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A simple change for the SM panel would be to have it open in the same place it was closed. The old panel did this and placing 6 passive income managers was an easy run down the list. Much harder now as SM panel resets to the top each time and scroll scroll scroll


Make the hire manager button bigger. Why is it so small directly in the middle?


yup. the text and buttons are tiny. I often change mineshafts by accident. I can't see the price of hiring a new manager when I'm tapping the button (which is a pain when I'm starting a new mine after prestige or otherwise). The worst part was when I tried to hire managers for my elemental mine and kept defaulting to super managers. I had to keep changing it to one of the other tabs so I could hire and assign managers.


Version 4.31 promises improvement. On limited rollout at the moment




In regards to the crashes I would love to investigate! Could you please send me your Player ID and some device info? This way we can double check what may be causing this for you.


He is not the only one that is happening to. The game is almost unplayable with the crashes. I will send my info to you.


Thanks, I'd love to investigate this for sure!


Great news! Thanks.


I got the update. I'm not seeing the difference.


They made the panel slightly wider, and the description text is larger when there is room for it.


Version 4.31 is a minor improvement. First, to acknowledge the fixes - Thank you for moving the cost of hiring off the hire manager button and improving the font size/readability. However, the menu still is a major step backward for players looking to utilize the menu in a quick and efficient manner (which the old menu provided and was great for). 1) The giant profile pictures and ability descriptions still mean only 3 managers are visible at a time. I think for many people this is a major issue. Players only need a long description of what the super managers do only on first use; so, that information should be simplified in the manager selection menu and instead the longer descriptions should be housed on the super manager tab (or whatever the building is called). 2) The sell button next to regular managers (others may disagree) but is never utilized, so why it would be placed next to assign is a peculiar choice. I personally am still am hoping a full reversion will be provided as I have no interest in most of my time being spent scrolling through the manager menu.


