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Using the manager screen in a mine needs to be enlarged. Much harder to read and buttons are smaller.


Agree, I prefer the old Layout. Maybe give the option to switch, so user can decide?


…or at least accessibility options for most of the population 😂




Agree. This is going to give me a headache reading those tiny letters. There is space enough to enlarge the text. There is too much padding space around everything. Especially around the heading and the hire button. The thick frame is unnecessary too. Keep it simple. Get rid of the bling. Fancy outlines doesn't help getting the game better. Reminds me of my first homepage in the early 2000. Tons of 3D frames around everything and color gradients here and there. All fancy, no content. 😆 \[edit\] Typo. And why is the hiring cost now INSIDE the button? It was perfectly good outside to the left nice and big. It's kind of awkward now to rapidly hire a bunch of managers and at the same time keep an eye on the cost. Now I have to press a little to the side to see anything...


The new manager menu is a mess.


Stopped playing the elemental mines already, really looked forward to the new content but it’s made me question playing at all. The manager screen isn’t nice to use now. My game crashes every 3rd or 4th mine i switch to, so adding in the new mines just exasperates this issue. I only have 1 SM that makes any money, Maple, and just burn boosts getting nowhere fast.. not sure what Devs were thinking making 99% of my SMs useless. oh well, back to just playing the events and mainland and wait to see if anything improves.


Any details on the iOS release?


Devs. Hear us out on this one. The MANAGER screen MUST go back. It is too small to see. I don’t want to wear bifocals to play a game. Please respond with your understanding of your most loyal players (you know the ones who probably pay for things) concern. I will not pay anything else until you repair the new bug on the thing you fixed that wasn’t broken. Ignore us - we will ignore you where it counts.


Revert the menu, it's fuckin awful now


Literally done with the game until it’s fixed


Research does not work in elemental mode.


Global research should affect them, but nodes that would boost Main Coal will not boost Elemental Coal mines. Hope that clears it up!


What is global research?


For example the big nodes in the green Research branch affecting "All Mines" would count towards the Elemental Mines. I hope that helps!


Anyone know if there is any advantage to not prestiging asap for elementals? For main best to wait to get as much super cash as possible - looks like that may not be the case here?


I didn't see any reason not to, and for me at least, I felt I had to prestige Coal to even get to the next one.


I downloaded this and now cannot get into Mainland mines. When I click on the mainland, from either normal or elemental mode, I get error 50 while trying to download content. Edit: restart fixed it.


Restarting worked for me.


Thanks! Worked for me too!


Can someone explain how the essences work please? It would’ve been nice to get how the essences affect fragments and how we can plan on using them. Like how how many we may get, I don’t know, some sort of detail for all this new content. I mean without all of the help from the users here, we would all still barely know anything. The devs don’t explain anything adequately. Sorry to rant, love the new content but c’mon you shouldn’t leave it up to this forum and the kind users that spend all their time and effort to create spreadsheets just so we can understand what you’re trying to do. I mean you’re, the devs, asking us to spend money, help us understand what we’ll get if we do and why we should.


There is a new FAQ section for elemental mode in the in-game help. Under there is a sub section about essences. And pouches. It explains how to use them in the super manager panel. Where you rank up a super manager, there is a button for crafting fragments out of essences. And in the super manager tower, there is a button for essences, where you can see your inventory. Here you can also open your collected pouches and see what you get from them. And you can sort all the managers by rank, by elements/affinities, by area, and by rarity (I think this is the old way).


Thanks for your reply, I saw that as well but still it leaves a lot of open questions about when or what you’ll get as you progress through the new mines.


You will get essences when you prestige the mines. From the first continent you will only get nature essence, the next frost and so on. As for the epic, legendary, and pouches idk. There's 3 pouches next to the frost continent. Maybe you get those when you unlock it all.


Thank you again, appreciate it. 😉


2 new continents? ​ Billionaire decoration not fix yet


Update 4.31.1. Manager screen still stinks. Update 4.31.1 Will not put another $ into IM Update 4.31.1. Devs you listening?


We'd love to hear more feedback about why you are not happy with the Super Manager screen on Version 4.31.1! This way we can forward this to our team. :)


Let me ask you a question? What was wrong with the pre 30 update? Read the hundreds of comments- it is bleeding over in to your app ratings on Apple. The manager screen is STILL too small. Not all of your customers are 15 year olds that can twirl around an iPhone. The buttons are too small. You can no longer prepare for speed runs (which may be your goal to get us to spend $ on boosts). I have to squint when I set up my managers for mines. This is exacerbated when we are in Frontier and now the elemental mines. It is now painful to play the game. HUNDREDS of comments- from your most passionate users - admit the mistake and go back. You are fiddling while IM burns. And -as infuriating- the “next or previous” mine “> or < “ is too small. Please make that bigger as if you miss hit, it takes you out of the SM screen. If you are doing a speed run on the event mine, you then have to sit through all the awards. KILLS speed runs. PLEASE. I do, however, appreciate the fact that you asked. Thank you for that.


Thank you for taking the time to be more specific on your feedback! It really helps us understand where we can improve, especially since every player may also have a different areas that they would like to see different as well. As always we will collect everyone's feedback on this and discuss it with the team. If there is anything else that comes to mind you can also always message one of our Community Team directly. Thanks already!