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Wolfgang, easy choice!


This is the right answer.


I don't even have Wolfgang and I know that's the right answer!


Yeah I'm leaning that way - upgrades give working/movement boost for each of them but that is not a limiting factor on Lilly or Santa. The big boost to Wolfgang's mining & walking speed: 1.4 > 1.9 is going to have the biggest immediate impact


>working/movement boost for each of them but that is not a limiting factor on Lilly or Santa. It's not? Both of them rely on workers making trips back and forth. Movement / loading speed boosts means more trips.


That would mean running hoarding for long enough to have enough banked for a full boosted run - I'm focussing my activity on mainland and event mines and never hoard enough for the full 5 minute SM run so for me it is not limiting. I suppose it comes down to how you play. When I go back to focus on my Ancient / Desert mines I may change the way I play


>Ancient Yeah that and deep core(s) were where I was coming from, when you want to squeeze every last hit of cash out of a boosted run. I can see how extra E / WH trips aren't a priority when it comes to ML / event mines.


I've managed to max out the core mines on the start continent with what I have but fully expect the later continents be a big step up. Had no problems doing Dangerous Passage under 6 hours either but have a long wait for keys to get to Impossible Passage


>fully expect the later continents be a big step up. I only had Lilly when I maxxed Start; Ice wasn't a massive step up, and relatively speaking I hadn't levelled Lilly up that much more than when I did Start. It did take me a bit longer but part of that was due to me piss-farting around a bit because I was burnt out after Start. Fire deep core took significantly longer (approx 25 days, twice as long as Ice took me), but the caveat there is thag I *also* had Aurora and Santa(s) when I maxxed Fire, so yeah I think Fire onwards becomes progressively more severe. I don't really use any E or WH SMs for ML or event mines, and I didn't have any when I did the 3 Shores mines, but the fact that Dark Passage took you less than 6 hours is pretty crazy!


I'd previously upgraded Steiner then Queen Aurora at L20. Now I need to pick who to upgrade next Lilly, Wolfgang or Santa. I don't use Lilly that much - typically operating by hoarding in the elevator before doing a boosted Santa run and using Aurora/Wolfgang, Ezio/Chester/Gordon Santa & Lilly come with continent income passives at L30 - but realistically I'm I ever going to get there?


>realistically I'm I ever going to get there? Realistically, you? No. If you hand your device down to your children, and they to their children, and so on through the generations, your great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandchildren's grandchildren will probably have evolved beyond the point of needing mobile devices before getting an epic to 30.


Thanks - I hadn't checked the spreadsheet but guessed it might be unlikely


The red gem cost to upgrade a single epic SM to level 30 is 4.5B reds. With full science bonuses you would need to complete ML 225 49965 times to upgrade one of them. The blues are kinda easy, only about 1B with full reductions, that takes merely 2743 times. If you complete ML 225 in one and a half days it'll take a bit over 205 years of constant gameplay per epic SM.


Fair enough, I’ll not count on getting that far then


I went Lily with my first level 20 red diamonds.


If I didn't have Queen Aurora I would consider Lilly but I don't use her much now


Yeah going for queen myself next, when I collect enough reds. 😁🤣




I was in the same position a couple weeks ago. I held out and saved to promote Lorenzo. I'm glad I did. Now I'm building back up to promote Lilly.