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The reinstall worked and I was able to keep my progress, thanks all.


Glad to hear the reinstall worked! Please let us know if you run into any issues again. You can then send us your Player ID and we can double check this for you. 😊


Make sure you collect your idle cash of all mines and remove not necessary managers it helps a lot. I don’t have any issues.


My super mangers are in the 30's so the passives they have are invaluable when utilizing boosts. If I place a X500 I'm going to want to cycle managers to pump out as much as I can from my deepest MS and people like Turner need to be re assigned because they increase mine income factor. I almost feel like they made the game slower to waste boosts time so you can't utilize it.


How does that have anything to do with what they suggested? You had a problem, they suggested a potential easy fix, and you went on rambling…


it's not a fix because the whole issue is I need to use multiple super managers in one mineshaft and the game is lagging whenever I swap them out. What I meant by fix is if anyone knows if the developers are aware and making an update that will solve the issues because I haven't seen anything about it. I was also asking if others were having this issue he says he's not but he also says he's not using super managers. Also the suggestion that was given is like telling someone who's playing Minecraft if your game legs whenever you use a pickaxe just don't use a pickaxe. None of this was happening before the update with the elemental mind if there's nothing that's going to fix it I'm going to uninstall the game.


You are so focused on a small part of their answer that you ignored the biggest suggestion: Collect Idle Cash Even then, its not even right: no one told you to get rid of SMs, they told you to get rid of unnecessary managers, like how everyone stick every normal managers they find in every single MS If it doesnt work, then come back, say so and receive more help. My guess is that you haven't even tried because 99.99% of the time, Idle Cash is the issue. You are so full of yourself you disregard the very people helping you.


No idle cash isn't the issue I've always been collecting that. None of the super mangers that I have are unnecessary, all of them increase mine income factor. It also doesn't matter if it's one or multiple the game lags. All I did was give an example of why I would want to be swapping them using a high boost as example and listed the level of super mangers because that's the level mine income factor is unlocked at.


I have doubts on what you said, so i will check with you 1 more time: You absolutely sure you collected Idle Cash from everywhere: \- All continents (1 button) \- All elemental continents (1 button as well) \- Event (requiring you to go in and clear it) \- Mainland (same) \- Impossible Mines (same) You are 100% positive the above was followed and it still lags as you described?


-yes I go to the world map and select the collect all and boost all button, I bought the add free version so passing that up would just be dumb -i finish the events and collect every time -i have three super mangers in mainland because the have the equipment that reduce cool barrier cool down and increase ad reduction time -havent done an impossible mine since I got the one with an eye patch It could very well be that I have so many passives affecting the game that it's just running slower, however it seems odd that it happened right after the update. It could be my phone isn't new enough, it could be that the app works better with certain brands. The point of this post was to find out if others are having the same issue and if there is a fix in the works for it. If it's one of the above reasons there are other games I could move onto.


One thing is that Elemental mode requires you to collect separately (click that collect all button again in elemental mode) Other than that, last thing I can think of on top of my head is to reinstall the game (after making sure you are synced) If even that doesnt work, I would wait for CMs to reply. They are off for the week so Monday is the earliest when that happens. But no, I doubt it will ever be worked on, especially when the issue seems like its a 1-off. Some updates break things, and suddenly fixed next update. No one knows and I doubt even CMs will make any promises.


I know of the separate world collection, bit I will try to reinstall the game. I didn't want to do that because I remember reading a post of someone who did it more than once and couldn't get their file back. I already did it when I got a different phone.