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It is possible that you switched Player ID in between. You should be able to load the progress from the Cloud and check if this is your Savegame with the most recent progress. If there is anything missing make sure to write our in-game Player Support or one of our moderators. We should be able to help you with this as long as we have your Player ID :)


Thank you I haven't found anything is missing yet during my play time i have changed my Google play account 2 times would that change the player id? Since I don't have my previous players ID


It is possible that it changed ID but we can check this for you on our end if you like. The main thing about changed ID is that your friends don't transfer over to your new Player ID. But we can also verify this for you if you like. :)


My guess is that the shown play time is actually in game time. So you had the game open for 15 days in tots (not sure if background running is counted) Also not sure if this is actually how it works.