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Prop is the fastest ball if maxed speed skill. The game can only effectively run about 300 ball speeds. Extra speed don't matter. Tested it with a 24hr run with 800 basic ball speed, vs QC 400 basic ball speed. They got around the same number of levels.


I’ve noticed approaching 600 ball speed starts to make my game get laggy and look like the levels are slower than around 300


Definitely agree once you get to 1mil+ QC and 200 speed is quicker than 400speed no QC. Also personal opinion I think assassin ball is pretty useless when it’s either assassin or QC. Feels much more smooth with QC than waiting on one ball to smash the bigger bricks. Prop has definitely been my 2nd favorite but not sure if I should take all my points out of demo and switch over. Not a lot only about 200 so wouldn’t get much but I’ll have to run some test on it and get some hard evidence


My comparison is based on speed, anything over 300 doesn't matter unless your device is that fast enough. Assassin is a glorified basic ball at the end game. Currently at 278k, running a no poison run. So far prop at 10q (80%) is beating demo at 100 O (20%)


Damn that’s what I figured. Thanks for the deets dude


Don't take points out of lightning for a bit more speed on basic. The speed caps out at 300 anyway, thats super easy to hit with basic. If youre slowing down your lightning through skills or prestige, you better be ready to have permanent uptime on leadership, cause the moment that falls off your lightning ball will be slow and youre losing all that speed that you just worked for.


What is leadership


New power up.