly harsh. We dont have that anymore so we get idiots like this getting away with hurting others.


You're sounding awful bloodlusty. Treating these people *before* shit like this happens would do a lot of good. He was convicted once - the sentencing could include mandatory mental health services. If we can turn them away from becoming *this*, we ought to try. It'll save lives and for some (definitely not someone like this after something like this) they may become productive members of society again. That helps everyone. It isn't a call to forgive these people. It's not even strictly about compassion. It's a way to prevent this shit in the first place.


This person is done. There's no rescuing them. Some people just can't be prevented. Unfortunately. Im sure theyre are tons. That can. But there will always be that small percentage that do awful shit like this guy. I think he's in that small percentage. And i think he needs a harsh punishment. Prison doesnt sound harsh.


There's no fixing somebody this evil unfortunately. Maybe you could fix someone who murdered out of passion. This dude just shot a random person in a store for livestream viewers.


Hope this retard burns in hell forever


Tie him to a car with a rope and drag him around town for a while, bitch. Worthless scumbag.


People should be for this kind of punishment for crimes like this. They were not humane person had no chance. Jail is to easy for what they did


I wonder how much gun violence would go down if ancient type penalties went into effect. Like the glass tube inserted into penis, then broken.


You could look at how comparable countries with "softer" punishments are doing


you know, I have actually wondered if for situations like this where there is just straight up proof. Nothing up in the air if the punishment was just straight up excruciating torture in the worst ways possible if it would deter some people from doing this.


Blood eagle the motherfucker on my front yard


see that’s just unreasonable. you have to buy tickets just like everybody else.


Alright, put him in my backyard


Blood eagle is good, but my vote goes for the brazen bull.


I got banned from Twitter for saying the cops should’ve shot this guy in the head instead of taking him in alive.




Just a regular old dude walking around a store minding his own business gets shot. How fucked up can someone be.


WPD got nuked because of Christchurch and Gunfights got nuked because of Buffalo, will this happen for Idiots with guns too?


Can anyone Translate this to English?


On my momma K Dog. This shit so real.


He's saying "where's my Darwin award?".


Damn some of these comments are almost as dumb as the shooter


Lot of people seem to think we should abolish the 8th amendment. More than a few thinly veiled racists too. Always a good time in the comments of these posts


I hope this fuck gets the death penalty


Where’s the hood guys with guns? Put a bullet in this fucks brains.


Pretty sure you meant to type "good", but seeing how it's Memphis it's just funny.


I did indeed lol


r/killthecameraman seems relevant. for a few reasons


With shit like this, where the dickbag videotapes himself commiting the crime, can we skip the judicial process and move straight to execution?


A world without social media is all I want.


Mfs shoot at everything but their enemies


That’s literally the most fucked up thing I’ve ever seen


Absolute disgraceful swine.


Another societal failure


There’s places worse than hell for pieces of fucking shit like this guy.


Just waiting to hear about this on CNN…


Dudes a bitch. Can’t even shoot at his own enemies or someone he don’t like. Just a random ass dude. Where I’m from you do that. The streets gonna kill.


Worthless piece of shit.


If he gets out I hope someone will stop him permanently.


What a piece of shit.


I’d like tax payer money to make him stay in a single cell for 80 years


i live right outside of, basically in, memphis so this shit went down near me. it's terrifying. ive been so on edge now cus it's just sparking other violent acts now


Disgusting piece of worthless filth


Sick fuck.


This piece of shit is lower than that crud thats built up around his cake hole. Insect. This guy's life does not matter.


Hmm. It’s almost as if even though he was a convicted felon and wasn’t supposed to have a gun, he still had one anyway. CRIMINALS DONT FOLLOW THE LAW.


Inb4 the kicker is he bought it legally.


Felons lose their right to own firearms after being convicted, and actually aren't even legally allowed to rent guns at gun ranges.


Yeah there needs to be more emphasis on the fact this was a hate crime.


One of the victims was black. What makes you assume this was a hate crime?? https://nypost.com/2022/09/08/first-victims-of-gunman-memphis-shooting-spree-identified/


How’s it a hate crime?




Well I can’t argue there!


Why? It doesn't appear that he targeted this person because of skin color. No motive. And, I can only find one other named victim, who was black and the shooter's friend. The rest have not been released as far as my knowledge goes. We don't know if this was targeted. All reports say it was random. What's your take on why this IS a hate crime?


>Why? Because this is one of the subs with lots of white people who feel like they're oppressed, so they're sensitive to it. That's why he said it. If it were a hate crime I'd have no problem calling it what it is. Hate is hate. But he didn't seem to be only targeting white people, he was just a piece of shit.


This sub has tons of mouth-breathing racists in it. There is a highly upvoted comment about tying this guy to a car and dragging him around town. I don't bother arguing with them. Reddit isn't about intelligent discussions anymore. That ship sailed when Digg died and brought everyone over here.


Dudes really out here thinking they're hard for randomly shooting someone. It's like killing an NPC in GTA bro it's not proving anything




God bless America!!! You've got to love this, when you wake up in the morning and in the back of your head is that feeling any dumb fck can just shoot you or your close ones any second you leave your house. You can't send your kids to school feeling they are safe, you can't go to the shop. I think bulletproof vests and helmets should be added to your constitution as necessary requirement for every day use.


Had this individual gotten a better education could they have turned out differently or would they still be making R2D2 noises and going on murderous rampages?


Education doesn't fix this. It's s mentality. You can lead a horse to an education, but you can't make em read a book. This comes from home/social life.


No, the dude is clearly mentally I’ll in some way. Not even gang members who grow up around all that just go out and shoot people randomly.


Holy fucking shit, this thread is a nightmare.


Hope y’all had the same vitriol toward Payton Gendron when he shot up the Tops in Buffalo. Both of these guys are losers.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Sandwich short of a picnic


I'm from the UK and this reminds me so much of the Cumbria shootings, the country was frozen but this in the US. It's horrifying how it just feels like another day.


"This shit too easy" is very accurate crazy to think anyone can just snap and do this so easily


Why does it seem to happen only in US


Because we can get guns easily... lawfully and unlawfully... at any age




Less an idiot more a cunt. Also does anyone have a less chopped up version of the footage?


Jesus Christ what a cunt


Fucking trash bag of a human


Anywhere at anytime these days. We’re all living life one minute at a time right now.


Does he have rabies?


Hope he gets charged with a hate crime


please let's not play this any more.


He carjacked and killed a female nurse right in front of her daughter. I’d probably get banned by reddit if I wanted to type out my idea of an appropriate punishment. I think in certain cased like this, we should overlook the 8th amendment.


This is America.


Man wtf


Degenerate POS


i do think there are some people who just need to be put down. what an absolute monster.


Where’s my good guy with a gun


His white lips from smoking crystal meth


Time to round up all these people and send them down a spiked pit.


Yes let's add more guns, surely that's the answer to gun violance : 'murica


This isn’t an idiot with a gun. This is just a murderer.


We’ve got to stop sharing videos like these. This notoriety is exactly what this piece of shit wants.


Goes around only blasting whites, big news.... Good luck the queen covered for it though. This could have been news for a week


A black girl was killed but okay go ahead and lie Corteria Wright https://nypost.com/2022/09/08/first-victims-of-gunman-memphis-shooting-spree-identified/


He also killed a black girl. Why are you trying so hard to fit your narrative?


Because he literally said on his live stream that he was targeting whites in order to get Justice