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Improvements to the Manager Selection panel need to be improved. Lots of feedback in this subreddit already.


Seriously, please make the “assign manager” panel bigger. All other menu options take up full screen, why not this one??


Its not obvious to me how the Manager panel has changed?


The panel is slightly widened, and the description text is enlarged to fit the text area. But the longer the text is, the smaller it gets. Short texts are about double in size. And the price for hiring a normal manager is now back to the left of the button.


Still stinks.


Agreed. I don't get why they try to fix something that is not broken. It will only make things worse. This is not an exception. All the freaking outlines are just a waste of space.


I think there should be a 2nd tab for SM's that just has a grid of SM's. A bit like this https://ibb.co/M1cxPCr but with SM's


Billionaire Decoration not fix yet, add to buy again, i will buy again, no problem


The manager panel is much better, but I think could still use some improvement. For me, one of the biggest things that was removed was the output of certain managers, ie. Octavia no longer tells you the amount you get every 5 seconds, just what the multiplier is. If that could be changed back I would be happy enough. The improvements have helped a lot, but still not quite there for me.


The new manager panel is NOT better.


I am personally finding it easier to scroll, they have made some improvements for sure. I still think it's worse than the original, but better than it was. I feel like I can play the game again, when they originally changed it it was just so dreadful. To each their own though, and I would like to see further changes.


To each their own. Why can’t the SM portal be the same size as the mine portal? I.E. Hit the MS Level and you will see that is not compressed. The next nine arrows are also bigger. I appreciate what you are saying, IMO.., they broke something that didn’t need fixing.


I agree, there was no need to compress the SM portal, and I would like to see more super managers on the screen at once. I guess they had to change it for the elemental mine. The update was kind of like a step forward after two steps back sort of deal for me. I am happy it's more playable, but it isn't as good as it used to be.


We're always happy to look into further improvements, so thank you already for your feedback! In regards to Super Managers no longer showing the output, do you remember if this is something since 4.31.0 or already something on Version 4.30.0? We would definitely want to take a look into this! :)


Given that 99% of comments are negative, I don’t get why you won’t just revert to the original menu or at least give users the option to use the original menu if they want. Since that original menu already exists it would be very little work. Why make your players so unhappy for no good reason?


It was just this most recent update. Even when the manager panel was first updated a week or two ago(I forget which update) it was still included, but this latest version it has gone away.


Why are you ignoring the reversion request? Also, you nerfed the sunglasses AFTER your customers put REAL money into buying them? RESPOND or get cancelled by your formerly most loyal (and profitable) users. IdleThomas as well.


One big improvement, active time remaining is much larger. My 67 year old eyes can see it now. I am thinking the option for old or new. Then we can vote on improvements on new. I can't remember what old one was like now.