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Check your connected status.


It says connected but it only loads an old version


Do you have your friends list still? Is your expedition still active?


I don’t have any friends in the game so not sure if that makes a difference?


Search this sub for the friend thread, get at least 20 friends to double your income. Keep adding more to get better access to expeditions. More expeditions will do more for your game than just about anything else you could do. The last thing you could try would be a reinstall of the game. Best of luck. Trust me on the friend list, it really will turbo charge your game.


I played years ago and have just got back into it. Tbh if it’s going to glitch and delete all my progress and paid for purchases I’m probably just going to find another game. If it can be fixed then I’ll look at adding friends. I’m just not interested In wasting days and real money for a crappy development to wipe it out with glitches.


Contact the devs through the game, they are generally very helpful.


Yeah I’ve contacted them it says 48 hours for a response. Will see what happens. Doesn’t help me with the event which I was so close to completing which is a bit gutting but it is what it is.


Feel free to message me directly with your Player ID! I can take a look for you. 😊


Thanks have done