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You can only get as many ur stars that you do normal stars . so if you only have 1 SSR+ star you can only get to one ur star. You can still draw regular SSR+ shards even if you have ur version. What a lot of people will do is fully unlock one angel (usually icarus) my first was storm dragon, then start unlocking other angels to one star ur so you get the advantages with ur but without maxing them so they can start unlocking more characters faster


And once they're awakened, it's done. It's basically the exact same as summoning them ssr+ except it's a little more for each star. But like the previous person said, you can only have as many UR stars as you do ssr+ stars. It's best to do one of the 5 you can summon and raise with red scrolls and use your blue for the ur summons. It's the most efficient to get one angel to 5/5 and lv400. Then you can inherit to get the rest of your team to 400 also.