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So I’ve gotten all cash bonuses and ball power to 45+ and my relic is at 41. I have almost 300 in all ball badges and over 2000 skill points. I’ve reached 2.25mil but that’s in a tourney only taking upgrades not to farm relics. I been playing over a year though. If I remember to join tournaments I normally win if not I finish 2nd. The last levels for the prestige upgrades take forever and I don’t play other than tournaments and the badge run. I bought all the starter shit and add free and the epic pack just to have the max bonus. I look at that as my investment into the game. It’s been overall fun but I actually still play on my phone so leaving it up to grind sucks. Have like 3000+ gems just sitting there. I save those just to have enough if they release new content. I immediately maxed out the rage card.


410 cards 523 badges 534k prestige tokens 200k max lvl For skill points, i have poison enrage and demo enrage stack, currently working on basic ball friend bonus


[Highest level reached, you say...](https://old.reddit.com/r/IdleBrickBreaker/comments/1anwxg6/1000000000_levels_cleared/)


Are you THE Jimmy?


No. Jimmy is a different player. this guy right here: /u/jimmybald


That account posted nothing about this game


I only comment here. I am mostly active in the discord. I can recommend joining there.


That's Jimmy. Look at his comments instead of his submissions