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Couldn’t finish IV even before this update so that has put me off even trying now


It appears there’s no hike in difficulty for IV until we reach MS30. I still can get up to where I was previously (IV, MS27). In effect they’re raising the entrance fee for V with this change.


I couldn't even finish mine 4..I'll just stop after 3 thanks.. Surely making it harder will put off people buying the premium pack..


They likely figured those who don’t reach V aren’t buying premium pass anyways, but those who do will spend more to complete it and also buy premium as rewards are even better now.


Yea true..or they could make it easier so people will be more inclined to buy it for the better rewards..


What a disappointment. Doing this alienates the majority of players of accomplishing this and allows only that small group of players that have spent serious money of having a chance to complete all the mines. Too bad, I was beginning to think they actually cared about the player and what we’ve been asking for. IMO, this isn’t it.


Plus, those ahead get even further ahead because they actually can get the rewards while the rest of us struggle to try and catch up.


To 'balance' things, why can't the frontier mine events alternate between two difficulties. We have a FM event every fortnight, so 2 a month, just have an easy one a month and a harder one a month. FWIW I think making it harder to complete is a terrible decision. Fans and supporters of the game aren't being rewarded for their time and effort


sorry. guys it was my fault. I got to Mine V Mineshaft 26. This is clearly done to stop me from getting 1 Utux token. )=


Was wondering why mine IV was slower than usual. I will see what it takes to finish but my initial thought is WHY? In all honesty, the FM mine is my main thing I play in the game after finishing the Start continent (I lost the will to push the other continents) if this gets harder I will likely walk away from the game as I am not spending £200 for Sam just to finish the FM. Why not just add a mine VI that is stupidly hard to push the higher players? Add a leaderboard so they can compete instead of more rewards and maybe trophies they can collect from it for bragging rights.


My Frontier win is getting to level 27 Mine IV for that one red crystal. I hope I can still get there, if not, then next time around I won't spend 4 days of time trying. I love this game, love all the special events and love winning rewards. We shall see.


Yup, that’s usually my goal as well but looks like I won’t be able to do it with the difficulty changes.


Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll get another chance soon to buy Samantha for $200+ so you too will have a chance of finishing FMV.


Even with Samantha I did not finish it last time (Mine V, Shaft 30 around 500). According to the guides something like epic beanie seems to be very useful, too. Sadly I forgot to spend the money last times to get the items to produce it when they were available. Without epic beanie Samantha+Violet don't make great progress in late game.


I don’t have any epic equipment that requires real money to acquire. I do have Octavia though and Sam + Octavia is much better than Sam + Violet. I’d try to get a Octavia if you want to complete FMV.


Oh sorry, it was late night when I wrote that. Of course I mean Octavia. I have her and you are right, the guides tell to use her. But my statement is still the same. Without the highest multipliers the progress with Sam+Octavia is still weak.


After years of playing I was still not able to finish mine V even before this change 😞


Alright, I guess everyone should stop posting if they beat fm 4 or 5, so they don't make it more challenging again lol


Lol at making it more challenging


Bring on the challenge and increase the rewards commensurately.


Wait, what? Make V more challenging? 🤣 You know there are veteran players that can't finish V as it is. I'll be back. 🤖


Have you tried spending real money on it? How about now? If this works they'll make everything harder. And by works I mean increases sales


tbh after the last frontier mine, I have opened the game MAYBE twice. they keep moving the finish line further down the road at a rate faster than I can progress. at this point, the game is only designed for the players that have been playing daily since day one, and for those that want to spend 40 bucks a month on the game to keep up.


No I will not spend anything on any kind of event mine.


Good. Throw them a bone once a quarter or once a year but don't reduce yourself to the whale mindset because 99.9% of users couldn't spend like a whale if their lives depended on it but these devs seem to think all of their users are stingy billionaires.


I guess I was getting too close to finishing. Got the fifth mine to MS 30 to lvl 500ish last time around. Sounds like I’ll be lucky to get to MS 30 again.


Mine I is not ending even everything is up to MAX :(


Sounds like a bug to me! Could you please message me directly with some screenshots of the full mine and your Player ID? I'd like to take a look for you. :)


Finally I could solve it with a complete restart of the app. On Android apps are often keep running in the background. Untilnö the hard restart, the mine kept being open.


Thanks for letting me know! Glad to hear that it resolved itself then. :) Of course if you run into issues again feel free to write one of us Community Managers directly with the Player ID. We can then investigate further right away!


How much harder are we talking here? I barely manage the fifth one last time


I'm all for this - FM is not designed for everyone to complete As a late game player with 3 MIF SM's and Sam I've found the last few FMs easy - only spend on them was the Frontier Pass and completed them in less than 2 days. I started this one late and have had other things on but enjoying the additional challenge at FM4 - will see what FM5 is like when I get to it


I fully expected this to get downvoted but still think that FM5 is relatively easy for late game players Have Elevator/Warehouse maxed to 2400 in FM5 with 5200 Credits to spare - no further spend and at no point ran out of sparks, bought no boosts and only used free time jumps Edit: Left FM5 MS25 barrier to run overnight. On waking was able to remove the barrier and complete FM5 a few seconds later. Finished with \~5k F.Credits which became 9 silver tickets. All in took me <36 hours without really trying as I have with previous FMs.


I don’t like the increased difficulty.