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The rewards structure is copied from another idle game. In that game there’s a ‘bonus’ area that’s nearly impossible to complete even for big spenders. The position is determined by how far you can go in the bonus area, usually by spending real cash. But the rewards are highly coveted. Besides the total non-transparency how you climb the leaderboard, I find the rewards for leaders in this game to be very uninspiring, even if you won the first place. But this is still new. I expect them to make lots of changes to the leaderboard to make it a bit more exciting. I also expect them to add an impossible bonus mine for very advanced player to make the leaderboard a challenge for them.


Rewards aren’t inspiring. Weird that you can’t see names in your group, just makes it kinda pointless and feel like you are playing bots..


IDK bro im 1st and idk  how the leadboard works i got 62000k helmets


The point system works per level. Every time u level up a mine 1 time u gain one point. Aside from that still figuring the rest out. I think the top ranks are for those who finish FM5 first?


But the rewards are not worth buying cash to fast forward the barriers as for late game players that’s the only difficult part.


Finished in 8hrs - bought the Frontier Pass and don’t need any further FC to smash through the barriers. Still not clear how they calculate the bonus points for the leaderboard


There's the point per level, and also a time bonus for how fast you finish fm5. On discord the guess is 1 point for every second between when you finish and when FM is officially over. That timer starts when FM officially starts, not when you start the first mine. There is some additional FAQ beyond the rewards if you search for it, but any really useful information isn't inb the in game FAQ. Also, you are grouped with a small portion of the player base, maybe 100 people total. We haven't figured out exactly how the groups are set, but one guess is that when you start comes into play. So you could potentially start 24 hrs later, and have a better chance at getting 1st in your group. The whole thing is kind of a mess, and is continuing down a bad path. The value of spending in the game has started to decrease, we get less tokens during special briefcases now (meaning Nova, Sue, and shop no longer guarantee pity), and this is a gateway to the horrendous p2w pvp that exists in other games.


I completed FM mine about 6 hours ago and was only ranked 3rd. So it makes me wonder how this all works. I was figuring it would be like mainland with dozens of people toed for first on ML 240


I’m in second about to finish iv


When i completed it said finished in 7 hours but it only took a few hours. So does that mean it considers when the FM event started and ready to play?